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Prince's "It's poor for the fans to boo us" comment (merged with "Prince blasts fans")

Yes, I thoroughly enjoy a physical specimen, and someone that's apparently smarter than I telling me I shouldn't boo. I think most fans can point out a bad play or two and understand it happens from time to time. An utterly dreadful performance which Turnbow(and the rest of the team is capable of) where they essentially hand the game to the other team is well deserved of a booooooo. If they expect to get cheered, prepare to be booed. Turnbow would probably be the first to point out he deserved it. And maybe he should learn to feed off it, as some are capable of. Afterall, what is it. Displeasure with their performance and pressure to do better. And as we've seen many times, Turnbow cracks under pressure. If they can't take it, then give up the millions of dollars playing what at its essence is a kid's game and flip burgers for a living. I'm sure there are plenty who would gladly take their place, booing and all. Sick of this garbage. Just play and entertain us for a couple hours a day, and thank the good lord you are what you are.
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it just seems like it is worse this year than ever. I know they have the right to, but i am tired of being in the stands and everytime an ex brewer comes in a game he gets booed. A bad play is getting booed more ofter as well. I just don't see the sense in doing it. The team is a bunch of professional, they know when they mess up. They know that us fans care deeply and are upset.
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If they can't take it, then give up the millions of dollars playing what at its essence is a kid's game and flip burgers for a living
I don't understand why them making millions of dollars is always part of the equation. Would you boo Aquino less because he only makes $399,000?


I think Prince is simply pointing out that boo is counter productive. We actually have a chance to help the team by encouraging them through tough times - instead of piling on the insults.


If we expect the players to give it their best effort to help the team win games - why shouldn't fans give it their best effort to help the team win games? (Even it it means cheering next time Turnbow comes into the game)


(And yes, there is a big difference between a disgusted groan and full out booing. I have no problems with the reactionary groan when we walk home a run. But going out of your way to entend the boo is just hurtful)

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I am really getting tired of how critical the team seems to have been of the fans this year. We've set an attendance record, sold out more than 30 games, and been a great homefield advantage as you can obviously tell by the team's home vs. away record. I'm pretty much certain that we've been "good" fans this year in comparison to the average MLB team.


Yet all I really hear about the fans is that we don't really know anything (thanks, Yost), that we SHOULD be excited to be at the games right now (Ned, again), and we've gotten called "poor" by Prince and that we haven't "earned" the right to boo. (Is there a certain number of games that I have to attend, first)? I don't boo players anyway, but don't tell me that I have to "earn" the right. That's ridiculous.


Rarely do I hear mention about how good the fans have been or how excited and supportive we've been about the team. It's all been negative. The only one I've really heard be appreciative of the support is Mark A.


I don't expect praise for showing up the games, but if you're going to rip us everytime someone gets booed, it would be nice of you to recognize the good things.

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Prince can bite me, really. There's not a ballpark in america that wouldn't have had the exact same reaction (or worse) in the exact same situation that night. In fact, my opinion is the exact opposite of Prince's -- the Milwaukee Brewers need to earn the right not to be boo'd. 15 straight years of crapulence ... the organization and players should be happy to have any fans at the game to begin with. Whining that fans who have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on the Brewers since 1982 with NOTHING to show for it ... is that really Prince's stance on this? Really?


Let's put a few winning seasons together, *gasp* maybe reach the playoffs once, or (heaven forbid!) even make it to or win the World Series like we've watched two dozen other teams do over the last 25 years and then maybe you'll have fans who aren't on edge enough to boo a guy who just walked in a run to a .176 hitter to destroy our playoff chances. Gimme a break.

"We all know he is going to be a flaming pile of Suppan by that time." -fondybrewfan
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So the fans have the right to voice the way they feel by booing, but the players don't have the right to feel slighted by it, much less voice their opinions on the booing, lest they turn the fans away?


I really don't mind if a fanbase boo's once in awhile, but where were these boo-birds last season, ya know, when we had a worse team?


Booing is terrible, stupid, unproductive, and I'll never do it to a Brewer player that is trying hard.

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Rarely do I hear mention about how good the fans have been or how excited and supportive we've been about the team. It's all been negative. The only one I've really heard be appreciative of the support is Mark A.


