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Probably the reason Luke made that Matrix style move to avoid Kylo's lightsaber since Kylo would realize Luke wasn't there once the lightsabers were supposed to make contact.


I think we were supposed to maybe notice that Luke wasn't making red streaks with his feet and Kylo was.


That, and the fact it looked like Luke just got done shooting a "Just for Men" hair dye commercial.

Gruber Lawffices
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Overall I really like The Last Jedi, would say it is my 5th favorite of all the Star Wars films. While there were some things I wasn't crazy about or question, I really enjoyed the story overall. Just really surprised Snoke is dead and we never found out his backstory and I don't believe Rey's parents really were nobody. I think Kylo was just saying that to trick her. See where that goes in Episode 9.


How can anyone not be romantic about that scene with Luke and R2D2 when R2 shows the Leia image. That was fantastic. And speaking of that, Luke was great throughout the movie.

Formerly BrewCrewIn2004



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It's literally someone's job now to decide what is "canon" - which is essentially everything since Disney purchased Lucasfilm (films, books, comic books), along with the Rebels & Clone Wars animated series - and to weave it all together. I guess expecting all of the questions to be answered within the films is probably too lofty.


Hopefully Snoke's backstory isn't relegated to some comic book, and maybe we'll get one (or more) Vader standalone movies between Episode III and Rogue One where he's hunting the last of the Jedi and Snoke is revealed to be a secret apprentice of Vader or Sidious.

Gruber Lawffices
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I just got back from seeing TLJ in 3D. I typically don't care for 3D, but I thought this was well done. No gimmicky feeling like you're on a theme park ride, or stuff popping out of the screen at you. It wasn't perfect, but overall I enjoyed it (& I wasn't really expecting to). I still wouldn't ever want to have my first viewing of a movie to be in 3D, but it was good.


So if you're a 3D pooh-pooer like me, & you liked TLJ, give it a chance. It was fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm a hard core SW fan, and liked it but didn't love it on the first viewing. Felt the same way walking out of the theater as I did walking out of Rogue One (which I then absolutely loved on a second viewing).


After a second viewing of TLJ, I absolutely loved it, too. Yes there are some things I didn't love (I agree a bit about the casino sequence feeling 'off'), but overall I thought it was great.



After seeing it a second time, I was able to notice a few other details. Of course, I had seen a number of YouTube videos between the viewings which helped, too.


I have read people arguing that the casino scene was support do point out social injustice. Perhaps I'm numb to it, but how would that be different than Indiana Jones, or many other movies.


I believe that Snoke is not dead. How did Rey and Kylo keep their force connection after Snoke died (gotta love the tongue sticking out after he was chopped in half).


Using the Yoda puppet was cool, as well.

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I'm a hard core SW fan, and liked it but didn't love it on the first viewing. Felt the same way walking out of the theater as I did walking out of Rogue One (which I then absolutely loved on a second viewing).


After a second viewing of TLJ, I absolutely loved it, too. Yes there are some things I didn't love (I agree a bit about the casino sequence feeling 'off'), but overall I thought it was great.

I believe that Snoke is not dead. How did Rey and Kylo keep their force connection after Snoke died (gotta love the tongue sticking out after he was chopped in half).

Great point on that Force connection.


Makes me wonder if maybe Snoke was someone's apprentice? And *that* Sith Lord was the one doing the Rey-Ren connection all along. There's also the moment where Snoke says he can see all of Ren's thoughts, but obviously doesn't see that Ren's rotating Anakin's lightsaber toward him.


That's probably not right, & they just killed Snoke, & that's that. But fun to speculate.

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Makes me wonder if maybe Snoke was someone's apprentice? And *that* Sith Lord was the one doing the Rey-Ren connection all along. There's also the moment where Snoke says he can see all of Ren's thoughts, but obviously doesn't see that Ren's rotating Anakin's lightsaber toward him.


That's probably not right, & they just killed Snoke, & that's that. But fun to speculate.



I don't do "fan theories" very much, but one that sticks out to me is this one. When Hux comes into the throne room, he asked Kylo Ren what happened, and Ren said that Rey had killed Snoke. Also, Snoke had said that he could see Ren's thoughts. My thought is that Rey was the one that killed Snoke with the lightsaber. Just a thought, and maybe I'm wrong, but it's possible.

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I have to admit I’m a little disappointed that we won’t see an actual Kylo-Luke lightsaber battle, considering Kylo destroyed the new Jedi order and all.


That exposition would've been way better than the 30 minutes on Casino Free the Horses planet.

