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The Beer Thread: 2007 – 2008

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Just since it's on-topic to this immediate discussion, I want to re-mention Brennan's. I'm sure most people already know about their cool beer selection (they offer the 'build-your-own 6 pk.'), but maybe one or two more people can learn of it. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif


Good tip on World Market... not the first place most would think of for beer.

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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I just got back from W.M. & was surprised by how small their beer selection is at this location. Prices were great though, so I won't complain. I wonder if they'd be the kind of place to expand their beer inventory. I grabbed 6 ea. of Deschutes Mirror Pond Pale Ale & to be exciting, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.
Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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I am setting my sights high this weekend. I am trying to find Pyramid Amber Weizen, Jack Whacker Wheat, and a dunkelweizen all this weekend.

EDIT: and Point Horizon and Point Nude Beach.

Post Edit: fstorm, you might want to check this out in your quest for Dancing Man Wheat.
Got some Whacker a month or so ago at Festival, good stuff. I snagged a Horizon last week and a Nude Beach today, but haven't seen the Pyramid Amber...I'll have to ask the nice liquor store lady to order some. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/tongue.gif The Horizon was oddly boring. Tasted okay, just nothing outstanding. Be suckin' down the Beach tomorrow. And thanks for the tip on the Dancing Man. Now I'll stop buggin' her about it.

Just some useless info to throw out...I stopped in by her this afternoon, and she not only had gotten in the Nude Beach, as promised, but again let me rip it up and take just one bottle. Then, to my wonderful delight, she told me that when she asked her distributor about Franziskaner, he said that was one of the most popular imports they had, everyone is calling for it. And just to add a little icing, she decided to bust up one of the sixers...even though the price point on it is considerably higher than anything else in the "build" cooler (Little over $9 for a six pack, about the same as Hacker). Aaaaand just because I was in such a lovely mood, I bought a case of my Miller Urine, uh, High Life, and got me a free Brewers' pint glass featuring the teams' Barrelman logo from the 70's. Available are 4 logos, up to the current one. I was tempted to, yes, buy 4 cases and get it over with, but I already felt like a lush what with my case (High Life), and 2 six packs (one Hacker Dark Weisse, one "build")..plus the fact I had been in her store now 3 times in about a week. I even asked her, "This doesn't make me look like a alcoholic, does it?". "Nah, this is nothing in comparison."

I've decided I like her.

Edit-Maybe not on the Pyramid. When the first review @BA reads "Rich and chocolaty almost like a fudge popsicle"...um, I may need to pass.
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Aaaaand just because I was in such a lovely mood, I bought a case of my Miller Urine, uh, High Life, and got me a free Brewers' pint glass featuring the teams' Barrelman logo from the 70's.


Wow! I wish I could get my hands on one of those... fstorm, I'd buy you a case of High Life if you'd be willing to ship that barrel-man glass out to me. Honestly, it sounds like you should consider just asking the woman if you could buy those pint glasses. You've got a great situation with that store.



Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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Wow! I wish I could get my hands on one of those... fstorm, I'd buy you a case of High Life if you'd be willing to ship that barrel-man glass out to me. Honestly, it sounds like you should consider just asking the woman if you could buy those pint glasses. You've got a great situation with that store.
I'll try to upload a pic of it some time today or tomorrow, see if you like it or not.


Had the Nude Beach just moments ago. Pretty good, not among the greats, but I could very easily drink it all night...and day.

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I have tried a bunch of different beers lately.


Hacker - Pschorr. Saw it recommended here and bought it because of that awesome video of how to correctly pour a beer. It was alright, def. drinkable, but I probably won't buy it again. Pricey and too sweet for my tastes.


Red Hook ESP Original Ale. Liked this beer quite a bit. Only had one with a variety pack, but I will go with it again.


Goose Island Nut Brown Ale, for a dark(er) beer, it was good. And very smooth. I would recommend it.

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Aaaaand just because I was in such a lovely mood, I bought a case of my Miller Urine, uh, High Life, and got me a free Brewers' pint glass featuring the teams' Barrelman logo from the 70's.

where can you pick up the pint glass deal? do you know if its only in the milwaukee area or is it statewide?


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where can you pick up the pint glass deal? do you know if its only in the milwaukee area or is it statewide?
I haven't a clue if it's anywhere else but up here in the Fox Valley. Sorry. And I will try to get a photo up tomorrow (Tuesday). Too busy this past weekend...
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I saw those Brewer pint glass mugs at a bar I was at the other night so it is definetly state-wide. They cost 4$ and you get refills for 2$. They have all four kinds so I will probably be stopping there again. It's much nicer then buying an entire case of High Life. I'll just have a pint of MGD or Miller Lite.
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Lots of Corona Light w/ a lime lately. Oh well, at least I don't have scurvy http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif

@BrewCrewCritic on Twitter "Racing Sausages" - "Huh?"
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Well, crap. I stopped in at my new favorite elixir outlet, hoping to score a bunch of the free glasses, and naturally, she was completely out of the Barrelman version. Had plenty of the other three. Sorry, guys, would've loved to sent you some.


Not to rub it it or anything, but I did ask if I could buy the other three, and she gave them to me for free. And then gave me a 6 pack for free to boot (Lakefront Pumpkin Lager...yeah, she was gonna give it away to someone, but still...).


Again, sorry about the glasses. I won't even bother to show a photo now, would just seem mean (and beer lovers are not mean). http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/frown.gif

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My brother was able to aquire 3 of 4 Brewers pint glasses for me. He was unable to find the ball and glove pint. I told him to try getting extra barrelnan pints to trade.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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Hey Fstorm, wanna trade some barrel man's for some ball 'n' gloves. That's write I use the same number of apostrophes as there would be letters when I write to totally abuse the shortcut feature of the apostrophes. Anyways let me know and I'll pick up 4 or 5 more Barrel man's and we can ship them to eachother, then I can make complete sets and send them to anybody who wants them.
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That's write I use the same number of apostrophes as there would be letters when I write to totally abuse the shortcut feature of the apostrophes.

