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Brewer Fanatic

Hello, everyone. My name is Brock Beauchamp and I have big news about BF.net, please read


I believe dj is being 100% serious and I agree with them on it. Just because you consider “bro” to be gender neutral, doesn’t mean everybody does and it doesn’t change the meaning of we choose to be inclusive with the button (having yikes instead of yikes bro).


Barney Stinson wrote a whole "Bro Code," and Robin and Lily were two of his best Bros. (How many here will get this reference?)

"The most successful (people) know that performance over the long haul is what counts. If you can seize the day, great. But never forget that there are days yet to come."


~Bill Walsh

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There should just be a like button. Definitely not a 'Yikes' anything and probably not even 'dislike'.


If you want to oppose someone write out a logical response. This forum has been built on actually voicing your opposition and not one word responses etc....if I responded "Yikes" to a post right now the mods would delete it and angrily PM me. Negative related down-vote type stuff is just going to create drama and complaining. We already see that now.

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There should just be a like button. Definitely not a 'Yikes' anything and probably not even 'dislike'.


If you want to oppose someone write out a logical response. This forum has been built on actually voicing your opposition and not one word responses etc....if I responded "Yikes" to a post right now the mods would delete it and angrily PM me. Negative related down-vote type stuff is just going to create drama and complaining. We already see that now.

Okay, we're going to have a few opinions about this, it appears. Let's shelve it for now and we will talk about it more as we approach launch, we'll probably just put it to a vote with options determined by the mods because they're the ones who have to moderate content.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
There should just be a like button. Definitely not a 'Yikes' anything and probably not even 'dislike'.


If you want to oppose someone write out a logical response. This forum has been built on actually voicing your opposition and not one word responses etc....if I responded "Yikes" to a post right now the mods would delete it and angrily PM me. Negative related down-vote type stuff is just going to create drama and complaining. We already see that now.


Agreed. Wholeheartedly. Sorry I do not have much else to add, but not much else needs to be be said.

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There should just be a like button. Definitely not a 'Yikes' anything and probably not even 'dislike'.


If you want to oppose someone write out a logical response. This forum has been built on actually voicing your opposition and not one word responses etc....if I responded "Yikes" to a post right now the mods would delete it and angrily PM me. Negative related down-vote type stuff is just going to create drama and complaining. We already see that now.


Agreed. Wholeheartedly. Sorry I do not have much else to add, but not much else needs to be be said.

Wish there were a like button right now ;)

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1. We pride ourselves on paying most of our revenue to our core content creators.


We take a very bottom-up approach and nurture and encourage the next generation of writers and video creators and as a result, proportionally we pay *much better* than the corporate conglomerate team sites that have sprung up in the past decade (who shall be left unnamed but we all know who I'm talking about). And we can't do that without the ads. So, yeah, no one likes ads but I hope the content is so good and in-depth that tolerating new ads is something we can all deal with in the long-run.


2. The ads need work. The way ads are delivered on Twins Daily is that our ad provider chooses where they go on the site and then delivers them. Over time, this has led to some "ad bloat" on Twins Daily that I'm not fond of, particularly in the forums. At some point, I will find the time to methodically go through the site, find where ads are populating and why, and then send a list of changes to the ad provider. When will that happen? Dunno, but it's certainly on the list. I use the site more than anybody so if something bugs you, it probably bugs me, too.


Uhm. Core content creators? This is a fan message board. If the hosting site provides content then please keep the ads on those pages, and make it easy to go right into a forum like this to read what other fans think and avoid ads and links to those content creators. Either that, or start distributing revenue to posters who get a lot of likes (that's a joke. Please don't do that....). Perhaps if somebody makes themselves known as a good poster then I might read something off-forum that they created.

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I'd love to see a "like" button, or something similar.


That would save people from posting things like "yes", "agreed", etc...


Just a thought...

