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What's bugging you? (2016)

It's just frustrating because I've built such a repoire with the members, nobody looks at me and says find me another caddy. It's just these 100 tippers don't know me because they had me oh that one time back in 2013.


You gotta work it man. I know, easier said than done. You don't want to beg, but just put yourself in the position where you're around the $100 tippers. Know what ball they play? Well, you just happened to come across a box for him. Not sure what connections you have, but maybe you know someone who makes clubs. Or hey, I have an extra ticket to the US Open at Erin Hills. I assume some of the $100 tippers go to the bar after their round? You just happen to be there, and strike up a conversation.


This way you're not begging, it will just naturally come up at some point, and if you get along with them of course they're going to request you to caddy for them.

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My oldest daughter, who is 4 and a half, has a birthday party to go to tomorrow. The invite did not include "do not bring gifts." Really? So this kid is going to get 24 presents from her day care friends?


Also, along those same line...she has been invited to way too many birthday parties for her age. Seems like parents are having huge parties for 3rd, 4th, and 5th birthdays.


Not sure where you live, but yea, this is the norm in a lot of places. Ridiculous? Sure. And you aint seen nothing yet. As they get older, parties are an event- often times held at entertainment places. And yes, you will feel the pressure to spend a ton to do the same, since everyone else is. I probably shouldn't tell you she'll expect a cell phone when she's 10, because all her friends have one already : )

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It's just frustrating because I've built such a repoire with the members, nobody looks at me and says find me another caddy. It's just these 100 tippers don't know me because they had me oh that one time back in 2013.


You gotta work it man. I know, easier said than done. You don't want to beg, but just put yourself in the position where you're around the $100 tippers. Know what ball they play? Well, you just happened to come across a box for him. Not sure what connections you have, but maybe you know someone who makes clubs. Or hey, I have an extra ticket to the US Open at Erin Hills. I assume some of the $100 tippers go to the bar after their round? You just happen to be there, and strike up a conversation.


This way you're not begging, it will just naturally come up at some point, and if you get along with them of course they're going to request you to caddy for them.


I agree, you have to grease that wheel. Is there always a designated line of who is next to go off? Can the person in charge change that ever? You could always tip him when you get the big guys! But the best way for sure is to get the big guys to request you. Hell, you should just approach one of them and ask him if he has a regular caddy. If he says no, tell him you'd like to be his regular. Tell him you're good, and you know this course. "I think if I consistently caddied for you, it would help your scorecard." Might be cheesy but I bet a lot of these guys like someone who has the guts to do that.

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It's just frustrating because I've built such a repoire with the members, nobody looks at me and says find me another caddy. It's just these 100 tippers don't know me because they had me oh that one time back in 2013.


You gotta work it man. I know, easier said than done. You don't want to beg, but just put yourself in the position where you're around the $100 tippers. Know what ball they play? Well, you just happened to come across a box for him. Not sure what connections you have, but maybe you know someone who makes clubs. Or hey, I have an extra ticket to the US Open at Erin Hills. I assume some of the $100 tippers go to the bar after their round? You just happen to be there, and strike up a conversation.


This way you're not begging, it will just naturally come up at some point, and if you get along with them of course they're going to request you to caddy for them.


I agree, you have to grease that wheel. Is there always a designated line of who is next to go off? Can the person in charge change that ever? You could always tip him when you get the big guys! But the best way for sure is to get the big guys to request you. Hell, you should just approach one of them and ask him if he has a regular caddy. If he says no, tell him you'd like to be his regular. Tell him you're good, and you know this course. "I think if I consistently caddied for you, it would help your scorecard." Might be cheesy but I bet a lot of these guys like someone who has the guts to do that.


That's a great idea too. If I were a member of a private club (which I'm not and never will be!) I know I would react favorably to that approach, as long as it was done professionally. If you have confidence in yourself, and believe you really ARE the best caddy there, then nothing wrong with letting those members know- in the right way of course. But maybe that's frowned on at your club, and you're not supposed to solicit members? But I think any and all of these suggestions, or some variation, is worth trying?

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Went to the doctor this morning. I've got an upper respiratory viral infection. He said right now the only thing I can do is let it runs it's course. Yay! My mom, who's a nurse, told me that it's going around and it's taking people 2 to 3 weeks to get over it. Double yay! I've only got a week or two before I get better.

