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What's bugging you? (2017-2018)


Bugs. Literally.


Since I've moved into my place 7 weeks ago, about once a week I see these bugs that look like a cross between a spider and a centipede/caterpillar. They have lots of legs, some feelers in front and back, but are really skinny and they scoot pretty quickly. Kind of a dark orange-ish color. Usually about 1.5" long, but the biggest ones have been close to 2".


What's weird is that I'm on the 4th floor - they have to crawl a ways up to get to my place. I almost always see them in a basin - a sink or a tub, but today there was one in an open garbage can in my master bathroom.


What are they, and how do I get rid of them?

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Bugs. Literally.


Since I've moved into my place 7 weeks ago, about once a week I see these bugs that look like a cross between a spider and a centipede/caterpillar. They have lots of legs, some feelers in front and back, but are really skinny and they scoot pretty quickly. Kind of a dark orange-ish color. Usually about 1.5" long, but the biggest ones have been close to 2".


What's weird is that I'm on the 4th floor - they have to crawl a ways up to get to my place. I almost always see them in a basin - a sink or a tub, but today there was one in an open garbage can in my master bathroom.


What are they, and how do I get rid of them?


They're some kind of water bug. They are harmless to humans but look scary as hell. We find them in our basement all the time. Sometimes in the bathtub.

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I hate those things! We call them hair-a-pedes! I actually just read something on them, that they actually eat other bugs I think? So it was suggested to leave them be because you'll have fewer types of other bugs in the house. Don't know if I could ever go with that strategy. I hate how fast they are!
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Had Action 2 News on last night while getting ready for bed. Their lead sports story was the Badgers playing Notre Dame in football in two years. The number two story was the packers resigning their long snapper. We went to bed at that point. I understand the Brewers have tanked recently and beating the Reds isn't anything special but come on, the team currently playing real games in a pennant chase takes a back seat to news about games that won't be played for years and a player that plays 4 or 5 snaps a game.
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Had Action 2 News on last night while getting ready for bed. Their lead sports story was the Badgers playing Notre Dame in football in two years. The number two story was the packers resigning their long snapper. We went to bed at that point. I understand the Brewers have tanked recently and beating the Reds isn't anything special but come on, the team currently playing real games in a pennant chase takes a back seat to news about games that won't be played for years and a player that plays 4 or 5 snaps a game.


I believe it was 2011 and the Brewers were going into a series vs. the Cardinals in August. The Brewers were a couple games up, but there were no highlights of the first game of the series which the Brewers won; there was a graphic at the end of the sports broadcast, that's it. What got all the play? Packers and high school football, mainly a lengthy story about Columbus High School football. I believe this was Channel 3 in Madison.

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Dogs are a scourge. Dogs off leash is a constant in my park and it's a law we enforce very seriously. So many problems with them, but of course the owners don't know that--they only know that their dog is friendly, so it's ok for them to break the law. Worse is oftentimes the owners. If we're to get any sort of "I'm gonna call the real cops" response, it's guaranteed to be from a dog-off-leash owner. There's kind of a joke in the office where we all kinda hope that someone finally does call 911 to get the "real cops," in which case dispatch would call back directly to us as we're standing right in front of them. "See, real police!"


Last week was the first time I chose to deploy my baton, for a dog that was slowly approaching me (no, I didn't have to hit the dog). Last month it was a dog off leash that ran into another guy's camper.


Last year we had a small dog off-leash run and attack a big dog on-leash. It got tore up! Small-dog owner-lady calls us all mad because now her dog is half-dead. We kindly let her know that since it was her dog off the leash it was entirely her fault, and make sure the big dog had no problems because the lady would have had to pay for that, too.


This is a huge problem here in Seattle...being a "dog friendly" city means we have entitled dog owners letting their poorly behaved dogs run free in every city park. One park in particular has a large fenced off-leash area, but even that doesn't stop people from letting their dogs roam free on the soccer field right next to the dog park.


I have two small dogs myself that do not like it when aggressive (i.e. "friendly") big dogs run up to them when they are on leash. Recently someone's poorly behaved dog crossed a busy street to "say hi" to them despite the owner pleading for it to come back. As the dog approached I gave it a firm "NO" and it immediately turned around and crossed the busy street again, nearly getting hit by a car. The dog clearly knows what no is but isn't used to hearing it from its owner.


I like taking my dogs on public transit and bringing them to work so I don't want the bad apples to ruin it for the majority of well-behaved dogs.

