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What's bugging you? (2017-2018)

I absolutely despise those verification images. Half the time I get them wrong. When they tell me to click on all the images with a vehicle, I’m never sure if they want me to include all pictures with even the tiniest sliver or corner of a vehicle in them. And then the pictures aren’t always clear enough to tell what’s a tire vs a shadow on the pavement, etc. And now sometimes the pictures change after you select them the first time... ugh
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The Brewers ticketing now uses the ReCaptcha system to verify that I am not a robot. I'm trying to check for tickets released last minute today, but every time I make a selection, I'm forced to click through 10 screens of "click on all the pictures of fire hydrants." before it will actually perform the search.

[sarcasm]Well, you have been caught. We knew you were a robot all along...


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  • 2 weeks later...

"Hey, you go to Brewers games, you have any extra World Series tickets for me and my friends?"


No, my dear Aunt, Cousin, acquaintance and even co-worker. If I have extra World Series tickets, I'm most definitely not selling them to you for face value so you can bring people I don't even know to the game.

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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"Hey, you go to Brewers games, you have any extra World Series tickets for me and my friends?"


For me it's, "Hey, you live in Madison. Can you get some tickets to a Badger game for me?"


In all seriousness, a relative of mine in Iowa contacted me the first time Nebraska played at Camp Randall asking if I could get tickets for their friends that are Nebraska fans. First, I wouldn't get tickets for Nebraska fans, second, there's a thing called the internet where people resell tickets to pretty much every sporting event.

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That reminds me of the 2007 season (which looked playoff hopeful for a while). The SO's sister-in law was all "hey, if you guys have any playoff tickets you're not going to use..." and my thinking was THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BREWERS PLAYOFF TICKETS I'M NOT GOING TO USE.


In 2008 we added a 20-pack (giving us two), which means we're now offered four seats for the postseason. We did bring brother and SIL to one of the NLDS games this year.

Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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The inability for people to have a conversation without checking their phones constantly. Seriously.

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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The inability for people to have a conversation without checking their phones constantly. Seriously.


When I was in grad school I went out to some bar with five undergrads. We sat down and they immediately got out their phones and were on it the whole time. I got up, went to the bar, and made friends with the people there. I'm not even sure the undergrads realized I'd left. What's the point of going out to be on your phone when you could just as well do that at home?


Phones also ruin good bar conversation. You know, especially when you talk about sports and you start to argue about who was the best or who had what stats, and it can be pretty entertaining as people remember names and numbers. But now somebody just whips out their phone, looks it all up, and that's the end of the conversation.

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"Millennial date" - when two people sit at the same table in a restaurant looking at their phones and interacting with people who aren't there.


I brought this up with a MBA classmate of mine who is a Millennial (they pretty much all are Millennials). I said it was rude, and she said, "But what if a friend of mine texts me? Isn't it rude to not respond?" (paraphrasing)


Uh, isn't it rude to not pay attention to your date? Basically you are telling that person that other people are more important that they are and/or you'd rather be with someone else at that moment.


Here's an idea... wait until the date's over to respond. Or excuse yourself to the bathroom.

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The inability for people to have a conversation without checking their phones constantly. Seriously.


When I was in grad school I went out to some bar with five undergrads. We sat down and they immediately got out their phones and were on it the whole time. I got up, went to the bar, and made friends with the people there. I'm not even sure the undergrads realized I'd left. What's the point of going out to be on your phone when you could just as well do that at home?


Phones also ruin good bar conversation. You know, especially when you talk about sports and you start to argue about who was the best or who had what stats, and it can be pretty entertaining as people remember names and numbers. But now somebody just whips out their phone, looks it all up, and that's the end of the conversation.


With people who I hang out with who have a severe cell phone addiction, I make them play cell phone roulette. Everyone's phones in the middle of the table. First person to pick up their phone buys the drinks/food/whatever.

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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  • 1 month later...

Not the first time I ranted about this, but sorry, I think it's just cathartic for me to complain about this every so often. So here it goes:


The inability of many drivers to make proper right hand or left hand turns. People make turns as if they don't want to make any effort at all, feel the slightest discomfort, or have any small degree of centrifugal force disturb them or their passengers. If you are making a right hand turn, get to the right and out of traffic prior to your turn, and just turn the wheel a little more. It really is not that hard or uncomfortable. When you are making a left hand turn, stay in your lane throughout the entire turn. For this, I'm not talking about big intersections where there are multiple lanes that turn left. I'm talking mostly residential side streets. Don't cut across the oncoming lane of the street you are turning on in order to make the turn. Again, it really is not that hard to start your turn a little later and turn the wheel a little more.


http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~gdguo/driving/UseofLanes_files/image009.gif images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQmdrGRR1vBSRj-DD0CmuNu0KtFJOH5kHBo27eYov4CaeO97XLm

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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Not the first time I ranted about this, but sorry, I think it's just cathartic for me to complain about this every so often. So here it goes:


The inability of many drivers to make proper right hand or left hand turns. People make turns as if they don't want to make any effort at all, feel the slightest discomfort, or have any small degree of centrifugal force disturb them or their passengers. If you are making a right hand turn, get to the right and out of traffic prior to your turn, and just turn the wheel a little more. It really is not that hard or uncomfortable. When you are making a left hand turn, stay in your lane throughout the entire turn. For this, I'm not talking about big intersections where there are multiple lanes that turn left. I'm talking mostly residential side streets. Don't cut across the oncoming lane of the street you are turning on in order to make the turn. Again, it really is not that hard to start your turn a little later and turn the wheel a little more.


http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~gdguo/driving/UseofLanes_files/image009.gif images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQmdrGRR1vBSRj-DD0CmuNu0KtFJOH5kHBo27eYov4CaeO97XLm

I don't think I've really noticed what you're saying about right turns, but absolutely on left turns. My wife is notorious for that, and it drives me nuts. And there are a couple intersections where I live in which I've been in the position of the yellow vehicle in the picture, and I can't believe just how many people nearly hit me while making that left turn. Thankfully it has never actually happened.

