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Wearing Another Team's Hat

Twisting words....

Wear whatever you like. Most could not care less. Where did I ever tell you what to wear? I'm not. Yet, you tell me how to think. You ironically are the absolutist. In your world, your views are right and I am wrong. In mine, yours are silly, and mine make sense.

Moreover, I will be confused by your allegiance to a certain team when several teams hats in the same sport and league are worn. Most would be.


Rick, it was the dismissive and combative stance you took with every post in this thread.


Here's what you said:


If National and American Leagues were still separate (no interleague), I could see wearing another cap of the opposing league team. Now, there is no excuse.


To a Brewers fan who actually lives in Kansas City and goes to Royals games, you dismissed his interest in wearing a Royals cap by saying:


Sounds like a typical front runner...

Royals = recent WS and playoffs


To another poster, you declared:


you are what you are, and that would be a supporter of other teams


Then you declared your hero as someone who said:


You should only wear brewers gear, although you can "like" maybe 1 AL team and cheer for them if there are no Brewer implications, but you should not have their gear since they are not your team. If I see someone wearing the hat of team X I will assume that is their team and it is dumb when I say O, you like the Cardinals that is too bad but they say I don't really like them.


You should not buy hats because you like how they look or have neat colors, that is dumb you are not a little girl.



You can tell me again how open minded you are, but all of those statements say otherwise. You could have said "I would never wear another team's hat, because I think it would show disloyalty to the Brewers." Instead, you pointed your finger at other people and judged us without knowing anything else about us.


Thanks for proving my point.

You are out to be right and show me to be wrong for judging..... not baseball related.

I am giving opinions on specific baseball topics. I disagree with a person's stance on an issue and state my belief...... baseball related.

By the way, when you say that I judge...... you judge.

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I am giving opinions on specific baseball topics. I disagree with a person's stance on an issue and state my belief...... baseball related.


You also said "You should not buy hats because you like how they look or have neat colors, that is dumb you are not a little girl."


Which is pretty dismissive and condescending of how other people feel about the topic. Let's keep this on track. I don't feel like deleting a bunch of posts this morning.

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Man, I feel like I am being JUDGED.


Ok, my stance again is that great fans support their team. They don't waiver in support during rebuilds and find a better hip team to cheer for, don't sell great seats to the top rival fan base for profit, and don't wear other opponent teams' gear. So that mere opinion is not ok? We can not go back and forth on a disagreement? Don't you see that you are not as open-minded as you think you are? I value others' opinion on the matter, but when they turn on me and call me a judge or close-minded for giving my honest opinion of a specific baseball topic/situation/comment, that reeks of hypocrisy.


I'm not sure what is confusing about people just wanting to wear a hat they think looks cool; it does not mean their loyalty to their favorite team is in question. It is entirely possible to support your team without wearing their team gear, yes? Or can I assume that because you support the Brewers, you wear Brewers gear at all times? I mean, great fans support their team, right?

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I am giving opinions on specific baseball topics. I disagree with a person's stance on an issue and state my belief...... baseball related.


You also said "You should not buy hats because you like how they look or have neat colors, that is dumb you are not a little girl."


Which is pretty dismissive and condescending of how other people feel about the topic. Let's keep this on track. I don't feel like deleting a bunch of posts this morning.


Didn't say that, by the way..... I did agree with the overall message of the fan who wrote it, however.

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Man, I feel like I am being JUDGED.


Ok, my stance again is that great fans support their team. They don't waiver in support during rebuilds and find a better hip team to cheer for, don't sell great seats to the top rival fan base for profit, and don't wear other opponent teams' gear. So that mere opinion is not ok? We can not go back and forth on a disagreement? Don't you see that you are not as open-minded as you think you are? I value others' opinion on the matter, but when they turn on me and call me a judge or close-minded for giving my honest opinion of a specific baseball topic/situation/comment, that reeks of hypocrisy.


I'm not sure what is confusing about people just wanting to wear a hat they think looks cool; it does not mean their loyalty to their favorite team is in question. It is entirely possible to support your team without wearing their team gear, yes? Or can I assume that because you support the Brewers, you wear Brewers gear at all times? I mean, great fans support their team, right?


It is possible to support your team and wear other teams' gear.

I wear Brewers, Packers, Badgers gear.... nothing wrong with that, right?

Great fans support their team and not other teams trying to beat your team in the same sport or league. In my humble opinion, those are more fringe fans or, in general, great baseball fans.


So A Sox fan could wear Yankee gear to Red Sox games and loyalty wouldn't be in question? Same thing with a Packers fan wearing Seahawk gear at Lambeau. Are you kidding me? And you reserve the right for others to even question their fandom or allegiance?