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Had Action 2 News on last night while getting ready for bed. Their lead sports story was the Badgers playing Notre Dame in football in two years. The number two story was the packers resigning their long snapper. We went to bed at that point. I understand the Brewers have tanked recently and beating the Reds isn't anything special but come on, the team currently playing real games in a pennant chase takes a back seat to news about games that won't be played for years and a player that plays 4 or 5 snaps a game.


I believe it was 2011 and the Brewers were going into a series vs. the Cardinals in August. The Brewers were a couple games up, but there were no highlights of the first game of the series which the Brewers won; there was a graphic at the end of the sports broadcast, that's it. What got all the play? Packers and high school football, mainly a lengthy story about Columbus High School football. I believe this was Channel 3 in Madison.

Quite a few channel 3 on-air anchors/reporters are fans of other teams. That's fair, but some don't even try to hide their disdain for the Brewers, which is noticeable and very annoying, and has been for a long time.

Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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Dogs are a scourge. Dogs off leash is a constant in my park and it's a law we enforce very seriously. So many problems with them, but of course the owners don't know that--they only know that their dog is friendly, so it's ok for them to break the law.


Dogs aren't the problem. As with most things stupid/ entitled/ ignorant PEOPLE are the problem.

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What is with that mail lady in the Roman Reigns tv ad where he's playing tea party with his daughter? Why is she checking him out in the window of his house?


Mind your own business and deliver the mail!

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Eclipse glasses hoopla. It seems like a ton of people just realized in like the last ten days that (1) there's an eclipse a-comin', and (2) HEY WE SHOULD GET ECLIPSE GLASSES. Which are sold out everywhere.


In particular, our Madison neighborhood has an email list, and the same neighbors who are chronically behind on things** have spent the last few days asking if anyone has an extra pair (or multiple extra pairs) of eclipse glasses.


Plus all this hype, and it's supposed to be cloudy here all day tomorrow.


**What kind of things, you ask? Things like looking for a graduation gown for their kid, THE NIGHT BEFORE HE GRADUATES HIGH SCHOOL. I mean, you had no idea that was coming up?

Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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People posting political beliefs and views on facebook...


One thing that has been proven over and over and over and over, people do not change their political views based on anything that someone posts on facebook. These posts are really only meant for one thing, poking at others who don't see things your way...


I hate seeing anything politics related, and have unfollowed a lot of people based on that alone. I don't want to know your views, I don't want to see any slanted videos or articles.


I have family who have gotten into verbal battles all because of facebook posts. I know of instances where respect has been lost for family members, and that will never be fixed. I don't understand it myself, but I am 52, and i truly don't care what your views are, it won't effect how I feel about someone. Younger people have different attitudes about such matters, and they are not afraid to tell you your views are wrong, and they are also quick to view you as less than them if you do not agree with their thoughts and feelings. I have witnessed this with close family members and it is just horrible. Everyone is so sensitive these days, and seem unable to handle the fact that not everyone agrees on such topics. Always blows into nonsense, and no one learns, it just continues.


I prefer to NOT speak about political views with family members, but not everyone feels like I do. Playing referee and peacekeeper at family gatherings sucks. All I want is for everyone to do as I do, not bring up politics in any form, but that never happens, and hurt feelings are always the result. I have conservatives and liberals in my family, and none of them can just shut their mouths. I hate it.


Want to isolate yourself from friends and family, post political views on facebook.


Want to cause hurt and resentment with friends and family, post political views on facebook.


Want to make yourself look like a total ass to friends and family, post political views on facebook.


I could go on and on...

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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People posting political beliefs and views on facebook...





I got rid of Facebook before starting my profession and it was the greatest decision I made as a college graduate.


However, I still see it from friends and it's incredibly annoying.

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I'm on the last step of getting rid of facebook all together. I've unfollowed many for the same reasons, at this point, my FB wall is basically just Game of Thrones memes. I think I've outgrown FB, and social media as a whole. I somewhat enjoy Twitter, that's about it.
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I have never opened a Facebook, Twitter, or any other of the normal social media accounts other than Linked In (if that is considered social media). I do occasionally look at other people's twitter accounts (most of those appear to be public and do not require you to be on twitter to view). I didn't originally make the choice to not do social media because of wanting to stay out of political views, I just did it because I really could not think of anything that I would want to post on Facebook. While it would be nice to keep up with what friends and family are doing it also just seemed like a constant version of one of those "this is what happened to me and my family this year" Christmas cards. Never was a big fan of those. My wife is on Facebook and will occasionally tell me about a family member or friend posting something political and sometimes I have to stop her because I really don't want to know. She agrees and she never posts a political comment and does not respond to any political comments posted.


