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Zack Wheeler to Phillies - 5 years/$118

Only thing Stearns has missed out on was not signing Moustakas to a long term deal last year. They surely could have had him for 3/$36mil or so last season when he was on the doorstep of getting shut out two offseasons in a row. That would have been real nice to have...instead Stearns gave him the one year deal and got burnt this offseason. We will see how things shake out at 3B (and in general), but I feel that was a missed move.


But yah, the deals so far have been above what one would have thought was market price. FA is dangerous enough when you don't overpay.

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A look at the history and you’ll see the general manager is doing things exactly how he does them every year. the only free agent ever given a long-term contract was Lorenzo Cain and I believe that was in January he also signed Moustakas and Grandal to one year deals and signed Justine to a team friendly deal.


Accordingly I’m not holding my breath that they hand out a four or five year contract to a free agent. lEhe I had hoped they would sign Hamels on a one year deal my guess is they’re going to pick through the free agents and shop for bargains once the top tier has all been signed

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I'm on the wait and see bandwagon, however, with so many people banging the "there is plenty of time, there is no need to panic, it's early" drum, what will all of them say if we miss out and are stuck with a guy like Trumbo at 1B and Todd Frazier at 3rd? (Those are just examples, not specifically mentioning those guys because I think they are the guys we will sign)


What if we get no front line starting pitchers (highly likely no matter what camp you are in) and are stuck with a rotation of 4 and 5 type starters outside of Woodruff?


No matter what anyone says, even if saying for the 1000th tiime that it is still early in the offseason, we might still be severely disappointed in what takes the field for our beloved Brewers on opening day 2020.


I think the odds that we will stand pat and not sign anyone other than the "Trumbos" and "Fraziers" of the world are about as likely as us signing both Cole and Strasburg. The reality will be somewhere in between.


The market will play out. "Big name" contracts keep getting bigger, even though they don't often work out for the buyer. Meanwhile, there are always good players who slip through the cracks. Right now, the teams with extra money/"luxury tax room" are overpaying (vs what "experts" thought guys would get) to get the big name players. Everyone has a budget, so overpaying now might mean they won't be as hot after the guys we're looking at. We have multiple holes to fill, so contracts like Wheeler got aren't what we're probably looking for.

"The most successful (people) know that performance over the long haul is what counts. If you can seize the day, great. But never forget that there are days yet to come."


~Bill Walsh

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You don't mortgage your future in December. Wheeler is a guy who's shown more potential than production so far and hasn't been all that durable. Given how much he got in years and money it seems like an unnecessary risk to take right now. I think that same money could be spent on a couple players who will contribute more than Wheeler would with half the risk of long term viability.
There needs to be a King Thames version of the bible.
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I think this is a fine deal for Wheeler. Probably an extra year than I was expecting, but roughly the AAV I was thinking.


I think the Nationals deal for Patrick Corbin last offseason was a better contract.


Honestly, if the Brewers were actually willing to spend big money on a starting pitcher (they probably aren't) they should just sign Cole or Strasburg. No point in paying premium dollars for the middle- upper middle class starters.

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I'd agree with many that think Dallas seems like the most likely fit in terms of level and contract. But, when someone posted that big list earlier today it got me to thinking Bumgarner might not get anywhere near the deal his 'name' would command and actually end up in the same reasonably priced 3-4 year deal we're thinking on Dallas. I know many here hate him and I fully realize he's nowhere near what he was, but if the cost isn't near what we fear I'd be OK with it. I wanna say he's originally from the NC mountainy type area initially. If not for what ATL just spent they could've made sense for him. Cinncy probably isn't too far either to match him up with our old boy, obviously Cincy seems to be all in.
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I don't think Stearns will ever make a move like this because pitchers can vary so much from year to year. He isn't one to take a risk like this.


I see him working in the Dallas Keuchel region of 3 yrs $60m or so. Whether that is enough to land him I do not know, but I feel like that is the ceiling. Then a smaller deal for someone like Lyles and you have a solid rotation of something like:







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come on brewers do something







Point being, I'm certain they're working on stuff.


Like what?? They are sitting on all this cash(that supposedly everyone here thinks they will spend and NOT cut payroll, even though there has been several reports they are), and who are they going to spend it on?? Who out there is worth it, that's left?? Strasburg, Cole, Rendon, none of them are coming here, after that, it seems most would be happy with what are basically dart throws(like Chacin was) to fix the pitching staff and other "bargains" that may or may not work out for a year to replace the two all stars that left the Brewers lineup with GAPING holes in it.


They will sign someone like Dallas Kuechel and everyone will rejoice that they got a TOR arm...except all he really is is a "dart throw" as well. Hope he has a good year or two. I see threads about Dominic Smith being the 1B of the future and how excited people are at that possibility...really??


