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Random thoughts that are pointless and too dumb to say anywhere else thread: 2021

Brewer Fanatic Contributor
Speaking of the interstate system and the highways, anyone else remember the bridges to nowhere over 894 near Layton? I once found a map online of what the original Milwaukee freeway system was supposed to look like and it would have definitely made for different traffic patterns with the Miller Park freeway being properly completed and a northern east-west corridor parallel to 94.


And a secondary bypass outside of 894 that would have gone through the Brookfield business district, most likely used only by Illinoisans getting around Milwaukee.


In case anyone would like to read more: http://wisconsinhighways.org/milwaukee/system_map.html


Yeah I am totally fine they didn't do all that extra highway building.

"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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I often see signs around town that read ‘We buy diabetic testing supplies.’ I wonder how diabetic testing supply arbitrage became a cottage industry?


Speaking from experience as a Type 1 diabetic, testing supplies are outrageously expensive ... to the point of costing around $1.50 to $2 per test strip to test your blood sugar if you are buying them over the counter. When you test 6-7 times per day, that adds up pretty quick.


Obviously a lot of people don't test that often, though, and when their health insurance dictates a certain number of strips per month, they are often left with a surplus. These companies purchase people's surplus for roughly 25% of the over-the-counter cost, then turn around and sell them for about 50-60% of the over the counter cost. It helps those who are uninsured or underinsured. But it is a little shady.

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Ah. Good color there, thank you.


I figured it had something to do with insurance covering a set amount, which happens to be plenty for some diabetics and not enough for others. Do you think there are some folks out there skipping testing just to save the strips and pocket a few dollars?

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Ah. Good color there, thank you.


I figured it had something to do with insurance covering a set amount, which happens to be plenty for some diabetics and not enough for others. Do you think there are some folks out there skipping testing just to save the strips and pocket a few dollars?


Oh, I have no doubt that there are people doing that. Personally, I think that is ludicrous, though.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
My dad loves buying my Brewers gear for my birthday. He just bought me a sweet Yount t shirt. Size...3xl. I weigh 190 pounds currently. When I told him it was a sweet shirt but way to big...he said, just wash it in hot water.


[sarcasm]Too bad intermittent fasting has worked for you... :laughing[/sarcasm]

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My dad loves buying my Brewers gear for my birthday. He just bought me a sweet Yount t shirt. Size...3xl. I weigh 190 pounds currently. When I told him it was a sweet shirt but way to big...he said, just wash it in hot water.


[sarcasm]Too bad intermittent fasting has worked for you... :laughing[/sarcasm]


No doubt! Plus I just had covid and lost about 13 pounds, so that 3xl really fits funny.

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Today I wondered what it would be like if every car was equipped with a radio and could talk to the cars around them...kind of like 18 wheelers.


For cars or even vehicles in general to go fully autonomous something like this will need to be implemented. It would make driving to work a little bit more stressful or more fun as your commute would look more like a NASCAR race with bumper to bumper traffic going at 65 MPH+.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
Today I wondered what it would be like if every car was equipped with a radio and could talk to the cars around them...kind of like 18 wheelers.


For cars or even vehicles in general to go fully autonomous something like this will need to be implemented. It would make driving to work a little bit more stressful or more fun as your commute would look more like a NASCAR race with bumper to bumper traffic going at 65 MPH+.


For fully autonomous, cars will communicate to other cars to share information... but drivers/passengers don't need to talk to each other for that. And you really can't get any closer vehicle to vehicle... 90% of stopping distance is the physics of a 2000lb vehicle going 65MPH on pavement/snow/rain/ice. The human reaction compared to a computer reaction is much worse, but a small part of the equation overall.

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Tickets to Summerfest are $20. Tickets to see Twenty One Pilots at the amp, which includes Summerfest admission are $6 on stubhub.




I like alt rock, and I think people should have to be paid way more than $6 in order to sit through a Twenty-One Pilots concert.

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Fewer men going to college in the US may lead to a ‘mating crisis’ because many college-educated women only want to date college-educated men.




School is oversold in this country. I went to college for 6 straight years and my brother is a carpenter with a high school diploma. I’m pretty sure we’re both in the same tax bracket and his college-educated wife didn’t seem to mind when he paid off all her student loans.

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School isn’t over sold. The cost of it is completely ridiculous and out of line. People should be becoming more educated. There is always a need for skilled labor jobs but don’t under sell school based on a crappy system designed to take advantage of the consumer.
"This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while.
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College isn't, nor should be, just about building a better work resume. That's what tech schools and apprenticeships are for. A college education is about being an overall more informed, well rounded person. If you have a better understanding of the world you live in then you have a better chance of making better life choices.
There needs to be a King Thames version of the bible.
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College isn't, nor should be, just about building a better work resume. That's what tech schools and apprenticeships are for. A college education is about being an overall more informed, well rounded person. If you have a better understanding of the world you live in then you have a better chance of making better life choices.


In theory, I agree, however, I think that the majority of college students are there to either kill time before hitting the real world, or to get the piece of paper that says they did something with their life.


In today's campus political climate, I doubt anyone is becoming well rounded, in fact, it feels like the opposite is happening.

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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My brother and I are a great case study. We were raised in the same home, at the same time, by the same parents. I was a good student in high school, but my brother struggled due to being dyslexic. He’s still a pretty sharp guy, but a lot of career choices were unavailable to him because he’s never been a strong reader. I work at a local bank. My brother is a carpenter. I went to college for 6 straight years. He started swinging a hammer the day after he graduated from high school. Today we’re both in the same tax bracket. The common denominator is our father teaching us how to be adults. School was nice (I enjoy many aspects of my job), but not necessary.
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How are the retirement plans looking and how long can a person reasonably do physical labor?


Mind you I don't necessarily advocate one path over the other. I have worked with IT people directly out of college(4 year) that don't actually know anything useful.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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How are the retirement plans looking and how long can a person reasonably do physical labor?


Mind you I don't necessarily advocate one path over the other. I have worked with IT people directly out of college(4 year) that don't actually know anything useful.


Depends on the profession really. I know some people who were oil workers who retired at the age of 50 and didn't have to draw social security either. They get a pension each year and that pension doesn't look like it is going to run out anytime soon. I know some construction workers who made $90-100k a year and have a really good pension plan along with individual investments. I know some high end corporate types who are paycheck to paycheck.


I have a friend who is a retired pilot at the age of 45 who is basically set up for life. He is a little different though he lived with his parents until he was 35 and invested nearly all of his money in the stock market and on side businesses. He owned three gas stations that he then closed at one time and then remodeled the property and is now renting out the locations to CVS he gets about $20k a month on those three rentals.


Most trade unions have really good and solid pensions. Depending on how you spend your money you can retire early or late or not at all.

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College isn't, nor should be, just about building a better work resume. That's what tech schools and apprenticeships are for. A college education is about being an overall more informed, well rounded person. If you have a better understanding of the world you live in then you have a better chance of making better life choices.


In theory, I agree, however, I think that the majority of college students are there to either kill time before hitting the real world, or to get the piece of paper that says they did something with their life.


In today's campus political climate, I doubt anyone is becoming well rounded, in fact, it feels like the opposite is happening.


That was basically me. Though, I was surely not ready for the real world of 8 to 4 either. College helped me become more independent and helped me learn a lot about myself.


To your second thought, it may feel that way, but that obviously doesnt make it true.

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