A parent of a kid that my son went to school with once posted that parents who both choose to work (especially the mom) were selfish. Seriously?!? You are going to post that to a general audience that you know includes parents who both work (many who you at least pretend to be friendly with)? My wife had to do everything in her power not to respond. I could never exercise that type of restraint.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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I'm just about done with Facebook.


I've got some friends who pepper it constantly with stupid stuff. Politics, religion, dopey pass alongs...All I really want it for is personal updates from the people I like.


Instead, 80 percent of my feed is garbage.


Twitter, on the other hand, is pretty great.

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On July 14, I was asked to write a letter of recommendation for a former student to become an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts. I was told that the committee was meeting on Saturday 8/29 to determine whether or not he would be awarded the rank, so I had to have it mailed by then. I didn't realize then that 8/29 was a Tuesday, not a Saturday, but 7/29 was a Saturday. I wrote the letter this week and was going to mail it today and revisited the email to find this typo. I feel really bad if it was due in July and not in August.
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I'm just about done with Facebook.


I've got some friends who pepper it constantly with stupid stuff. Politics, religion, dopey pass alongs...All I really want it for is personal updates from the people I like.


Instead, 80 percent of my feed is garbage.


Twitter, on the other hand, is pretty great.


Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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I'm just about done with Facebook.


I've got some friends who pepper it constantly with stupid stuff. Politics, religion, dopey pass alongs...All I really want it for is personal updates from the people I like.


Instead, 80 percent of my feed is garbage.


Twitter, on the other hand, is pretty great.



Yes! I actually DON'T have to like or share to prove my love of America/Jesus/ the environment/science, etc. Those posts along with the political stuff is just dumb. I have never changed my vote or opinion of a candidate or elected official based on a Facebook post, and yet I am constantly reminded of what side of the issues my friends are on. Yuck.

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I only use Facebook to post pictures of my kids and make lame dad jokes. I have several friends whom I've set to "unfollow." We're still friends, but their posts don't show up on my feed. Every so often, when I need some entertainment, I'll go to their page and binge-read their crazyness. That setup works for me.
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I work in the law enforcement field and occasionally get to read anti-cop facebook posts from friends and family.


I do still like facebook for the baby/young child pictures. It's a good way to look at the pictures when you want to instead of having someone shove them in your face in person. Otherwise I get the sense that most people still have an account only as a way of managing a contact list of friends and not so much to post on. Maybe it was when parents started getting hip to facebook that it started to become unpopular.


I'm of the understanding that the thing now is to have two separate Instagram accounts. One to post positive things, notes about college and whatnot, and for when parents say "I insist on being able to see what you post on Instagram." And then another private account only for close friends to share stuff you wouldn't want made public.

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Bob Costas on the MLB Network broadcast just referred to social media as, "With notable exception, a combination of anger and ignorance."


Unfortunately some of the organizations I'm a part of use Facebook to post all info on events, logistics, etc., so it's somewhat necessary for me. But one of the double-edge swords of Facebook is that they use machine learning to "learn" what you like and dislike. They tag the content of every picture and every post (yes, every picture - if the page loads slowly you will see text instead of the picture that says something like, "This picture may contain a dog, trees, etc.," and even do facial recognition on pictures).


What you need to do is hide the posts that you don't like (upper right-hand corner of the post). When you hide posts that are tagged with political/religious/etc. content, they will machine-learn that you don't like that content and will move it further down your feed. I hide my friends political rants, and now I have to scroll pretty far down to see them.

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Crap, my new place has a carpenter ant problem and now when I investigated the sound of a silverware dinging on a plate in the kitchen it would appear I also have a mouse problem. I thought roaches were the grossest things possible, but maybe its actually mice. Maybe because they're bigger.


My house is in the woods and has been empty for four months, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I feel like a pest control guy isn't going to be able to do much through putting down some spray, but I'll be finding out.


Do I need to get a cat? Do cats work on mice?

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Crap, my new place has a carpenter ant problem and now when I investigated the sound of a silverware dinging on a plate in the kitchen it would appear I also have a mouse problem. I thought roaches were the grossest things possible, but maybe its actually mice. Maybe because they're bigger.


My house is in the woods and has been empty for four months, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I feel like a pest control guy isn't going to be able to do much through putting down some spray, but I'll be finding out.


Do I need to get a cat? Do cats work on mice?


Depends on the cat. We had cats all the time growing up in the country. Some of them would catch mice, others would just lie there and watch the mice run around them.

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