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Temp agencies (employers are jerking me around!)


Well, I am still trying to find a better job than the 8.75 an hour job I got now and there are absolutely NO jobs available in Racine/Kenosha right now. I decided to sign on with PA staffing today and I wasted 2 hours of my life I will never get back.
I first took the computer exam which scored me lowly on the Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint tests because the stupid computer wouldn't let me do what it told me to do MY WAY. I scored a freakin 53 percent on the Excel and PowerPoint exams because I had no idea how to do the test MY WAY and it kept saying incorrect.
Then when I finished the entire process (application included), the representative told me there wasn't any positions open for them to put me into at this point. Why waste my time? I feel like my time there was a total joke.
And then the funny part of the final assessment was that my strong point is MATH? In college I couldn't even make it past Intermediate Algebra and had to drop finite math because it was so hard. Then they said my communication skills are my weakness, what crock is that? I once got three of my articles published in the Chicago Sun-Times. Total joke and a waste of my time.
If anyone needs me I will be filling out an application at the local McDonalds' because apparently companies don't hire people who are less than a semester away from a degree who does possess the credentials that they are seeking at this point. I got the credentials, but apparently they need to see the piece of paper that says I graduated.
I just don't get it right now. I have experience in social work, counseling, newspaper reporting and public relations and had two good journalism internships and yet the places I have applied to think I am either too qualified or not qualified enough.
I check milwaukeejobs.com everyday for new postings and monster jobs doesn't help me and neither does indeed.com
And with my terrible driving accident back in January I won't be eligible for most jobs since my record has a black mark. I haven't had a car since my accident because I can't afford a new one right now and my credit rating is worse than when it was when I got a car on loan from a local bank so I have to public transit (bus) to work every morning that I could work at a possible new job in Racine/Kenosha. I have borrowed a vehicle or two from co-workers in Milwaukee even though I don't get my license back until September.

Can someone in here throw me a fricken bone or something?

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Honestly, I would try a few different temp agencies. I would analyze what you did wrong on the tests that you did badly on, and then give it a shot with another temp agency. I went with Dunhill while I was in college, and it worked out great... I was even able to stay on and intern with the company I worked for (MGIC) and used it as a springboard when I got out of school.


The Racine/Kenosha thing does limit your options, though...

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Don't feel bad...it can take a while when you're starting out. I graduated from college in May '02, and because the economy was relatively awful at the time, I couldn't find much work with my degree in speech communications. I would've had to move really far away to find anything in my field at all, so I ended up settling for a retail job, and worked there for about two years, before getting something better. At least I got sales experience, and some good discounts on some cool electronics, if not much else.


I know that's not the kind of answer you're looking for, but just remember that you're only on the start of a long road. It's not going to happen overnight.

The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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I know it's not glamorous, but aren't any retailers hiring? A lot of kids are going back to school soon, and these establishments likely have a lot of hours to fill. Sometimes you can make some good contacts (salesmen, vendors and merchandisers) who may know of other openings in the industry.


If you hate your job as much as you say, it should be really easy to find a new one, even if you have restrictions on your driving because a lot of people who don't have cars take the bus to the grocery store, Target, etc.


Good luck.

"His whole life is a fantasy camp. People should plunk down $2000 to live like him for a week. Sleep, do nothing, fall ass-backwards into money, mooch food off your neighbors and have sex without dating... THAT'S a fantasy camp."
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Think about joining a union perhaps. Lots of manufacturing around there and a lot of it is union work. Union workers often make a good living.


Also, since you have a HS diploma and 3.5 years of college, you'll rate highly on their lists. If not a union, search around at various manufacturing facilities and see what's available. It might not be up your alley but you'll make decent money while you either finish college or get things sorted out.


Don't discount that style of work. There's a lot of guys that aren't fish brains that make a living in those fields. You'll make very good money, especially over time (50k+ in more advanced positions) and enjoy an honest days work. I don't do it (I work in software development) but I have friends that do it.


