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Stearns mentioned for Met's Presidents job


The most important thing this team needs to do is lock Stearns up long term. We have to get this done so we can end this speculation once and for all.

It doesn’t seem like it should be too difficult for Attanasio to determine Stearns interest and intentions surrounding the Mets President role. Offer him a lucrative multi-year extension, and his acceptance or decline will pretty much tell you everything you need to know.

Not just “at Night” anymore.
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Does Eppler take the job knowing he's just going to have his power stripped away after one season? There's so many layers of baseless conspiracy theories involved here it's not even worth thinking about.

If the guy doing it is one of his best friends and he has total job security.

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Heyman reporting its a four year deal for Eppler.


Three years is a lot to eat, but maybe there is language in there allowing for Eppler to stay employed at the same salary with a demotion or some such after year one when good buddy Stearns comes aboard.


Or even if there isn't, Cohen is pretty rich from what I understand so he probably doesn't care one way or another.

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Heyman reporting its a four year deal for Eppler.


Three years is a lot to eat, but maybe there is language in there allowing for Eppler to stay employed at the same salary with a demotion or some such after year one when good buddy Stearns comes aboard.


Or even if there isn't, Cohen is pretty rich from what I understand so he probably doesn't care one way or another.


He's the richest owner in the sport and its not really close.

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Billy Eppler was the GM of the large payroll Angels from 2015 to 2020. During that time the Angels made the playoffs zero times. They finished an average of 18 games out of first place in their division per season.


Does that suggest the Mets hired him as a visionary of the future, to lead their large payroll team into the promised land? Or was he hired as a one year stop gap for a year to keep the seat warm for DS to come in as President of Baseball Operations/GM to call all of the shots?


I think the latter.

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Heyman reporting its a four year deal for Eppler.


Three years is a lot to eat, but maybe there is language in there allowing for Eppler to stay employed at the same salary with a demotion or some such after year one when good buddy Stearns comes aboard.


Or even if there isn't, Cohen is pretty rich from what I understand so he probably doesn't care one way or another.

if stearns is the president and Eppler is the GM, there would be no need to eat 3 years. Eppler just wouldn't be responsible for much.

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Yes, money more often than not wins the day. And can show how a company values an individual. But I will say, as a father/husband, I’d gladly take less money to be where I want to be. Grass isn’t always greener. Being a newish father, Stearns may find value in Milwaukee area consistency vs bright light. But who knows.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just want to say that the Mets hire of Buck Showalter as manager makes me feel better that Stearns won't jump ship and join them next year. The two are not a philosophical match and no one is going to convince me that Stearns doesn't work lockstep with his manager throughout the season. I just can't see the appeal for Stearns to go there unless Buck fails miserably and is one and done. Here's an except from an article in the Athletic regarding the hire...


“He’s going to want more control than a typical manager,” Britton said. “I know nothing about the Mets. But if you want an organizational change, he’s probably your guy. He’s going to change your whole philosophy, not just from the major-league side but also the minors. He wanted to know what was happening in Triple A and Double A in Baltimore. He’s going to have a new, whole, ‘This is how we play baseball,’ from top to bottom. If that’s what you’re looking for, I’m not sure there’s anyone better.”


The Mets do want organizational change, but a manager’s role is different than it was even in 2018, Showalter’s last year with the Orioles. The relationship between Showalter and Orioles executive vice president of baseball operations Dan Duquette was the opposite of the typically collaborative process that exists with most clubs. Showalter viewed Duquette as frequently unavailable, and Duquette objected to Showalter dabbling with the minor-league operation."


Sure you could argue that with limitless funds Stearns could abandon the philosophy of framing the roster to shuttle players between the majors and minors but I believe the utilization of the full 40 man roster is in his DNA. And describing Buck as "analytics resistant" is about the most kind way to describe him.


Not only do I not think Stearns would want to have Buck as his manager, I don't think the Mets would have hired Buck if their plan was to lure Stearns next year. I hope I'm right.

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I just want to say that the Mets hire of Buck Showalter as manager makes me feel better that Stearns won't jump ship and join them next year. The two are not a philosophical match and no one is going to convince me that Stearns doesn't work lockstep with his manager throughout the season. I just can't see the appeal for Stearns to go there unless Buck fails miserably and is one and done. Here's an except from an article in the Athletic regarding the hire...


