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What's bugging you? (2020)

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  brewcrewdue80 said:
So. I started an intermittent fasting diet today. Browze to Off topic to mention Im starting this diet and wondering had anyone here done so? Then the first topic I read is Pizza thread. Read that and put a comment. Now come here and half the posts were Also about pizza!


Bugging me is my hunger lol. So success stories?

I haven't seen a whole lot of fasting success stories. There isn't much in the way of clinical research to support it or that it is good for you. Generally speaking, a person can only cut more than 400 calories out of their diet for no more than four days in a row before you just lose it and can't stop eating because you are hungry all of the time.


In general, the best way to diet is some combination of:

1) Cut as much refined sugar and simple carbohydrates out of your diet as possible. You'd be surprised how much stuff has sugar (things like milk, some types of peanut butter, loads in even "healthy" breakfast cereal, creamer or honey you put in coffee, many salad dressings, etc.). Aim to cut 50% of your sugar intake immediately, then 1-2 months later cut it in half again. Flavor with spices or lime juice, which has no sugar.

B) Replace calorie-dense foods with less calorie dense foods so that your stomach is full on fewer calories; generally, this coincides with #1 above.

3) Eat small meals five times a day instead of three larger ones; eventually your stomach will shrink and you will feel full with less food in you. Snack in the middle of the morning/afternoon with nuts/seeds, apples, carrots, celery, low sugar chunky peanut butter, low sugar protein bars.

4) Salads (that most people eat) don't help. Besides the calories/sugar in salad dressing, leaf vegetables digest very quickly and you'll be hungry 2-3 hour later. Make sure salads have lean protein and/or root vegetables, which take much longer to digest, leaving you feel full longer.


Thin crust pizza - with the right toppings and sauce, consumed in moderation - is not bad for you. There was a study done with obese children where they replaced all of the sugar in their diet with pizza. Within two weeks they started seeing significant improvement in biomarkers.

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  tmwiese55 said:
Turning on your blinker as you're turning rather than beforehand in order to let people know you will be turning/slowing.

Extra (negative) credit for waiting until you're at the front of a full lane of traffic to notify the vehicles behind you that you're turning left.

Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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Joe Thomas vouches for the intermittent fasting. Essentially, it's just a fancy word for skipping breakfast. But, he says he'll sometimes go over 24 hours after some kind of binge or cheat meal. I've been doing this for years before it was ever a 'thing'. I do it the most on weekends, which is aided by sleeping late and then just not eating until dinner type time, next thing you know you might've gone over 24 hours without eating. In general I think it works or at least has for me.


Combine this with Louis' steps 1 and 2 and your basically guaranteed to lose weight and fat. He's basically describing a keto lite diet (also a Joe Thomas thing) where you basically keep the Keto principles in mind without being crazy about it. If you're crazy about it and do it non stop it'll create other negative effects. But the principles of low or massively reduced carbs and sugar are simple ways to cut calories and weight. As he also says in 4, eating protein heavy foods instead of those things will make you feel fuller longer. Even focusing on it for a week you'll drop 5-7 lbs no problem (well I guess relative to current weight). Sure, you are going to get hungry but after you do this often you'll learn that once you get over the initial hunger urge that it goes away and then you can go several more hours. Plus, your stomach shrinks and your body adjusts to needing less food.


I've also seen plenty of people say Louis' number 3 also works for them. For me, seems if I start eating a small snack it's too easy just to eat more of it. I've also found that eating something small gets the metabolism rolling and gets me hungrier than just not eating at all. You see the small snack diet strategy a ton with fit women especially. To each their own. But count me as one who vouches for it keto-ish emphasis combined with IF. Check out Joe Thomas' twitter sometime if you're interested in his takes. he just was talking a ton about this about 5 days ago.