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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I don't do "fan theories" very much, but one that sticks out to me is this one. When Hux comes into the throne room, he asked Kylo Ren what happened, and Ren said that Rey had killed Snoke. Also, Snoke had said that he could see Ren's thoughts. My thought is that Rey was the one that killed Snoke with the lightsaber. Just a thought, and maybe I'm wrong, but it's possible.

Considered this, I have not. A good theory you have proposed.

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I have to admit I’m a little disappointed that we won’t see an actual Kylo-Luke lightsaber battle, considering Kylo destroyed the new Jedi order and all.


That exposition would've been way better than the 30 minutes on Casino Free the Horses planet.



I'm definitely stealing that

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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I don't do "fan theories" very much, but one that sticks out to me is this one. When Hux comes into the throne room, he asked Kylo Ren what happened, and Ren said that Rey had killed Snoke. Also, Snoke had said that he could see Ren's thoughts. My thought is that Rey was the one that killed Snoke with the lightsaber. Just a thought, and maybe I'm wrong, but it's possible.

Considered this, I have not. A good theory you have proposed.


Kylo's not being truthful when he says that, he's covering for his own actions. His hand makes a motion to trigger the switch.


Another explanation that is slightly more plausible is that Snoke was doing a force projection like Luke and isn't actually dead, but I think the most straightforward answer is that he was a lame bad guy and Rian killed him off to focus on more interesting storylines.

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Finally saw the movie this past weekend. I really liked it...I didn't think it was quite as good as The Force Awakens, but I still thought it was a very good Star Wars movie.


Really don't get the bashing of Luke's character by some. I thought the way they built him up through the movie made sense, and I was swerved by the "Force projection" thing he used at the end.


I hope Snoke isn't coming back...seemed like a lame Palpatine knock-off that they just sort of had around to explain the rise of the First Order. No depth to the character, but they can revisit him in the future if they need to.


One thing that bothered me: Was this the first time in a Star Wars movie that "running out of fuel" on a ship was a thing? I don't remember that ever coming up before.

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This movie ***** me of my childhood memories and sense of hope.


Before you waste your time seeing this horrific film let me describe what it feels like to watch it if you are a fan of the Original George Lucas Trilogy…


You feel as if though you’re a 5 year old kid again and are gleefully playing with your Vintage Millennium Falcon Toy Ship, full of imagination and hope for the universe. Then Rian Johnson walks into the room. He grabs the ships out of your hand and opens the top bay doors. He proceeds to drop his drawers and piss into the toy a few feet in front of your face. You sit there stunned like THE DUDE in the Big Lebowski and simply mutter “Not in the Millennium Falcon, man!.” Then just when you think he is done, Rian turns around and takes an actual dump inside the Falcon. Rian mercifully exits the room.


Despite feeling completely mortified and scarred by the experience, you gather yourself together and approach your cherished, childhood toy to assess the damages. Then, just as you start to get a new hope that the Falcon can somehow be cleaned up, Kathleen Kennedy and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Gang from Disney come into the room and start stomping the Falcon into smithereens like it’s a Friggin HOT DIGGITY DOG jamboree!


Holding back tears at this point, The Horror just continues. Next, enter a bunch of innocent looking Porgs who are carrying torches of Wookie fur. They proceed to start the entire room on fire.


Finally, you can’t bear it any longer and are forced to leave the premises.


Then you spend the next 24-48 hours in a daze, questioning humanity, wondering how and why this happened and whether or not it could be fixed, undone or erased from existence. ????????????????????


It CAN NOT. It’s over. Everything you once loved about this franchise and the magic of it’s movie making is gone.


Stick a fork in it and milk a green tit.


STAR WARS is done.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Brewer Fanatic Contributor

Sorry, but no way has Disney done a great job. Not even good.


This move was better than episode 7, but mainly because 7 was absolute garbage.


For episode 8, I agree with most of what was already said. Casino/Rose/Horses - disjointed. Leia/Mary Poppins - ridiculous. Luke-surpisingly good. The force projection fight actually made it make more sense (fighting the walkers).


Of course Rey's parents are something. Ren said he saw them and that is why she would turn dark... The later conversation was desperation to get her to turn. And of course, if you haven't figured it out, with all of the Yin/Yang (good and evil balanced, etc...) that only thing that makes sense is that she is Ren's twin. This also explains how they were able to maintain the connection after Snoke died.


I took Snoke's inability to see Ren's intention to kill him as Ren's growth in the force. And the dark side's over confidence in themselves.

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Star Wars can never win. Either they stick too close to the original storylines or they don't. Either way, people will have a gripe with them.
"This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while.
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  • 4 months later...

