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What's bugging you? (2016)

We met in a park. She's very much a park person. So the first meetup we went hiking in a park. She suggested another get-together at a park. She seems to have a lot of guy-friends. I'm beginning to wonder if that wasn't a date so much as I'm her park friend. The advice I've gotten has been to suggest an active but date-y type place next time and see how she reacts. Though since I interpret women about as well as I do Cantonese, I'm also inclined to just sorta ask--though that's a really weird and awkward question, as well as putting her on the spot.
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We met in a park. She's very much a park person. So the first meetup we went hiking in a park. She suggested another get-together at a park. She seems to have a lot of guy-friends. I'm beginning to wonder if that wasn't a date so much as I'm her park friend. The advice I've gotten has been to suggest an active but date-y type place next time and see how she reacts. Though since I interpret women about as well as I do Cantonese, I'm also inclined to just sorta ask--though that's a really weird and awkward question, as well as putting her on the spot.


Your friends are right. You've had a couple nice little park dates to sort of kick the tires. Now it's time to plan a proper date and show her a good time.

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3:10 Saturday starting times, it just blows up my whole day.


People who return to their seats mid-AB. Three people a few rows in front of me returning to their seats obstructing my view, then a scorching liner is fouled straight back one section over.

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Splitting the bill when it's not equal bothers me!


Some background. We go out with two other couples maybe once or twice a year. First time we went out, they ordered a couple bottles of expensive wine. (We are not wine drinkers and said so.) Bill came, and the other couples aid "let's just split it." No mention of "Well, Mr. and Mrs. FV Brewerfan didn't have any wine, they shouldn't put in as much." Not one to cause a scene, I just put in 1/3 of the bill (plus tip of course.)


This happened a couple more times. I know, shame on me, I knew it was coming. So this past weekend I told the waitress separate checks. Response from the others was "No it would be just easier to split it." But I didn't back down, no.....separate checks please. Then a comment was made hinting that I was cheap. (Side note, I'm really not. I split checks all the time even if what I ordered was a few dollars less or something.) I felt like I was forced to call them out, so I said you guys know we don't drink wine. I'm glad you enjoy it, but I'm not paying for your wine. Nicely, of course, but words to that effect.


Bottom line, now there's this weird dynamic hanging out there between us and these friends that are otherwise really good people. And it's not that they're trying to pull one over on us, it just didn't ever occur to them that it isn't right. Awkward situations bug me!


I thought those types of people only existed on TV. I can honestly say I've never split a bill with anyone ever. Even in situations where we get one check we still pay only for what we ordered.

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It's an awkward situation without a good solution. The reaction that FVBrewerFan got isn't to be unexpected. Yet, he and Mrs. FVBrewerFan shouldn't be expected to contribute to what looks to be $50 or more worth of wine that they weren't going to partake in.


Splitting a check to the last penny is sort of anal and isn't really becoming either. Coming close (within a few dollars) would seem to be the best case scenario.


When I'm in a split tab situation, I generally toss in more money than what my "share" would be and not worry about getting the extra back. If someone decides that I should get money back, I don't get concerned if I think it's "too much." I figure the less conversation about the bill, the better.


I'd much rather go out with others and pay the whole thing, giving them the opportunity to reciprocate another time (without necessarily expecting it to happen). Or if they want to treat me, I'll hope to reciprocate. In situations like that, it's the reciprocity that counts rather than the amounts of the bills.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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Jimbo, I totally agree with people who move around in the middle of innings. At least wait until between batters. Other things that bug me when attending games:


Along with what Jimbo said, people who are sitting in the middle of the aisle that I'm in that get up and leave often. And never as part of a group. I know that I'm more into the game itself than most fans, but the casual fans should also respect that there are actually people there who want to watch the game and don't want to have people walking in front of us, or having to get up and down in our seats all the time.


And the really annoying people are the ones in the rows in front of me that don't feel compelled to be in any hurry to sit down when returning to their seat (or standing for whatever other reason). I'm all for people standing in big moments of the game, but when someone comes back to their seat mid-inning, get in there and sit down.

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Jimbo, I totally agree with people who move around in the middle of innings. At least wait until between batters. Other things that bug me when attending games:


Along with what Jimbo said, people who are sitting in the middle of the aisle that I'm in that get up and leave often. And never as part of a group. I know that I'm more into the game itself than most fans, but the casual fans should also respect that there are actually people there who want to watch the game and don't want to have people walking in front of us, or having to get up and down in our seats all the time.