Yep, already part of the package! At first I'll just use the base Twins Daily reacts (currently Like, Sad, Yikes Bro, ***, and Incorrect) but those can be easily changed to fit whatever the community here wants.


Okay... so one of them is starred out here. :D


Obviously, that one will change.


Need a react that says Woah Solvdd.

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just "yikes" is sufficient. no need to exclude other gender identities.


I can't tell if you are serious or not.


But "Bro" is gender nuetral.


It's used for male, female, whatever, even animals... If it has a pulse, it can be a "bro."




I believe dj is being 100% serious and I agree with them on it. Just because you consider “bro” to be gender neutral, doesn’t mean everybody does and it doesn’t change the meaning of we choose to be inclusive with the button (having yikes instead of yikes bro).

I also disagree about 'Bro' being gender neutral. But even if it were, it changes the focus of the reaction. 'Yikes' is a reaction to the content of a post. 'Yikes bro' is a reaction to the poster as much as the post. In this forum we have strived (sometimes with great effort by the mods) to keep comments focused on topics and content and not on the posters. A 'yikes bro' reaction will throw that off.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor

I also disagree about 'Bro' being gender neutral. But even if it were, it changes the focus of the reaction. 'Yikes' is a reaction to the content of a post. 'Yikes bro' is a reaction to the poster as much as the post. In this forum we have strived (sometimes with great effort by the mods) to keep comments focused on topics and content and not on the posters. A 'yikes bro' reaction will throw that off.


This is a really good point. This community has always (tried) to remain focused on arguing the point, and not just taking personal shots at their fellow posters. It's easy to get frustrated with a person who doesn't agree with you, or see your side of things, but at the same time, name calling and one liners isn't going to bring them around to your side of things.


I think a lot of people will be happy/excited to see the inclusion of likes/reacts and other sorts of fun widgets, but I'd prefer (my own personal preference, to be sure) that single-click widgets and stuff like that to veer away from negative reactions.

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I believe dj is being 100% serious and I agree with them on it. Just because you consider “bro” to be gender neutral, doesn’t mean everybody does and it doesn’t change the meaning of we choose to be inclusive with the button (having yikes instead of yikes bro).


Barney Stinson wrote a whole "Bro Code," and Robin and Lily were two of his best Bros. (How many here will get this reference?)


but it's not like every guy suddenly forgot every piece of advice he gave
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I believe dj is being 100% serious and I agree with them on it. Just because you consider “bro” to be gender neutral, doesn’t mean everybody does and it doesn’t change the meaning of we choose to be inclusive with the button (having yikes instead of yikes bro).


Barney Stinson wrote a whole "Bro Code," and Robin and Lily were two of his best Bros. (How many here will get this reference?)



The bigger question is, how many WON'T get it?


Loved that show the first couple seasons, then lost interest, but I still catch a re-run occasionally and can appreciate it.

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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"The bigger question is, how many WON'T get it?"


The even bigger question is how many people will get this reference. I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.


And on topic, I understand ads have become more prevalent, but part of why I enjoyed BF for so many years was not being blasted by banner ads.

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Sorry folks, looks like I will soon be out. I visited Blu-ray.com more often than here and stopped after the pop-up ads were introduced that covered the bottom of the screen and would creep up the right side of the screen. Looks like the forums at Twins Daily have the same thing. Also will add that I am always a bit weary when a forum gets an update because it always goes to being more user friendly for mobile users and I always look at forums while looking at a PC monitor.


This is definitely a whiney complaint but the real purpose of posting this is in hopes that more people will provide the same input and Mr. Beauchamp and company will consider keeping the forum as it is now.

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Sorry folks, looks like I will soon be out. I visited Blu-ray.com more often than here and stopped after the pop-up ads were introduced that covered the bottom of the screen and would creep up the right side of the screen. Looks like the forums at Twins Daily have the same thing. Also will add that I am always a bit weary when a forum gets an update because it always goes to being more user friendly for mobile users and I always look at forums while looking at a PC monitor.


