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What's bugging you? (2016)


I have 2-4 weeks' vacation end of September with absolutely no idea where to go or what to do. Want to keep it <$1000. Cruise? Caribbean? Road trip to California? Ireland?


It's also bugging me that the nearest safe city to me is 40 minutes away. My church has nobody my age but is the only one around in my denomination.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
I have 2-4 weeks' vacation end of September with absolutely no idea where to go or what to do. Want to keep it <$1000. Cruise? Caribbean? Road trip to California? Ireland?

Not knowing your interests, or if you're traveling alone or whatever, I'll throw out the following thoughts and ideas:


1. Ireland for less than $1000 is hard. A ticket can cost that much. I would save up and do Ireland properly. It's an amazing place. Been there three times.

2. National Parks are amazing in September. The summer crowds are gone, so prices are lower and crowds are diminished. Glacier National Park is my favorite. Get up in the morning, do a hike. Or you can do boat tours of the lake or just drive the park. Get back to your hotel or camper or whatever and sit around and read and drink a few beers.

3. If you're a history geek like me, and are alone or traveling with another history geek, do a Civil War battlefield tour or something like that. I've never done it, but I had a friend tour through the south going from battlefield to battlefield. He loved it - but then, he's a history geek like me.

4. If you just want to relax and do nothing, find a cheap hotel in South Beach or Fort Myers in Florida, and just sit there for a week. Get up in the morning, go set up a chair on the beach, read, go enjoy the water every now and then. Just sit there all day. I love just getting away from the world sometimes. Just have to find a good beach and hotel. Prices shouldn't be too high in September.

5. I've heard the Kentucky Bourbon Trail is fun. Obviously, you need to be interested in that stuff. We have friends that want to take my wife and I.


Have fun.

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Thanks for the advice. It's just me on vacation, and I don't really know if I want to hike/camp, do some history-something, or just sit around and get blotto'd for a week. Right now I'm leaning toward driving cross-country to maybe California and just stopping at state parks along the way and camping out. That'd be about 6,000 miles of driving round-trip, but in no hurry to make miles. Otherwise I'm getting my kayaks back next week, so maybe paddling/camping for a week on some lazy river.


I see flights to various parts of the Caribbean, but since that's the start of tourist season, I'd guess hotels will price me out of it.


My current 10-day vacation has been spent mostly just sitting at home. So far it's been great. Yesterday I bucked up a few trees in the yard.

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This is probably more Random Thoughts but it still bugs me. When movies and TV shows try to pass 20-somethings off as teenagers. The one that really bugs me right now is that gum commercial where the guy does drawing on gum wrappers to show he likes the girl. They are supposed to be portraying high schoolers but I doubt either of them is under 30. I guess I can understand wanting to have experienced actors play major parts in movies and shows but this is a commercial and neither of them has a speaking part.
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They do it because they don't have to deal with child labor laws.


There are enough kids in entertainment I don't see how that would be an issue. And even if that is the case they could at least find a bunch of 18 or 19 years olds instead of actors who look no where near the age they're playing.

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This is probably more Random Thoughts but it still bugs me. When movies and TV shows try to pass 20-somethings off as teenagers. The one that really bugs me right now is that gum commercial where the guy does drawing on gum wrappers to show he likes the girl. They are supposed to be portraying high schoolers but I doubt either of them is under 30. I guess I can understand wanting to have experienced actors play major parts in movies and shows but this is a commercial and neither of them has a speaking part.


Wait, are you saying drawing on gum wrappers is NOT the secret to meeting women?


Gosh darn it.

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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The Sentry on Meadowbrook in Waukesha is closing.…

A Sendik's store is going to open in that location next year.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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The Sentry on Meadowbrook in Waukesha is closing.…

A Sendik's store is going to open in that location next year.


Yeah, became aware of this the day after my post. Still bummed though...Sendik's is not really a weekly grocery shopping type place.


Btw Casey...never noticed that you have a Sigmund Snopek quote in your signature! Love Snopek. I actually have a Snopek album that I purchased when I was in high school or college (some songs on it...New York Jumpers, Hamburger Holocaust).


I remember in his "post-band" days, he would always open for Comedy Sportz on the comedy stage at Summerfest. I miss the comedy stage. I saw Dana Carvey, Billy Crystal, Henny Youngman, Emo Phillips, and Gibert Gottfried in the "heyday" years of the Summerfest comedy stage.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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Hamburger Holocaust


Paper bag dinner date

Food in a minute

Barbecue beef bomb

We serve it, you skin it

Fist full of pennies

Feast for a buck

Ten percent cattle scent

Stink up your truck

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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Only if you spray yourself with Axe body spray first.

The private high school two blocks from our house is back in session already. To get to our morning bus stop, we wait cross the street at the same intersection as many students.


Let's just say the high school boys like their Axe or Axe equivalent. :(

Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
They do it because they don't have to deal with child labor laws.

Child labor laws are, without question, an issue when dealing with kids under 18. It's often just not worth the hassle for productions to deal with restrictions involved. Also, there's the fact that you don't have to deal with parents - again, that can be huge.


But probably the biggest issue is simple maturity - both mental, emotional and physical.


While every young actor is different, the difference in dealing with someone who is 21 vs 16 is often huge. Those five years (or 10 or whatever) can make a huge difference. The big thing is obviously experience. Those five extra years can make a huge difference in a person's on screen performance. They know their craft better, they know how to handle themselves on a set better, etc.


And then there's the physical aspect of things. A 21 year old is - for the most part - physically mature. A 16 year old can change significantly in a few months (voice drops, grow three inches, etc.).