“He’s going to want more control than a typical manager,” Britton said. “I know nothing about the Mets. But if you want an organizational change, he’s probably your guy. He’s going to change your whole philosophy, not just from the major-league side but also the minors. He wanted to know what was happening in Triple A and Double A in Baltimore. He’s going to have a new, whole, ‘This is how we play baseball,’ from top to bottom. If that’s what you’re looking for, I’m not sure there’s anyone better.”


The Mets do want organizational change, but a manager’s role is different than it was even in 2018, Showalter’s last year with the Orioles. The relationship between Showalter and Orioles executive vice president of baseball operations Dan Duquette was the opposite of the typically collaborative process that exists with most clubs. Showalter viewed Duquette as frequently unavailable, and Duquette objected to Showalter dabbling with the minor-league operation."


Sure you could argue that with limitless funds Stearns could abandon the philosophy of framing the roster to shuttle players between the majors and minors but I believe the utilization of the full 40 man roster is in his DNA. And describing Buck as "analytics resistant" is about the most kind way to describe him.


Not only do I not think Stearns would want to have Buck as his manager, I don't think the Mets would have hired Buck if their plan was to lure Stearns next year. I hope I'm right.


I hope so, too, but I am not as certain as you are. If the Mets are willing to drop $130 million over three years for Max Scherzer, then I wouldn't be surprised if Cohen decides to eat however many years and however much money to displace Buck Showlater as manager if he is set on Stearns as his new President of Baseball Operations.


The other thing is, Showalter may not be as incompatible with Stearns as some are hoping. Any major league manager worth his salt would want to know about the AAA and AA rosters - those are players he may very well end up having on his roster as early as this year (or down the road in a long-term deal). On the same note, I am positive that Craig Counsell was and is on top of the development/performance of AAA and AA players as well over the course of his tenure under Stearns.


It's just common sense. If I were to sign a five-year deal to manage the Crew, I'd be derelict if I didn't keep abreast of how prospects I'd have to manage were developing.

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I really don’t think the Mets want Stearns as bad as some make it. If they wanted him that bad and thought Stearns would jump ship for them they would just let some guy do it for one year that has no problem getting ousted 12 months later


Stearns is great, but he isn’t some kind of unicorn. There are lots of great GMs and there are many more potential great GMs out there. As great as Stearns is it isn’t worth tripping over yourself for years hoping he MAY come. You move on and go a different direction.

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  • 1 month later...

Stearns got a little mention in the Kevin Goldstein (former Astros front office member) chat at FanGraphs today...


Carl: Having worked (I presume) alongside David Stearns, what would you say his strengths are that have made him successful as a GM/PoBO?


Kevin Goldstein: Patience. A real desire for a diverse set of opinions going into decisions. There’s a level-headedness to him that I’ve always admired.

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That's actually my question there! Figured KG would be a good source of insight into what Stearns is like. There have also been articles elsewhere with quotes from agents and players about Stearns. Where they both mention honest and straightfoward communication from him, and that both groups appreciate that a lot. I like this quote from an agent: "Stearns is tough, brilliant, fast. He’s honest. It’s hard to find people who are that smart and honest. If he wanted to use his powers for evil, he could.”


The other Brewers/Astros related question I've gotten an answer from him about on is the Gomez/Fiers for Hader/Houser/Phillips/Santana trade, seeing as how Stearns was the AGM in Houston and then became the Brewers GM a few months after that trade. Didn't say anything specific about Stearns in his answer, other than that most people in the room (including KG) were in favor of the trade at the time.

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That's actually my question there!


Haha, wondered if that was perhaps a fellow BF.netter. Always kinda cool when they actually grab your question out of the queue.


Definitely enjoy the Goldstein & Clemens chats at FG, though nothing can quite compare to the old days when Carson Cistulli would pop up randomly every once in awhile...





Carson Cistulli: A number of readers are concerned about Zack Short. I’m in no position to allay concerns — about Zack Short or anything else. Life is defined, if nothing else, by an unceasing barrage of concerns. Fortunately, it is also meaningless!

