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Devin Williams to IL with hand injury

Eye Black

“If you judge any person by their worst moment, we aren't going to like what we see in any of us,” - David Stearns



Stearns probably has a good opinion of O.J. Simpson if that is his point of view.


It's quite possible that Stearns doesn't equate a double felony murder in the same category of a worst moment as drunkenly punching a wall in frustration.


Wasn't OJ found not guilty?


Of the criminal case, yes. However, he was found "responsible by a preponderance of the evidence for both deaths" in the civil suit. OJ has also been found guilty of a number of other offenses: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O._J._Simpson#Other_legal_troubles


It was a stupid statement even if all OJ did was kill 2 people. The fact that OJ has shown repeatedly to be a bad person makes it even stupider.

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“If you judge any person by their worst moment, we aren't going to like what we see in any of us,” - David Stearns



Stearns probably has a good opinion of O.J. Simpson if that is his point of view.


Equating a fluke, accidental injury to oneself to double murder. What the heck is wrong with you?


It's stunningly ironic how a bunch of you are labeling Williams as someone with anger issues all the while your very reactions suggest you have a severe inability to cope properly with a setback to your favorite sports team. Ugly stuff.


C'mon man...


The reactions to this happening are to be expected when discussing our favorite sports team.


A lot of us are serious fans, we take this stuff serious. Is that healthy, probably a different topic, but you can't condemn real true fans for being passionate about the team they love, and support, and put endless hours in watching and posting about...


The judging going on in this thread by respected posters is just ridiculous.


I highly doubt that most posts in this thread, if in the real world and not on an internet message board, are the real true feelings, one way or the other.


Those who wish harm on Williams, I doubt that is what they really want.


Those who act like it's no big deal, he made a mistake have to feel a little disappointment and anger, even if they are to high and mighty to admit it.


He did a stupid thing, a really stupid thing, and yes, I'm extremely disappointed, and maybe even angry about it.


Like most here, I put a lot of time into this team, and I have the right to feel the way I feel, so judge away, but none of you are as perfect as you want the rest of us to believe.

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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C'mon man...


The reactions to this happening are to be expected when discussing our favorite sports team.


A lot of us are serious fans, we take this stuff serious. Is that healthy, probably a different topic, but you can't condemn real true fans for being passionate about the team they love, and support, and put endless hours in watching and posting about...


The judging going on in this thread by respected posters is just ridiculous.


I highly doubt that most posts in this thread, if in the real world and not on an internet message board, are the real true feelings, one way or the other.


Those who wish harm on Williams, I doubt that is what they really want.


Those who act like it's no big deal, he made a mistake have to feel a little disappointment and anger, even if they are to high and mighty to admit it.


He did a stupid thing, a really stupid thing, and yes, I'm extremely disappointed, and maybe even angry about it.


Like most here, I put a lot of time into this team, and I have the right to feel the way I feel, so judge away, but none of you are as perfect as you want the rest of us to believe.


I don't think anyone in this thread said it's "no big deal". I think almost every said they were disappointed at the very least. I think (as I said before though), there's a virtue in understanding that baseball isn't Devin Williams entire life. He has a family, parents, a girlfriend or wife, siblings? Who knows. Maybe he just got trashed and punched a wall. Maybe he found out someone he's close to is ill. We don't know. Maybe he had a fight with his girlfriend. Again, I'm not excusing any of those things for punching a wall. It's super dumb. But to villify the guy, compare him to OJ, and want to banish him from the state is silly.


I get people's emotional responses, even if I don't agree with them. There's being emotional, and then there's *demanding* things like trades, banishment, punishment, etc. Those are silly. It's one thing if someone just says "i'm super pissed about this! What an idiot!" That's fine, I agree with that. Emotions aside, demanding silly things like telling us why he punched a wall, or demanding he get traded, that's non-productive. Stearns will do what he's going to do, and whether we demand it or not, he's going to be a Brewer next year, or not. His friends and family and teammates will forgive him, because that's what people do. Unless he did something truly super heinous. Judging by Stearns approach, I don't think that's it. Live and learn. Grow up and move on. I hope.

