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What's bugging you? (2017-2018)

My 6th grader needs a lot of help to keep her average or slightly above average at school through the previous years at an elementary school. I go to the conferences and multiple teachers tell my wife and I that "studies show that homework doesn't really help" when I asked about bringing work home to study for tests. My studies have shown if my daughter doesn't bring work home to study she doesn't do well on tests. I have asked many times for work home and only a few teachers have sent anything.
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Why do people come to our shop and complain our prices are too high while paying for it? We are a mom and pops specialty shop who survives on quality over quantity, not a discount chain. It's like going to a five star restaurant and complaining their food is more expensive than McDonalds.


When I worked at an Ace Hardware, I'd overhear customers complaining all the time about our "high" prices. I remember a couple guys looking at some electrical outlets and one guy loudly saying "I'm not going to pay that! Let's go to Menards and get it." Apparently the 15 minute drive across down was worth it for him to save 35 cents.


I'll tell you what's really bugging me right now. I'm the #1 seed in my fantasy football playoffs, highest scoring team in the league this year by a wide margin and I'm probably going to lose to the worst seed who barely squeaked into the playoffs and barely won the first round and finished the year 9th in scoring. I'll probably top my season scoring average but he has Damien Williams and DeAndre Hopkins who've lit it up so far this week and he just needs his players to not get hurt in their games tomorrow and he'll win easily.

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Our pay is based on our Danielson artifacts... You want to see ridiculous?

[sarcasm]Your whole district travels around the world Indiana Jones style?[/sarcasm]

Remember what Yoda said:


"Cubs lead to Cardinals. Cardinals lead to dislike. Dislike leads to hate. Hate leads to constipation."

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lol I will never forget when all the hoopla was going on and teachers were rallying students to "walk out" and protest for them. Every teacher pretty much wasted half a class time giving their politically charged opinion on things and literally throwing a fit in front of a group of teenagers. Bias misleading information galore. It was cringy to watch.


Thanks for reminding me of that memory guys.


We didnt walk out. We worked that day.


Same here.




"Rallying students?" lol


"EVERY teacher pretty much wasted half a class..." Big broad strokes their buddy. You know not what you speak of.


The professional teachers didn't allow their students to see how they felt, it's part of the deal. I have never, not once, let my students know my political affiliations.


That’s cool man, it wasn’t a story about you. So it is understandable it may not relate to you.

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That’s cool man, it wasn’t a story about you. So it is understandable it may not relate to you.


You did say 'every' teacher, so I imagine that's why he responded to it.


Every teacher I had, not the entire state.


To be fair the government teacher wasn’t bad. While he still wasted time talking about the subject at least it was a little relatable to the class and he he gave more of a “both sides of the story” view to the matter.

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Your government teacher wouldn’t have been his job well if he had not had it become something talked about in your class. Current events like that should be covered. Now, how it is presented is another topic.
"This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while.
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Your government teacher wouldn’t have been his job well if he had not had it become something talked about in your class. Current events like that should be covered. Now, how it is presented is another topic.


Well I can’t say that topic was something that was really covered in a high school government class. Not that it was bad by any means. Great teacher though. Students would ask his party affiliate and he would refuse because he thought it didn’t do his teaching any good. Though if you really thought about things he said and his profession it wasn’t too hard to figure out.


My district suffered from (and still does) from a lot of newer younger teachers. They lacked the professionalism to separate the classroom from politics going on at the time.

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That’s cool man, it wasn’t a story about you. So it is understandable it may not relate to you.


You did say 'every' teacher, so I imagine that's why he responded to it.


Every teacher I had, not the entire state.



Then you should have been more clear, rather than saying EVERY teacher. No way for anyone to know what you meant when you say EVERY...


Also, I don't believe that EVERY teacher you had statement either...

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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By the way, time off in the summer is unpaid... Teachers do not get paid for days we don't work. That is another falsehood that the uneducated like to throw in our faces. Hence the reason a lot of teachers take on summer jobs, they don't get paid for summer vacation.


That is not a complaint, I don't know a single teacher that complains about not being paid in the summer. As mentioned, we all knew that when we decided to go into teaching.


