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The First Order has disbanded OSHA. No handrails anywhere.


Stupid exhaust vents.


People clapping in the theatre was stupid. Someone actually tried to start a slow clap when Luke showed up.


We thought it could have used a Scorsese ending. Instead of Luke at the end, it's Kylo Ren and he beheads Rey.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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Couple of things I really disliked: 1) plot was WAY too similar to original movies. 2) They didn't do a good enough job explaining how the New Republic and the Resistance were different. 3) Kylo Ren was a bad a$$ dark sider who is strong enough to stop a blaster shot mid-air and pull thoughts from people's minds but he get his butt kicked in a light saber dual by someone who basically closes her eyes and finds the force? Completely undermines Kylo Ren in my mind. 4) Snoke as a 20 foot tall hologram? I hope with all my heart he's normal sized in person. A 20 foot tall person is too Lord of the Rings-ish. Not Star Wars. 5) They completely brushed over the fact the the First Order completely annihilated the seat of the New Republic Government which would throw them into absolute chaos.


But overall I liked the movie. I loved how they focused on the new characters instead of relying too much on the classics. Im sure Luke will be focused in the final two movies but I don't see my wish for a whole new Jedi Order to be realized. Did a great job of making me want to see Episode VIII already even though it's two years out still.


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The term is fine, it means what it means. It may be overused, however, she didn't do a single thing wrong or fail at anything the entire movie.... and she miraculously gains the ability to use the force and pull a light saber to her better than someone who's had training. There is NO TRAINING what so ever given to her in the movie. Luke had at least trained with Obi-Won before he blew up the death star. I have no idea that she had any training before. All I know is she is an orphan who randomly can use the force. There's no context or even any hint that she'd had training before. I shouldn't have to assume something that major.


I think the original trilogy established that people can use the force without little or no training. Luke had just started training with Obi Wan and he was blocking shots with the blast shield down. Leia could feel that Luke got off the Death Star before it exploded. Also, one of Rey's visions when she touches the light saber appears to be of Kylo and the Knights of Ren killing Luke's students. If that vision was a repressed memory, Rey likely would have had some force training before she was left on Jakku.


I had more issue with how Finn was apparently the only Stormtrooper in the galaxy that could shoot straight and how he held his own for a while against Kylo.

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The term is fine, it means what it means. It may be overused, however, she didn't do a single thing wrong or fail at anything the entire movie.... and she miraculously gains the ability to use the force and pull a light saber to her better than someone who's had training. There is NO TRAINING what so ever given to her in the movie. Luke had at least trained with Obi-Won before he blew up the death star. I have no idea that she had any training before. All I know is she is an orphan who randomly can use the force. There's no context or even any hint that she'd had training before. I shouldn't have to assume something that major.


I think the original trilogy established that people can use the force without little or no training. Luke had just started training with Obi Wan and he was blocking shots with the blast shield down. Leia could feel that Luke got off the Death Star before it exploded. Also, one of Rey's visions when she touches the light saber appears to be of Kylo and the Knights of Ren killing Luke's students. If that vision was a repressed memory, Rey likely would have had some force training before she was left on Jakku.


I had more issue with how Finn was apparently the only Stormtrooper in the galaxy that could shoot straight and how he held his own for a while against Kylo.


The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that Rey is a survivor of the Ren Slaughter and was a young pupil of Luke. Her immediate rapport with Han Solo has me thinking that she is the younger sister of Ben Solo, but she escaped the slaughter (or was spared by a brother who was not yet willing to kill his own sister). Knowing that Ben Solo could read minds and extract information this way, Luke wipes the memory of "Rey" from her own mind, and the minds of those around her including her parents. She's then left on Jakku with a protector (the "old ally" from the beginning of the film - and her prices at the pawn shop for her scavenged parts are suddenly worth less after he dies) in a Luke/Obi-Wan type scenario. She's able to wield the lightsaber and use other Force skills because those dormant skills have been re-activated. You could almost say.. the Force has been Awakened...

Gruber Lawffices
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I think the original trilogy established that people can use the force without little or no training.


