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6/23/05 Cubs (Rusch) @ Brewers (Sheets) 1:05 CST

and the winner of the Brwerfan.net most shamelessly self congratulatory post goes to..... Scoooooop!


That's ole Scoop for ya.Making countless predictions and when one pans out he's patting himself on the back like a little child.When he makes stupid predictions that fail miserably like Jenkins or the Cardinals barely being better than the Brewers last year,he comes up with a bunch of qualifiers or excuses for being so wrong.


Pretty sad a grown man acts so petty

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I've been pimping Bill Hall since last year too, I don't think I deserve any props, he does. Just a few short weeks ago I said Bill Hall should man 3rd base at least until Ryan Braun is ready to take over. (If Braun pans out) I was scoffed at for such a forward thinking notion. You'll be right about some guys and be wrong about some.


The problem comes when you're more worried about the blow your reputation will take when you're wrong then the player's failure to produce for the Brewers. The same goes for when you pat yourself too hard on the back for being right rather than being primarily excited for the team.

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I'll admit that when Scoop called Hall a poor man's Soriano, I argued vehimently. I thought with his poor plate discipline and shoddy defense, he would never be more than an average-at-best reserve with a little pop.


I have never been happier to be proven completely and utterly wrong. Scoop has had many, MANY horribly bad predictions, and his innate inability to swallow his pride and admit he was wrong is frusterating. But I will give him props on Hall. He called it, and Billy is proving him absolutely correct.





















(Of course, Scoop had to get it right because he used to play baseball? Right?)

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I took one poster's advice and went to the Cubs forum on MLB and was shocked.


Go check out Northside Baseball, a Cubs fansite with a message board. Today's game thread was over 43 pages last time I looked and because they lost, it makes for more entertaining reading.


It's always great to read someone else's problems instead of our own.


Here's the link: northsidebaseball.com/

"His whole life is a fantasy camp. People should plunk down $2000 to live like him for a week. Sleep, do nothing, fall ass-backwards into money, mooch food off your neighbors and have sex without dating... THAT'S a fantasy camp."
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Not that it actually happens...but imagine if Bill Hall is feeling good and he finds himself at home later tonight. He's surfing the web and he's still amped about today's win. He decides he wants to re-live the excitement of the big game. He checks out Brewerfan.net hoping that fans have finally started to realize how much he brings to the team. He wants fans to be excited about both his and the team's future.


Instead of finding a bunch of heaping praise on Bill Hall's performance, he finds a string of posts debating how much credit to give some guy named scoop for telling us Hall was a poor man's Soriano.


It's the players getting it done who deserve the praise. Bill Hall you have become the Brewers 2nd best weapon offensively, ranking close behind Carlos Lee and you've got a long bright career ahead of you.

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hat's ole Scoop for ya.Making countless predictions and when one pans out he's patting himself on the back like a little child.When he makes stupid predictions that fail miserably like Jenkins or the Cardinals barely being better than the Brewers last year,he comes up with a bunch of qualifiers or excuses for being so wrong.


Hey Danzig...


why don't you start chronicaling all of my thoughts. That way you would actually have a clue as to how accurate or not they are. You completly misrepresent what I said about the Cardinals last year. I said, and I assumed I cleared this up long ago, that it was a race between the Cubs and Houston and the rest of the division would fight it out for 3rd. My reasoning was straightforward. While the Cards had a solid offense there pitching, in my opinion, was a patchwork job of has beens and cast offs. If you want to tell me that you knew all along that Carpenter, Marquis, Morris, Suppan and Williams would be good enough to win 100+ games based on their numbers PRIOR to '04, you are full of crap. I said it was a two tier division with Houston and Chicago at the top and the rest was a race for third. Milwaukee was 7 games over .500 well into the season and hung around. My point was simply that STL didn't have the pitching to blow Milwaukee out of the water. Turns out, they did. There is no way in hell anyone could have looked at their starting rotation and argued prior to '04 that they would ALL turn there careers around.


Now...why don't you tell me about all the other bad "predictions" I have made. It isn't bragging when you can back it up and I have been right on the button with several arguments. Fire away.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
Instead of finding a bunch of heaping praise on Bill Hall's performance, he finds a string of posts debating how much credit to give some guy named scoop for telling us Hall was a poor man's Soriano.