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So A Sox fan could wear Yankee gear to Red Sox games and loyalty wouldn't be in question? Same thing with a Packers fan wearing Seahawk gear at Lambeau. Are you kidding me? And you reserve the right for others to even question their fandom or allegiance?

While I think you have valid reasons for not wanting to wear another team's hat, the argument you present here is not something anyone in this thread has stated. Of course a Packer fan wearing Seahawk gear at Lambeau would cause anyone to question their loyalty and rooting interest.


The way I interpret the argument being presented by most that are in favor of wearing another team's hat is centered around having a true secondary rooting interest that is independent of the Brewers. For example, I haven't been to a Brewer game in Milwaukee in 2 years but have gone to probably 10 Padres since that time. Me wearing a Padre hat to my local team doesn't mean I won't root against them if it serves the Brewers interest. If my loyalty is to the Brewers, but enjoy rooting for the Padres if it doesn't affect the Brewers interest why is that bad?

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I can't believe there's been a whole highly emotional thread about hats and no one has mentioned the olive branch that can bring all hat lovers together:


The hatred of visors.

I'll take it a step farther and cite the hatred of those visors with fake hair. No. Just no.

Unfortunately there's a subset of boomer age Brewers fans who enjoy wearing them on Sundays.

Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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So A Sox fan could wear Yankee gear to Red Sox games and loyalty wouldn't be in question? Same thing with a Packers fan wearing Seahawk gear at Lambeau. Are you kidding me? And you reserve the right for others to even question their fandom or allegiance?

While I think you have valid reasons for not wanting to wear another team's hat, the argument you present here is not something anyone in this thread has stated. Of course a Packer fan wearing Seahawk gear at Lambeau would cause anyone to question their loyalty and rooting interest.


The way I interpret the argument being presented by most that are in favor of wearing another team's hat is centered around having a true secondary rooting interest that is independent of the Brewers. For example, I haven't been to a Brewer game in Milwaukee in 2 years but have gone to probably 10 Padres since that time. Me wearing a Padre hat to my local team doesn't mean I won't root against them if it serves the Brewers interest. If my loyalty is to the Brewers, but enjoy rooting for the Padres if it doesn't affect the Brewers interest why is that bad?



I get the heart of what you are saying, and I am with ya on 80% of it. When watching random games on tv, I usually have a rooting interest. Like whoever is playing against Michigan and Ohio State, I am rooting for. Whoever is facing Kentucky basketball.... whoever is playing the division leader or the Cubs, I have a rooting interest. I usually root for the underdog or small market team to win, as well. Yet I am not a fanatic of these teams and have no desire to promote them, be identified as a fan of them, or be linked to any of them.


The key word you bring up here is loyalty. Can a Brewers fan root on the Padres at Padres games while wearing his Padres hat? Sure that fan could, but what is loyal about that? For me, I would have a tough time doing that. Substitute "Packer" for "Brewer" and "Cowboy" for "Padre" in the first question of the paragraph. The loyal Packer fan wouldn't think of doing this, right? Why should it be any different with Brewers baseball?

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The key word you bring up here is loyalty. Can a Brewers fan root on the Padres at Padres games while wearing his Padres hat? Sure that fan could, but what is loyal about that? For me, I would have a tough time doing that. Substitute "Packer" for "Brewer" and "Cowboy" for "Padre" in the first question of the paragraph. The loyal Packer fan wouldn't think of doing this, right? Why should it be any different with Brewers baseball?


For one, there is no real rivalry between the Padres and Brewers. There is no history. The Padres and Brewers have never played a meaningful game between themselves. I think a division rival would be different, but San Diego winning games often has no impact on the Brewers.


Another thing, is when I have moved away to other places that have baseball teams, I attend games there. Some team is going to win, so why not root, root, root for the home team? They're the team that all the locals care about. They're on tv, in the papers, on the radio. If people sitting around me are happy that the hometown team does well, should I sit there, cross armed, angry or disinterested that they're not the Brewers? Plus, I may go to 10-15 games a year, most of them not featuring the Brewers. I wouldn't be able to maintain disinterest if I were there that often.


And lastly, football is a much more combative game than baseball. There are battles fought on every play. Guys try to physically dominate the other guys. That kind of action is more charged than baseball. You can play a whole series in baseball with players from opposing teams barely touching each other. In football, there's combat from the opening kickoff.


Baseball is a friendlier game. You'll often see fans applauding a great defensive play by an opponent. That doesn't happen in football.


So, to me, that's the difference.

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Meh, I call bologna.