The complaint is the ignorance of those who have no idea that we do not get paid for all those days off... That is uncontracted time.


IDK, this line of argument isn't quite right especially in such a condescending tone. They're paid for the year like any base salary. Just so happens you don't haaaaave to work for several weeks in a row. I know many do summer school and other stuff to supplement. It's really just a semantics thing and no reason to call anyone ignorant over it. Take X amount of money and pay it over 12 months or over 10 months, doesn't matter. You're paid the same. One could just as easily argue back that due to that long stretch of time off it allows to add other income whereas one who doesn't have that long stretch off can't.



It isn't semantics at all. The summer months are not paid, not contracted. The general public often thinks that teachers complain about their pay, but get all that time off. It just isn't the case. Unpaid days such as spring breaks, Christmas vacations, and summer days are not included in our base salary. They are unpaid days.


I really don't know what you're arguing. We all know exactly what you mean and I don't know how saying you're not paid for the summers helps your side of the argument, if anything it opens it up to the other side to say "see, work something else in the summer to get more money" (which I generally disagree with, this is long hours with tons of BS through the year so the several weeks off is needed imo). It is not ignorant at all as someone else said. Your paid X amount of to work that school year, call it what you will. It doesn't matter either way. That's what I mean by semantics: paid summer or not paid summer, it doesn't matter your paid X amount for the school year. I don't recall if teachers have the choice to spread it out over 26 two week pay periods or to have it begin in Sept and end in June, but again it doesn't matter because your paid X amount for the school year.


ETA: That said, I see why you felt the need to fire back a bit after the other comments by some. That kind of epitomizes the whole problem on this topic really.

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Several years ago, UW started bring in "therapy dogs" to campus libraries to help with stress during finals.


I'm sorry, but if you think finals are stressful to the point where you need a therapy dog, you will have a very rude awakening when you get into the real world. #getoffmylawn

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Several years ago, UW started bring in "therapy dogs" to campus libraries to help with stress during finals.


I'm sorry, but if you think finals are stressful to the point where you need a therapy dog, you will have a very rude awakening when you get into the real world. #getoffmylawn


Finals are the real world. They are gate keepers for those that want to pursue something in the career that they want. Ripping someone for stressing over this is awfully foolish and because this generation is combating stress only makes them stronger and smarter. Not dumber and weaker like you’re trying to portray in your post. Why is it that older generations hate change so much that they will take down anyone in their paths because they don’t agree with someone?!? A bunch of nonesense. Stress has been breaking individuals since the dawn of time. Super idiotic that people are trying to combat it......... #getoffMYlawn

"This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while.
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While I think there's a place for therapy animals and that finding creative ways to cope with stress is a good thing, I think much of finals stress for many students is self-induced from procrastination and a lack of preparation.
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At least in my experience there are dogs everywhere in the real world...a growing number of employers are allowing or even encouraging dogs in the workplace. I take mine to work a few times per week and there are often several other dogs riding the bus/train into work with us.
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I’m not an old man and think having therapy animals on campus during finals is silly. It’s not a good look for Millenials. That being said, if it helps kids avoid relying on drugs, alcohol, or nicotine to cope with stress then I’m OK with it.
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I guess I'm curious why anyone cares? So someone has a dog with them because it makes them feel better. Big deal. As you said, there are a lot of different things they could be trying that are illegal or harmful to the body. Everyone is different and people cope with things differently, who am I to raise a stink over it. On top of that, I am wondering how someone else with a dog is bothering you? Is it making noise or making a mess? I could see that being frustrating. But if it's just sitting there and being calm...why be upset?
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If you are getting stressed over finals it is more than likely your own fault. I never got stressed over finals the only stress I had was if I was going to get a B or an A. Basically no stress at all because I already did the work to get the grade I wanted. Plus nearly all finals are pushovers compared to the actual work you put in during the semester.


People get stressed because they try to cram a semester worth of work into that final week. If you were doing everything you had to do during the semester the finals wouldn't be all that stressful.


I also did all of this while working a 35-40 hour week job. I don't see the stress for finals.

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People get stressed because they try to cram a semester worth of work into that final week. If you were doing everything you had to do during the semester the finals wouldn't be all that stressful.


