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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
All players to kneel for the national anthem. I love football, but I love the United States of America more. I am out.


I am confused. Is this actually happening? Dont see it reported anywhere.


No ... it isn't. The NFL announced that they would no longer punish players for kneeling. That's it.

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But I thought the new rule of a couple years ago said that there was no punishment for kneeling, but that they had to stay in the locker rooms to do it and couldn't come out.


But I guess when you've got major politicians doing it, suddenly it's not really something which needs to be hidden anymore.

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All players to kneel for the national anthem. I love football, but I love the United States of America more. I am out.


Yea, not sure where you get the "all players" part. Also, you may need to take a pass on all sports because I'm pretty sure we'll see athletes kneeling in the NBA, MLB, Olympic team, etc. Not saying I agree or disagree with your position, just pointing out this is going to be really common when sports resume again.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
NFL players weren't required to be on the field for the anthem before 2009. Maybe go back to that.
"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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The National Anthem never needed to be a part of the sports world.
"This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while.
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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
I've seen plenty of people at Packer games boo and point at the players kneeling. If you were looking at the flag you wouldn't see them, and if you are pointing your hand then it isn't over your heart where it should be. Also there are still so many people that don't take off their hats. Why is it that the players have to follow "the rules" but no one else? Are cameramen exempt? They are walking around doing their job.
"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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All players to kneel for the national anthem. I love football, but I love the United States of America more. I am out.


I fully support any means of peaceful protest and kneeling during the national anthem is something that I personally have no problem with.


However, it's interesting how the media moans and groans about this politician being divisive and this statement or action being divisive, while there is no question that people kneeling during the anthem is purely a symbolic gesture and it is incredibly divisive. I don't know how it can be viewed any other way.


Agree or not, there are a huge amount of people, maybe even a majority of Americans, that listen to the National Anthem and look at the flag and the first thing they think about are people who sacrificed their lives in conflicts like the Civil War and World War II. Those feeling are certainly not limited to the political left or the political right.


Again, I personally have no problem with any peaceful means of protest. But I do have to question why people of these means would participate in something that is so clearly divisive in a symbolic gesture that really doesn't accomplish anything? If these high-profile individuals are motivated to make a meaningful contribution and promote real change, I think financial support for organizations like the UNCF is a far more productive action.

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I would like to weigh in on the kneeling issue but fear it might become too political for this board. I'm assuming no leeway is going to be granted on this issue?
Remember what Yoda said:


"Cubs lead to Cardinals. Cardinals lead to dislike. Dislike leads to hate. Hate leads to constipation."

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
I would like to weigh in on the kneeling issue but fear it might become too political for this board. I'm assuming no leeway is going to be granted on this issue?


You should tread lightly. Plenty of places on the internet to get into the nuts and bolts of this topic.

"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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I would like to weigh in on the kneeling issue but fear it might become too political for this board. I'm assuming no leeway is going to be granted on this issue?


You should tread lightly. Plenty of places on the internet to get into the nuts and bolts of this topic.

I'll pass then. I only wanted to talk about it here because it was already brought up here.

Remember what Yoda said:


"Cubs lead to Cardinals. Cardinals lead to dislike. Dislike leads to hate. Hate leads to constipation."

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This topic is easier to discuss without getting into the politics of it because this is not a red/blue issue persay which can get heated quickly in the current environment. But as with most topics nowadays, far too many people want to make it that way for reasons of political clout. I personally have no issue with people kneeling. 1st amendment right, exercised peacefully. When I raised my hand and put a flag on my shoulder, I meant the words I recited and tried to support that during my whole military career. I personally could care less about the national anthem being played at sporting events outside of the Olympics or any other National team event. It is completely unnecessary to be played during an entertainment event. I dont want it before a movie, a concert or anything similar. I feel it truly cheapens the experience and meaning of what the flag represents and how it should be used. That is my personal opinion and I respect the opinions of others for how they view it. No need to get worked up over it honestly.

“I'm a beast, I am, and a Badger what's more. We don't change. We hold on."  C.S. Lewis

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I've seen plenty of people at Packer games boo and point at the players kneeling. If you were looking at the flag you wouldn't see them, and if you are pointing your hand then it isn't over your heart where it should be. Also there are still so many people that don't take off their hats. Why is it that the players have to follow "the rules" but no one else? Are cameramen exempt? They are walking around doing their job.