In order for the Brewers to not take a step back(or improve) from last year they need to replace the two all star bats that walked out the door, with equal too or better all star bats. The pitching staff NEEDS improvement...re signing Jordan Lyles and signing someone like Kuechel may help a little, but it's still not much different than last year. The names might be, but the talent equivalency won't be much different.


To date, the Brewers have been rumored with exactly ZERO players...they weren't in on Wheeler, they aren't in on Starsburg or Cole or rendon, which means there will be NO major headliner signings coming. So one can safely assume they ARE cutting payroll, even though so many here scoff at the notion that "several executives" would be privvy to the Brewers financial/payroll plans for this year, only we have message board fans that are INSISTENT that's false(that they are cutting payroll) as if they are privvy to the Brewers plans. Now I ask you who is more likely to know what they are doing?? Other people involved in baseball or posters on Brewerfan.net??


Again, they are sitting on at least 40-50 million +(to match last years payroll), so if they aren't cutting payroll, who are they spending it on?? Because it's pretty obvious DS is doing his Christmas(free agent) shopping at Walmart(low prices) this year. You almost always get what you pay for, when you shop at Walmart...you might get lucky once in awhile, but more often then not...price=quality.

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come on brewers do something







Point being, I'm certain they're working on stuff.


Like what??


Smart moves that make them better, like the one in my link.


You're enamored with names. I'd suggest being more focused on talent. Dom Smith is a great example. He's a potential superstar in Milwaukee with his skill set.


David Stearns has a fantastic track record, and doesn't panic like people on message boards and Twitter do. But if you're enamored with names and freak out every time one name comes off the board, it may be a long offseason for you.


You almost always get what you pay for, when you shop at Walmart


Back to back playoff appearances, by my count.

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come on brewers do something







Point being, I'm certain they're working on stuff.


Like what?? They are sitting on all this cash(that supposedly everyone here thinks they will spend and NOT cut payroll, even though there has been several reports they are), and who are they going to spend it on?? Who out there is worth it, that's left?? Strasburg, Cole, Rendon, none of them are coming here, after that, it seems most would be happy with what are basically dart throws(like Chacin was) to fix the pitching staff and other "bargains" that may or may not work out for a year to replace the two all stars that left the Brewers lineup with GAPING holes in it.


They will sign someone like Dallas Kuechel and everyone will rejoice that they got a TOR arm...except all he really is is a "dart throw" as well. Hope he has a good year or two. I see threads about Dominic Smith being the 1B of the future and how excited people are at that possibility...really??


In order for the Brewers to not take a step back(or improve) from last year they need to replace the two all star bats that walked out the door, with equal too or better all star bats. The pitching staff NEEDS improvement...re signing Jordan Lyles and signing someone like Kuechel may help a little, but it's still not much different than last year. The names might be, but the talent equivalency won't be much different.


To date, the Brewers have been rumored with exactly ZERO players...they weren't in on Wheeler, they aren't in on Starsburg or Cole or rendon, which means there will be NO major headliner signings coming. So one can safely assume they ARE cutting payroll, even though so many here scoff at the notion that "several executives" would be privvy to the Brewers financial/payroll plans for this year, only we have message board fans that are INSISTENT that's false(that they are cutting payroll) as if they are privvy to the Brewers plans. Now I ask you who is more likely to know what they are doing?? Other people involved in baseball or posters on Brewerfan.net??


Again, they are sitting on at least 40-50 million +(to match last years payroll), so if they aren't cutting payroll, who are they spending it on?? Because it's pretty obvious DS is doing his Christmas(free agent) shopping at Walmart(low prices) this year. You almost always get what you pay for, when you shop at Walmart...you might get lucky once in awhile, but more often then not...price=quality.


It is abundantly clear that you are cheering for the wrong team.

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In the same thread guys who keep saying it's early as one after another FA who would really help the Brewers goes off the board on almost a daily basis, yet those same are excited that the FA market has been so active earlier this year.


Sure it's like 16-17 weeks till the season, but every day the FA market gets thinner. Agents aren't stupid. They saw what happened last year. There aren't going to gems in the bargain basket this year.

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I'd be swearing up a storm if we signed this deal with him. 23.6 mil. 5 years


MKE could sign Kuechel and Pineda/Miley for the same amount if MLBTR is close and they wouldn't have to give a 4th year to anyone.

Give me 2 of Pineda/Miley/Teheran and add in Lyles for that money


Wheeler has incredible potential. He's 29 and dealt with injuries. You want to risk him til 34? No thank you. Even if he has a few 3.5 years in there. No thank you.