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Some interesting info here: https://sny.tv/articles/finally-details-david-stearns-mets


Basically if the Brewers advance to the World Series, Stearns can go chase the bag after this season. If they don't, he's here for at least the next two seasons.


As a fan, not a bad deal I'd say.

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Some interesting info here: https://sny.tv/articles/finally-details-david-stearns-mets


Basically if the Brewers advance to the World Series, Stearns can go chase the bag after this season. If they don't, he's here for at least the next two seasons.


As a fan, not a bad deal I'd say.


How is thinking we have Stearns for only two more seasons a good thing. We finally have a great executive and we are probably going to lose him to a big market. Attanasio stepping up and signing Stearns to a long term deal would be the best thing he could ever do to ensure the franchise stays relevant and in contention.

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Some interesting info here: https://sny.tv/articles/finally-details-david-stearns-mets


Basically if the Brewers advance to the World Series, Stearns can go chase the bag after this season. If they don't, he's here for at least the next two seasons.


As a fan, not a bad deal I'd say.


How is thinking we have Stearns for only two more seasons a good thing. We finally have a great executive and we are probably going to lose him to a big market. Attanasio stepping up and signing Stearns to a long term deal would be the best thing he could ever do to ensure the franchise stays relevant and in contention.


If he wants to go, he's eventually going to go. The Brewers can try to delay it, but if he wants to join the Mets, and the Mets want him,it will happen. That's just how MLB front offices work. Execs aren't tied down to teams the way players are.


Yeah, it would be nice to see him sign a long-term deal, but knowing that David Stearns is here for at least two more seasons, UNLESS the Brewers are playing in the 2022 World Series, is a pretty cool feeling regardless.

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Some interesting info here: https://sny.tv/articles/finally-details-david-stearns-mets


Basically if the Brewers advance to the World Series, Stearns can go chase the bag after this season. If they don't, he's here for at least the next two seasons.


As a fan, not a bad deal I'd say.


How is thinking we have Stearns for only two more seasons a good thing. We finally have a great executive and we are probably going to lose him to a big market. Attanasio stepping up and signing Stearns to a long term deal would be the best thing he could ever do to ensure the franchise stays relevant and in contention.


If he wants to go, he's eventually going to go. The Brewers can try to delay it, but if he wants to join the Mets, and the Mets want him,it will happen. That's just how MLB front offices work. Execs aren't tied down to teams the way players are.


Yeah, it would be nice to see him sign a long-term deal, but knowing that David Stearns is here for at least two more seasons, UNLESS the Brewers are playing in the 2022 World Series, is a pretty cool feeling regardless.


Sorry I can't get excited knowing there is a chance that this team becomes irrelevant again in short order while the mega market Mets compete at the highest level with OUR executive leading the way. I guess being good year after year is too much to ask for a small market team like the Brewers.


Its bad enough that the Mets have a criminal owner and a payroll twice as high as ours but thinking they will also have Stearns leaves a bitter taste and is quite infuriating.

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Sorry I can't get excited knowing there is a chance that this team becomes irrelevant again in short order while the mega market Mets compete at the highest level with OUR executive leading the way. I guess being good year after year is too much to ask for a small market team like the Brewers.


Its bad enough that the Mets have a criminal owner and a payroll twice as high as ours but thinking they will also have Stearns leaves a bitter taste and is quite infuriating.


You're probably cheering for the wrong sport then. MLB is what it is, and the Brewers are always going to be part of the "have nots". MLB's financial structure is trash, and nothing I've seen in these CBA negotiations wants to change that. In fact, if the MLBPA gets its way, the big markets will only get stronger. It's the Golden Rule -- those who have the gold make the rules.

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Yah, by then our entire front office is under the Stearn's mindset. If you really want to continue that you just promote from within and keep it chugging. It wouldn't be woefully different after Stearn's leaves...at least not the way people think it would.
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I’m shocked at the lack of concern with possibly losing Stearns in 2 years. We are just as likely to falter as we are to having a seamless Favre to Rodgers like transition. I’ve enjoyed being a real contender and really hope Attanasio does whatever necessary to keep Stearns.
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