And the really annoying people are the ones in the rows in front of me that don't feel compelled to be in any hurry to sit down when returning to their seat (or standing for whatever other reason). I'm all for people standing in big moments of the game, but when someone comes back to their seat mid-inning, get in there and sit down.


Exactly the reasons I don't enjoy going to Brewer games anymore. I miss the days where there would be 20 people in an entire section and you would all sit no where near each other.

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We could probably have a thread devoted to annoying in-game fan behavior at the ballpark.

Some of you already know that we've been family section ticket holders for a long time (going back to County Stadium). One result of that is I pretty much expect a lot of up-and-down action from fans in our section. When kids are involved, I understand it a little more, but it's not limited to youngsters at all. Among my pet peeves:


- Waiting until the END of a mid-inning break to get up and leave your seat. I get wanting to watch the sausage race or be part of the 7th inning stretch, but this also happens during the innings where the main "event" is the grounds crew touchup.


- As mentioned above, standing up to leave and then pausing (while standing and blocking other fans' view) to make sure you know what to order for everyone in your group (or whatever). If your sibling can't decide between a brat and a hot dog, maybe it's time to sit back down until s/he's ready.


- Late arrivals who barge into their row regardless of the point of the game. We attended the Friday and Sunday Nats games this weekend, and in each game I missed Bryce Harper's first at-bat because of fans arriving late and insisting on getting to their seats. I'm not that into Bryce Harper - it was just coincidence that he was the batter both times - but other ballparks actually try to enforce not interrupting at-bats, and I wish Miller Park would follow suit.

Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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We could probably have a thread devoted to annoying in-game fan behavior at the ballpark.

Some of you already know that we've been family section ticket holders for a long time (going back to County Stadium). One result of that is I pretty much expect a lot of up-and-down action from fans in our section. When kids are involved, I understand it a little more, but it's not limited to youngsters at all. Among my pet peeves:


- Waiting until the END of a mid-inning break to get up and leave your seat. I get wanting to watch the sausage race or be part of the 7th inning stretch, but this also happens during the innings where the main "event" is the grounds crew touchup.


- As mentioned above, standing up to leave and then pausing (while standing and blocking other fans' view) to make sure you know what to order for everyone in your group (or whatever). If your sibling can't decide between a brat and a hot dog, maybe it's time to sit back down until s/he's ready.


- Late arrivals who barge into their row regardless of the point of the game. We attended the Friday and Sunday Nats games this weekend, and in each game I missed Bryce Harper's first at-bat because of fans arriving late and insisting on getting to their seats. I'm not that into Bryce Harper - it was just coincidence that he was the batter both times - but other ballparks actually try to enforce not interrupting at-bats, and I wish Miller Park would follow suit.


I stand and I wait until between batters to go to my seat. Always. If I'm in the middle of a longer row, I'll wait until between innings (and make my friends do the same)


I have no qualms yelling "DOWN IN FRONT" to people who won't sit down and insist on standing and talking to one another. Go ahead, give me the glare.


Oh, and if you snuck down to sit in a better seat, and you're in my seat, don't pretend to be shocked when I come to sit in it. Just get up and leave.

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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Wrigley Field is 10 times worse than MP.


"Fans" are constantly standing in the aisles, in the row of seats, etc. taking selfies and pictures of each other. Constantly moving around, and generally being annoying. Mostly because a lot of those people aren't Cubs fans or baseball fans at all, just there so they can post pics on social media that they're at Wrigley.

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It's an awkward situation without a good solution. The reaction that FVBrewerFan got isn't to be unexpected. Yet, he and Mrs. FVBrewerFan shouldn't be expected to contribute to what looks to be $50 or more worth of wine that they weren't going to partake in.


Splitting a check to the last penny is sort of anal and isn't really becoming either. Coming close (within a few dollars) would seem to be the best case scenario.



Yea, that's what I always do as well. If our share is $52, I'll throw $60 out there. Most of the time people will throw a few dollars back at me, but if they don't I'm cool with that.


What irritates me about the situation I outlined earlier is people not following the social norm. When it's clear you spend far more on the tab than others, you make a gesture to make up for that. Then the other person can accept the gesture or not. It's really more about that than the money itself.

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There is a reason I typically pick 1st row over a specific section. Sometimes I would rather watch from the OF then look at someone's butt the entire game by the dugout.

I hear you on that. My short torso results in the railing disrupting my view from row 1 of many sections.

Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
Wrigley Field is 10 times worse than MP.


