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The Beer Thread: 2007 – 2008

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Yeah, those are called growlers, and it's not just some gimmicky thing that the Dane does bc it's like a dog growl. It's a common name for those bigger glass jugs.

That's kind of what I thought.


growl·er (grou'ler)n.


1. a term used by beer snobs to describe the half gallon jars they put beer in


just kidding

1. Informal A container, such as a pail or pitcher, that is used for carrying beer.



Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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Anyone try the rebirth of the 1960's Schlitz recipe they just released in bottles? I want to try it, wondering if anyone has yet and can say if it was any good?


I haven't had the chance to sample it yet, as I live in a place where it's not offered (PA), however, I've heard from reliable sources (my Milwukee buddies) that while it won't be winning any GABF awards, it easily distinguishes itself from other industrial brews (in a good way).
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I'm curious to hear about the 'new' Schlitz as well.



This will probably make a few people envious, but there's an organic beer festival this weekend in Portland.


North American Organic Brewers Festival


Take a look at that listing of breweries & beers -- it's cool, bc everything is linked to the breweries' websites. I thought of fstorm & the fellow Wheat/Weiss lovers, since it looks like there'll be quite a few of those in 'attendance' (7 by my count), including 2 from the motherland itself -- Germany! Pinkus Mueller (click "Brauerei" & then "Biere" to see their brews) & Schneider Weisse. Click "Die Brauerei" to get to their page of beers. The Schneider website is kinda funny to me -- funny to see how similar beer advertising can be across the cultures. Their slogan is "Schneider Weisse. The Original". For some reason, it just reminded me of a Budweiser slogan or something like that.


Thought I'd share the only beer name on the list that actually made me laugh out loud: the Crannog Ales Backhand of God Stout. I can't wait to try that one... especially because Crannog is the only Irish-style brewery that'll be there (as far as I can tell). Being Irish, this has my attention. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif They'll also have their Hell's Kitchen Potato Ale... very intriguing to me. It's named after the Hell's Kitchen Irish neighborhood in NYC & made with potatoes. Also, when you drink it, I hear that your blood just turns to green.


Oh, and of course (forgot to mention), Lakefront Brewery will be representing Wisco! I really smiled when I saw them on the list of brewers -- I was surprised they'd come this far, but I look forward to chatting with the folks at their booth. Maybe I can finagle a free sample, who knows. Fwiw, they're serving the Organic E.S.B. & the Organic Honey Ale (no link on their site, for some reason).



EDIT: I'll try to remember to do a recap of the fest & the beers I taste this weekend.

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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I'll try to remember to do a recap of the fest & the beers I taste this weekend.
If you can take along a little notepad, that helps. Looking forward to hearing about it...'specially them Weisses. Have fun, lucky dog.
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If you can take along a little notepad, that helps.


Ha! Funny that you said that. I've been at work debating whether or not I care about being a 'dork' enough that it'll stand in the way of me taking along a notepad.


Not sure if I'm going to go tonight -- Brewers game! -- but definitely Sun., and 99% sure Sat., too.

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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I was looking at JSOnline when I ran across this blog. She looks to be an easy grader. A 9 for a beer that didn't taste bad and was organic. I did however find this site looking back through some of her earlier posts. How to Brew. I guess it is a whole book on home brewing that was uploaded by the author.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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So, thanks to logan, I now am the proud owner of a full set of the Brewers pints, +1 extra Barrelman pint. Thanks logan!


I really don't want to recap the beer festival's offerings in-depth... mostly because very little 'wowed' me. It didn't have anything to do with the quality, or the fact that the beers were organic (is that really a big deal ? -- hops, barley, water, etc.). The flavor is unaffected imho by the 'organic' factor. It was more that the beers tended to be Wheat/Weisse/Wit, which isn't my cup of tea (or beer), or very hoppy IPAs & pale ales (I've tasted plenty of those since moving here). There were several (imo) solid Wheats, to be fair.


It was really cool to see Lakefront there. Their ESB was very tasty, and I'd recommend it to anyone that wants to try it. I didn't see any of the supposed Honey Ale, which makes sense since their website listed no such beer. Unfortunately most of the servers were local volunteers, so I couldn't try to weasel my way to a free sample. But I did overhear several conversations at that stand about how Wisconsin does beer right -- definitely wanted to puff my chest out after overhearing those chats. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif


The Pike's Naughty Nellie Golden Ale (Seattle) was very good; probably my favorite for the sweltering weather. It was mid-90s & plenty humid (humidity very abnormal for the Pac NW). There were a couple of Kolsch-es there that I enjoyed -- very much Deutsch-ly done brews.


Crannog was very good. The Potato Ale was great, and the Stout was interesting. I always like to try different stouts, since your choices are typically limited to Guinness or Murphy's -- and those two are nothing like their non-shipped/preserved cousins in Ireland.


All in all, it was a great time. Live music, no shortage of beers or variety, great festival setting, even good food. It was a great primer for the Brewers' Festival next month. EDR is probably going to be there, so those who care will have more than one obnoxious reviewer.

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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I'm about halfway through a six pack of Shiner's 99 Year Anniversary Munich Style Helles Lager (I may have the name slightly wrong). Really cool stuff, and looks like a beer bottle you would have seen in the 1950s or so.


I really enjoy Shiner. I've liked all their styles that I've tried so far.


Also, to go off what TooLiveBrew said, what is with the IPA trend that seems to be going on in the beer industry? Personally, while I'll drink them, it's really nowhere close to one of my favorite styles (I prefer standard lagers, stouts, and some weiss beers, as well as bocks). Most people I know don't care for IPAs either. I don't get it. That brings up a pet peeve of mine...you go into a nicer bar with a decent tap selection, and they don't have a single standard non-light lager or pilsner on tap (though a lot of times Leinenkugel's Honeyweis seems to fill in for that). Gimme a High Life, Harp, anything...seems odd to me. Sometimes I just want a good thirst quenching type of beer, not something overly bitter or looks like I need to cut it with a knife.