I seriously doubt Bill Hall reads Brewerfan, but just in case he does and he stumbles upon the game thread I would just point him to:


A) The thread saying he's the best utility guy ever




B) The thread asking if he should be considered the long term solution at third.

"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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Instead of finding a bunch of heaping praise on Bill Hall's performance, he finds a string of posts debating how much credit to give some guy named scoop for telling us Hall was a poor man's Soriano.


Or maybe he sees that a bunch of bashers are trying to backtrack now. Scoop on the other hand called his success way back in the day. I took a completly unfair amount of heat for making the soriano comparison. In fact, I didn't go as far as I SHOULD have. I said he was a poor mans Soriano. I should have just said, he has the talent of Soriano, which he just might.


Either way, Hall is kicking ass and all his detractors can shut it.

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- Why would Hall sign long term when he's not even close to free agency?


You are correct, Brian... I was posting in haste... meant to write: If Hall keeps playing like this, I hope the Brewers sign him longterm when the time comes, i.e. I hope he's a Brewer for many years to come

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
Or maybe he sees that a bunch of bashers are trying to backtrack now. Scoop on the other hand called his success way back in the day. I took a completly unfair amount of heat for making the soriano comparison. In fact, I didn't go as far as I SHOULD have. I said he was a poor mans Soriano. I should have just said, he has the talent of Soriano, which he just might.


Good Lord, now you're talking about yourself in the first person. Maybe Scoop is Joe Horn?

"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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This has probably been talked about in some length in this topic already, but I don't want to read 23 pages worth of stuff to find the answer (I'm really lazy right now).


In the top of the 9th, when we had a 2 run lead, why wasn't Overbay put in as a defensive replacement? Having not seen the actual play, I don't know if Helms should have been charged an error or if it was a legit hit (as it was scored, but Ueck and Powell were appalled that it was a hit). But we all know how good of a defensive player Helms is, so why not put your best possible defense on the field?

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Wow this was even more up and down than usual. You know even great hitters don't always succeec so I'm trying to figure that hatred for Helms and Magruder.


One thing I would like to know, does Ned not believe in defensive subs? Because a two run lead in the ninth would be the time to use them for Helms and Weeks.

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why dont you go find a misleading and out of context qoute to use as your tag line?


O no, please don't tell people about my quoting Spivey! It's so embarrassing. Is that REALLY the best you have?


I was stoked as every Brewer fan should have been. ~Scoop, refering to the Jenkins signing.


What a great example. If you predict something and it's right, you are a genius. If it's wrong, well only a fool WOULDN'T have believed what you thought.


There was a substatial contingency at brewerfan.net that whole heartedly disageed with the Jenkin's signing. We were right, you were dead wrong. Admit it.


As for your "Brewers will finish 3rd, ahead of the Cards" it was exactly the same thing. When you predicted that, most called you out immediately. It was obvious that you were overestimating the Brewers and underestimating the Cards. What did you do? Bash everyone for not being smart enough to realize that you would be right. Then, when you couldn't have been MORE wrong (Brewers finish 6th and Cards go to the World Series) one would expect you to admit it atleast. O no, not good ol' scoop. I mean, you almost NEVER make a wrong prediction http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif


If you end up being right about Hall, good call. Now if you could just sop forgetting about the other dozen "predictions" that were silly wrong.

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when the hell do you plan on making any comment putting YOURSELF out on a limb? When is that going to happen? What was YOUR prediction for the NL central last year?


You still havent shown where I said the brewers were better than the cardindals! I SAID I WAS WRONG! READ what I said. I said it pretty clearly sirl Never did I say Milwaukee was better than STL. I said it clearly that it was a two teir division due to Hou and Chi having superior pitching and I was wrong. BIG FRIGGEN DEAL! Show me ONE baseball publication that has ever predicted all of the divisions even close. I went out on a limb and made a rational prediction based on what I felt at the time. It turned out that the Cardinal pitching staff proved me wrong. The best professional gamblers jump for joy if they hit 60%. I never said I had that one right but for all the statements I make and have made, you sure seem obsessed with that one. For the record.....I NEVER SAID MILWAUKEE IS GOING TO FINISH AHEAD OF STL. Stop saying that. Argue with the facts. I said simply that CHicago and Houston were the top tier and everyone else would have to play for third. CHeck out the career numbers of their pitching staff prior to '04 to see my logic. So I was wrong about STL. Sue me. THen bite me.