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Thanks fellas on the added comments. I made it through day 1. Was less hungry waking up in the morning than I was going to bed. Of course my kitchen sink decides to become plugged and I had to miss the breakfast I am planning on eating for the most part through this. Not going well using the home remedy and now Drano gel max. I swear God has an agenda against me on ever getting fit. Had it in 2004 over 110lbs lost. less than year later fracture my spine in an ATV accident to end that little era of my life. Had put back 50lbs over the next 9years. Go 9months of really good gym training only dropped 8lbs during this time but my bench had gone from 110 to 225. Curling 50lbs from 20s. Squatting close to 300lbs. Wake up next day migraine. 2 weeks later Brain Cancer. 2018 I finally get a reprieve to get back in to the gym and my knee decides to say no way. Felt like I tore my acl or mcl but after a couple months found out it was an IT Band issue. I had missed work. So my next season I did what I could just so I could finish the season. Problem is post cancer I've gained another 55lbs back and am basically back where it all began for me in 2003. Don't want to cross that newest high threshold. My original battle was that stretch before cancer I wanted to stay below halfway from the weight I was when my battle began. Now we're here. With a sink that won't drain any faster than sloth like.
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  brewcrewdue80 said:
Thanks fellas on the added comments. I made it through day 1. Was less hungry waking up in the morning than I was going to bed. Of course my kitchen sink decides to become plugged and I had to miss the breakfast I am planning on eating for the most part through this. Not going well using the home remedy and now Drano gel max. I swear God has an agenda against me on ever getting fit. Had it in 2004 over 110lbs lost. less than year later fracture my spine in an ATV accident to end that little era of my life. Had put back 50lbs over the next 9years. Go 9months of really good gym training only dropped 8lbs during this time but my bench had gone from 110 to 225. Curling 50lbs from 20s. Squatting close to 300lbs. Wake up next day migraine. 2 weeks later Brain Cancer. 2018 I finally get a reprieve to get back in to the gym and my knee decides to say no way. Felt like I tore my acl or mcl but after a couple months found out it was an IT Band issue. I had missed work. So my next season I did what I could just so I could finish the season. Problem is post cancer I've gained another 55lbs back and am basically back where it all began for me in 2003. Don't want to cross that newest high threshold. My original battle was that stretch before cancer I wanted to stay below halfway from the weight I was when my battle began. Now we're here. With a sink that won't drain any faster than sloth like.


Keep plugging away man...

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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  turborickey said:
  brewcrewdue80 said:
Thanks fellas on the added comments. I made it through day 1. Was less hungry waking up in the morning than I was going to bed. Of course my kitchen sink decides to become plugged and I had to miss the breakfast I am planning on eating for the most part through this. Not going well using the home remedy and now Drano gel max. I swear God has an agenda against me on ever getting fit. Had it in 2004 over 110lbs lost. less than year later fracture my spine in an ATV accident to end that little era of my life. Had put back 50lbs over the next 9years. Go 9months of really good gym training only dropped 8lbs during this time but my bench had gone from 110 to 225. Curling 50lbs from 20s. Squatting close to 300lbs. Wake up next day migraine. 2 weeks later Brain Cancer. 2018 I finally get a reprieve to get back in to the gym and my knee decides to say no way. Felt like I tore my acl or mcl but after a couple months found out it was an IT Band issue. I had missed work. So my next season I did what I could just so I could finish the season. Problem is post cancer I've gained another 55lbs back and am basically back where it all began for me in 2003. Don't want to cross that newest high threshold. My original battle was that stretch before cancer I wanted to stay below halfway from the weight I was when my battle began. Now we're here. With a sink that won't drain any faster than sloth like.


Keep plugging away man...


I unplugged this sink and now Im going to unclog this gut! Day two is almost successfully over!

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
  brewcrewdue80 said:
  turborickey said:
  brewcrewdue80 said:
Thanks fellas on the added comments. I made it through day 1. Was less hungry waking up in the morning than I was going to bed. Of course my kitchen sink decides to become plugged and I had to miss the breakfast I am planning on eating for the most part through this. Not going well using the home remedy and now Drano gel max. I swear God has an agenda against me on ever getting fit. Had it in 2004 over 110lbs lost. less than year later fracture my spine in an ATV accident to end that little era of my life. Had put back 50lbs over the next 9years. Go 9months of really good gym training only dropped 8lbs during this time but my bench had gone from 110 to 225. Curling 50lbs from 20s. Squatting close to 300lbs. Wake up next day migraine. 2 weeks later Brain Cancer. 2018 I finally get a reprieve to get back in to the gym and my knee decides to say no way. Felt like I tore my acl or mcl but after a couple months found out it was an IT Band issue. I had missed work. So my next season I did what I could just so I could finish the season. Problem is post cancer I've gained another 55lbs back and am basically back where it all began for me in 2003. Don't want to cross that newest high threshold. My original battle was that stretch before cancer I wanted to stay below halfway from the weight I was when my battle began. Now we're here. With a sink that won't drain any faster than sloth like.


Keep plugging away man...


I unplugged this sink and now Im going to unclog this gut! Day two is almost successfully over!



I do not recommend Drano gel max for your clogged gut.

"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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  LouisEly said:
  homer said:
I do not recommend Drano gel max for your clogged gut.

I assume you have seen "Hamburger: The Motion Picture"...


Dick Butkus' finest hour.

