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What's bugging you? (2017-2018)

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Bought some mulch from Menards on Friday, realized I needed to get more on Saturday. Brown mulch purchased on Friday is different shade than brown mulch purchased on Saturday which led to 3rd trip to Menards to buy more mulch to blend the two browns together.
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Bought some mulch from Menards on Friday, realized I needed to get more on Saturday. Brown mulch purchased on Friday is different shade than brown mulch purchased on Saturday which led to 3rd trip to Menards to buy more mulch to blend the two browns together.


Ya, last year I would buy 3 or 4 bags every other week from Menards. It took until the 3rd time to realize I got a different brand each time even though I was getting it from the same pile. Different colors and different consistency. Some was more wood chips and others were more finely ground. This spring it all looks the same. It fades so quickly the different shades really doesn't make a difference.

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People that listen to music on the golf course so loud that you can hear it 100 yards away.


There, corrected. Not sure when this practice started, but it drives me nuts. Golf courses should outlaw it. The people who do this are the same people you can hear talking 2 fairways away..."Me, I, and me, myself, me, I, me, me, myself, and I.......". The sense of self importance that some people have is intolerable.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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The other day in a Pick N' Save parking lot I saw a bumper sticker on a car that said "F" you and your stick figure family and it had an image of a male and female stick figure engaging in "activity". Seriously? You're that annoyed by someone else's innocent pride in their family that you are going to counter it with completely vulger and inappropriate graphic and display it to the whole world on the back of your car. What is happening to society?

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I guess the former employees walked off with two keys. Something like that. Gotta get two made by Saturday, but I guess it's a special sorta key and blanks aren't easy to find. Has the "don't duplicate" on it so we'll see if they'll do it anyway. Would like to avoid asking the higher-ups for more as I'd get the "Why are they missing? Didn't you collect them? Why wait until now?" routine.
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I guess the former employees walked off with two keys. Something like that. Gotta get two made by Saturday, but I guess it's a special sorta key and blanks aren't easy to find. Has the "don't duplicate" on it so we'll see if they'll do it anyway. Would like to avoid asking the higher-ups for more as I'd get the "Why are they missing? Didn't you collect them? Why wait until now?" routine.


The hardware store I worked at just had you fill out a form to get "Do Not Duplicate" keys made and it was only to protect the store from liability. Shouldn't be a problem getting them made.

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People that listen to music on the golf course so loud that you can hear it 100 yards away.


There, corrected. Not sure when this practice started, but it drives me nuts. Golf courses should outlaw it. The people who do this are the same people you can hear talking 2 fairways away..."Me, I, and me, myself, me, I, me, me, myself, and I.......". The sense of self importance that some people have is intolerable.


With how much golf has fallen off in recent years, especially with young people, they're doing all they can to do things to accommodate younger people. I really don't think you can blame the courses for allowing it, they're all going to go under soon and the private membership clubs will too as all the old folks pass away. If you've ever spent time in one of those it's rare to see anyone under 40, heck even 50. That said, you can play your own music and keep it at a normal volume and it's really not a big deal. no need to have it cranked to 11.

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People that listen to music on the golf course so loud that you can hear it 100 yards away.


There, corrected. Not sure when this practice started, but it drives me nuts. Golf courses should outlaw it. The people who do this are the same people you can hear talking 2 fairways away..."Me, I, and me, myself, me, I, me, me, myself, and I.......". The sense of self importance that some people have is intolerable.


With how much golf has fallen off in recent years, especially with young people, they're doing all they can to do things to accommodate younger people. I really don't think you can blame the courses for allowing it, they're all going to go under soon and the private membership clubs will too as all the old folks pass away. If you've ever spent time in one of those it's rare to see anyone under 40, heck even 50. That said, you can play your own music and keep it at a normal volume and it's really not a big deal. no need to have it cranked to 11.


I think if anyone had suggested 20 years ago that there will be a trend on golf courses where golfers will play music in their carts, most golfers would have laughed at that suggestion and said that would never happen or be allowed to happen. When I witness trends of this nature it just reminds me of the movie "Idiocracy".