Something you might want to consider is working in manufacturing or a union and going back to school for something in health care. Within a year or so of study you'll easily land an assistances job that should pay decently. And when you complete the degree (usually over 2 years or so, especially since you seem to have most general education things covered already) and you'll get a well paying job in a hospital where there is always a shortage for help. Think along the lines of X-Ray tech, Ultra Sound tech, Registered Nurse, etc. There's a lot of jobs and since you mainly have a college diploma a lot of those credits would be applied towards getting certified in one of those studies at a 4 year college. Or you could go to tech school and learn some of those skills. The hospitals provide education too. Go to a hospital and ask for employment information in different areas and see whats achievable. Lots of the jobs you don't even need a real college diploma but rather an associates degree of some sort.


My point is don't think along the lines of a quick fix. You want to make a career out of something. That's how you advance in something, become an expert and make a real living at something. Temp agencies are a quick fix. You want to figure out something that's achievable, realistic and rewarding. Making a career out of manufacturing or health care are generally very promising in Wisconsin. You need to learn a skill and market yourself so to speak. A general college degree is nice but you want to be able to actually do something also. That's why engineers and similar degrees, business grads, teachers and health care students find work very rapidly out of school and liberal arts, etc graduates often struggle a little more. The former graduate with skills companies find valuable and employable. The latter might churn out educated people just as well, but they don't always define and train a needed skill.


If not a college degree then look to unions and manufacturing. Often that takes some education too to become highly skilled at it.


The point is get a plan, learn how to do something and make a career out of it. Forget about getting temp jobs and random non-career oriented jobs. Stop getting jobs and look to make a career out of something.


Is it that you don't have a license or that you're not allowed to legally drive? Look into an occupational license. Talk to a lawyer. These guys are magicians and can do anything.

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Well, I am starting to get frustrated to the point where I am about to call all of the places I have applied at and give them threatening messages stating that they are a bunch of idiots and are losing out on a valuable person for their company. If they choose to give me a lame excuse, I will literally scream at them. I am also so dang frustrated I seriously want to go postal on these companies for overlooking my application and resume because I know I am good for something. I am being as polite as possible on this message without using excessive profanities. I am about ready to send them awful e-mails as to how poorly they are treating me as an applicant. I have literally applied for more than 50 clerical jobs in the medical profession with 4 different hospitals/clinics in Racine/Kenosha and applied as a behavioral health associate 10 times and they still won't call me back despite the fact that I have the state mandated training already as well as nearly 3 years experience in the field. Is there something wrong with this picture? Should I seriously call them up and ask, "what gives?" What is more frustrating and demeaning is I got a rejection e-mail as a FOOD SERVICE WORKER, a FOOD SERVICE WORKER at one of the hospitals! I cook meals every freakin day at work for residents and they feel I am not qualified to be a dang FOOD SERVICE WORKER?!!!!?????! (Explodes and screams on top of his lungs)
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I'm not convinced threating messages and screaming at anyone is going to benefit you in your pursuit of work. In general, that is frowned upon and reinforces the hiring companies decision not to pursue you as an employee. However, results may vary.


I probably wouldn't ask them "what gives" but calling them to inquire about your application status shows enthusiasm and the desire for employment.


Stay persistent but polite.

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Sorry jaybird that you're having a tough go of it. . .


But you have to know (as I'm sure that you do) that their obligation to you as an applicant is precisely zero. They don't have to give you the time of day.


It's very very hard to not take it personally, but you just can't take it personally. You have to get up every day as though it's your first day searching, and leave the angry baggage at home. No prospective employer wants to hear it.


Keep up the hard work and eventually you'll get your due.

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I feel you man. When I was on the hunt, I applied to all kinds of organizations in my field. Some of them only had entry/bachelor's-level positions open, but I sent a resume because I figured it's at least good to get in contact with them incase something appropriate opens up. Many of them didn't even reply to my emails. It was really hard to understand why a company would not reply to someone who's at the board certified level because there are a total of 44 of us between Wisconsin and Minnesota, so it's not like one of us would send in a resume every day. All I can think of is that they may have thought I'd ask for too much money.
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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
What is more frustrating and demeaning is I got a rejection e-mail as a FOOD SERVICE WORKER, a FOOD SERVICE WORKER at one of the hospitals! I cook meals every freakin day at work for residents and they feel I am not qualified to be a dang FOOD SERVICE WORKER?!!!!?????! (Explodes and screams on top of his lungs)



What the hell is wrong with you people! I have people skills!!!