Hard liquor. A virus is a living organism, and alcohol can kill living organisms, so if a viral organism absorbs a molecule of alcohol the viral organism will die. It's why the "Irish cure for a cold" (whiskey) really works. Get your BAC up high enough (but not too high) so that the alcohol in your blood steam will kill the viral organisms - try three or four shots an hour (depending on size/body weight) for 2-3 hours (or until you see two bottles) then go to bed. Do that a couple of times and you'll shorten the course of the infection.


Vodka with an orange juice chase (get some vitamin C) should be tolerable.


3 or 4 shots an hour for 2-3 hours? Wow, I think I'd be totaled, and the hangover would be worse than the virus...

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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My oldest daughter, who is 4 and a half, has a birthday party to go to tomorrow. The invite did not include "do not bring gifts." Really? So this kid is going to get 24 presents from her day care friends?


Also, along those same line...she has been invited to way too many birthday parties for her age. Seems like parents are having huge parties for 3rd, 4th, and 5th birthdays.


Not sure where you live, but yea, this is the norm in a lot of places. Ridiculous? Sure. And you aint seen nothing yet. As they get older, parties are an event- often times held at entertainment places. And yes, you will feel the pressure to spend a ton to do the same, since everyone else is. I probably shouldn't tell you she'll expect a cell phone when she's 10, because all her friends have one already : )


10? I know parents who give their kids a phone at 7 or 8. What a sad society we have become...

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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Yeah, I work for a company designed to be fair and stop solicitation and seniority. We have a waiting area meant to keep us from roaming around the areas members will congregate. You're supposed to get written up with potential to be fired if you solicit loops. Not that that rule is adhered to by our manager, who's absolutely garbage, but he's threatened to fire me already on occasion and just gives the vibe he dislikes me due to my history and knowledge of how the job used to run with ease and less dissertation with the caddy core. I think he purposely has assigned better loops to newer and local caddies to gain the security of them not quitting having this kind of stretch of non-money making rounds I'm going through.

It's just depressing me because the club and course has gone to he'll it's going to get redone end of March, and half the membets/workers/caddies just don't give a crap no more. Accelerating the deterioration of the course. What used to be premier of South Florida where Vice Presidents come to play on visit...is a dump. No pride whatsoever left and I don't want to be here being contractually bound to.


The idea to voice a continuation request of the good tippers, hinders on getting to caddy for them at random in the first place. And like I said It hasn't happened since 2013 for me.

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The gas station that I normally go to near our house has replaced all the hose handles with handles that don't allow you to set it to fill automatically. I went in to ask about this and they stated that this is a new thing and that before long all the gas stations will have this. It's apparently an attempt to try to prevent people from leaving their car unattended while it's filling. Yes, this is a relatively minor inconvenience, but A) Another example of the general population having to deal with something based on the actions of a few morons (what idiot leaves their car unattended while it's filling?) and B) The new handles that were installed have to be squeezed pretty tight while it's filling. For elderly people or people with arthritis it's not going to be easy.


Anyways, as always, there are always solutions: http://www.gasnozzleholder.com/Default.asp "Comes in four eye-catching colors" !!! :laughing

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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When people refer to baseball as "hardball".


It seems to me that it's only people who were born in the 50's and 60's who do this. For example, my Father in law was born in '54. He knows I coach and play baseball, yet almost every time it comes up in conversation he wants me to clarify that we're talking about hardball. My uncle who's the same age uses the word hardball a lot but only in the context of when he was a kid. He knows that I and the Brewers play baseball but when he was a kid he played hardball. My mom (born in '56) used to say hardball a lot but she has stopped. My dad (born in '48) would use hardball all the time. It must be a generational thing.

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When people refer to baseball as "hardball". It must be a generational thing.


It is. But remember, it's the generation that also came up with many of the great words and phrases still used in baseball today, so take the good with the bad. (Then again "hardball" doesn't bother me anyhow, unless it's said by someone under 70.)

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When people refer to baseball as "hardball". It must be a generational thing.


