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Why do most of you hate Nickelback?

Well it seems to me the base issue here isn't nickelback, but a dissatisfaction about how this world works.
That's close, but not quite it. It's not really a dissatisfaction of how the world works, but more an annoyance with groups like this that claim to be doing the same thing that we are. Perhaps I phrased it wrong, but to be honest, they can have their millions...i don't care. I just don't want them claiming to be doing the same thing and putting in the same amount of work as I have.


The only thing that irks me is the John Cage quote because it implicitly declares that music for the sake of entertainment is a misuse. Perhaps I am mis-reading that or it is out of context, but I strongly disagree with that sentiment. I had no idea who John Cage was so I looked him up in Wikipedia and he was an influentual american composer who died in the 90's. So at least I know one more thing for my next whirl of pub trivia http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif


Edit: I read further, I just realized he's the dude that sat silently at a piano for 4 minutes. I heard about that in college and thought that was creative and finally a song I can play on piano!

Thank you so much for looking him up http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif To be honest, I don't completely agree with his quote either (it's a bit too extreme for me), but for what I was saying, it just fit. He has some great quotes, though.


The piece of music you're referring to (sitting silently at the piano) is called 4'33", because, basically, you sit at the piano for 4 minutes and 33 seconds. While it sounds stupid, and I actually view it as a bit overboard, the idea is that everything is music. The legend is that the inspiration came to him when he was sitting in a practice room and he heard the hum of his nervous system. He immediately realized that there is music all around us, at all times.


Edit: And before anyone says anything like "well if EVERYthing is music, then Nickleback is too", that would be missing the point that Cage was trying to make. The idea behind 4'33" is that even the hum of our nervous system and the sound of our breathing can be given thought musically, and if listened to very deeply and carefully, it can have musical meaning.

If I had Braun's pee in my fridge I'd tell everybody.


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Well for me it is just a pure disinterest and dislike in Nickelback's music.


I have problems with the workings of this world in several aspects, but when it comes to Nickelback I just plain dislike their music. I'm not even a music elitist as some people seem to think you are if you don't like Nickelback.


I just really don't like Nickelback. Once again, the song "Photograph" pushed my already appearing dislike of the band into a whole new stratosphere.


I really don't like them now.

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Brian, what would you write in a song thats about being a rockstar? I think thats a pretty good verse. Thats just me though, I guess you guys must listen to something amazing, even AC/DC one of the best bands has some WEIRD and easy lyrics.


Without reading this entire thread, I can tell you why. Did they write this song as a joke, and some suit told them to put it on the record? Did they think they were so clever or ironic cuz they sell a million copies? Join the mile high club at 45,000 feet? GAHHHHHHHH!!!! They prolly could did that song by LFO about girls wearing abercrombie and fitch, and how chinese food makes them sick.


It's god awful with no thought, how they live with themselves is beyond me. I'm not trying to point fingers here, but anyone who thinks their a great band, or even a good band, I have to ask: IS THIS THE ONLY "ROCK" BAND YOU'VE EVER HEARD?!?!?!?! Seriously. I love generic pop punk like Screeching Weasel, and if you don't, thats fine. All their songs sound a lot alike, mostly 4 or less chords, but their catchy, and their honest. I also don't get sick of them because they aren't played on the radio to the second of every hour. I have a choice of listening to them or not (where I work, WKTI is on the overhead speakers)


If the lyrics of that Rockstar song weren't so incredibly dumb, I probably wouldn't be sitting here wanting to puke just thinking about the song. There are plenty of terrible bands out there, but they die out or aren't played as regularly. How can other people think they are so ironic or clever that they'd want to buy this crap?


I don't know their other songs much, but that should be a B side to a single that hardly anyone will buy. Geeze, now I just feel bad for those that like these clowns. I thought someone just fronted the radio a ton of money (probably Nickleback themselves) to play that song so damn often. Now I find out people actually LIKE this ballroom crud. Yeeeech

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Yeah it's for real that Rockstar song. They really want a bathroom that's big enough to play baseball in. And they're going to be skinny because they won't eat. Really, they're just going to stop eating. And they'll have eight bodyguards and just laugh when they deliver a beat down to some poor shmuck. And the drug dealers will be on eveyrone's speed dial. They won't have to dial the whole number of the drug dealer. They can just press "2" or "8" or whatever and then the drug dealer will instantly answer the phone. Seriously people, like I said before it's called satire. Rehashed, third rate satire that's been done before but satire nonetheless.
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But if they received mainstream radio play, you hipsters wouldn't be able to like it and you'd all become Nickelback fans because they weren't on the radio anymore!image


I'd still like it, and I'd be proud of them. Until they started releasing songs only to please the reviewers and not thinking for themselves. I never once thought that Green Day, Rancid, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, or Face To Face would be on the radio. But one day I was in high school (97) and that happened. I went through a short "Sell Out" phase, but now I'm extremely proud of them. The reason why is that they paid their dues. They toured basements and small clubs, trying to break even on gas money. They put out multiple albums before they got radio play. I have a feeling Nickelback never played a show than to less than 500 people. Those bands can then raise their prices to an extent because they lost their ass on tours they did for years and probably got back from tour trying to figure out how to pay rent (at least that's what happens when myself or my friends bands get back from tour usually). But that's what we/they love, so we do it.


