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What's bugging you? (2016)

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I think it's hilarious that people are willing to drive around to find a close spot when they could have parked and walked in less time than it took for them to find a spot.


Also, I don't like it when cars are waiting and their presence forces me to pull out of the spot in the direction I don't want to go. I know this may seem silly, but I want to get out of that parking lot as fast as possible, and I don't like it when I have to go a longer route to accommodate someone who is sitting and waiting there.

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If I'm going to wait for a car to pull out, at the very least, the engine has to be running. More likely, I need to see backup lights. If the engine is running and I don't see backup lights in very short order, I move on.


From the point of view of the parked car, I frequently like it when a driver stops and waits, as long as I don't feel pressured to get the hell out of Dodge. As long as the car isn't too close, it becomes easy to back up safely.


If I'm the driver in the parking space, it's very likely that I don't know that someone is waiting. I have cars, and if I'm parked next to a taller vehicle, it's not unusual for my view to be completely blocked.


When backing up, I don't care a lot about the direction where I ultimately want to travel. I'm fine with re-orienting myself once I'm out and moving forward. There's often a direction that's physically easier for backing up due to the way I pulled into the spot, so I prefer to go that way if I have the option.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
Parking lots generally lead to the worst behavior of society. Unless it's freezing out I try to park away from cars to avoid the aforementioned issues.


Parking lots... where ambiguous traffic flow and poor visibility meets unfocused drivers who all too often are only focused on finding open spots in which to park. And, oh yeah, pedestrians of varying levels of awareness and attentiveness meandering in and out of traffic.


My goal is to spend as little time in them as possible, so I too tend to park near the parking lot entrance and exit instead of the building entrance and exit unless it's raining or really cold.



"I guess underrated pitchers with bad goatees are the new market inefficiency." -- SRB

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Parking lots generally lead to the worst behavior of society. Unless it's freezing out I try to park away from cars to avoid the aforementioned issues.


Walgreens parking lots are the worst in my opinion. I have been a passenger in 3 separate accidents all in separate parking lots. I get that their thing is to be in a corner lot, but I can't understand the reasoning of some of their lots.

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Parking lots generally lead to the worst behavior of society. Unless it's freezing out I try to park away from cars to avoid the aforementioned issues.


Walgreens parking lots are the worst in my opinion. I have been a passenger in 3 separate accidents all in separate parking lots. I get that their thing is to be in a corner lot, but I can't understand the reasoning of some of their lots.


That's funny I came here to post that I had to stop at Walgreens today and someone decided to park their car in the middle of the lot while waiting for someone inside. There was no way I could get around them.

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I've been posting in the What's NOT bugging you thread about my house buying experience but this belongs here. The process was going smoothly, Inspection was great, the sellers even fixed some small things we asked about and then when it came time for the appraisal, it came back a CONSIDERABLE amount lower than the asking price. When we tried negotiating with the sellers, they said they couldn't afford to sell the house at the appraised price. In the immortal words of Tom Hanks in Catch me if you can, "Knock Knock..."
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I've been posting in the What's NOT bugging you thread about my house buying experience but this belongs here. The process was going smoothly, Inspection was great, the sellers even fixed some small things we asked about and then when it came time for the appraisal, it came back a CONSIDERABLE amount lower than the asking price. When we tried negotiating with the sellers, they said they couldn't afford to sell the house at the appraised price. In the immortal words of Tom Hanks in Catch me if you can, "Knock Knock..."


The sellers know they're never going to sell their house, right?

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We've had a toe in the market as well, but have run into similar issues. Either they bought at the top of the market, and refuse to take the hit, or they put a ton of work into the house that they're never going to recoup. There's a great house here, that we're interested in, but they refuse to lower price. Has gone to contract twice, but it appraises so much lower than asking, that no one can get a loan. Kinda ridiculous.
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Getting a cash buyer is really their only option but who knows if it would be a short-sale or if they just aren't getting enough cash out to satisfy them for whatever reason. If they are in deep and have struggling finances many times a bank will accept a reasonable short sale.