I would not say that keeping it at "a normal volume is really not a big deal". If you are on a green and the 4 some ahead of you is playing music on the tee box at a "normal volume", you can still hear it. I have a hard time understanding why some people feel other people should should be subjected to listen to their taste in music when they are on a golf course (or that other people even want to listen to music at all while they are golfing). I guess I'm too self conscious to ever think that way and would never have any desire to draw that kind of attention to myself. I sometimes get the sense that people engage in this type of behavior because they know it annoys others (or maybe they are just profoundly egotistical and/or oblivious).


I don't know the exact numbers and I understand that golf's popularity is declining, but sometimes I wonder if it's a bit overblown. Golf popularity was at an all time high during the Tiger Woods era. Are we comparing it to that time period? Maybe golf is just back at it's pre-Tiger popularity levels. Just a theory, could be wrong.


All golf courses are not going to "go under" soon or even in our lifetime. Horse racing use to be one of the top 3 sports in terms of popularity in the U.S., but the sport did not disappear as popularity took a drastic turn downwards. Yes, some golf courses may eventually fold, but the sport that has been in existence for about 500 years is not going away any time soon. Also, country clubs memberships have always skewed towards an older age group.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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But why are people who prefer to listen to music subjected to your preference to not have music on the golf course, it works both ways.


The closing of golf courses is already happening. Just google it and read up on how down the numbers are, of course some will always exist but there will continue to be a contraction for awhile. I don't know if I said 'all' but if I did of course I didn't mean it literally.






ETA: I get this is a what's bugging you, so I get that it's opinion based and you're more than able to have it. i'm not trying to say you're wrong, heck overall I agree with you but I'm really easy going so it would never bother me anyway on the course. Just saying I get why it's being allowed now.

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You didn't know if you said "all"? It's a message board, just have to scroll a little to see what you said. The context in which you said it and the fact you didn't put it in blue made it sound like you actually meant it. I apologize if I misunderstood. I'm well aware that golf popularity is declining and that there are course closings, but there have been a lot of new golf courses opened over the last 20 years as golf popularity spiked so it would make sense that golf courses would close when the popularity decreases.


As far as others "subjected" to my preferences it really is not a two way street. I'm not doing anything that would annoy others, I'm just golfing on a golf course. I'm not adding some other activity to my golfing that would possibly annoy other golfers. Some people have no problem concentrating when they are reading or studying, so does that mean we should allow people to play music out loud in libraries? How about on airplanes?


I don't know...maybe I should just change my profile picture to Judge Smails...."The man's a menace!!"

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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I go golfing largely for the quietness. It's the one place I go and my head is completely cleared of anything other than golf and its amazing. I don't want to hear music or any other sound that is not natural to a golf course while I'm golfing because it defeats the purpose of being there in the first place.
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I get hyper focused when hitting shots...and music is a distraction or maybe a built in excuse depending on the day. I'm a paying customer. I shouldn't have to listen that music.


If it were a Brewer game and the people in front of me were playing music, I think I'd have a right to complain. If it were a public place, I would just go somewhere else.


Although I'm a millennial, I'm also old school where I like to carry my clubs and be outside walking. It bugs me that the group playing music is usually my age but has to be in a cart. They also tend to park their carts nowhere near the next hole and drive them 5 yards away from the green. All I want is a little etiquette.

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Although I'm a millennial, I'm also old school where I like to carry my clubs and be outside walking. It bugs me that the group playing music is usually my age but has to be in a cart. They also tend to park their carts nowhere near the next hole and drive them 5 yards away from the green. All I want is a little etiquette.


Yeah, there has been a large increase in the use of carts over the last decade or two. While it has no real direct affect on me, it annoys me a little from a societal viewpoint. It's not just the exercise, but the financial aspect of it. Depending on where you are golfing you can save between $10-$20 if you walk and in so many ways, as pointed out in posts above, it can be much more enjoyable to walk.