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I've noticed in recent years (and ranted in this forum semi-frequently) about things like this. People no longer pull out into the intersection and make a turn, they try to do it all at once. There are really several parts to making a turn, and they try to make it into one move.
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I have a co-worker who has missed over 30 school days and still was allowed to take a cruise, missing 5 more this week. This person is a 2nd year teacher who has no available sick or personal days through 1.5 years. Has missed at least 75 days (very low-end estimate) over 1.5 years. And still is employed???? In the meantime I'm in year 12, have 150 sick/personal days saved up, and feel guilty if I every miss days. I already miss too many for coaching, but it's at least an excuse.
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I have a co-worker who has missed over 30 school days and still was allowed to take a cruise, missing 5 more this week. This person is a 2nd year teacher who has no available sick or personal days through 1.5 years. Has missed at least 75 days (very low-end estimate) over 1.5 years. And still is employed???? In the meantime I'm in year 12, have 150 sick/personal days saved up, and feel guilty if I every miss days. I already miss too many for coaching, but it's at least an excuse.


We are only allowed to bank 100. When teachers are retiring they become sick twice a week since our district gives you no compensation for saving days.

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Do many employers allow you to bank sick days? I guess I have what most people would consider to be a pretty good job and mine expire every year (along with unused PTO). Becoming ‘sick’ in late December after 50 straight weeks of good health would probably be grounds for dismissal.
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Do many employers allow you to bank sick days? I guess I have what most people would consider to be a pretty good job and mine expire every year (along with unused PTO). Becoming ‘sick’ in late December after 50 straight weeks of good health would probably be grounds for dismissal.


That's a good question and I don't know the answer. I would guess not. My wife works for Kohl's corporate and they get unlimited sick days. She also gets 5 weeks of vacation with an option to buy 2 more weeks of vacation.


I have another friend that can carry over like...5 sick days or something each year.


In my district a lot of older(near retirement age) workers end up gifting some of their unused days to people who have medical emergencies, but don't have enough time banked. I know I have my days saved up, but I have to use them for paternity leave come April. I would be curious how paternity leave works at other businesses. My wife gets 8 weeks paid and then has to use her vacation time.

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Do many employers allow you to bank sick days? I guess I have what most people would consider to be a pretty good job and mine expire every year (along with unused PTO). Becoming ‘sick’ in late December after 50 straight weeks of good health would probably be grounds for dismissal.


In my district a lot of older(near retirement age) workers end up gifting some of their unused days to people who have medical emergencies, but don't have enough time banked. I know I have my days saved up, but I have to use them for paternity leave come April. I would be curious how paternity leave works at other businesses. My wife gets 8 weeks paid and then has to use her vacation time.


I see this in federal a lot too. I don't think there is a super meaningful end goal for someone to save all the sick time though. More of a big insurance if you get sick long term or it can be used as "time working" when you retire. So it can allow you to get your years of service early or extended for pension purposes.


Like you I get paternity leave so that is what I will eventually use mine for. I believe I can get like 6 weeks or so. I think sick leave should have some kind of value when retiring or quitting a job. I don't think it should be equivalent of your hourly wage, but at least something to avoid people abusing it before they go out the door.


I mean no offense, but if I ever decide to switch jobs I might as well get the flu every time I have an interview...no need to use annual leave that actually gets cashed out.

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My friend who is a county cop in WI accumulates sick time similar to the teachers mentioned. It's almost impossible to use it all so it just keeps piling up. Besides getting normal paternity leave of however many weeks he's allowed to cash all that in and take like 6 months straight off when they have their first kid. After like 11-12 years as a cop a break like that has to be very welcomed (well I guess plenty of stress dealing with a newborn, but better than both at the same time I suppose...)
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I have a co-worker who has missed over 30 school days and still was allowed to take a cruise, missing 5 more this week. This person is a 2nd year teacher who has no available sick or personal days through 1.5 years. Has missed at least 75 days (very low-end estimate) over 1.5 years. And still is employed???? In the meantime I'm in year 12, have 150 sick/personal days saved up, and feel guilty if I every miss days. I already miss too many for coaching, but it's at least an excuse.


We are only allowed to bank 100. When teachers are retiring they become sick twice a week since our district gives you no compensation for saving days.


We can bank as many as we want. We get 10 sick days per year and 4 personal days. If we use 0 or 1 sick day, we get a bonus for our "sick bank." If we teach more than 15/20 years and retire in the districted, we get compensated at .625/1.25 x the daily sub rate.


I have a friend in Utah that gets to bank his days and use them to retire 1-2 years early.

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We start with 10 sick days per year then get one additional one each month. Every three years or so we give one sick day to a "sick day bank" that is used by employees that have to miss a substantial amount of time, like for surgery or giving birth. Any unused days get banked to cover insurance after retirement until it's exhausted. That helps us retire at 55 and if we have taught enough years, we can have coverage until we get to Medicare.
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My district is awful in that regard. They just took away insurance for retirees upon retiring. I've taught 10 years in this district and if I stay and retire I get 1500 per year for insurance. We get 10 sick days and 1 personal day. We dont earn extra sick or personal days and like I said, once you retire your days are all gone.


The funny thing is, we have sub shortages here and I tried to tell them that compensating the sick days would get people to save them. I also brought up the idea of earning extra personal days by not using sick days.


My district has really stuck it to the teachers in the last 2 years and it's really frustrating seeing the lack of support from the higher up admins and school board.

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