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The Beer Thread: 2007 – 2008


I was visiting family in Rockford last weekend and while driving around, looking for something to do in that hell hole, me and my brother-in-law stumbled on a real gem, the Carlyle Brewing Co., a brew pub downtown. First off, it's just a neat place. They remodeled an old building downtown, similar to the Great Dane. Only it's much smaller with a much more limited food menu. But the beer, oh, the beer. Delicious.


I had an outstanding Black Walnut Stout, which ranked up there with one of the better stout's I've ever tasted. Toasty, warm and smooth. Chocolatey and delicious. I also had an IPA that was very big on the hop aroma and taste, but not overly bitter. To wrap it up, I had their scotch ale which was very good. Strong and malty, almost opaque with a snow white head on it. This place is a treat.


If I didn't have family in Rockford, I'd avoid it like the plague. But I'm going to try getting over to this place every time I'm in town.

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I just can't get myself to like any IPA's. There's some that are tolerable, but in most cases, I can't taste anything above the grapefruit/bitterness.

Like a knucklehead, I'll proally keep trying though.

if there was any IPA you might like, it would be Celebration Ale. The hops are more subtle with better flavor than most IPA's. Plus the holiday "spice" mixed in really helps the flavor. I'd say give it a shot, if you don't like it, I'll take it off your hands http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif
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if there was any IPA you might like, it would be Celebration Ale. The hops are more subtle with better flavor than most IPA's. Plus the holiday "spice" mixed in really helps the flavor. I'd say give it a shot, if you don't like it, I'll take it off your hands

Ha! Ironically enough, I had a Celebration over the weekend. But sadly, I really didn't get much out of it. The grapefruit was so dominate, and then as it warmed, it gave off a nasty wet dog-ish smell. Well, I'll keep trying.


Some good news, however: I'll be attending this weekends' Badger game (yeah, yeah, against Cal Poly, but a Badger game's a Badger game). At any rate, we're headed to Madtown Friday, and there's a solid chance that my nice lady friends' brother, a student, is gonna take us to Great Dane. Said he has been there before, and likes it. Hopefully it'll be as cool as you guys have mentioned.

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Crop Circle Wheat is my favorite and my wife likes the Black Earth Porter(nitro beer I think) at the Great Dane. If it is your first time, you might want to try a sampler of several beers. There is a good chance that the bartender will give you a couple ounces of a beer free to taste if you ask. I am partial to the pretzel burger. Pretzel bun, brat patty, hamburger patty. My wife likes the humus plate.


I need help finding Holy Grail Ale in the Madison or Oshkosh/Appleton areas. I am sure it will not taste to good, but I need a beer to bring to Thanksgiving at my mother's. We are each supposed to bring a beer to taste. I saw it last month in World Market in Brookfield, but didn't think to pick it up.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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I saw the Grail Ale at a Hy-Vee in Dubuque about a month ago. That's really the best help I can offer.


I tried the "new and improved" version of Potosi's brew last night. It was alright, but it really reminded me of Point's St. Benedict Ale. It seemed oddly seasonal for a year-round brew.

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At any rate, we're headed to Madtown Friday, and there's a solid chance that my nice lady friends' brother, a student, is gonna take us to Great Dane. Said he has been there before, and likes it. Hopefully it'll be as cool as you guys have mentioned.

Oh man, am I excited for you! Like logan said, the bartenders will let you sample some of the beers (within reason), but you'd do well to order a sampler platter. Your server/bartender will help you if you have questions about which beers to get. 1) It's fun to order a sampler & try different brews, 2) It'll help you find a favorite or two, so you can maximize your enjoyment of the place http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif

I am partial to the pretzel burger. Pretzel bun, brat patty, hamburger patty. My wife likes the humus plate.

The food there is pretty good -- it is what it is, which is (imo) good bar food. The Buffalo Burger ("served with a side of Red Lager mushroom gravy, on a barley roll with lettuce, tomato and onion") is my hands-down favorite. The fries are great. The Bowtie Bolognese is good... anyway, you know what kinds of food you like. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif Be sure to try some of the beer bread.

And in all honesty, you might get more enjoyment out of the Dane if you went there during the daytime/early evening hours, as opposed to hitting it as a night-spot. Oh! And DO play shuffleboard. I almost forgot to mention that. My favorite thing to do there (I suck at pool).