I worked in video production for a number of years, and experience is really the biggest factor. You've weeded out the wannabes and no talents. And producing a commercial or a corporate video or whatever costs money - and bad actors - adults or kids - cost time and money in the end. Reliability was so crucial. It just takes time for anyone to learn to be a professional at any line of work. Acting is the same. There are some great young adult actors, but there are a gazillion bad ones as well.

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I got behind one of those vehicles on the Lake Parkway a couple of days ago, and it was incredibly annoying. The speed limit is 50, and traffic was moving at about 55. The left lane vehicle was going about 47[space][/space]mph. In this situation, traffic enters the highway in both lanes. So within the first half mile to a mile, vehicles should make the appropriate adjustments. This one didn't bother.


This always goes on between Milwaukee and Chicago, especially on the Wisconsin side of the line. With four lanes to choose from, I'm not sure how the slow traffic makes it all the way over to the left lane, but it does.


Still, I think the statement "stay in the right lane unless you are passing" is overly simplistic. I don't think you want to change lanes every time you want to overtake a vehicle. That's about the same as weaving.


And let's say that the speed limit is 70, you're in the left lane going about 74, and the cars ahead of you are going about 74. Are you obligated to move to the right lane and travel at 60 to accommodate someone from behind who wants to go 80? I'd think not, but in a handful of states, drivers are obligated to do that.


Also, on many highways, all the lanes are needed to accommodate the number of cars who are using them. If everyone were in the right lane, the purpose of a multi-lane highway would be defeated.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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Still, I think the statement "stay in the right lane unless you are passing" is overly simplistic. I don't think you want to change lanes every time you want to overtake a vehicle. That's about the same as weaving.


And let's say that the speed limit is 70, you're in the left lane going about 74, and the cars ahead of you are going about 74. Are you obligated to move to the right lane and travel at 60 to accommodate someone from behind who wants to go 80? I'd think not, but in a handful of states, drivers are obligated to do that.


I agree with the first statement. Most of the time when I'm driving it's in heavier traffic during morning and afternoon drive times (to and from work between Waukesha and Milwaukee). In that situation, in my opinion, the general rule is to just keep up with the car in front of you. If you are unable or unwilling to do that, move over! What really bothers me in that situation is when you have a long line of cars in the left lane all pretty much following that rule, but there is a temporary gap in the middle lane. One of the cars in the line decides it want to skip places in the line of cars and zooms up the middle lane in order to get ahead a whole 3 or 4 cars (basically weaving). I'm not sure if I'm more upset with them or the person who let them in (I never let those people in). They become part of the reason why the left lane may not be traveling as fast as it should during those times. It's different if the middle lane is wide open and the car one or two in front of you is leaving a huge gap (or if you can see the car ahead that is leaving a huge gap and you have a clear path to get ahead of it - in that case the car behind the slow car should be "hinting" to that car that it is not in the correct lane).


I don't really agree with the 2nd statement. If traffic is lighter and a car wants to go 90, get out of their way. What annoys me on the open free-way with light traffic is when cars don't maintain a constant speed. Cruise control is a pretty standard option now on most cars, yet some people seem to have no idea when or how to use it.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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Here is an annoying driving scenario I experienced a few weeks ago. I came upon a car in the left lane making a pass, but slower than I was travelling. No big deal. Just wait for them to complete the pass, move over and continue on. While in this alignment, a corvette runs up on me and starts flashing his lights at me to get over. While I'm behind another car and directly alongside the 3 slower cars in the right lane whom are being passed. And he persisted. Not a simple...double flash...oh my bad you are involved with slower traffic too. Just kept flashing them. Luckily I don't get road rage, but man that was annoying. And who the hell does that guy think he is by the way?

“I'm a beast, I am, and a Badger what's more. We don't change. We hold on."  C.S. Lewis

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Why do fast food place not put napkins in your drive thru bags? Seems like something I should have to ask for.
"This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while.
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Brewer Fanatic Contributor

Last car related item:


Car gets into a turn lane without signaling - then signals once they get into the turn lane. What's the point? Signaling you were moving into the turn lane may have helped someone, but once you're in the turn lane, it's pretty much a given where you're headed.


Okay, complaining done. Maybe...

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Last car related item:


Car gets into a turn lane without signaling - then signals once they get into the turn lane. What's the point? Signaling you were moving into the turn lane may have helped someone, but once you're in the turn lane, it's pretty much a given where you're headed.


Okay, complaining done. Maybe...


If you live in WI you'll find quite a bit to complain about, so I doubt you're done as a whole we are pretty poor drivers. Around me we've had roundabouts for at least 10 years and local drivers still make constant mistakes with lanes, or think that you can take the outside lane all the way around to the left, when it's a straight only lane once you're into the roundabout. None of this should be difficult as there are 2 signs prior to entering the roundabouts and the lane types are actually painted on the road in the lane, but that didn't matter to the dude in the 4x4 with the lift kit who I nearly T-Boned when he turned across my face from that outside lane as I was going straight from the middle lane, which in a 3 lane roundabout is the first left turn lane. He had literally no idea that he was in the wrong when I had to stop dead and honk at him. Between the road construction and roundabouts if I didn't have to take a defensive driving courses over every year for work there's no way I'd have made it through accident free. At first I felt sorry for people, especially the elderly, but I'm getting to the point where I'm incredibly tired of distracted and/or ignorant drivers.


I couldn't find a picture of this type of roundabout but from right to left:

Lane 1=straight through or right turn

Lane 2=straight through or left turn

Lane 3=left turn only

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation."

- Plato

"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something."

- Plato

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