"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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Hey man, i am in the same boat. I am from kenosha and I just graduated from Whitewater with a degree in health, human performance and recreation with minors in health and coaching. I have went on many interviews and just in the end they go in a different direction. You just got to keep your head up and that's what i am trying to do.

Just a little plug if anyone knows of any job leads for me let me know lol.

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Hey princeginter, well you live in Kenosha now? Or still in Whitewater? You probably must have heard of Brotoloc a lot out in Whitewater. I work at the Milwaukee county region of Brotoloc currently.

I called the Kenosha region today and they said they might have a second shift fulltime position open, which may just entice me to simply outright transfer to Kenosha and regain fulltime status.

Since you are somewhat of a health major, the job may be something you could be interested in. Hopefully I will be able to negotiate something with them on Monday.

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Well, I am starting to get frustrated to the point where I am about to call all of the places I have applied at and give them threatening messages stating that they are a bunch of idiots and are losing out on a valuable person for their company. If they choose to give me a lame excuse, I will literally scream at them.

As someone who has done a fair bit of interviewing and hiring let me just say that that would be a very bad idea.

I am about ready to send them awful e-mails as to how poorly they are treating me as an applicant. I have literally applied for more than 50 clerical jobs in the medical profession with 4 different hospitals/clinics in Racine/Kenosha and applied as a behavioral health associate 10 times and they still won't call me back

It sounds like they have your (several dozen?) applications on file. At this point anything more than an inquiry phone call about the status of your application might be inappropriate. And because it sounds like your sending so many applications to the same pool of prospective employers I offer this word of advice: Don't burn bridges.


If you don't get the answer your looking for, stay calm and don't fly off the handle. At my old company, every application was put into a computer database. When a candidate was rejected their application and name stayed on file under one of several headings, one of which was "DO NOT HIRE". Their name was highlighted in red and every time they submitted another application they were immediately filtered out. We also shared applications with our sister companies. A "DNH" list is not a place you want to find yourself in. Acting in a manner that would include sending emails and threatening messages would certainly land you in a bad spot.


That said, I feel your pain and wish you luck in finding a job. I recently walked away from my management position at a company I used to enjoy working for in an industry I used to enjoy. I decided to leave, live on vacation pay for a couple of months and look for a new career in a new field. I turned 30 this year and wanted to find something I might actually enjoy doing for the next 20-30 years. So far, no go. I'm being very picky and I'm starting to get frustrated also. Your not alone!
20Fry : April 2006 - March 2012
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I can tell you as someone who runs a small business, I often get unsolicited resumes and applications. At least you are sending in applications. I've had people simply walk in off the street, and then get a blank look when I ask for a resume or work history of some kind. We got quite a few during the late spring, early summer (typical job hunting time). A lot of times I don't bother replying after reviewing what they sent, because they're simply overqualified for what we're looking for. I'm not going to bother interviewing and hiring a person who is going to be gone in three months because they'll probably find something that pays better. Just a little insight. Also, don't harass employers. They already have your info. If they want to get in touch, they will. I know that's not what you want to hear, but calling up and sounding desperate for a job isn't going to interest employers.
The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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apparently companies don't hire people who are less than a semester away from a degree who does possess the credentials that they are seeking at this point. I got the credentials, but apparently they need to see the piece of paper that says I graduated.


Are you working to finish up the degree? Those extra few credits aren't going to make you smarter or a better employee but they will show you followed up to the logical conclusion of getting the degree. Employers may be wondering why you haven't finished up and interpreting it as someone who doesn't follow through on things. If there's competition for these positions they're going to go with the 'safer' bet, someone who saw it through, however meaningless it seems to you.

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