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How good is LaPorta? Latest -- Will see action in both corners in 2008


So in talking to friends, family, and reading brewerfan about the Cameron signing, some of the most vocal critics I have come across don't like the move because they feel like it will block LaPorta's ascendancy to the majors. They wanted Braun to stick at third so eventually the Brewers would have an OF of LaPorta, Hall, and Hart.


I personally don't ascribe to this notion because (1) I think that if LaPorta is ready for 2009 you can let Cameron walk and slide Hart over to CF, even if that outfield might be a little weak at D (2) I generally don't like basing major league decisions about of team that has a shot to make the playoffs now around the potential of minor league players who may or may not pan out--this leads to my real question to those of you who know much more about the minors than myself:


How good is Matt LaPorta? Is he a "can't miss sure thing"? I just wonder if we have gotten spoiled with Hart, Hardy, Fielder, Braun, and Weeks into thinking that every big time hyped hitting prospect coming up through our system will make it. I am just as excited as most other Brewers fan about him and I guess I just want to be reassured that there is good reason to believe that he turns out more like Fielder, Hart, or Braun and less like Antone Williamson.


ps. the Brewers obviously think highly of him to invite him to Spring Training.

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I don't think the Cameron signing effects LaPorta too much. Cameron is only signed through 2008 with an option for 2009, and as you noted, the team could always moved Hart to CF down the road (and personally I'm not sure if that D' would be that much worse, as Hart has shown that he can play CF quite well in limited opportunities). Of course this would probably mean another somewhat dramatic positional shift, as I think Braun would be better in RF with LaPorta in LF than just inserting LaPorta in RF.


I also agree with your assessment that decisions at the big-league level shouldn't be made based on the minor league depth, at least not in a win-now mode.


Cameron's signing does allow the Brewers to be more patient not only with LaPorta but with most of their other prospects pushing their way to the upper levels. Assuming Hall's move to 3B is more permanent, the team also doesn't have to rush guys like Gamel (who may eventually be in the OF anyway) or even Green.


As for LaPorta's prospect status, no prospect is a sure thing, especially since he hasn't played above A ball yet, but LaPorta's power even in limited opportunities, which includes his stint in the AFL, is encouraging. Over half of his hits were for extra bases, and overall he showed that his power translated well even with the switch to wood bats. I think he's a different hitter than any the Brewers have procured in recent years since I do think he's more of a true slugger, a guy that may hit in the .260-.280 range but a guy that could still get on base 38% + of the time with a .500+ slugging %. I hope he learns to cut down the Ks as he did during his senior year at Florida, but he probably is always going to whiff a lot. As long as he walks a lot and continues the power production the Ks aren't as worrisome.


2008 will tell us a lot about LaPorta and the adjustments that he makes against higher level pitching. As for hoping he becomes more like Hart, Braun and Fielder and less like Williamson, keep in mind that Sal Bando's scouting staff advised against taking Williamson while Hart, Braun and Fielder have all been drafted and developed thanks to the one guy most Brewers fans don't want to see go anywhere for a long, long time (Zduriencik). So, for the benefit of the doubt, in Jack I trust http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif.

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the team could always moved Hart to CF down the road (and personally I'm not sure if that D' would be that much worse, as Hart has shown that he can play CF quite well in limited opportunities).


Given that Hart is already a stone's throw away from average defensively in CF at worst, I think it's reasonable to assume he could/can be average there defensively in the future. Considering how much above average he'd be in CF, that'd be a heckuva player - but it might also drive his cost up too high.


Gotta love being a small market team. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/eyes.gif


Which is why I'm one of the legions that hopes good ol' Jack will be around for years to come!

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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I'm not so sure that he is either. I watched him here in Charleston, and I'm telling you, he's not JUST a power hitter, but he hits the ball hard no matter where he hits it. Not so much the high long fly ball variety, but the get the hell out of dodge variety. He has impressed me more than anyone I've seen through here, including Braun. The ball just jumps off his bat, and I think he actually played a pretty fair left field....I was much more impressed with him defensively than say Braun, Brewer, or Gamel at this stage. Give the guy a chance....I think he will be on base much more than an Adam Dunn type power guy!
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I hope you guys are correct about LaPorta, and truthfully I have no reason to doubt you guys. But I mostly smell a Fielder replacement here. I'm more apt to see a Gamel (LF) Hart (CF) Braun (RF) with LaPorta @ 1B in two years with Fielder netting us a significant pitcher and prospects (I'd say at least four players). I'm crossing my fingers because I really like Gamel's bat. I love that he's younger than LaPorta, is performing at a higher level than LaPorta and may be a more complete players overall. But hey, if LaPorta hits .250, walks 70 times, and hits 50HRs I'm all for that sucka!
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I agree for the most part about the Gamel, Hart, Braun scenario, but Fielder will be under control till 2011 and that is a while from now...I think BHall will part ways with us once Gamel learns not to E5 so much.