That behavior wouldn't be considered to be any different/ better than players kneeling.

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All players to kneel for the national anthem. I love football, but I love the United States of America more. I am out.


I fully support any means of peaceful protest and kneeling during the national anthem is something that I personally have no problem with.


However, it's interesting how the media moans and groans about this politician being divisive and this statement or action being divisive, while there is no question that people kneeling during the anthem is purely a symbolic gesture and it is incredibly divisive. I don't know how it can be viewed any other way.


Agree or not, there are a huge amount of people, maybe even a majority of Americans, that listen to the National Anthem and look at the flag and the first thing they think about are people who sacrificed their lives in conflicts like the Civil War and World War II. Those feeling are certainly not limited to the political left or the political right.


Again, I personally have no problem with any peaceful means of protest. But I do have to question why people of these means would participate in something that is so clearly divisive in a symbolic gesture that really doesn't accomplish anything? If these high-profile individuals are motivated to make a meaningful contribution and promote real change, I think financial support for organizations like the UNCF is a far more productive action.


This is a great point. We have Twitter, Instagram, ESPN... athletes have 100 ways to make their point and get their message out loud and clear. If we really are all trying to come together, this is an unnecessary divisive act.


Also, there's always a lot of comments about how it's fine because they have the right to do it. One thing has nothing to do with the other. There's all kinds of things that people have the right to do, but is frowned upon by most people. Can I cough in the middle of a grocery store without covering my mouth? If my 18 year old meets a girl gets married in a week, do I just say "you have the right" and leave it at that.


Best example, the confederate flag. To most black people, and a whole lot of white people they see it as a nod to racism. White people down south? They see it as southern pride, and some wave it just to stir the pot.. And some, of course, are racist. But either way, they have the right to raise that flag in their yard, or display it in their truck. Doesn't mean you have to agree they should.


That's where we are with the NFL, and other sports. A lot of people will say they won't watch. For some it's just talk, they'll watch- but some won't. Ratings will tell the story. Regardless, it would be ideal if players used other forms of messaging.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor

I think part of the clash comes with a generational view of sporting events. I think older generations (boomers) see sporting events (Olympics and beyond) more as a nationalistic/patriotic mentality. I'm a genX and tend to feel that way a bit more than not. I prefer to have the national anthem at the events. I remove my cap, hand over my heart and sing the words. I get where some people don't/won't. And I certainly see a different level of "entertainment" value than a movie or concert. (Though I won't complain if you don't agree. :) ) It would seem that the attitude of patriotism in sports is diminishing with each generation. I suppose the amount of money in it has driven it more to a commercial business and less a pastime.


The only problem I had with the players kneeling was that they were representing their team and not themselves at that time (i.e. put on the uniform and you are working). I really appreciated it when teams started doing a uniform response - unity as a team. And I've heard something similar lately with the Packers. Teams raise awareness to prostate cancer, breast cancer, etc.. I think a uniform response to BLM is wise too. But I've never been a fan of the individualistic attitude that some players have, whether an individual kneeling or signing a ball with a hidden sharpie when scoring a TD at a time you are to be working as a team. (And no, I'm not equating the reason/cause between Kapernick and Owens by my examples).

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Here's a clever idea on the whole Kneeling during the National Anthem. Stop it and provide a 2min period at the end of the first half to kneel on the field. Players can or they can just head in to the locker room. You can do this at halftime for NBA games, after the 1st or 2nd period in Hockey. And just overall after a baseball game ends. Instead of celebrating a victory or in the losers case kneeling in front of their dugout. Why does it have to be done during the National Anthem? The act of Kneeling upon halftime is going to get media attention and that's the point right? Bring this cause to attention?
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Clever? Naw... Kap consulted a veteran and it still wasn’t good enough for people. He was run out of the league. I think most people are sick and tired of authoritarian type situations.
"This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while.
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Clever? Naw... Kaep consulted a veteran and it still wasn’t good enough for people. He was run out of the league. I think most people are sick and tired of authoritarian type situations.