It is. But remember, it's the generation that also came up with many of the great words and phrases still used in baseball today, so take the good with the bad. (Then again "hardball" doesn't bother me anyhow, unless it's said by someone under 70.)


This is the generation that went crazy over rec (fast-pitch and slow-pitch) softball in the 70's.

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I recall hardball, but I only remember it as a term that was used to clearly differentiate baseball from softball.


I think it was probably part of the playground rules when we were kids… we could use softballs and rubber balls but not "hardballs." I suppose it'd be pretty un-American to prohibit baseball.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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I've moved around a lot in my adult life, so I've made a lot of friends and met girls and then up and left. I'm sticking around here for a good while, but the nearest decent town is 45 minutes away. I guess I'll just have to make a lot of long trips even if I'm just grabbing lunch.
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I hate being sick. The feeling like crap wasn't enough but I've spent the last 3 days laying around watching TV and I feel like a completely useless human.


I will be hitting one week of sickness tomorrow. I can no longer sleep at night because my nose is so blocked up I can't breathe and when I blow it out it's now solid chunks of yellow- green, bloody grossness.


After getting over that and spending 4 days at almost 100% health, I've got something else completely different now. I've spent a handful of days healthy this month and yet my wife has yet to get sick. She's pregnant. She's supposed to be the miserable one.

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It seems like almost every news story gets turned in to a race issue in today's society. I'm saddened by this and also a little worried. I was reading a news story on the most recent shooting in Kalamazoo and saw how all the comments were race related. I know Twitter can bring a lot of trolls out, looking to make people upset, but it just doesn't seem like we are in a good place.
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Went to the doctor this morning. I've got an upper respiratory viral infection. He said right now the only thing I can do is let it runs it's course. Yay! My mom, who's a nurse, told me that it's going around and it's taking people 2 to 3 weeks to get over it. Double yay! I've only got a week or two before I get better.

Hard liquor. A virus is a living organism, and alcohol can kill living organisms, so if a viral organism absorbs a molecule of alcohol the viral organism will die. It's why the "Irish cure for a cold" (whiskey) really works. Get your BAC up high enough (but not too high) so that the alcohol in your blood steam will kill the viral organisms - try three or four shots an hour (depending on size/body weight) for 2-3 hours (or until you see two bottles) then go to bed. Do that a couple of times and you'll shorten the course of the infection.


Vodka with an orange juice chase (get some vitamin C) should be tolerable.


Talk about high-risk, high-reward!


I might give this a shot sometime (no pun intended). Some people I work with swear by taking a shot after every meal when working in China. They say its the only way to make sure you don't get sick.

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I hate being sick. The feeling like crap wasn't enough but I've spent the last 3 days laying around watching TV and I feel like a completely useless human.


I will be hitting one week of sickness tomorrow. I can no longer sleep at night because my nose is so blocked up I can't breathe and when I blow it out it's now solid chunks of yellow- green, bloody grossness.


After getting over that and spending 4 days at almost 100% health, I've got something else completely different now. I've spent a handful of days healthy this month and yet my wife has yet to get sick. She's pregnant. She's supposed to be the miserable one.


Another trip to the doctor today. Strep throat. Joy.

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It seems like almost every news story gets turned in to a race issue in today's society. I'm saddened by this and also a little worried. I was reading a news story on the most recent shooting in Kalamazoo and saw how all the comments were race related. I know Twitter can bring a lot of trolls out, looking to make people upset, but it just doesn't seem like we are in a good place.


Getting people riled up creates ratings and clicks and therefore money. Simply reporting facts doesn't bring in the bucks.

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Maybe you had strep throat all along? The good news is that the medication will make you feel a whole lot better really soon.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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Maybe you had strep throat all along? The good news is that the medication will make you feel a whole lot better really soon.


The doctor didn't think I had it last time and we did a throat swab just to be sure that came back negative. My symptoms are definitely different this time as all my discomfort is in my throat and when I looked in my mouth last night it looked like my throat had chicken pox.

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I might give this a shot sometime (no pun intended). Some people I work with swear by taking a shot after every meal when working in China. They say its the only way to make sure you don't get sick.

I'm pretty sure it's part of the reason for drinking sake when eating sushi. The alcohol should help kill any bacteria that may have gotten in the raw fish.

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