"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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My boss loves making old as hell movie references and then asks if I have seen "insert ancient movie". When I proceed to tell him I have never seen said movie he is always like, "Oh man, here let me find a clip!". Then I awkwardly watch him try and use YouTube as he can't find the clip and instead all that pops up is a bunch of NSFW videos. In the odd event he actually finds it the video usually pauses every 5 seconds and/or he laughs like crazy as I awkwardly stand there not laughing. Then I gotta do that fake, "haha, that was pretty good." as I walk out of the room.
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  MrTPlush said:
My boss loves making old as hell movie references and then asks if I have seen "insert ancient movie". When I proceed to tell him I have never seen said movie he is always like, "Oh man, here let me find a clip!". Then I awkwardly watch him try and use YouTube as he can't find the clip and instead all that pops up is a bunch of NSFW videos. In the odd event he actually finds it the video usually pauses every 5 seconds and/or he laughs like crazy as I awkwardly stand there not laughing. Then I gotta do that fake, "haha, that was pretty good." as I walk out of the room.


I can relate, but the opposite of ancient is current...


I teach High School. I constantly have kids that ask if I have seen "insert current culture youtube clip, movie, whatever" or even worse, some new music video clip of really bad current crappy music. My answer is "NO" 99% of the time. It is world ending if I don't see it, so they want to show me. I tell them they can show me after class, hoping they forget. They NEVER forget, so same thing with me. They pull it up on a device, either their phone or chromebook, and I stand there, uninterested, hating every last second, waiting for it to be over. I'm not as nice as you, if I hate it I just tell them it isn't for me, which I usually tell them from the very beginning, or if it is music, I tell them it was horrible, and I like actual rock music. lol


I feel the pain.

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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  turborickey said:
  MrTPlush said:
My boss loves making old as hell movie references and then asks if I have seen "insert ancient movie". When I proceed to tell him I have never seen said movie he is always like, "Oh man, here let me find a clip!". Then I awkwardly watch him try and use YouTube as he can't find the clip and instead all that pops up is a bunch of NSFW videos. In the odd event he actually finds it the video usually pauses every 5 seconds and/or he laughs like crazy as I awkwardly stand there not laughing. Then I gotta do that fake, "haha, that was pretty good." as I walk out of the room.


I can relate, but the opposite of ancient is current...


I teach High School. I constantly have kids that ask if I have seen "insert current culture youtube clip, movie, whatever" or even worse, some new music video clip of really bad current crap music. My answer is no 99% of the time. It is world ending if I don't see it, so they want to show me. I am polite, and tell them after class hoping they forget. They NEVER forget, so same thing with me. They pull it up on a device, either their phone or chromebook, and I stand there, uninterested, hating every last second, waiting for it to be over. I'm not as nice as you, if I hate it I just tell them it isn't for me, which I usually tell them from the very beginning, or if it is music, I tell them it was horrible, and I like rock. lol


I feel the pain.


That is exactly how I feel every time my 10-year-old asks me for the hundredth time to watch the latest Dude Perfect video on YouTube.

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I think the worst in when you don't know what the person is talking about and they can't find the video so they decide to give you a rough explanation in 10 seconds talking like an auctioneer. In my head what I imagine is if you took every youtube video in existence and played them all at once.


I have a younger sibling (high school) that likes to send me TikTok videos. I finally downloaded the app so I could actually watch what he was messaging me....wow. Tik Tok has taught me I never want a daughter in my life. Anyone who has ever been unlucky enough to scroll through TikTok definitely knows why. I can't even explain the videos 13-16 year olds are posting without getting a perma-ban.

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  MrTPlush said:
I think the worst in when you don't know what the person is talking about and they can't find the video so they decide to give you a rough explanation in 10 seconds talking like an auctioneer. In my head what I imagine is if you took every youtube video in existence and played them all at once.


I have a younger sibling (high school) that likes to send me TikTok videos. I finally downloaded the app so I could actually watch what he was messaging me....wow. Tik Tok has taught me I never want a daughter in my life. Anyone who has ever been unlucky enough to scroll through TikTok definitely knows why. I can't even explain the videos 13-16 year olds are posting without getting a perma-ban.


Anyone telling me about a movie I will never see, and quoting said movie, is like death at times...


Just shut up!


I make a point to never quote movies or talk about the plot if they have not already seen it. I know what it is like on the receiving end, so I don't put people through that.


I have never actually seen TikTok in action, probably never will, but I have heard all about it from colleagues that have teenagers. The world these kids are growing up in is sooooooo different than being a kid of the 80's...

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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  turborickey said:
  MrTPlush said:
I think the worst in when you don't know what the person is talking about and they can't find the video so they decide to give you a rough explanation in 10 seconds talking like an auctioneer. In my head what I imagine is if you took every youtube video in existence and played them all at once.


I have a younger sibling (high school) that likes to send me TikTok videos. I finally downloaded the app so I could actually watch what he was messaging me....wow. Tik Tok has taught me I never want a daughter in my life. Anyone who has ever been unlucky enough to scroll through TikTok definitely knows why. I can't even explain the videos 13-16 year olds are posting without getting a perma-ban.


Anyone telling me about a movie I will never see, and quoting said movie, is like death at times...


Just shut up!