LaPorta, Gamel, Hart, Braun, Fielder, Hardy, Weeks...hell, I'll catch and we'd still be fierce.




(sidenote...I'd like to hit 2nd and let JJ hit 8th)





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From Adam McCalvy at MLB.com:

LaPorta will try out at right field in Spring Training for team

Add top prospect Matt LaPorta to the list of Brewers who will be tinkering with a new position this spring.

LaPorta, a collegiate first baseman and catcher who moved to left field after the Brewers made him their top pick in last June's First-Year Player Draft, will try right field beginning next month. With this week's news that another former first-round pick, Ryan Braun, will man left field for the big league Brewers next season, the team intends to use LaPorta at both corner outfield spots during the 2008 Minor League season.

"He needs to make sure that both sides are covered, that he feels like he's able to play both sides, and we'll make that decision later," Brewers assistant general manager Gord Ash said on Monday, when the team showcased prospects LaPorta and Mat Gamel to kick off its annual Winter Warm-Up.

The team announced Monday that it had invited LaPorta to Major League Spring Training, an honor for a player so young in his pro career. There, LaPorta will have an opportunity to work alongside Braun with Brewers first base coach Ed Sedar, the club's outfield instructor. Ash hinted Monday that Braun's move to the outfield was permanent.

LaPorta played briefly at rookie-level Helena after signing with Milwaukee and he then went to Class A West Virginia, where he batted .318 with 10 home runs and 27 RBIs in 23 games. He was then assigned to the prestigious Arizona Fall League, tying for the league lead with six homers.

"This is something that I really worked hard for," LaPorta said. "It's a great honor to be a first-rounder, then to go to the Arizona Fall League as early as I did, and now to be asked to big league camp. That's such a privilege."

Judging by the organization's past handling of prospects, LaPorta is at least one or, more likely, two years away from the Majors. Still, he must have viewed the team's decision to make Braun a left fielder with some interest.

"I don't know what the origination has in store for me, or for Braun for that matter," LaPorta said. "All I can do is go out and put 110 percent effort into it every day and take care of my business and take care of myself. That's a part of being a team. You go with what upper management says."

Management has some time to make a decision. The Brewers introduced new center fielder Mike Cameron on Monday, but he signed a one-year contract with a club option. That means as early as 2009, the Brewers could move either Braun or right fielder Corey Hart to center field, potentially opening a corner spot for LaPorta.

LaPorta credited Class A West Virgina coaches Corey Hart and Mike Guerrero, plus player development director Reid Nichols and assistant player development director Tony Diggs, for helping him to make the transition to the outfield.

"They made sure I was learning how to play left field," LaPorta said. "Not just to be an adequate left fielder, but to be better than that.

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Even though I know it probably won't happen. If Laporta shows he can play RF and mashes in Spring, I wonder if there thinking about bringing him up for the first 25 games. If you think about it, he might just be our best option. After the first 25, if he shows he belongs, he could DH in interleague games, and be the 4th OF.




I'm just saying, crazier things have happened.

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LaPorta credited Class A West Virgina coaches Corey Hart and Mike Guerrero, plus player development director Reid Nichols and assistant player development director Tony Diggs, for helping him to make the transition to the outfield.

"They made sure I was learning how to play left field," LaPorta said. "Not just to be an adequate left fielder, but to be better than that.

Corey's a busy guy! http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/wink.gif

This cerainly reinforces wvpowerblkwl's observations that LaPorta is a capable or better OF. I understand that this could just be a feel-good, toe-the-company-line story (and that LaPorta may be getting the work just since there won't be time to have Braun take RF on a test drive), but I'm beginning to believe that Matt is going to be a very special (MLB) player someday very soon.
Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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Jim Callis of Baseball America said he has LaPorta as the #25 prospect in the minors.

Can't argue with that. I think that speaks volumes to the offensive expectations that people in baseball have for LaPorta. To be 25th given his defensive question marks is a pretty high rating.