^This! Nate Boyer literally told him to kneel. I don't need to rehash the situation but Kaep took himself out of the league when he opted out of his employment agreement that he already had. It's my opinion that if he plays in 2017 under the contract he agreed to, he would have found a suitor in 2018 and beyond. Totally an opinion, but his choice to be unemployed, atleast for 2017 is on him alone. There is no guarantee or requirement of the workforce towards anyone.


All of that said, nationalism is a very cool thing, but to me, it's very much a "worry about myself" moment. I don't look around me and worry about how other people are tending to their own nationalism. It's a moment of reflection for myself. Kneeling, not removing your hat, not covering your heart, not singing along, etc. isn't disrespectful to the flag, the anthem, the country, the military, or otherwise. If we can focus on ourselves and being kind to others, then none of this becomes a concern.

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A lot of people will say they won't watch. For some it's just talk, they'll watch- but some won't. Ratings will tell the story. Regardless, it would be ideal if players used other forms of messaging.


I can say this with honest to God's truth.


The day NFL players started kneeling for the anthem was the last day I have tuned into an NFL game.


Also in all honesty, I haven't missed it in the least. I actually enjoyed having Sundays to do other things than lay around watching football all day. (Not to mention all the other times the NFL is now on, Thursday nights, Monday nights, etc)


I haven't enjoyed being around people who do watch though, as it always turns to uncomfortable questions directed at me. You don't watch NFL games? Why not?


I usually just say I don't want to get political, and they then know why. That is usually all it takes.


This news bums me out a bit though, as I saw a reason to come back to the NFL this season when my favorite team (Nope, not the Packers) signed Brady and Gronk. I was looking forward to watching again, did some research which told me there were only 3 players left kneeling during the 2019-2020 season.


If there is mass-kneeling again, I won't be tuning in...…..again.

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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It would seem that the attitude of patriotism in sports is diminishing with each generation.



I would go one step further and say the attitude of patriotism in general is diminishing with each generation.


Patriotism in general seems to have taken on a negative connotation these days. Probably because our current president pushes patriotism, but there is no need to get into that. lol


Kind of sad really. I really enjoyed the patriotism that was evident after 911, at the time I didn't think that would ever go away, but it has. Another time that was great to be alive for patriotism was the bicentennial. In 1976 I was 11years old, and patriotism oozed at every turn. Those who don't remember or weren't born yet will never understand it, but that was a magical time to be a kid.

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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Clever? Naw... Kap consulted a veteran and it still wasn’t good enough for people. He was run out of the league. I think most people are sick and tired of authoritarian type situations.


Run out of the league, or just plain sucked at football?

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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Clever? Naw... Kap consulted a veteran and it still wasn’t good enough for people. He was run out of the league. I think most people are sick and tired of authoritarian type situations.


Run out of the league, or just plain sucked at football?


There are and were a lot worse than him still given jobs. But looking at your posts above, I am sure that’s something you wouldn’t admit to.

"This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while.
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There are and were a lot worse than him still given jobs. But looking at your posts above, I am sure that’s something you wouldn’t admit to.


Kaepernick was and is a horrible QB please look up the stats especially his 2015 season. I believe it is still the worst season by a QB ever. Even Tubisky's season last year wasn't even as bad as Kaepkernick's 2015 season was. His 2016 season wasn't all that much better he was a horrible QB that had baggage and that just doesn't work for a QB at best is a backup QB. I'm sorry but teams are not going to carry a controversial backup QB on their team please look at Tebow before you say anything about Kaepernick's race.


Kaepernick and Tebow are about equal when it comes to locker room distractions from the media. Plus Kaepernick wasn't all that receptive to a backup role his wife or girl friend I forget which it was called the Raven's owner a racist and that basically blew one of his contracts. So yeah he wasn't black balled out of the NFL all of this is on him and oh yeah he sucked as a QB.

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Clever? Naw... Kap consulted a veteran and it still wasn’t good enough for people. He was run out of the league. I think most people are sick and tired of authoritarian type situations.


Run out of the league, or just plain sucked at football?


There are and were a lot worse than him still given jobs. But looking at your posts above, I am sure that’s something you wouldn’t admit to.


It was an honest question, one that you were unable to answer due to your desire to out me as whatever it is you are hinting at.


Again, was he run out of the league or was he just not very good? It's a question, do you have anything to back up your claim of him being run out of the league? Looking at his stats, he was bad at football, and his own worst enemy when it came to trying to be employed by the NFL.

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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