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I agree that he was incredibly stupid for punching a wall. However, people/fans need to get their emotions in check, and realize professional athletes are still just mere human beings, the same as all of us are. And I'm willing to bet pretty much ALL of us have done incredibly stupid/infantile things before(maybe even several times) when we were drunk. So lambasting him for doing that is basically pure hypocrisy, and emotions doing the talking.
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It's stunningly ironic how a bunch of you are labeling Williams as someone with anger issues all the while your very reactions suggest you have a severe inability to cope properly with a setback to your favorite sports team. Ugly stuff.


I'm not even angry, pal. I believe that foolish and selfish behavior that significantly hurts the team calls for punishment. Sadly, most people today are more than happy to excuse all types of bad behavior. Unfortunately the Brewers still have to pay this guy. Doing something this dumb to deny your employer your services should result in no pay.

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I mean I am not really surprised by the reaction nor do I blame people for making extreme comments to the situation. This is arguably, maybe not even debatable, the best chance this franchise has ever had going into the postseason to come out winning it all. For one of the most important players in the upcoming postseason to punch a wall after clinching the division is pretty brutal.
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“If you judge any person by their worst moment, we aren't going to like what we see in any of us,” - David Stearns



Stearns probably has a good opinion of O.J. Simpson if that is his point of view.


Equating a fluke, accidental injury to oneself to double murder. What the heck is wrong with you?


It's stunningly ironic how a bunch of you are labeling Williams as someone with anger issues all the while your very reactions suggest you have a severe inability to cope properly with a setback to your favorite sports team. Ugly stuff.



I agree with you 100%. Preach away sir. The pathetic reality of America nowadays, is the majority of people are narcissistic hypocrites, full of double standards.

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The thing that is especially bothersome to me is the season Devin had this year.


He had several outings where he had either inherited or made his own trouble and showed a ton of poise, resolve and fire to get through it. Made lots of big pitches when he had to. I really believe he was ready to shine bright in some big postseason moments even if it was tough. But that’s just what I got to see on the field.


Obviously I’m disappointed in the mistake but moreover I feel bad for the guy. It’s got to feel pretty darn awful in his shoes right now. Not to mention whatever conflict led to the incident and no doubt resentment and what not afterwards in his personal life. I hope the club is keeping Devin Williams the person in mind. This kind of thing could lead a lost man to some very bad places.

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And this will probably have an effect on him the rest of his career physically. I don't see how you can be as effective throwing a ball after an injury like that.


Honest question, what makes you qualified to even guess this? Is there some comparable pitcher that flopped after a similar injury? Even then, we know very little about what exactly broke and to what extent. All of which is incredibly important information when considering his long term effectiveness.

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After an initial period of shock and anger, I've taken a deep breath and will try to look at it objectively.


What Williams did is stupid. He knows it, management knows it, his teammates know it, and the fans know it. He hurt his team and has probably hurt his relations with the fans and some of his teammates.


The team "punished" him by making him talk to the reporters and face public humiliation. His teammates have the chance to voice their opinions when they get to decide who gets to share in the playoff money. After that, unless he has hurt his relationship with his teammates so much that they won't play with him (which is doubtful), then the team should not look to trade him.


He is young, talented, and has a lot of team control remaining. They are going to lose Hader at some point over the next couple of years, and he is the heir apparent. Replacing him would be very costly at a time in which the Brewers likely won't have much to spend in either payroll space or "prospect capital." If anything, this could cause the team to re-think offering an extension (if they were contemplating doing so), but he's too valuable long-term to trade him over this incident.


As to the fans, well... they welcomed K-Rod, a serial wife beater, with open arms. I'd guess that if Williams comes back and continues to perform at a high level, this will go down in history along with falling suitcases, sharp salad tongs, and untearable phone books, but it won't have fans "calling for his head."


Beyond that, I hope that there is nothing too seriously wrong in his personal life. He could have a sick family member or something else that we don't know about. His team and teammates will know this, and hopefully they can help.


In a perfect scenario, he will make it back for the World Series, get some big outs, and be on the field hugging his teammates as a World Champion. I'll trust that he'll know better than to punch any more walls :-)

"The most successful (people) know that performance over the long haul is what counts. If you can seize the day, great. But never forget that there are days yet to come."


~Bill Walsh

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After an initial period of shock and anger, I've taken a deep breath and will try to look at it objectively.


What Williams did is stupid. He knows it, management knows it, his teammates know it, and the fans know it. He hurt his team and has probably hurt his relations with the fans and some of his teammates.