And yes, the cart etiquette exercised by some is not good. Not only parking carts in front of greens and not closer to the next tee, but just so many other time wasters. For example, two golfers riding in the same cart hit their ball 50-60 yards apart from each other. They go to one ball, wait for the group ahead of them to clear and then hit that ball, then they go to the other ball and hit that one. How about dropping one golfer off at his/her ball and then going to the other ball? Golf carts definitely do not save time over walking when used inefficiently.

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Like I said, I generally agree that I prefer it without. I've also never seen anyone going over the line with it imo. You guys have to realize ya'll making a bit of the old man 'get off my lawn type' or 'back in my day' type of argument here right? If you're going to the cheaper public courses this is going to be way it is as they're trying to appeal to a wider demo because most courses are really struggling financially, if you're that serious about your golf and concentration you'll have to go up a level or two of classiness where it's not allowed. And this is a what's bugging you, so it's your right to be bugged by whatever you want. I was just trying to put some context into why it is what it is.


I could even make a bugging me about the old school taking it way too serious golfers bugging me. Walking, taking forever to choose clubs or line up putts etc and then giving attitude if/when you ask to play through like I'm some kind of jerk (and no I don't play music or overdrink there). But I have the libertarian attitude of to each their own do whatever you want, so I don't really care about that just like I don't care if someone else is getting buzzed up and playing music. As long as they're not being dangerous to me in anyway like hitting balls into you or something.

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Seems like we could start a whole separate thread on golf etiquette and protocol. I'm not sure that comparing this to the "Get off my lawn, back in my day" type of old man griping is really a fair comparison. This isn't something that has been around for a long time and is just starting to annoy me as I get older. This would have annoyed me when I was younger as well. I grew up just down the road from Greenfield park and that's where I learned to play golf starting around 7th grade. Played 90% of my rounds there until I was a bit older and had a car and more mobility. However, still mostly played county courses my entire life and never noticed this as a thing until about 4 or 5 years ago (and honestly I have only witnessed it 3 or 4 times, but that's 3 or 4 times too many).


I get the whole live and let live thing, but I also believe in having some common courtesy towards other people while you go about your living. A reasonable person should be able to understand and not be oblivious to the fact that other paying customers on a golf course may not want to listen to their music. I think that's just common sense. Yes, some people take way too long to line up a put or take a shot. That can be annoying as well, especially when the course is crowded, but at least it's golf related activity. Playing music is not a golf related activity and is intrusive to other golfers enjoyment. It's really not something that anyone should expect to hear on a golf course.

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I grew up playing high level tennis, the same quiet rules apply. For focus, for etiquette, etc. Talking, music, fireworks don't bother me on the golf course. I'm a duffer, and play for enjoyment, but what gives me a laugh is the delineation in sports of what requires quiet, and what can be boisterous. 30,000 people can scream while I'm trying to hit a 100 mph fastball with movement, thousands can scream and wave arms and signs while I try to shoot a free throw. Yet whispering is not permitted while I try to hit a stationary ball with a stick designed for my success. Same goes for tennis. I realize everyone is different, yada yada yada...but what's with the quiet? I think it's because tennis and golf somewhat originated in English "society", which is hyper polite and composed. No scientific study behind that.
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I know the common golf etiquette and I agree it's outside of it and all. It's just that times have changed, young people are used to having technology everywhere and listening to music everywhere off their phones and with earphones. They're going to be outside for 4 hours relaxing and want some music on, I don't think it's that absurd of a thing. It's just that it's customary not to do it at golf courses just out of tradition really. Years from now it'll just be more and more common unless you're at a snooty country club place.


Couldn't a reasonable person also understand and not be oblivious that other people like to listen to music while they play. Keeping in mind that 95% of people there are not what would be considered serious competitive golfers, they're just there to have a good time.


Again, I didn't mean to say you're wrong or anything. You can be bugged by whatever you want and this makes sense to me as to why you are, especially if they have a Beats speaker out there that you can hear holes away instead of just kind of at a normal volume you can't hear 15-20 yards from their cart. I didn't mean it to be an argument, I was just pointing out why the courses aren't cracking down on it and I totally understand it. They're trying to make the place less stuffy and restrictive so young people will start coming out. I'd argue making it not cost $80 or more just to play a normal mediocre course would go a lot further than this though, as even like you said it's pretty rare and vast majority sill abide by the old customs

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I know the common golf etiquette and I agree it's outside of it and all. It's just that times have changed, young people are used to having technology everywhere and listening to music everywhere off their phones and with earphones. They're going to be outside for 4 hours relaxing and want some music on, I don't think it's that absurd of a thing. It's just that it's customary not to do it at golf courses just out of tradition really. Years from now it'll just be more and more common unless you're at a snooty country club place.