When I sold my house last year I basically got what I paid for it about 6 years ago. However I had put a ton of money into it. I just realized that the market I was in was not going to change enough at any time in the future to allow we to recoup my entire investment so I just said screw it and took what I could get.

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I've been posting in the What's NOT bugging you thread about my house buying experience but this belongs here. The process was going smoothly, Inspection was great, the sellers even fixed some small things we asked about and then when it came time for the appraisal, it came back a CONSIDERABLE amount lower than the asking price. When we tried negotiating with the sellers, they said they couldn't afford to sell the house at the appraised price. In the immortal words of Tom Hanks in Catch me if you can, "Knock Knock..."


The sellers know they're never going to sell their house, right?


They should know that.

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Parking lots generally lead to the worst behavior of society. Unless it's freezing out I try to park away from cars to avoid the aforementioned issues.


Parking lots... where ambiguous traffic flow and poor visibility meets unfocused drivers who all too often are only focused on finding open spots in which to park. And, oh yeah, pedestrians of varying levels of awareness and attentiveness meandering in and out of traffic.


My goal is to spend as little time in them as possible, so I too tend to park near the parking lot entrance and exit instead of the building entrance and exit unless it's raining or really cold.


This is my exact approach as well.


The right of side of my car literally has 100s of door dings from various parking lots (I park it in a specific manner now away from the sun so people quit asking me what happened to that side of my car), I don't know what it is about this particular vehicle, but my fellow human beings have beaten the crap out of it. I've taken to parking as far away from other vehicles as possible. I would rather park quickly and walk an extra 40-60 feet each way than deal with people. The other day I had to stop at Home Depot for some batteries... I parked exactly half way between the employees who park at max distance from the store, and the other customers who park as close to the store as possible. There were literally at least 10 free parking spots on either of side of me, maybe more. I go into the store, get slightly side tracked by some drill attachments (who doesn't love tools), but am out in about 10 minutes regardless and in that time someone parked a large work truck nose to nose in front of me and someone parked a mini van immediately to my right. Do other people need the security of parking right next to someone? Like the robots in I Robot? Normally I pull through to the other stall when the stalls aren't at an angle to a specific traffic flow so I can just pull out without backing but for whatever reason I just didn't this time.


... and don't even get me started on shopping carts, the lack of respect and general laziness of my fellow man is disheartening at times.

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation."

- Plato

"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something."

- Plato

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Shopping carts are the bane of my parking existence. I have had people ask me questions in parking lots, (How late are you open?), because I will wander around collecting carts. We shop at Aldi primarily now, because of their quarter system, this pet peeve is fading.
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When it rains hard, drivers need to slow down.


I was driving from suburban Chicago to Milwaukee Wednesday night. Between O'Hare and somewhere south of Gurnee, it was raining really, really hard. Most vehicles were traveling as if there wasn't any rain at all, well over 70mph. I finally found a group of cars that was moving at about 55mph, so I drove with them. 45–50 would have been better, and I would have been fine if the 85th percentile speed were even less than that. But whatever.


The bottom line is that one's speed should be proportional to visibility. When you can't see, you need to slow down. I'd rather take a little longer to reach my destination safely than risk not getting there at all.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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We've had a toe in the market as well, but have run into similar issues. Either they bought at the top of the market, and refuse to take the hit, or they put a ton of work into the house that they're never going to recoup. There's a great house here, that we're interested in, but they refuse to lower price. Has gone to contract twice, but it appraises so much lower than asking, that no one can get a loan. Kinda ridiculous.