So apparently after the “Solo” flop Disney has suspended production of any further spinoffs. I saw “Solo” and I didn’t think it was THAT bad, but then again by the time I saw it the reviews had already come out and my expectations were really low. Rumor has it they were planning an Obi Wan spin-off which would have occurred between episodes 3 and 4 and had Ewan McGregor starred in it, which he had expressed interest in doing, I think actually could have been pretty good.


But overall the more I look at what Disney has done with Star Wars, particularly the two new trilogy movies, the more I don’t like it. I admit to being a dork and reading a lot of the “extended universe” books and while some of those storylines were pretty far out there the general story line with Han and Leia and their Jedi twins and Luke starting a new Jedi Order and Grand Admiral Thrawn and the Imperial Remnant was all pretty good. Disney just basically used the same storyline as the original movies in TFA and then TLJ pretty much killed off every angle TFA started, mostly without any real explanation. The third movie in a trilogy is supposed to wrap things up but with Star Wars it seems like they have to start anew. Really the only storylines left from the first two movies are the Rey-Kylo Wren relationship and how to officially kill off Leia. I just don’t understand why they chose to go this direction.

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I loved Solo, but I guess maybe I'm in the minority. Given a lot of the negativity I had heard about the movie, I was expecting it to be closer to the prequel trilogy in terms of storyline quality. I wouldn't say it was as good as Rogue One, but I thought it was still a very good Star Wars movie.
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I agree Invader3K, I don't understand the negativity towards this movie. I was highly entertained from start to finish, which is what I look for when going to a movie...
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Solo had a lot working against it.


It came out too close to Last Jedi, and wasn't the beneficiary of a huge marketing blitz like a major studio release should get. Disney assumed it was a Star Wars movie, and everyone would go see it. There was also no stakes. We knew Han Solo would live. We knew he would complete the Kessel Run in "12 Parsecs". We knew he would acquire the Millenium Falcon. All that aside, I thought it was a fun and entertaining movie, with a light plot, centered around Han Solo having cool Han Solo adventures.


There's a lot of negative buzz around Star Wars after The Last Jedi, and that's ok. People can like it or not, as they see fit. But man, I just have to say......death threats and telling actors/cast/crew to kill themselves? There's a LOT of angry 45 year old nerds that seriously, seriously, seriously need to get a life if someone making a movie you don't like makes you post death threats online.


I get it, Star Wars isn't "just" a movie, it's a cultural phenomenon, and I admit I didn't care for the Rose character and the casino sequence, but I have nothing against the actress that played her. I just didn't like the way the character was written and portrayed. I think the casino sequence was out of place with the rest of the movie. I think Rian Johnson took some chances with the lore of Star Wars. Some payed off and some didn't. But if you're online telling people to kill themselves and posting death threats, seriously..... get a life. It's fiction. Go ride a bike or take a walk.

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Solo's biggest issue was that they fired the original directors midway through filming and replaced them with the most boring director working today in Ron Howard. I haven't seen it yet and will probably rent it but when studios meddle like that it's nearly impossible to release something that resembles a great movie.
"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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There's a lot of negative buzz around Star Wars after The Last Jedi, and that's ok. People can like it or not, as they see fit. But man, I just have to say......death threats and telling actors/cast/crew to kill themselves? There's a LOT of angry 45 year old nerds that seriously, seriously, seriously need to get a life if someone making a movie you don't like makes you post death threats online.


I get it, Star Wars isn't "just" a movie, it's a cultural phenomenon, and I admit I didn't care for the Rose character and the casino sequence, but I have nothing against the actress that played her. I just didn't like the way the character was written and portrayed. I think the casino sequence was out of place with the rest of the movie. I think Rian Johnson took some chances with the lore of Star Wars. Some payed off and some didn't. But if you're online telling people to kill themselves and posting death threats, seriously..... get a life. It's fiction. Go ride a bike or take a walk.


This is kind of the problem really and the way that Lucas and Disney responded to this backlash basically pissed off all of the fans who had valid gripes on the series. Instead of saying "hey we hear your complaints about The Last Jedi, we are going to try and make the next Star Wars a great experience. Thank you for you concerns." They instead not sure if it was intentional went after all of the fans and basically said hey you are all racists and we don't care about your concerns.


This then continued with the reviews from the trailer of Solo. After a few negative reviews came out they basically doubled down on this stance and the backlash continued from the fans. This is going to be an interesting case study on how to not manage your social media presence and your marketing. It is interesting how Disney and Lucas have somehow killed something that should have been a cash cow for them.

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