Now for Jenkins. ..... tell me how you would have prefered the Brewers to handle Jenkins at that time. Should you allow your late 20's, 850 career OPS outfielder to walk knowing that NO free agent in his class will even sniff Milwaukee? What option did Milwaukee have? It was either sign Jenks or get stuck with some has been or cast off. Jenks had two of the top 9 OPS seasons of all time brewer history and was entering the prime of his career. It was a no brainer. So was Tony Mandarich. Sometimes no brainers don't work out. What I am NOT hearing is all the disenters saying what the options were? What Free Agent would have been able to fill the shoes left by the loss of GJ? I don't think we could have done any better than we did. Unfortunatly Jenks has let his game slide to horrible levels and he basically sucks. That doesn't mean that at the time it wasn't a smart move. It was.

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You still havent shown where I said the brewers were better than the cardindals!


You're right. Then again, what's the name of the team that plays in St. Louis?


The Cardinals.


Argue with the facts.


Scoop? Facts?? Logical argument?????




So was Tony Mandarich.


The Packers, circa 1989, had so many holes they could have been mistaken for a sieve. As far as I'm concerned, the Packers could have taken pretty much ANY of the top players in that draft. IMO I would have drafted a *position* player - rather than an O-Lineman - but that's just me.


And no, I would NOT have drafted Barry Sanders. But that's not the point.


Should you allow your late 20's, 850 career OPS outfielder to walk knowing that NO free agent in his class will even sniff Milwaukee?


You forgot "injury-prone." Why else do you think ATL let JD Drew walk after last year? Sure, they have prospects. BUT... replacing that sort of offense in a lineup isn't easy. They weren't stupid enough to risk a large salary on a player who seemed to constantly be hurt prior to last season.


Hmm... sounds like Jenkins, if you ask me. Of course, the difference being that Drew actually *produced* when healthy for a full seasonhttp://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/mad.gif

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Tony Mandarich was indeed a no-brainer...unless the Cowboys took him and then Troy Aikman was a no- brainer. Anyone who uses the hindsight argument on Deion Sanders, Barry Sanders, or Derrick Thomas doesn't remember how dominant of a player Mandarich was. It backfired. But you can't blame the Packers like they drafted Sam Bowie instead of Michael Jordan.
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Tremendous come from behind win for the Brew Crew! Finally some clutch hitting. So sad I fell alseep in the top of the 7 inning and missed all the excitement http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/tired.gif



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when the hell do you plan on making any comment putting YOURSELF out on a limb?


People give their opnions about players,managers,and teams everyday on this board.Only difference is the vast majority don't feel the need to act like a child and tell everyone they were right if something they felt would happen ended up coming true.


Your comment that people should "put themselves out on a limb" about a player or team tells the whole story about how petty you truely are.


As for Hall,his brain is catching up with his talent.He had the same quick bat and power last year,but he finally realized that hacking at every pitch thrown wasn't a good plan.Great to see,whenever i hear him interviewed he sounds like a great guy and teammate.He keeps that same attitude and continues to work hard,his gifts will make him a wealthy young man.

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Good Lord, now you're talking about yourself in the first person. Maybe Scoop is Joe Horn?


No, no, no:




Could it be? Could Scoop really be the one guy we KNOW to be even more self-absorbed than Chuckie Carr?


Did Rickey play high school baseball?http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/laugh.gif

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Speaking of Bone Cold Scoop...


My roommate freshman year was a know-it-all sports journalism student who LOVED professional grab-ass (aka WWE/WWF/WCW/Whatever involves two men grabbing each other on TV)


He was also 5'3, wore hideous glasses, and looked like




So Scoop, does that look familiar?http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/happy.gif

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Yikes, holy personal vendetta. I'm glad I was at work for the last 10 hours.


Also, I'm extremely glad I was wrong when I said "Ballgame" back in the first. I'll blame it on the heat - I have to realize how great of a team this Brewers squad is.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
You still havent shown where I said the brewers were better than the cardindals! I SAID I WAS WRONG! READ what I said. I said it pretty clearly sirl Never did I say Milwaukee was better than STL. I said it clearly that it was a two teir division due to Hou and Chi having superior pitching and I was wrong. BIG FRIGGEN DEAL!



"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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