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Braun was in the 20-25 range overall according to BA's top 100 prospects last year IIRC. Callis had a pretty good article a couple of months ago about how the talent level in the minors overall has slipped a little after a flurry of promotions to a wave of the next group of big-league stars, but 25 is still very good for a guy that was drafted less than a year ago.
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Scary stuff....Image on the left is Braun in Pittsburgh prior to hitting a HR...image on right is LaPorta in Charleston later this year....is this some sort of future view of our bookends in the outfield? I mean what are the chances of finding these guys in the exact same position, in a matter of a few weeks...this is not photoshop but an actual, unretouched photo....scarey isn't it!!


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Thanks for posting that cool duo of pics! LaPorta really sets his legs up in the box like Pujols. I've always wondered how you can generate so much power with a wide, knock-kneed stance. But then I remember that I know squat about baseball, and just accept it.
Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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Okay, I'm gonna say it. LaPorta makes me nervous. Not because I don't think he can't be a star, but because of how his presence might affect the perception of Gamel. I think it's pretty obvious that Mat is headed to the outfield long term (dang-it, I give up the proverbial left one for him to be a vacuum at 3B) Well, that's exactly where LaPorta is gonna set himself down, and with Hart and Braun there, well, the Crew may be tempted to jettison Mat. I think that would be a big mistake in that Mat's bat will be better rounded and in the end more valuable than LaPorta's slugging. Gamel's superior speed and athleticism should make him better in the field and on the basepaths. And because Mat has more tools he got better long term prospects as well. If suddenly Mat loses his speed, or his batting average, he's got back up. If LaPorta loses his power though, we're screwed. Now, I'm not saying LaPorta won't be great. He just sets off every instinctual red flag in my body, even while my brain keeps telling me to relax, the guy's gonna havbe Fielderesque power.


PS Did you notice in the photos how LaPorta is up on the plate more?

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I am not too afraid because either LaPorta or Gamel is probably the potential replacement to Fielder if (sadly probably when) he leaves for free-agency. I think it would be crazy to trade Gamel too, because he is a good guy to have replace the guys ticketed for big contracts in the future. I am not if if i agree that he will be more valuable than LaPorta but I am pretty high on LaPorta. I think he is going to be quite the slugger with a nice OBP. ALthough I had Laporta at one and Gamel at three so it isnt a huge difference for me.
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I think what is most interesting is how Braun's knees are so drastically turned into themselves, which is something that wouldn't be taught by any hitting instructor but clearly is works for Ryan. For some reason I can't think of the batter that hit (currently hits?) like this. I think Cal Ripken tried a similar stance in one of his million tweaks. I want to say Andre Dawson, but I don't think that is right.


Thanks for sharing John (sorry I didn't do anything with those pictures before, as I'm sure you can tell, I've been a little busy http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif).

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I think it's pretty obvious that Mat is headed to the outfield long term
After seeing him at the Winter Warm-up, I think Mat Gamel ends up as our first baseman of the future.


He has experience in the infield. Supposedly he is a decent fielder - just poor at throwing. He is also much taller than LaPorta. He could really end up as a great first baseman.


Plus, considering that they are playing LaPorta as both corner spots, I think LaPorta is pretty well etched in stone as an OF.

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I mentioned this in the fan poll thread, and I just want to throw it out here. First, I want to say that I'm not down on LaPorta. He hasn't done anything but hit and work hard.


But I am a little concerned. He's old for a prospect, so what you see is likely close to what you get. The scenario that scares me is Pete Incaviglia -- a big, plodding, one-dimensional slugger who ages quickly and badly. I am NOT predicting that LaPorta turns out that way; it's way too early to predict anything. I guess I'm fishing for reassurance: Can somebody tell me why I shouldn't worry too much that LaPorta will be an Incaviglia-like player? Like, do we have good reasons to believe that Matt will hit for a good average and/or draw a bunch of walks?



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laporta's age doesn't concern me too much as he only came back for his senior year because he knew he could improve his stock after being injured (hamate, if i recall) his junior year. i also think his advanced age will maybe lead to him splitting the year between aa and aaa, assuming he performs well. whereas i think they're gonna go year by year with gamel unless he really tears the cover off the ball and makes significant defensive strides.


as for average and plate discipline it would seem laporta has decent prospects based on his college numbers. 328/44/65 were his AVG/BB/K numbers his sophmore year and he improved that to 402/55/16 his senior year.


either way, huntsville should have some lineup this year.

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