I'm a Brewers fan. Only Brewers when it comes to baseball. I would not wear a Phillies hat to a game, if they were playing the Phillies. But I have a few hats. I have a Phillies hat, I have an old Expos hat. I have a Cubs hat. I have a Cardinals hat. I wear them when I want to wear a hat and don't want to wear the same one every day. I liked the styling of the logo. There is no science to which one I wear, I wear the Brewers the most, but this idea that wearing another one is anything other just putting some fabric on your head is just silly.


Yet, you wouldn't wear a Phillies hat to a Phillies/Brewers game.... just some fabric, whatever.


Because it's a Brewers game and I'm a Brewers fan? I don't see how you're equating those two things.


Wearing the opposing team's hat during a specific game against that team != wearing a random team's hat to the mall.


And here's a shocker - I can sleep just fine at night regardless of your opinion on my hat.

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I think we can safely say that opinions are not facts. Everyone is free to feel about hats how they wish and wear whatever hats they want. If you want to wear a hat, wear a hat. Just know that there are a select few who will choose to not know what team you root for, and will question your fandom for it.
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This thread had drama written all over it from the beginning. Anytime someone asks for opinions, there are always those that can't accept any way other than their own, and drama soon follows.


What I'm about to say is my opinion, I don't hold anything against anyone who's opinion differs from my own.


That being said, I would NEVER wear the hat of a team I do not back, period. I have one team in every sport I follow, just one, and it would be embarrassing for me to be seen in anything other than a Brewers hat. I don't care what reasons have been given, I am a one hat wearing true blue loyal to the hilt fan of one team, and one team only. I will never understand why anyone would wear the hat of any other team than the one they claim fandom of. I can not split my loyalties in any way, just doesn't work in my chemistry. Just doesn't make sense. I do not have an American league team, I do not have a National League East team, I have only one team, and I wouldn't be caught dead in anyone else's colors, jerseys, hats, or whatever...


I would never wear another team's hat because they had great colors, or a cool logo.


I would never wear another team's hat because I moved to another city.


I would never wear another team's hat because I am a Brewers fan to the core, and wearing another team's hat would be against my Brewers religion.


I don't understand when people say they are fans of more than one team... I just don't see how that is possible. There is one league, Major League Baseball. There is one team, the Milwaukee Brewers. I am against every other team, and nothing would or could make me done their hat.


One team, one hat, and that is that...

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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Meh, I call bologna.


I'm a Brewers fan. Only Brewers when it comes to baseball. I would not wear a Phillies hat to a game, if they were playing the Phillies. But I have a few hats. I have a Phillies hat, I have an old Expos hat. I have a Cubs hat. I have a Cardinals hat. I wear them when I want to wear a hat and don't want to wear the same one every day. I liked the styling of the logo. There is no science to which one I wear, I wear the Brewers the most, but this idea that wearing another one is anything other just putting some fabric on your head is just silly.


Yet, you wouldn't wear a Phillies hat to a Phillies/Brewers game.... just some fabric, whatever.


Because it's a Brewers game and I'm a Brewers fan? I don't see how you're equating those two things.


Wearing the opposing team's hat during a specific game against that team != wearing a random team's hat to the mall.


And here's a shocker - I can sleep just fine at night regardless of your opinion on my hat.


I'd really love to let go of commenting on this thread, but contradictions keep me coming back.


So your loose rule (and you do have one) is to wear Brewers hats to Brewers games and to wear random hats elsewhere. Brewers allegiance is the norm when attending games, but when stepping off the hallowed Miller Park lots, all bets are off. If I wore a Phillies cap to the Brewers/Phillies game, I would look to be somewhat less of a fan of the Brewers, right? Maybe even a traitor, based on your response. Yet, when I'm wearing one to the grocery store in West Allis, no one better question my devotion to the Brewers because NOW a hat is just some fabric.

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I think the difference is, at the stadium, everyone there is going to a baseball experience where a game will be played between two teams. If someone is wearing the logo of one of those two teams, it is assumed that he wants that team to win that game today.


At Target, there is no competition. Some people there love the Brewers, others are indifferent towards them. It doesn't matter who they root for, they're just buying laundry detergent.


The hat that I wear to the stadium is part of the experience of attending the game. The hat that I wear to Target is just to cover my head.

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I'd like to stir the pot on this a bit more. Do people associate fandom with the type of Brewers hat? I'm not talking ball/glove vs. "M". I'm talking about those argyle hats, the all black hats, the leather hats. I see those and see fashion statement, not fan.


To me those are atrocious. There is no excuse for owning one. Brewers or otherwise.

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Can we just close this god awful thread?


I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.





lol, that was good. I like that.

"This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while.
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They're not made for you or for me. They're made for the people who like them, and if enough people buy them, the Brewers will keep selling them.


The Brewers are trying to sell 3 million tickets. They can't only appeal to grouchy old cranks like me.

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