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Well the Brewers could add a bat like Howie Kendrick or Castellanos and that would be a pretty big get that would be a big addition to our offense. Only takes one move like this for the offseason to go from “ehh” to “good”. They could even afford both of them if they want to go that route.


Plenty of quality arms like Ryu, Keuchel, or Bumgarner realistically available for the Brewers as well. I would have no issue with adding one of these guys to the rotation.


And even if you don’t believe it, I feel like Strasburg is an option for the Brewers. Realistic or likely? No. But they could afford giving someone like him $27 million per year or so, leaving plenty of room for other upgrades this offseason. And with Braun’s contract coming off the books next offseason, a big deal like this is possible knowing that there is a nice chunk of payroll coming off next offseason to address needs and ease the payroll crunch.


The Brewers will need to get lucky to win the whole thing. If he stays healthy and effective, they will have a great duo at the top of the rotation of Woodruff and Strasburg and can round out the rotation with guys like Lyles, Lauer, and Peralta.


At some point, they may need to go all in on that big ticket guy, knowing that someone like that could make all the difference. Maybe this offseason is the time they do it.

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In the same thread guys who keep saying it's early as one after another FA who would really help the Brewers goes off the board on almost a daily basis, yet those same are excited that the FA market has been so active earlier this year.


Sure it's like 16-17 weeks till the season, but every day the FA market gets thinner. Agents aren't stupid. They saw what happened last year. There aren't going to gems in the bargain basket this year.


It doesn't matter if they spend fast or slow. In every single pro league teams spend out and bargains are there to be had. Money dries up, homes fill up. Guys miss out.


The early deals have come in hotter/higher than expected. That's a good thing for MKE. Every overpaid contract takes more money from the combined buying pool.

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Back to back playoff appearances, by my count.



I bolded the key word for you..POTENTIAL. How about replacing the proven talent that left(Pom, Moose, Grandal) with equal or better talent?? Listen...yes, it's ONLY December 4th, as so many here want to keep saying...however the big difference this year is they have what, 10 players to replace?? 10!! Not just one or two...10! The longer they wait, the more talent comes off the board, and what are they left with?? Bargains..dart throw bargains, that everyone here seems to love so much. I wouldn't be worried if they only had one or two players to replace, but that's not the case. Are they doing anything in the background, at all?? or are they "waiting" for players to go "on sale"??

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At some point, they may need to go all in on that big ticket guy, knowing that someone like that could make all the difference. Maybe this offseason is the time they do it.


They did, when they saw Yelich available and cost controlled. MKE has half the budget of some of the massive buyers. A guy like Stras is 20% of their payroll. It's 10% to the big spenders. That's a big difference and MKE should always avoid that.

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How about replacing the proven talent that left(Pom, Moose, Grandal) with equal or better talent??


2018, 1 game from the WS. Didn't add Moose until mid season. Didn't have Pom or Grandal. This team can be better in many areas that aren't as expensive.

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I'd be swearing up a storm if we signed this deal with him. 23.6 mil. 5 years


MKE could sign Kuechel and Pineda/Miley for the same amount if MLBTR is close and they wouldn't have to give a 4th year to anyone.

Give me 2 of Pineda/Miley/Teheran and add in Lyles for that money


Wheeler has incredible potential. He's 29 and dealt with injuries. You want to risk him til 34? No thank you. Even if he has a few 3.5 years in there. No thank you.


Definite "stud" arms right there! They would lead them to the World Series...one of the most feared rotations in all of baseball. Stearns must be waiting for the "blow out sale"...Everything must go! no reasonable offer refused!

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor

it's entirely possible that the front office has decided that this off-season with a weak free agent class is not a good season to be spenders. It may not mean punting on the season, but it could mean a season of seeing some guys who are place holders for one year. If you spend just to spend this year or trade for guys just to get them to make ABSOLUTELY SURE you can chase 86 wins this year, there's a chance that they could be limiting their options to go after a better crop of free agents next year.


I'm not saying that's what's going on, but this is not a great free agent class, and spending just to spend isn't always the best strategy.

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In the same thread guys who keep saying it's early as one after another FA who would really help the Brewers goes off the board on almost a daily basis, yet those same are excited that the FA market has been so active earlier this year.


Sure it's like 16-17 weeks till the season, but every day the FA market gets thinner. Agents aren't stupid. They saw what happened last year. There aren't going to gems in the bargain basket this year.


That's right. I'm happy that the free agent market is moving faster this year. I'm also not freaked out that the Brewers haven't jumped in yet. Because I have faith that they have a plan, and am taking them at their word that they will once again put a competitive team on the field in 2020. Perhaps you should try having a little trust for the guys that have given us a run of success as well. They haven't batted 1.000, but they also haven't given us any reason not to trust them, either.

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