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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Well, I have lived through and returned from my sometimes frustrating but ultimately enjoyable trip to Madtown. As I mentioned earlier, the idea of the trip was for my nice lady friend (Laura) and I to head down there and spend the weekend at her brother (Matt) and sisters (Kaitlyn) dorm/apartment (they're students), with the highlight being the Badgers game (with her mother (Julie), stepfather (Mike), other sister (Erin), and her husband (Greg). I managed to drum up solid excitement for a trip to The Great Dane on Friday, and was rightfully excited about it. Well, the tickets for the game came courtesy of their stepfather, Mike, who ended up coming into Madison a day earlier (Julie, and Erin and Greg with their kids came in Saturday). We naturally passed the Great Dane idea by Mike, and he was very excited, as he had always liked G.D. (he's a UW alum from years ago). But he has friends and family in the Madison area, and within an hour of the first idea, he had already turned it into something of a family outing, and made a reservation for all of us (he, his friend and wife, his sister, Matt, Laura and myself) at The Avenue Bar (nice place, waaaay too expensive -$12 for two medium sized cod squares-but they had Capital Amber and Spaten Oktoberfest on tap, YAY!). So, no Great Dane Friday. The "original three" of us (Matt, Laura and myself) were disappointed, but thought we may have time Saturday either before the game or after to sneak over there.


That was poopooed pretty quick on Saturday morning, as Matt stayed out late on Friday, paid for it in the wee early morning hours (always a fun sound to wake up too), and then slept late on Saturday. We went to the game, which was a)cold but not freezing thanks to 4+ layers of clothes, but b)aggravating 'cause the UW defense is soooo bad, and they sold neither beer nor coffee at the stadium (the beer fact I think I knew but had forgotten, but the coffee thing I had no idea). Still, pretty fun for my first ever UW game. So, us "three originals", now with sister Kaitlyn, began plotting how we were going to get away from the rest of the family, but that got shot down within 5 minutes of the 5th Quarter ending, as a trip to Mike's sisters' place was planned. So us four returned to their dorm/apartment, hammered down several Creamy Darks, and headed for the aunt's house, which, as you can imagine, really wasn't where we wanted to go (she's a very nice lady, and we had some good food, but still...). Upon returning to the dorm/apartment, the kids went out with friends, while Laura and I had to put up with the underage party that was roaring in the apartment below us (funny side note- Matt and Kaitlyn live on the 14th (top) floor of this "dorm", which isn't really a dorm, but a fancy apartment complex with $1000 a month rooms , and upon stepping out on to the balcony Sunday morning for a smoke, I found lovely frozen chunks of vomit on the apartment balcony railing below us...and on every other railing all the way to the bottom floor). Finally, after some more family wiggling, the "original three" found our way to The Great Dane in Hilldale (it was decided that the one downtown would be too busy).


*Whew, sorry for the big lead-in*


I have been to a pretty good number of brew pubs in my day, both here in the states and also abroad, but I can honestly say that I've never been to one that every beer I tried was at the very least good, most great. Tried seven differents brews:


Good-Black Earth Porter, Emerald Isle Stout (which tasted very similar, with the Porter a little better, more buttery goodness), and the Peck's Pilsner (which was alot like the Capital Amber I had on Friday night, just above average "grapefruit", but not overpowering);

Very Good-Notoberfest Maerzen, Pumpkin Ale (great spice, not enough pumpkin), and Crop Circle Wheat (good wheatiness, touch of citrus, but just just short on the "banana-ness";

Spectacular: The growler I walked out with...


the Stone of Scone Scotch Ale. Absolutely beautiful. I've never, that I can recall, had a Scotch Ale, but this is amazingly tasty. Smooth, very easy to drink. Just awesome. This of course marks the first time I've ever had a good or better wheat at a brew pub, but walked out with something else. So impressed.


So. that's the story. The Ale is already half gone, and there's a good chance that it'll be all gone this evening. But i've still got the memory, and another killer growler. Thanks to everyone who recommended The Dane.