This is definitely a whiney complaint but the real purpose of posting this is in hopes that more people will provide the same input and Mr. Beauchamp and company will consider keeping the forum as it is now.


I agree. Keep as is. Except bring back the Power 50.

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Sorry folks, looks like I will soon be out. I visited Blu-ray.com more often than here and stopped after the pop-up ads were introduced that covered the bottom of the screen and would creep up the right side of the screen. Looks like the forums at Twins Daily have the same thing. Also will add that I am always a bit weary when a forum gets an update because it always goes to being more user friendly for mobile users and I always look at forums while looking at a PC monitor.


This is definitely a whiney complaint but the real purpose of posting this is in hopes that more people will provide the same input and Mr. Beauchamp and company will consider keeping the forum as it is now.


There is this thing called ad blocker it works wonders.



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Verified Member
Sorry folks, looks like I will soon be out. I visited Blu-ray.com more often than here and stopped after the pop-up ads were introduced that covered the bottom of the screen and would creep up the right side of the screen. Looks like the forums at Twins Daily have the same thing. Also will add that I am always a bit weary when a forum gets an update because it always goes to being more user friendly for mobile users and I always look at forums while looking at a PC monitor.


This is definitely a whiney complaint but the real purpose of posting this is in hopes that more people will provide the same input and Mr. Beauchamp and company will consider keeping the forum as it is now.


I agree. Keep as is. Except bring back the Power 50.


"like" (/puke)

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Sorry folks, looks like I will soon be out. I visited Blu-ray.com more often than here and stopped after the pop-up ads were introduced that covered the bottom of the screen and would creep up the right side of the screen. Looks like the forums at Twins Daily have the same thing. Also will add that I am always a bit weary when a forum gets an update because it always goes to being more user friendly for mobile users and I always look at forums while looking at a PC monitor.


This is definitely a whiney complaint but the real purpose of posting this is in hopes that more people will provide the same input and Mr. Beauchamp and company will consider keeping the forum as it is now.


There is this thing called ad blocker it works wonders.




Unfortunate reality, many of us visit this place predominantly on company time and hardware and we can't always customize the experience like this.

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Lol, I love the fact that in what should have been nothing more than a happy introduction, Brock immediately got a taste of what he's in store for. Good luck Brock, you'll need it.


10 cent advice: Do what you already knows works via your other board. You'll never please everybody here.

Oh, I'm quite happy with the responses. I put on a football helmet and prepared for the worst when I hit "Submit" on this thread. All of you are being quite welcoming and polite considering the scope of the news. I really appreciate it.

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Lol, I love the fact that in what should have been nothing more than a happy introduction, Brock immediately got a taste of what he's in store for. Good luck Brock, you'll need it.


10 cent advice: Do what you already knows works via your other board. You'll never please everybody here.


It is called constructive feedback so he doesn't ruin the website he just bought. What works on the Twins site may not work with this demographic. Not to mention a big part of the commenting/traffic here is a focused group of people. Probably don't want to make those people mad. If they leave you lose a lot of knowledge and activity.


Does he want me to view 13 ads once a week or 5 ads multiple times a day nearly every day of the week?


A huge amount of the traffic daily is during the season via IGTs. If the ads/videos are constantly popping up and it is a massive annoyance no one is going to waste their time logging in to be on his site.

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In relation to 'Core Content Creators'. It's been just the message board for a long time now, but it was more dynamic with the Power 50 and periodic feature articles back in the day. It's too bad I never took my writing that seriously back in the day as a career option. I figured the BP folks and Rob Neyer had it all locked up for years to come.
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Lol, I love the fact that in what should have been nothing more than a happy introduction, Brock immediately got a taste of what he's in store for. Good luck Brock, you'll need it.


10 cent advice: Do what you already knows works via your other board. You'll never please everybody here.


Like anything that changes - some people will hate it and leave, some new people will find it and like it, and most wont care one way or the other. In the end, the numbers will probably stay the same.

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