Couldn't a reasonable person also understand and not be oblivious that other people like to listen to music while they play. Keeping in mind that 95% of people there are not what would be considered serious competitive golfers, they're just there to have a good time.


Again, I didn't mean to say you're wrong or anything. You can be bugged by whatever you want and this makes sense to me as to why you are, especially if they have a Beats speaker out there that you can hear holes away instead of just kind of at a normal volume you can't hear 15-20 yards from their cart. I didn't mean it to be an argument, I was just pointing out why the courses aren't cracking down on it and I totally understand it. They're trying to make the place less stuffy and restrictive so young people will start coming out. I'd argue making it not cost $80 or more just to play a normal mediocre course would go a lot further than this though, as even like you said it's pretty rare and vast majority sill abide by the old customs


I hike. I hike a lot. I get outside to enjoy nature, reset my internal batteries and just listen and see the beauty of the natural world.


More and more, I find people carrying around stupid bluetooth speakers and blasting music when they hike, completely distrubing my mood and serenity.


You want to listen to music in public, put your headphones on. Not doing this is completely disrespectful to those people around you. It's no different than secondhand smoke in my mind.


I golf, fairly often, and on Sunday afternoons, I'll have a small radio or bluetooth speaker on, so I can hear Uke. I can hear it when I'm in the cart, but I can't hear it when I'm hitting my ball.

This has not been my experience with people & music on the golf course.

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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Yup, that's the way it should be done. Phone speaker or slightly more that you can hear just around your cart. Like I said, blasting it with a Beats for the world to hear is different and will likely be continued to be frowned up and considered bad etiquette. Just like if you're in an airport or train and someone is playing games with volume on when in close proximity. This situation isn't the same as you're getting at because you're normally hundreds of yards away from other people and they can't hear it. It's not like smoking or playing your games with volume on in the airport or train with people around, you're hundreds of yards from others the vast majority of the time and are outdoors.


But keep in mind the person pushing this also said he's annoyed by people using carts. There might be a little 'just relax and enjoy yourself' that needs to go on if that's bothering you. Life's way too short to be ticked off all the time, it's just not worth it. To each their own though. I just started this out innocently saying why courses are allowing it and you just explained to me why it annoys. I know why it annoys you and I generally prefer it not to be there too. Courses are desperate though and don't want to turn anyone off if they don't have to

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I go golfing largely for the quietness. It's the one place I go and my head is completely cleared of anything other than golf and its amazing. I don't want to hear music or any other sound that is not natural to a golf course while I'm golfing because it defeats the purpose of being there in the first place.


Exactly my thoughts. I love golf and I love music, but they don't belong together. I rarely encounter this but if it starts to become more widespread, I will ask the course before I book a tee time. And if they have a policy of no music, I will not hesitate to narc to the marshal if I hear anything.

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To me, it depends on the course. If I'm playing the local muni for $30, yeah, sure, go ahead and connect the portable speaker to your iTunes. If I'm paying $100+ to play a good course, there better not be any distractions.
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I used to carry a sony radio and some sony stereo speakers (didn't need batteries) back around 2004. But they never could be heard more than about 10 feet away. I love golf, enjoy riding and walking, and enjoy some music if the vibe is right, but I shouldn't have to hear another group's music.


My frustration with golf these days is that golf courses are now accepting 4:30-5 hour rounds. I remember as a kid getting told that if we didn't play in 4:04 or so, we would get warnings.

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just thought of another one. The Brewers always seem to come to San Diego during April/May on school nights. I'd love to go hang out in the Gas Lamp District and take in a game at Petco, but I can't do it without burning valuable vacation days. I do try to get to the games here in Phx though
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