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I am glad you liked the Great Dane. I have only been to a couple brew pubs so I don't have much comparison to go off of. All I know is that I like the Crop Circle Wheat at the Great Dane. They always have their 6-8 basic beers that they brew all the time plus 1-3 beers that they brew just to try things out.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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So. that's the story. The Ale is already half gone, and there's a good chance that it'll be all gone this evening. But i've still got the memory, and another killer growler. Thanks to everyone who recommended The Dane.


I just got a big grin on my face re-reading your account of the Dane, and especially the part about the Scotch Ale (one of my favorites there). It's great that you nabbed a growler... now you always have an excuse to go back http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif


I haven't tried the Notoberfest Maerzen (sounds good) or the Pumpkin Ale (I'd like to experience their spin on this one)



I can honestly say that I've never been to one that every beer I tried was at the very least good, most great.


And that's why they rule. I live in Portland now, which is a craft-brew haven (& OR in general). The Great Dane stacks up very nicely against anything I've had out here, and would certainly hold its own against any brewery imo.

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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TooLiveBrew wrote:

It's great that you nabbed a growler... now you always have an excuse to go back http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif

Refills are cheaper than buying a new growler.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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just wanted to revive this thread with a good find. for those in the milwaukee/waukesha area, discount liquor has 4 packs of Duvel with their famous tulip glass included for 11.99. some people pay 7-8 dollars for this glass alone, so I thought people might be interested in this deal.


for those who haven't tried duvel, just check out the reviews at beeradvocate. it is as good as advertised. just an amazing belgian beer.

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I found a good website that people living in Wisconsin can order beer from. John's Grocery Of course the shipping is crazy expensive. I wanted to buy 4 6-paks and they said it would cost $22 for the shipping. I guess that shouldn't be surprising, but it was to much for me.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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Following the delightful 4 or so inches of snow yesterday I headed out for this years "I-build-you-a-six-pack" Christmas brew presents. And the selection this year:

Wheat: DaMan

Porter: Sand Creek Badger Porter

Oktoberfest: Staghorn

Fruit: Pyramid Apricot Ale

American Amber/Red Ale: Capital Winter Skal

and Tripel: La Fin Du Monde


Found all at Festival. The La Fin was a nice surprise, I had thought only Woodman's and Flanagan's carried it. The Staghorn was a bonus find, I hadn't seen anyone with any left for at least a month. While I was there, the lady was restocking the "build-your-own" area, and I managed to hang around long enough to grab 3 Christmas brews ( Breckenridge Christmas Ale, Lakefront Holiday Spice, and Goose Island Christmas Ale), and two other winters, Bell's White Winter Ale and Goose Island Mild Winter. The final selection was one of New Glarus' seasonal's, Alt. I knew absolutely nothing about it, and the description on the label was vague at best. So, I tried it without info, and, wow, the heck is this thing? A check at BA shows it to be, duh, an Altbier, a style I hadn't heard of. Holy cow, was a complex little diddy. Despite the fact I've tried as many beers as I have I really don't think I'm all that good (but not bad) at spotting all the little nuances each may have (being a smoker doesn't help, workin' on that), but even I could pick so much coming out of this thing. Really amazing. It's sold only in the four packs, but if have a chance, give it a whirl. Really, really interesting...in a good way. I'm actually gonna pick up a bunch, and include it in my presents this year, just to see the look on the fellas faces when they try it. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/tongue.gif


BTW-Has anyone tried N.G.'s Apple Ale? Haven't found it available in single bottle form, and I'm not risking a 4 or six pack on a fruit beer.

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Well, I'm in total disagreement with the consensus on Beer Advocate in regards to the Apple Ale. I dumped out half a pint. Could not take another sip.


The first sip was good, apple-y and kind of tart. But after that I seemed to get a nauseating, harsh chemical taste. I was pretty upset by it.


I've been disappointed again and again by the New Glarus Unplugged series. It's a shame because I generally enjoy their beer.