Write on, man! http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Well, crap. I stopped in at my new favorite elixir outlet, hoping to score a bunch of the free glasses, and naturally, she was completely out of the Barrelman version. Had plenty of the other three. Sorry, guys, would've loved to sent you some.

Not to rub it it or anything, but I did ask if I could buy the other three, and she gave them to me for free. And then gave me a 6 pack for free to boot (Lakefront Pumpkin Lager...yeah, she was gonna give it away to someone, but still...).

Again, sorry about the glasses. I won't even bother to show a photo now, would just seem mean (and beer lovers are not mean). http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/frown.gif

You know, I had a feeling she was going to just give you the glasses. Good grief man, this beer woman is a goddess! I don't ever want to know what she actually looks/sounds like... I already 'know'


(sorry about the size of that pic... anyone that knows how to shrink a pic, feel free)

Well, she either looks like that, or this --


(according to anjian.com.au, that's "Ishtar Siduri, The Beer Goddess, Bestower of Strength and Fertility")

And, btw, Pumpkin beer isn't that bad at all if it's done right.
Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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Well it was a big weekend for beer last weekend, for me at least. I had several including our first family beer tasting. My wife and I like thick beers, use Guinness Stout and Hacker Pschorr Weiss as a starting point.


Road Slush - my wife liked this one

Michelob Porter - not so much, really thin porter

Warsteiner Dunkel - cold

Horizon Wheat - cold

Sam Adams Summer - cold

I had a cold for those 3 so I will give them another shot. I just thought they lacked taste, but again that could have been my cold.


On to the beer tasting beers. My brother brought Busch Light and I brought PBR. Well we did and we didn't. We got some dirty looks for those, and rightfully so, until we brought in our real beers.


Sprecher Mbege Ale - tasted more like wine than beer, not good(I brought this, funny that BA rates my "joke" beer higher than the actual beer I brought)

Killian's Red - my favorite of what was brought, good beer I would drink, but I have other preferences

Riverwest Stein - didn't like it, to bitter, pretty similar to the Killian's, but not as good(they have the stein, we want it back)

Landshark Ale - pretty neutral on this one, I wouldn't turn it down, but again I prefer something a little thicker


I know what you are all thinking




I am sorry you can never get those 60 seconds of your life back either. As a consolation I recommend having a beer.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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Funny... I just finished a Riverwest Stein Beer -- I'm a fan.


I forgot to post last night, when (on jcr0nk's recommendation) I tried the Mendocino Red Tail Ale. Simply put, this is a fantastic ale. Strong (6.1% ABV) but not just for the sake of being strong. Great flavor, and really not as dry as many of the 'stronger' ales I've tried. Fwiw, jcr0nk, the only other Mendocino I can seem to find is the Stout (can't remember which bird of prey they use for that one), and I'm not much of a stout guy. But for someone like logan, I'd recommend trying it if you can find it.


Anyway, the Red Tail Ale... I could drink lots & lots of that stuff. It got a B (B+ from the site gurus) at beeradvocate.com. I'd definitely give it a B+... for my personal tastes, I give it an 'A'.

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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I can second EDR's recommendation of a fruit-wheat... also for the first time in my life. Very enjoyable summer-y brew.


Also, the local grocery store near me recently added Kona's passionfruit wheat. I only hope that this leads to more Kona stuff being at my fingertips...

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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glad you enjoyed the red tail ale. i haven`t had one in awhile (drinking the home brew) but i am planning a trip down to the local liquor store to check out the miller pint glass situation and am thinking that if they have some i may grab it up. i looked up the brewery`s website. here is a list of their main brews. http://www.mendobrew.com/brews/main_brews.html . it looks as if they have a red tail lager too. i am gonna have to check that one out. its been a while, but i remember the black and tans from the blackhawk stout and heron pale being good. the eye of the hawk looks like a very interesting brew. hopefully i can find one to sample.
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TLB, I think we need to add a search tag to this thread. I am not sure how far down it was, but I had to do a search for it.


So I am sitting here drinking a Sam Adams Cherry Wheat. Not so good. Really strong cherry smell and taste. I did however like the Sam Adams Summer Ale. Couldn't really taste anything in particular in it, but it was refreshing.


Edit: As a side note, my brother and I are having no luck whatsoever finding Brewers pints. Oh well, I guess it was not meant to be.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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I think we need to add a search tag to this thread. I am not sure how far down it was, but I had to do a search for it.


As embarassing, enraging & saddening as that is, I'll add a tag. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif (had a little fun with one extra tag...)


I bought some Kona Longboard Lager & Hale's Red Menace Amber Ale last night... I'll report in later tonight.




EDIT: Just tried the Kona Longboard Lager. This is a very tasty lager, to be sure. I'm not much of a lager connoisseur, so take my grade with a grain of salt: B/B+. It got a B- at Beeradvocate.com. I've found that site to be hit or miss for my personal tastes, but the large amount of votes there is certainly worth taking into consideration.


It's smooth, not very pungent, and has a mild aftertaste. It's got that nice golden lager hue to it. Seems another good summertime/grillin' out beer -- an important quality in my eyes. I'll post on the Red Menace when I get to it later tonight.




EDIT 2: Now for the Hale's Red Menace Amber Ale. I have to say, this is a pretty decent amber. Good body, nice color, minimal aftertaste. Good flavor & odor. Another B/B+ from me. Well-balanced amber. Not spectacular (imo) in any one area, but no real weakness. BA.com went with a B.

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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