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Why do most of you hate Nickelback?

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Aren't you hipsters supposed to shun corporate sellouts?http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/laugh.gif


I'm not sure I've actually heard an Outback commercial...I thought they just had Paul Hogan (or whatever) doing voice overs. G'Day, Mate!

"His whole life is a fantasy camp. People should plunk down $2000 to live like him for a week. Sleep, do nothing, fall ass-backwards into money, mooch food off your neighbors and have sex without dating... THAT'S a fantasy camp."
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I agree those 2!! songs sound alike, but what band doesnt have 2 songs that sound the same?


What's stunning about those 2 though, is that the timing is *exact*. They enter the chorus and verse at the exact same beat, that's almost impossible unless you're literally copying the song.


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Chad Krogere wishes he could write lyrics as evocative and goofily funny as Steve Malkmus'


Anyway, I don't really have much against Nickelback's music in and of itself...it sounds pretty good on the radio sometimes. I just can't stand how redundant they are, and well, I think a lot of it is that I simply can't stomach the sight of Kroger's skeletal face and greasy mullet.


Yeah, I'm that shallow.

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People here hate Nickelback because it is the cool thing to do and it seems impressive to hate a popular band.

Either that or it's just so cool to like an obscure band.....I don't know. Really.


Who is Steve Malkmus? Seriously.


"His whole life is a fantasy camp. People should plunk down $2000 to live like him for a week. Sleep, do nothing, fall ass-backwards into money, mooch food off your neighbors and have sex without dating... THAT'S a fantasy camp."
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For me, the trouble with Nickelback is precisely that such formulaic pap is so popular.


They are rock in the way that Kenny G is jazz, or Soulja Boy is hip hop...


I don't hate much in the music world (I even like Muse, And That!), but I loathe and detest Nickelback in ways I can't even rationalize. Hip doesn't enter into it, heck, I like Abba ferchrissakes.

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People here hate Nickelback because it is the cool thing to do and it seems impressive to hate a popular band.

Either that or it's just so cool to like an obscure band.....I don't know. Really.


Who is Steve Malkmus? Seriously.



Obscure has nothing to do with it...the Beatles and Beach Boys are two of my favorite bands. You can't get more popular or well-known, but there's nothing formulaic about their music. Unlike Nickelback and 80% of the other stuff that gets played on modern rock/pop stations.


Anyway, Stephen Malkmus is the frontman and songwriter (mostly) for Pavement, the band Gyps was cracking on last page.

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Nickelback to me looks to be a mediocre band who happened to be in the right place at the right time to get their record deal. They are just a 4th generation rehash of a big label looking for the next Nirvana. Only Nickleback is much easier to work with because they don't care about their artistic integrity (if they ever had any at all). They are just a band of "Yes" people who will bow down to any suggestions from the record label. The label struck gold with their first hit and they keep rewriting that hit over and over until the public doesn't care anymore. By that time, the label will throw them out and Nickelback will have to tour the casino circuit and the occasional Summerfest gig just to make a living. It's obvious to see that Nickleback is not making music for the right reasons. Everything about them seems fake and forced (fake emotional lyrics, unoriginal looks, nothing original musically, false enthusiasm). Nickleback is the music industry's proof that they can sell absolute crap if they shove it down the public's throat. Some have said that AC/DC's songs all sound the same. Chuck Berry's songs were practically all the same too. The key to AC/DC & Chuck Berry not sucking is that it is obvious that they are doing it for the right reasons. There is nothing else they'd rather be doing than cranking out tasty riffs. I challenge any man to compare live performances of a Nickleback show and an AC/DC show. Youtube it dude.I guarantee you that the difference will be night and day when it comes to the level of energy. An 80 year old Chuck Berry and a 60 year old AC/DC could out-rock Nickleback in their sleep.
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It's obvious to see that Nickleback is not making music for the right reasons.

I'm neutral in this debate because I don't really have an opinion on the band..but how does one go about making music for the 'right' reason? What is the correct reason?


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  • I liked "The State" - and still do for that matter.
  • I liked some of the stuff off the follow-up to that, with "How you Remind Me", "Because of You", etc....
  • Everything else is pretty crappy - an I don't think the dislike is limited to this board. I know that they are equally despised on some other boards as well...
  • ...but you can't blame people for making their money while they can. Even if it means dumbing down the music "I like your pants around your feet...", etc.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
Life's too short to hate anything.
"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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Wow...an Ace of Base reference. This thread now has potential.