The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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Also, to go off what TooLiveBrew said, what is with the IPA trend that seems to be going on in the beer industry? Personally, while I'll drink them, it's really nowhere close to one of my favorite styles (I prefer standard lagers, stouts, and some weiss beers, as well as bocks). Most people I know don't care for IPAs either. I don't get it. That brings up a pet peeve of mine...you go into a nicer bar with a decent tap selection, and they don't have a single standard non-light lager or pilsner on tap (though a lot of times Leinenkugel's Honeyweis seems to fill in for that). Gimme a High Life, Harp, anything...seems odd to me. Sometimes I just want a good thirst quenching type of beer, not something overly bitter or looks like I need to cut it with a knife.
Oh, I am with you completely on this one. One of my peeves as well. Most (if not all) of the markets that offer the build-your-sixer have an obnoxious amount of IPA's available. They have got to be the "fashionable" style of the moment. I had, like, three and knew that it wasn't anything I was going to go out of my way for.


Thankfully, this past weekend while in the great Northwoods visiting family in Three Lakes, we went for dinner at the Black Forest, and they had not only Spotted Cow on tap, but Hacker as well. I don't know if I'm just looking for it more now then before, but the HP I had had a tremendous banana smell. It once again proved why it (and the Dark) are the two best Weisse's in the world.

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They have got to be the "fashionable" style of the moment.


Oh without question. I know the reason I tend to enjoy IPAs & Pale Ales is that they're less 'beer-y' (think 'fishy' for fish). While many/most are turned off by the strong hoppy flavors & powerful aftertastes, I actually prefer it to most other styles. It's 'drier' to me, and just doesn't hit me as being so 'beer-y'. Now comes the part where anyone that read that says, 'What the heck is he talking about?'


Guess it's just personal preference, but I definitely acquired a taste for the hoppier beers. Working at a brewpub will do that for ya!


My personal favorite, if I pick one style of beer, is definitely the Pale Ales -- not IPAs. I do like most IPAs I try, but am turned off by more of them than Pale Ales. Flying Dog's Pale Ale is one of my favorites, and the Kona Pale Ale I quested after for so long is stellar, too.

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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TooLiveBrew[/b]]So, thanks to logan, I now am the proud owner of a full set of the Brewers pints, +1 extra Barrelman pint. Thanks logan!
No problem. Glad I could help. Ended up picking up 5 total sets for myself, TLB, and family.


I definitely favor Weisses. Not a fan of the IPAs either. I have somewhat strayed away from the unfiltered wheats for the summer though. They are a little to thick for summer drinking.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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I'm a big fan, make that huge fan of IPA's. I like the bitterness and citrusy flavor/smell of hops. Gimme lots of hops.


On a related note, Tyranena - my favorite Wisconsin brewery because they do IPA's and stouts/porters so well - has an interesting new IPA out called Scurvy. They brewed it with orange peel. Like I said, IPA's tend to be citrusy from all the hops. Brewers are facing a major shortage of hops right now and I'm assuming they made it with orange peel to save some money on hops. It should be out in stores soon, but they have it on tap at the brewery right now. It was pretty good. It wasn't an outstanding IPA by any means, but it was hoppy and I liked how they thought outside the box with it. Brewing ingenuity rocks.

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Tyranena - my favorite Wisconsin brewery because they do IPA's and stouts/porters so well - has an interesting new IPA out called Scurvy. They brewed it with orange peel. Like I said, IPA's tend to be citrusy from all the hops.

Interesting. I wondered to myself at the beer fest last weekend if orange or orange peel might work well with a really hoppy IPA. Now I feel smart. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/tongue.gif

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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Just thought it would be some good ribbing. I did that when I added the "beer" tag. If EDR is upset, I'll get rid of it. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif


Something tells me he'll just come in here & super-burn me... yet again.

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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Just a little story about why I love my wife. So I had this sweet beer mug that I always drink beer from.




You are only supposed to put it in the freezer for about an hour. I put it in the freezer on Saturday and for got about it. Much later that night my wife pulls it out of the freezer and it has a huge crack in it. Sad, sad day for me. I get home from work last night and here is what I find on the counter.




I guess stupidity pays off.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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You DO suck excellent! Gotta get on that ticket deal -- $50.00 package for $30.00!


Thanks EDR. Let me know what's up with you for the Fest. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif

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Just thought I'd chime in and mention that this past weekend I was in the beautiful Northwoods and finally stopped at the Minocqua Brewing Co. Having lived up in there for better than 25 years of my life, it was time. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/tongue.gif Anyway, quick summary: I should have stayed away. They had 7 brews (including one "seasonal") which you could get a sampler of (on a very slick canoe paddle), and I can really only recommend one, the porter. And I don't even like porter's much. Their wheat was an absolute disaster. They say "Our lightest brew for the novice beer drinker. This straw-colored ale has medium body with a hint of sweetness. Described as a very "drinkable" beer without sacrificing flavor". Awful. Barely any cloudiness, and an incredibly water downed taste...if there was any taste to begin with. So, if anyone is headed up there, skip it. Seriously. Made me wish I was back at Shipwrecked in Egg Harbor. I should mention that through connections I still have up there (friends, family), I heard that they, like everyone else, have been having huge problems getting ingredients. I may have to stop in again some other time, just not anytime soon.


They also have a beer festival on the 26th of July, for those who can attend. Tons of great Wisconsin brewers.

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