There is a third and fourth option. Option #3 is you have to put up a bigger down payment to cover the short. Happens in CA quite a bit. Option #4 is that they used lousy comps. I recently refinanced my rental property and it's a 10-year-old duplex, four bedrooms and 1800 square feet each side. The appraiser used property comps that were 40 years old, one was a four plex with two bedroom apartments, the third was a three bedroom with 400 fewer square feet each side and 30 years old. Refused to use anything that was more than two miles away. We did a rebuttal and got the appraiser to come up a bit, but still much lower than what it could have sold for. If there are few similar sales nearby you can get screwed especially if the market is rising.

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My wife thinks I am crazy, but I ALWAYS park as far away from other cars as possible. I don't mind the walk, even in the winter, even in the heat. It is worth it to me to save my car from a ding or dent. My Dad always did this to avoid dings, and I now completely understand why he did it. I go so far as to park only in end stalls as well when possible, which cuts the likelihood of a ding from another person in half. Am I crazy, maybe a little, but I value my car, always have, and I treat it with respect, even though nobody else on earth does.


The car I drive has about 2 little dings because I refuse to park next to anyone unless I am forced to do so. My wife's ride on the other hand is loaded with dents and dings from her co-workers primarily (she is a teacher, who would have thought teachers could be so clueless, but at the risk of sounding sexist, 90% of the other teachers in her building are also female...), but she does get them in parking lots as well. She thinks I am crazy for the extra effort I put in to avoid the problem, but I always tell her to compare her vehicle to mine... The conversation usually ends right there.


We recently traded her van in for an SUV. I begged and pleaded her to take the same precautions as I do. She did try to appease me for a couple weeks then slowly but surely gave in to her old ways. We now have one giant ding just above the rear wheel on the driver's side, and one huge chunk taken out of some plastic chrome on the passenger side. It absolutely amazes me how fast this happens. It angers me even more that people are so careless.


I have witnessed countless people in parking lots whipping their doors open right into the car next to them, 99% of the time they are completely unfazed, shut the door and don't even look for the damage they cause. They just don't care. I have seen people bump into cars in the parking lot and not even stop to look at the damage. I have turned license plate numbers in to the police a couple of times, and I have left notes on car windows containing the plate number of the person who damaged their vehicle by opening doors into them. I got into a "conversation" with an obese lady once who opened her door into another car, scraping paint and denting the other vehicle. She had to swing her door open as far as she could to be able to exit her car, that is how big she was, and in the process of swinging her door open, she just crunched the car next to her. She was annoyed that I took interest since it wasn't my car, and acted like she had no choice but to do what she did. She waddled away with no regard, but I did leave her plate number on the windshield of the other car and explained what happened. There had to be $600 or more of damage.


So I may in fact be a little crazy when it comes to the subject matter, but I can't help it... I like my car to look nice, even though no one else cares what I like...

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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Maybe it's just pure luck, but over all my many years driving, i've only gotten only two slightly noticeable dings and i park wherever the hell i feel like at that moment in a given parking lot. I never knew that so many people have this problem.
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Splitting the bill when it's not equal bothers me!


Some background. We go out with two other couples maybe once or twice a year. First time we went out, they ordered a couple bottles of expensive wine. (We are not wine drinkers and said so.) Bill came, and the other couples aid "let's just split it." No mention of "Well, Mr. and Mrs. FV Brewerfan didn't have any wine, they shouldn't put in as much." Not one to cause a scene, I just put in 1/3 of the bill (plus tip of course.)


This happened a couple more times. I know, shame on me, I knew it was coming. So this past weekend I told the waitress separate checks. Response from the others was "No it would be just easier to split it." But I didn't back down, no.....separate checks please. Then a comment was made hinting that I was cheap. (Side note, I'm really not. I split checks all the time even if what I ordered was a few dollars less or something.) I felt like I was forced to call them out, so I said you guys know we don't drink wine. I'm glad you enjoy it, but I'm not paying for your wine. Nicely, of course, but words to that effect.


Bottom line, now there's this weird dynamic hanging out there between us and these friends that are otherwise really good people. And it's not that they're trying to pull one over on us, it just didn't ever occur to them that it isn't right. Awkward situations bug me!

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