The team "punished" him by making him talk to the reporters and face public humiliation. His teammates have the chance to voice their opinions when they get to decide who gets to share in the playoff money. After that, unless he has hurt his relationship with his teammates so much that they won't play with him (which is doubtful), then the team should not look to trade him.


He is young, talented, and has a lot of team control remaining. They are going to lose Hader at some point over the next couple of years, and he is the heir apparent. Replacing him would be very costly at a time in which the Brewers likely won't have much to spend in either payroll space or "prospect capital." If anything, this could cause the team to re-think offering an extension (if they were contemplating doing so), but he's too valuable long-term to trade him over this incident.


As to the fans, well... they welcomed K-Rod, a serial wife beater, with open arms. I'd guess that if Williams comes back and continues to perform at a high level, this will go down in history along with falling suitcases, sharp salad tongs, and untearable phone books, but it won't have fans "calling for his head."


Beyond that, I hope that there is nothing too seriously wrong in his personal life. He could have a sick family member or something else that we don't know about. His team and teammates will know this, and hopefully they can help.


In a perfect scenario, he will make it back for the World Series, get some big outs, and be on the field hugging his teammates as a World Champion. I'll trust that he'll know better than to punch any more walls :-)


Good post. Sums it up pretty well for me. Only quibble is the K-Rod part. I never wanted that piece of garbage on this team, let alone 3 different times. I hated rooting for him from the word go.

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After an initial period of shock and anger, I've taken a deep breath and will try to look at it objectively.


What Williams did is stupid. He knows it, management knows it, his teammates know it, and the fans know it. He hurt his team and has probably hurt his relations with the fans and some of his teammates.


The team "punished" him by making him talk to the reporters and face public humiliation. His teammates have the chance to voice their opinions when they get to decide who gets to share in the playoff money. After that, unless he has hurt his relationship with his teammates so much that they won't play with him (which is doubtful), then the team should not look to trade him.


He is young, talented, and has a lot of team control remaining. They are going to lose Hader at some point over the next couple of years, and he is the heir apparent. Replacing him would be very costly at a time in which the Brewers likely won't have much to spend in either payroll space or "prospect capital." If anything, this could cause the team to re-think offering an extension (if they were contemplating doing so), but he's too valuable long-term to trade him over this incident.


As to the fans, well... they welcomed K-Rod, a serial wife beater, with open arms. I'd guess that if Williams comes back and continues to perform at a high level, this will go down in history along with falling suitcases, sharp salad tongs, and untearable phone books, but it won't have fans "calling for his head."


Beyond that, I hope that there is nothing too seriously wrong in his personal life. He could have a sick family member or something else that we don't know about. His team and teammates will know this, and hopefully they can help.


In a perfect scenario, he will make it back for the World Series, get some big outs, and be on the field hugging his teammates as a World Champion. I'll trust that he'll know better than to punch any more walls :-)


Good post. Sums it up pretty well for me. Only quibble is the K-Rod part. I never wanted that piece of garbage on this team, let alone 3 different times. I hated rooting for him from the word go.


At this point, I think of Williams as a good person who did something stupid, whereas K-Rod (along with Chapman and many others) are bad people who were cheered on because of their physical talents. Unless something else comes out of this, and I don't think it will, I will gladly cheer for Williams again. I just hope he can recover quickly and completely.

"The most successful (people) know that performance over the long haul is what counts. If you can seize the day, great. But never forget that there are days yet to come."


~Bill Walsh

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Time to lock it down


If we just block people with less than 100 posts from commenting you solve 99% of the problem.


Sounds like a great way to grow the board


First off I was referring to just this thread because they seem to be the posters posting OJ comps and then talking about how most of us are "narcissistic hypocrites, full of double standards" that lead to people saying the thread was on the verge of a lock.


More importantly, it was not a serious reccomendation...it was a joke.

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I'm disappointed that Devin has taken himself out of the postseason equation (even if unwittingly) with bonus disappointment for how it came about; but I'd also be disappointed in Stearns and company if they made roster moves based on knee-jerk reactions like those displayed in parts of this thread.
Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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I'm disappointed that Devin has taken himself out of the postseason equation (even if unwittingly) with bonus disappointment for how it came about; but I'd also be disappointed in Stearns and company if they made roster moves based on knee-jerk reactions like those displayed in parts of this thread.


Agreed, it would be asinine to dump him because of this... I think those who said that were just venting, at least I hope. I mean, what are the odds that he punches a wall again, EVER?

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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