Or when they say you should watch "insert something you have zero interest in watching and never will"

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I understand the frustration of being asked to watch something you find uninteresting. But it's kind of nice that people like you enough to want to share their culture with you.


Kids who seek out teachers and olds who seek out youngs is a good thing, even when you're put out by the awkwardness of the encounters.

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  JimH5 said:
I understand the frustration of being asked to watch something you find uninteresting. But it's kind of nice that people like you enough to want to share their culture with you.


Kids who seek out teachers and olds who seek out youngs is a good thing, even when you're put out by the awkwardness of the encounters.


For certain...


Far better than being "that" teacher that kids avoid, and make no connection with.


Still makes it annoying, especially when you have something you have to take care of between classes, but instead you are just wishing the "encounter" would end so you can get to it lol

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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  MrTPlush said:
  turborickey said:
  MrTPlush said:
I think the worst in when you don't know what the person is talking about and they can't find the video so they decide to give you a rough explanation in 10 seconds talking like an auctioneer. In my head what I imagine is if you took every youtube video in existence and played them all at once.


I have a younger sibling (high school) that likes to send me TikTok videos. I finally downloaded the app so I could actually watch what he was messaging me....wow. Tik Tok has taught me I never want a daughter in my life. Anyone who has ever been unlucky enough to scroll through TikTok definitely knows why. I can't even explain the videos 13-16 year olds are posting without getting a perma-ban.


Anyone telling me about a movie I will never see, and quoting said movie, is like death at times...


Just shut up!


Or when they say you should watch "insert something you have zero interest in watching and never will"


Yes, 100% true. Same thing with music. If someone says I need to listen to "insert something" because I will love it, knowing full well I will not, that just grinds me... I am set in my music ways, and most kids do know that as we discuss it frequently, yet they think they can convert me because the music they want me to hear is so important to them, they can't imagine someone not liking it.


This reminds me of something, kind of related... Back in the mid 90's, I had a student that would debate with me almost daily, about rap music, how great it is, and it will one day become classic music on mainstream radio because it will take over all other forms of music. It was his life, and he wanted to be just like his rapper heroes, "THUGLIFE" and all that nonsense from back in the 90's...


I used to ask him if when he had kids someday, would he play his rap music for them, knowing full well the lyrics were highly inappropriate for little ones. He swore up and down that he would, and that there was nothing wrong with how rappers rapped about mistreating women, talked about drugs, glorified violence, and cussed like sailors in their music. He found nothing wrong with sharing that with his kids, at every age.. I always told him he would feel differently someday, but he always disagreed. Like I said, we discussed it a LOT!


I got a facebook message from that student a few years back, telling me I was completely right, there is no way he'd play that crap for his kids, and that he now looks back and wonders what he was thinking even listening to rap music. He said that since he had kids, he now realizes what I was talking about, especially the way rap music treated women, and there was no way that he wanted any boys/men treating his daughter like his rappers did in that music. I was super happy to hear from him, not because I was right, but because I always thought he could end up doing really bad things with really bad people based on his viewpoints as a teenager. It was nice to hear he leveled out, and didn't become what he thought was so cool 20 years ago. He met a nice girl after high school, they actually settled down and had a couple kids and are all doing great. He no longer listens to rap music because as he says, he outgrew that phase of his life.


Ok, that's my story, carry on...

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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  JimH5 said:
I understand the frustration of being asked to watch something you find uninteresting. But it's kind of nice that people like you enough to want to share their culture with you.

My daughter is in her 20's and she regularly asks me to listen to various music she gets into.


Sometimes i won't like her suggestions at all, but plenty of times over the years she's turned me on to music that i never would have heard of if not for her having me try it. We've even ended up going to a couple of concerts together because of those suggestions, which created cool memories for both of us.


On the flip side, she now listens to some of the music she grew up hearing me play. In fact, she went with me and some my friends to go see Tool a few months ago when they played Fiserv Forum. What a great time that was.


Speaking of different music, my kid recently saw this Swedish band in a movie and said she thought i might like them. They are my current musical crack cocaine.



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We always have new kids who work for us give us some music to play in the shop just so we can here different stuff. Sometimes we get real cool stuff sometimes we get K-pop. One kid thought she'd be nice and give us what she thought people out age would like and gave us the Village People. She could not have been more wrong but we just didn't have the heart to tell her how much we hated them.
There needs to be a King Thames version of the bible.
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  Thurston Fluff said:
We always have new kids who work for us give us some music to play in the shop just so we can here different stuff. Sometimes we get real cool stuff sometimes we get K-pop. One kid thought she'd be nice and give us what she thought people out age would like and gave us the Village People. She could not have been more wrong but we just didn't have the heart to tell her how much we hated them.


[sarcasm]I wonder if she pulled a Carlos Gomez and searched for what old geezers listen to.[/sarcasm] Gomez looked up what rich people talk about if you didn't know.

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