This is simply not true. I had many, many friends who stressed over finals who did a lot of work throughout.


My wife, for example, stressed over finals and she spent more time on coursework than anyone I've seen.


I had one class that had 30% grade on midterm and 70% on final. If others had something similar I could absolutely see them getting worked up.

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If you are getting stressed over finals it is more than likely your own fault. I never got stressed over finals the only stress I had was if I was going to get a B or an A. Basically no stress at all because I already did the work to get the grade I wanted. Plus nearly all finals are pushovers compared to the actual work you put in during the semester.


People get stressed because they try to cram a semester worth of work into that final week.


Maybe this depends on your major. For my history major, we typically had 3 assignments the entire term—midterm, term paper, and final. So when a final is 30-50% of a grade, it’s normal to feel nervous (aka stress). For my Econ major, there were often some weekly assignments, but the bulk of the grade fell on the midterm(s) and final.

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Always enjoy people telling others what they should and should not be stressed out. Really shows their understanding for others.
"This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while.
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I was an English major, so the week before Finals I always had a 30-page research paper due in each class, too. So I'd agree there's a lot of stress even with preparation because there can just be a lot to do or learn in a short time.


I hate dogs and have a co-worker deathly allergic to them. I don't know how an office place could deal with having both people like me there and also allowing dogs.


For me the idea of it is frustrating because to some degree cry-rooms, safe spaces and stress animals probably isn't the best way to be teaching grown-up college kids how to deal with stress. They'll be getting it in their workplaces later, but those won't offer places for people to run away to when tensions get high. At what point are people just being coddled?

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
If you are getting stressed over finals it is more than likely your own fault. I never got stressed over finals the only stress I had was if I was going to get a B or an A. Basically no stress at all because I already did the work to get the grade I wanted. Plus nearly all finals are pushovers compared to the actual work you put in during the semester.


People get stressed because they try to cram a semester worth of work into that final week. If you were doing everything you had to do during the semester the finals wouldn't be all that stressful.


I also did all of this while working a 35-40 hour week job. I don't see the stress for finals.



Everyone reacts to stress and pressure in very different ways. Saying "this is what I did and was successful, therefore finals wouldn't/shouldn't be stressful for others if they worked hard" is just incorrect for a lot of reasons.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
I was an English major, so the week before Finals I always had a 30-page research paper due in each class, too. So I'd agree there's a lot of stress even with preparation because there can just be a lot to do or learn in a short time.


I hate dogs and have a co-worker deathly allergic to them. I don't know how an office place could deal with having both people like me there and also allowing dogs.


For me the idea of it is frustrating because to some degree cry-rooms, safe spaces and stress animals probably isn't the best way to be teaching grown-up college kids how to deal with stress. They'll be getting it in their workplaces later, but those won't offer places for people to run away to when tensions get high. At what point are people just being coddled?



If you hate dogs just because you don't like them, then I think you'd just have to deal with it. :) I hate people and have to be around them every day. If someone is allergic to dogs, then I think obviously that's a discussion that has to be had.

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I guess I'm curious why anyone cares? So someone has a dog with them because it makes them feel better. Big deal. As you said, there are a lot of different things they could be trying that are illegal or harmful to the body. Everyone is different and people cope with things differently, who am I to raise a stink over it. On top of that, I am wondering how someone else with a dog is bothering you? Is it making noise or making a mess? I could see that being frustrating. But if it's just sitting there and being calm...why be upset?


My daughter is extremely allergic to dogs and cats where it sets off an asthma situation for her. She can rub up against another persons jacket with her bare arm that has dog dander on it and within minutes break out. It would be similar to people with peanut allergies if there was peanut dust dispersed in the air.

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Not all, of course, but a lot of Park Rangers hate dogs that aren't theirs because we've been bitten enough times by "don't worry he's friendly" dogs in the past. I haven't had to get my baton out for people yet, but I've done so several times for dogs. But someone's allergies aside, even if it were just a general dislike, it seems unreasonable that someone would just have to accept having a dog in an office environment unless "we allow dogs" were something stated in the job application process.
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