Really? I honestly think that the players have included something along the lines of "yeah, the fans have been great" in most interviews this season. In fact, it seems like they make it a point to do so. Listen to any post-game FSN interview and you can't miss it.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
If you're so fragile that you can't perform because you get booed, then go do something else. You don't have what it takes. It comes with the job and the huge salary.
Maybe if you get so upset you feel the need to scream and boo at a man during a game that means little to nothing in the grand scheme of life, you should find something else to do with your time and money.
"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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I am really getting tired of how critical the team seems to have been of the fans this year. We've set an attendance record, sold out more than 30 games, and been a great homefield advantage as you can obviously tell by the team's home vs. away record. I'm pretty much certain that we've been "good" fans this year in comparison to the average MLB team.


Amen. I have never booed my own players, and never would (except for lack of effort as mentioned regarding Estrada), but for Prince to do this smacks of overcompensation for something...hmmm...like maybe if he'd weakly recorded an out with the game in the balance, the bases loaded, all the momentum on our side, and on a 3-1 pitch...


The fans were pretty good on that play, Prince. There are stadiums with what you deem "better" fans that'd absolutely let you have it on that one. We Brewers fans are a diehard bunch, and have sat through a ton of losing. It's why when the team on the field is talented enough to win the division, is being handed it on a silver platter, and is failing to capitalize on the golden opportunity, many fans don't know how to take it. Being in a pennant race is stressful, and it's showing from the coaches, players, and fans. And I wouldn't trade it for anything!

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"Here, they've never had too many good teams to earn the right to boo. We're the best team they've had in a while - Prince Fielder"


I'd like to point out to Mr Prince that unless this team pulls it's head out of it's rear end and wins one of the last 3 games, this team will have the same exact record it did in 2005.

20Fry : April 2006 - March 2012
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I'm glad to see so many people defending the non-booing stance here, I agree with pretty much all that's been said on that front and I whole heartedly agree that it accomplishes nothing.


What I really love for a defense of booing is that we want the players to know we disapprove of their performance, or anything along that line. Really? You think they don't know that? These guys are playing the game even more-so for themselves, not for us. Do you think they're not even more distraught with how this season is turning out than you are? They're the ones on the field, they're the ones who gained the glory or felt the blame, I don't really think the fact is lost on them, and needs to be compounded with 30,000 people booing them. I can't believe how many people say things like, "they're professionals they should have thicker skin". Thicker skin? I've never been booed by 30,000+ people, but I'm pretty sure that's about one of the most demoralizing things that could happen to me.


And I think Prince is right, we've rarely seen a team with these chances, with this much promise, and yet, I worry that come Sunday people will be more upset at what the team didn't accomplish, to even acknowledge what they did accomplish. You can go on and on about wanting to be acknowledged for filling the stadium this year, but the fact is that stadium was filled because of those guys and what they can accomplish. Half the people in the stadium this week were probably not coming to games this late in the year for the past several years, and then they act like they deserve something extra because they're in attendance.


I just don't get it. I love this team, I love the future for this team, and I'm going to support them. They've stumbled this year, sometimes mightily, they'll stumble some next year too, because they're human, and prone to mistakes. We're no better than that. This is your team, support them, appreciate them. Its fine to be upset, I've gotten plenty upset this year and any year, but I'll be giving them a standing ovation at the end of the game Sunday, no matter what happens. They've left it all on the field this year I feel, regardless of how it turns out.

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I don't even have a problem with his position of not booing. I have a problem with his "you should just be happy with us because the Brewers have sucked for so long" attitude. That whole nonsense about Red Sox & Yankee fans having a right to boo, but not Brewer fans just ridiculous.
20Fry : April 2006 - March 2012
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Honestly, when there is constant booing, it makes the game less fun. I would much rather cheer. Of course I wouldn't say that people shouldn't boo. It's their choice. My reaction is generally to yell and swear with the point of my rants being that this is horrible baseball. Also I am kind of tired of hearing the players complain about the booing. I would find it more refreshing for someone to come out and say we are playing horrible baseball and perhaps we deserved it. Prince also needs to realize that Milwaukee hasn't been to the playoffs since before he was born, so that is why fans are a little testy.
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I posted this thought earlier..but kind of got lost in the whole mixed up posts thing that happened this morning. Watching the game I got the sense that people were booing the fact the Turnbow was put in that situation in the first place and the fact that he was left in after he loaded the bases. I thought of the boos being more towards this mis-management of the situation rather than Turnbow himself.