I like showtunes and Pieces of Me by Ashlee Simpson (yeah, i know). Still not digging Nickelback.

I guess if it's deep (Leonard Cohen/Pink Floyd), I like it. If it's over the top ridiculous (like Ace of Base, Aqua, AC/DC), I like it. If it's in-between (Nickelback/Evanescence), I don't like it. But it doesn't mean other people can't like different things about music.


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I'm neutral in this debate because I don't really have an opinion on the band..but how does one go about making music for the 'right' reason? What is the correct reason?


the correct reason to do anything (especially music/the arts) is because you love doing it.


anything resulting from that is incidental gravy.

my guess is nickelback loves making money more than making music. otherwise they'd stop doing the first so they could do the second.

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About a week ago I was watching a program on Fuse about Nickleback. It was basically an interview with Chad Kroeger talking about them coming up and hitting it big time.

Anyways, they were talking about their first hit "How You Remind Me". So Chad was saying they couldn't figure out what made that song so good. So they talked to tons of people, just fans after fans about it. Trying to figure out what exactly made that song such a success.

Well, I don't remember exactly what it was. But Chad listened and learned and pinpointed 3 things within the song that were needed to be a huge hit. He then explained that they write songs to capture those three things in every song. So their songs are completely "by the numbers" with no real risk or ingenuity.

Lets put it this way, if you could teach a computer to write a rock song, it would sound the exact same as a Nickleback song.

On a side note, I saw Nickleback years and years ago at a small venue in La Crosse open for Caroline's Spine. Even then, Kroeger seemed like a jerk. He seemed legitimately pissed off about opening for Caroline's Spine. (Even though everyone at the concert came for Caroline's Spine and had never heard of Nickleback)

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They're revoltingly Canadian.


Seriously, though, they sound like a bunch of American Idol rejects banding together trying to do a Daughtry impersonation, with --and I don't think this can be stressed enough as a testament to their lameness --enough ProTools filtering, limiting, and sweeting every ounce of their "sound" that could make Adolf Hitler sound like BAry White.


Overproduced, immasculine, decidedly NON-Rock swill. It's pop music with the guitars slightly turned up in the mix. It exists, because it dares not offend.

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Why do i hate Nickelback?


It doesn't sound good to my ears. I generally don't search to deep in music, i listen to something and it will fit in either


1. Sounds great to my ears

2. Is tolerable

3. Sounds like crap to my ears


Nickleback fits behind door number three. I've never sat around reading their lyrics, i just know it doesn't sound good to me so when i hear it on, i change the station.

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I give you Nickelback exhibit A, as to why I, as a musician and music lover have evil feelings toward Nickelback:


I like your pants around your feet

I like the dirt that's on your knees

And I like the way you still say please

While you're looking up at me

You're like my favourite damn disease


And I love the places that we go

And I love the people that you know

And I love the way you can't say no

Too many long lines in a row

I love the powder on your nose



And now I know who you are

It wasn't that hard

Just to figure you out

And now I know who you are

It wasn't that hard

Just to figure you out


I like the freckles on your chest

And I like the way you like me best

And I like the way you're not impressed,

While you put me to the test

I like the white stains on your dress


And I love the way you pass the check

And I love the good times that you wreck

And I love your lack of self respect

While you're passed out on the deck

I love my hands around your neck


And now I know who you are

It wasn't that hard

Just to figure you out

And now I know who you are

It wasn't that hard

Just to figure you out


I love your pants around your feet

And I love the dirt that's on your knees

And I like the way you still say please

While you're looking up at me

You're like my favourite damn disease


And I hate the places that we go

And I hate the people that you know

And I hate the way you can't say no

Too many long lines in a row

I hate the powder on your nose


And now I know who you are

It wasn't that hard

Just to figure you out

And now I know who you are

It wasn't that hard

Just to figure you out



Also, I saw the video for the new Santana song that Chad Kroger (lead singer of Nickelback) ruins. Take him off of it, and put ANYONE (well, mostly anyone) who can sing on pitch singing that, and it's much better. And what's with Kroger wearing sunglasses in the video? He looks like he came to the video shoot hung over and the director wanted to get the video shot and just had him put on the sunglasses.

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