"Fans" are constantly standing in the aisles, in the row of seats, etc. taking selfies and pictures of each other. Constantly moving around, and generally being annoying. Mostly because a lot of those people aren't Cubs fans or baseball fans at all, just there so they can post pics on social media that they're at Wrigley.


That's because they are sending pictures to their friends about the baseball game and sprung up at the beer garden....

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Don't know where to put this, don't want to vent on the main board, but man...sometimes I really hate being a Brewers fan.


Save a short stretch a few years ago, for basically my entire life all I've really had to look forward to is trades, prospects, and the hope we might not be terrible in a couple years. Don't get me wrong, I still love going to games (been to 13 this year), love the team, love this board and the discussions, but it really bugs me that typically I'm clicking on the Transaction Rumors forum more often than the Major League forum.


I know many here love when the games are sparsely attended so it's not filled with casual fans. But man do I miss when the stadium was packed, loud, and the games actually mattered.

I am not Shea Vucinich
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Don't know where to put this, don't want to vent on the main board, but man...sometimes I really hate being a Brewers fan.


Save a short stretch a few years ago, for basically my entire life all I've really had to look forward to is trades, prospects, and the hope we might not be terrible in a couple years. Don't get me wrong, I still love going to games (been to 13 this year), love the team, love this board and the discussions, but it really bugs me that typically I'm clicking on the Transaction Rumors forum more often than the Major League forum.


I know many here love when the games are sparsely attended so it's not filled with casual fans. But man do I miss when the stadium was packed, loud, and the games actually mattered.


This is sort of what being a Packers fan was for the first 25+ years of my life. And when you're a kid you don't deal in realities, so the expectation from me was 14-0 every year.

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I will say the Cardinals' ushers are pretty good about having people wait until breaks in the action. When you're in the better seats at least.


My experience at Busch in 2011 was actually the opposite. We were in pretty good seats on the third base side. My wife and I had gotten up to get some food. Yes, we left during a break in the action. After we got our food, we stood in the aisle above our section, so as not to interrupt people in the middle of the inning. We were in front of a wall, not in front of anyone's view. The usher said, "You folks need to go to your seats...you can't be standing around here."


I looked at my wife, shrugged, and we made people stand up in the middle of the inning. Their rules, I guess.

The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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I will say the Cardinals' ushers are pretty good about having people wait until breaks in the action. When you're in the better seats at least.


My experience at Busch in 2011 was actually the opposite. We were in pretty good seats on the third base side. My wife and I had gotten up to get some food. Yes, we left during a break in the action. After we got our food, we stood in the aisle above our section, so as not to interrupt people in the middle of the inning. We were in front of a wall, not in front of anyone's view. The usher said, "You folks need to go to your seats...you can't be standing around here."


I looked at my wife, shrugged, and we made people stand up in the middle of the inning. Their rules, I guess.


Same thing at Miller Park behind the field level around home plate. A few years ago we were sitting in the last row and my back was getting a little sore so I got up and stood right behind my seat. The usher was right behind us and watched me do this. After about 15 seconds he told me I needed to sit down.


Although I think most ushers are just old guys who need the power trip for their ego. They have no problem telling people to sit down or asking to see your tickets to make sure you're going to your section but will do nothing about drunks or generally annoying people unless forced to.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
People that burn jerseys bother me. Being an athlete is a job. Athletes change teams. The star athlete didn't change teams to personally offend you, so get over it. You don't need to burn the jersey and post a YouTube video to show how personally offended you were.
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Getting the run around from health insurance. After about a dozen phone calls I still don't have a doctor's appointment because I've yet to find somebody who can or will tell me of an orthopedic specialist that is "within network." At this point I would honestly prefer if my employer just skipped the insurance, let me fend for myself and paid me the money they spend on my insurance each year instead.
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Getting the run around from health insurance. After about a dozen phone calls I still don't have a doctor's appointment because I've yet to find somebody who can or will tell me of an orthopedic specialist that is "within network." At this point I would honestly prefer if my employer just skipped the insurance, let me fend for myself and paid me the money they spend on my insurance each year instead.


Considering a typical trip to a specialist will run close to $3,000 I doubt you'd want that. :)


Honestly, that sucks, and your doctors need to get their crap together. Whomever is referring you to a specialist should be able to refer you to one that is in network.

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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There are a lot of horrible people in this world. That is all. I would like to make it one day without hearing about one suicide bomber, cop killer, mass shooting, terrorist attack, armed forces death, or police shooting controversy. Not meant to be political but all this stuff is sure disheartening.
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