I stated that if I was there I would have booed also. Actually, probably not. I'm not really the booing type, too much wasted energy. However, I really have no problem with booing for the most part. It's part of sports. Please don't say that it's not, because I challenge anyone to come up with a team in any sport that has not been booed at one time or another by it's fans. It happens. As someone said earlier, it's an emotional reaction.


I really didn't understand that it's ok to boo in NY and Boston, but not in Milwaukee. I read it a couple of times...still don't get it.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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I will Boo if this team is performing poorly, I want the players to know how we feel with there lackluster performance.

Do you honestly think that without booing, players would have no idea that fans don't like it when they screw up? I can guarantee that Turnbow would have known the fans were disappointed with him the other night even if they didn't boo him.


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I was there Wednesday...while I was super pissed about what was going on, I didn't boo, I just watched the game with my hat over my face. Turnbow's not stupid, he knows he can't walk in runs, he knows how bad it hurt the team, and he knows everyone was pissed off about it. I don't think booing is going to help any player improve his performance, much less a complete head case like Turnbow.


Booing is just a way for people to vent their frustration...and isn't that what the Vent Thread is for? http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif


Edit: I also don't like booing because I think, for the most part, it makes the fan base look bad. Yeah, Boston fans boo all the time, but does anyone outside of New England have a high opinion of Red Sox fans (I realize there are factors other than booing that play into this). While I suppose Wednesday was an "understandable" time to boo, in general I think it's people overreacting. I sat through the crap-fest that was the 2002 season and don't remember people booing as much then (when they had legitimate reason to...players dogging plays and cashing the season in) as they are this season. Between all the booing, and the fact that the loudest cheers at any game are for the freaking sausage race, I don't think Brewer fans have put their best foot forward this season.

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As far as fans being negative. I have followed the Brewers for 30 years and with the possible exception of the years immediatley following 82 (I really thought they would have a string of playoff years at the time) and last year (I expected continued improvement, not a step back), I don't remember ever being this disapointed with a team. I have sat through many horrible years of 90+ and 100+ losses. However, I knew going into those seasons that it was going to probably be a long season. Now, after all the waiting, the prospects have "arrived" and expectations should be higher. It's an exciting line-up. They should be way beyond trying to claw their way above the .500 level. I don't ever recall a season with so many blown opportunities.


If they improve by 5 games next year and miss the playoffs are we supposed to be content with that? With the core of talent they have...no way.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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I also don't like booing because I think, for the most part, it makes the fan base look bad. Yeah, Boston fans boo all the time, but does anyone outside of New England have a high opinion of Red Sox fans
Yeah, but couldn't the argument be made that not booing makes the fan base look apathetic?

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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I also don't like booing because I think, for the most part, it makes the fan base look bad. Yeah, Boston fans boo all the time, but does anyone outside of New England have a high opinion of Red Sox fans
Yeah, but couldn't the argument be made that not booing makes the fan base look apathetic?

I suppose it could...but the fact that there are 30-40K there on a weeknight might help refute that argument.

I don't watch a lot of Cardinals games unless they're playing us, but I know their fans have a reputation of being good fans that stick behind their players. I would guess (I don't know) that they probably don't boo a lot, and I don't think anyone would describe them as apathetic.


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Not that it equates perfectly but Bret Bielema said after the Badger fans were booing: He said the fans had the right but remember there are recruits in the stadium. That had a strong effect on the fans.


How it equates is it has an effect on Prince so think about it.


Also fans that boo Turnbow do you realize that since August Turnbow has not let up a run in 20 of his last 24 appearances. So go boo everyone who is successful 83.3% of the time. Sure he has been bad at times but he's a Brewer! Turnbow knows of your displeasure and Prince hears it too which might have an effect come free agent time. Are you helping the situation?

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This is becoming comical. To boo or not to boo, that is the question. F that. I'll start booing when they make great plays. Yes, as one poster stated, the players play for themselves and their teammates mostly. Therefore, I'll cheer and boo any place and time I deem it necessary. It doesn't mean that I don't want the brewers to succeed.


For some reason, that Payton Manning commercial comes to mind. "CHOP THAT MEAT..CHOP THAT MEAT."

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