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The final selection was one of New Glarus' seasonal's, Alt. I knew absolutely nothing about it, and the description on the label was vague at best. So, I tried it without info, and, wow, the heck is this thing? A check at BA shows it to be, duh, an Altbier, a style I hadn't heard of. Holy cow, was a complex little diddy. Despite the fact I've tried as many beers as I have I really don't think I'm all that good (but not bad) at spotting all the little nuances each may have (being a smoker doesn't help, workin' on that), but even I could pick so much coming out of this thing. Really amazing. It's sold only in the four packs, but if have a chance, give it a whirl. Really, really interesting...in a good way. I'm actually gonna pick up a bunch, and include it in my presents this year, just to see the look on the fellas faces when they try it. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/tongue.gif


BTW-Has anyone tried N.G.'s Apple Ale? Haven't found it available in single bottle form, and I'm not risking a 4 or six pack on a fruit beer.

Alt has quickly become one of my favorites. I've drank 3 or 4 6 packs of it already. I didn't think it was sold in 4 packs, as I've only seen it in 6 packs in all the stores i've been in. So complex, so good. I went to the New Glarus brewery the day after thanksgiving hoping it would be served in the tasting room but it wasn't. I think this might be a 1 time only brew so i might have to stock up. 6.99 for a 6 pack of this is an absolute steal.


the apple ale is part of the unplugged series and IS sold in 4 packs. I enjoyed this beer a lot too. I think its really refreshing and clean. i wouldn't drink 5 of them, but it is a real nice change of pace.


Apparently, next year new glarus is debuting a new "R and D" series of beers, but it seems like information about these is really hard to find. Black wheat is also coming back so that is a plus http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif


This is truly a great time to be a beer fan.

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This is truly a great time to be a beer fan.
Here, here. I picked a wonderful time to really get into "tasting". Saw this the other day at New Glarus' website, tells a nice story.


Thought I only saw a four pack for the Alt, but I've been wrong before. Proally get some more this weekend, anyway.

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OK, Franziskaner Weissbier is one of the best brews I've had in my tenured career. This may be rivaling even the famed Spotted Cow on my deliciousness meter.


It tastes even better after a nice flat pint of Guinness.

3TO Apostle
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OK, Franziskaner Weissbier is one of the best brews I've had in my tenured career. This may be rivaling even the famed Spotted Cow on my deliciousness meter.
Yay, got another one! Couple days ago, my nice lady friends father called, and while chatting, he told her that he hasn't been able to really drink anything but Franziskaner since I turned him on to it over the Summer. Coolness. Make sure you do the "Hacker Pschorr Swirl" and get all the yeasty yumminess at the bottom.


Will add that Bell's of Michigan makes a pretty decent witbier, White Winter Ale, for the season. My guess is that it's supposed to feature some additional spices, as so many brews this time of year do, but really it just comes across as a pretty good wheat, period. May be a bit less expensive than say a sixer of Franz or H.P., and certainly not as delicious, but you could do alot worse.


Also: the Breckenridge Christmas Ale is one of the better Winter Warmer's I've had, just a tick above Goose Island Christmas.

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For those who live near a Trader Joe's, the 2008 Vintage Ale is out. It's a dubbel brewed by Unibroue and it's only $5 a 750ml bottle. That's an outstanding price, seeing as the price of a bottle of Unibroue is $7-9. I bought a couple of them, but haven't tried it yet. The 2007 was very good.


My brother-in-law called me from Queens, NY yesterday and he's bringing me back some Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout, which is supposed to be amazing. Can't wait to try it.

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Alrigtht, here's a question for the brew gurus at Brewerfan.


I'm moving back to WI on Friday: what's the first six pack I should pick up up on my arrival? I'm familiar with many of the Sprecher varieties as well as New Glarus's Spotted Cow. Hit me with some flavor that I don't know about that you think I should know about.

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Dancing Man Wheat, but it's out of season. Nothing else really comes to mind.


Edit: If you are in the Madison area you should stop at one of the 3 Great Dane locations and try a few different beers.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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Alrigtht, here's a question for the brew gurus at Brewerfan.


I'm moving back to WI on Friday: what's the first six pack I should pick up up on my arrival? I'm familiar with many of the Sprecher varieties as well as New Glarus's Spotted Cow. Hit me with some flavor that I don't know about that you think I should know about.


New Glarus Alt--not only is it a great winter brew, it might be a one time only thing, so get it while you can

Samuel Smith Imperial Stout-You'll thank me after a few sips. Be ready for a blast of different flavors.

Hennepin Farmhouse ale by Ommegang brewery-Right now I can't stop drinking the stuff. So delicious, so smooth.

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