What I appreciate most in all of music though is Fugazi booking one show at a time. Charging 6 bucks and playing a second show if the first one sells out, and taking a day off if it doesnt. Their work ethic is the greatest ever, they figured out a brilliant way to meet their needs, make a living, and making their shows affordable to anyone who would like to see them. They actually care about their fans and will talk to them for hours after their shows. I've heard Fugazi on the 102.1, and it blew my mind. They didn't have any say in the matter, but it rules they do that. I've also been told that they play Fugazi at Redskins games. They're more loved in Washington than politicians, because they've done everything right. (Including turning down a blank check from Geffen Records when Nirvana got huge).


It's unfortunate more bands don't go this route, because they are too scared, or know they can make tons more money instead of being happy that they can tour and get by and pay the bills and be middle class like the rest of the country.

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I went through a short "Sell Out" phase, but now I'm extremely proud of them. The reason why is that they paid their dues. They toured basements and small clubs, trying to break even on gas money. They put out multiple albums before they got radio play. I
Amen. I think it's really easy to forget this. A lot of bands I liked from the 1990s began to "sell out" in the last few years, aka changing their sound to appease a broader audience. At first I'd get pissed and think, man, now their music sucks. Then I'd realize that they probably played small shows/barely got by for like 10 years so even if their music quality declined, they deserve to make money and gain popularity.
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bands really do "tour basements" and belive me, i'd much rather play a show with 25 people in the basement going nuts, than a bar that holds 200 with 25 sitting at the bar and not caring if yer there or not. we just got back from touring in january, and our basement shows were a total blast, i'd actually say our basement show in chattanooga was one of the most fun shows i've ever played. I've toured 6 times and played in 35 states...
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"I saw this documentary on this band Fugazi. You guys know about them right? They're what's called a 'punk rock band.' And they have a lot of integrity. They won't charge more than five bucks for their concerts. Five bucks! You know there's gotta be at least one guy in the band who ain't happy about this. The drummer is gonna snap at rehearsal and be like 'hey fellas can we stop a second? I had the craziest idea. How bout six bucks? Yeah, I was thinking that extra dollar times 800 people a night times five shows a week equals I don't have a roommate when I'm 47."

-Todd Barry

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It's unfortunate more bands don't go this route, because they are too scared, or know they can make tons more money instead of being happy that they can tour and get by and pay the bills and be middle class like the rest of the country.
Believe me, MacKaye's not paying his bills by playing six dollar concerts.

There's a difference between being in a band that drives around in a van and besides playing doing their own load in and load out and trying to fit all this in around an actual job and being Ian MacKaye, who owns a record label and has albums that have sold several hundred thousand copies. Whether or not he busted his hump getting there or started out from nothing or whatever is irrelevant. Somebody can't just decide to tour the country playing six dollar shows without wondering if they're going to have enough money for their next meal much less if they're going to make a middle class living doing it.

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Yeah, but they don't even have merch at their shows...they could easily sell stuff each time they played and make even more money. I suppose they don't want people to feel they HAVE to buy something there when they can just come and enjoy live music. We both know his/Fugazi's work ethic is unparalled. Ian runs Dischord, but outside of Fugazi, and bands that had members of Fugazi (Ritses Of Spring, Minor Threat, Embrace, etc), I don't know too many people that have stuff on that label. Not to say some indie rock kid goes nuts when the new Q and not U album comes out, but only a few of those bands really pull in major sales. Enough to keep them afloat while Fugazi or pre Fugazi records allow them to put stuff out for other bands.


All I know is that they have to be doing something right in the grand scheme of things. Even if I am wrong and Brendan and Joe Lalli are doing whatever they do on the side to pay bills, you can't argue that the way they go about things is unprecidented and pretty much every otherwell known band out there is too afraid to do it themselves.

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Bikeage77 wrote:

All I know is that they have to be doing something right in the grand scheme of things. Even if I am wrong and Brendan and Joe Lalli are doing whatever they do on the side to pay bills, you can't argue that the way they go about things is unprecidented and pretty much every otherwell known band out there is too afraid to do it themselves.

I don't disagree. They're DIY all the way with no compromise.
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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
I think people dislike people that like Nickelback more than they dislike the band itself.
"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
I dislike you because you look like Drew Carey.
"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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