Yeah but using it is different than dominating someone who is as knowledgeable and skilled in the force as Kylo Ren apparently is. When Luke first fought Vader in ESB, even with a fair amount of Jedi training Vader was just toying with him. So if Rey can defeat Ren with no apparent training, or even the small amount she would have received as a Padawan under Luke, how could Ren be considered a viable threat to either Rey when she does have more advanced training or Luke himself? Kylo Ren himself would need to significantly improve his training and skills to defeat them. I just thought it made him look weak.


And for what it's worth I think you guys are right about her being a sibling of Kylo. That seems like a very plausible scenario. Her memories of her parents leaving were actually Han and Leis leaving to protect her from Kylo. Perhaps Kylo thought he killed her with the rest of the students.

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The term is fine, it means what it means. It may be overused, however, she didn't do a single thing wrong or fail at anything the entire movie.... and she miraculously gains the ability to use the force and pull a light saber to her better than someone who's had training. There is NO TRAINING what so ever given to her in the movie. Luke had at least trained with Obi-Won before he blew up the death star. I have no idea that she had any training before. All I know is she is an orphan who randomly can use the force. There's no context or even any hint that she'd had training before. I shouldn't have to assume something that major.


I think the original trilogy established that people can use the force without little or no training. Luke had just started training with Obi Wan and he was blocking shots with the blast shield down. Leia could feel that Luke got off the Death Star before it exploded. Also, one of Rey's visions when she touches the light saber appears to be of Kylo and the Knights of Ren killing Luke's students. If that vision was a repressed memory, Rey likely would have had some force training before she was left on Jakku.


I had more issue with how Finn was apparently the only Stormtrooper in the galaxy that could shoot straight and how he held his own for a while against Kylo.


The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that Rey is a survivor of the Ren Slaughter and was a young pupil of Luke. Her immediate rapport with Han Solo has me thinking that she is the younger sister of Ben Solo, but she escaped the slaughter (or was spared by a brother who was not yet willing to kill his own sister). Knowing that Ben Solo could read minds and extract information this way, Luke wipes the memory of "Rey" from her own mind, and the minds of those around her including her parents. She's then left on Jakku with a protector (the "old ally" from the beginning of the film - and her prices at the pawn shop for her scavenged parts are suddenly worth less after he dies) in a Luke/Obi-Wan type scenario. She's able to wield the lightsaber and use other Force skills because those dormant skills have been re-activated. You could almost say.. the Force has been Awakened...



I lean towards this or that she is Luke's daughter who he sent away after the Ren Slaughter. I don't think Anikan & Luke's light-saber would call out to someone who wasn't related. She is naturally too powerful and gifted at everything the way Anikan & Luke were.



If she is not Hans daughter (which was pretty much proven), I hope she is Luke's. Feel it is better for the story than her just being some girl who was left on a planet when little with nobody parents who one day is all of a sudden a top flight jedi. Pretty boring back story.



Overall I'll take JJ over George any day. I think he just did a really good job as he does with all most everything he does. There are holes for sure. Was hoping Finn was jedi who also was awakening to help explain him developing his own mind all of a sudden

Proud member since 2003 (geez ha I was 14 then)


FORMERLY BrewCrewWS2008 and YoungGeezy don't even remember other names used

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If she was Han's daughter wouldn't Leia have to be her mom? If so, wouldn't they have made mention of a daughter in TFA? I don't think that was every brought up.


Also, The Force is passed down from parent to child, no? In other words, you can't have The Force without a parent also possessing it.


These two facts lead me to believe that Rey is the inbred offspring of Luke and Leia. Thanks for reading.

"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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If she was Han's daughter wouldn't Leia have to be her mom? If so, wouldn't they have made mention of a daughter in TFA? I don't think that was every brought up.


Also, The Force is passed down from parent to child, no? In other words, you can't have The Force without a parent also possessing it.


These two facts lead me to believe that Rey is the inbred offspring of Luke and Leia. Thanks for reading.


See my explanation of the theory about Luke wiping minds so they would forget "Rey." Also, although the force-sensitivity certainly can pass down from parents (specifically the Skywalker lineage), that's never been laid out as the only way. How else would Luke have been training a whole new generation of Jedi before the Ren Slaughter? Also, there's the whole Jedis are forbidden to marry and have children thing.


Also, I read a pretty good article regarding how Anakin was really meant to bring balance to the Force: by being the first moderate Jedi, who embraced love. Both the Jedi and Sith seem to think "balance" is the complete extermination of the other, so isn't it natural that in order to bring balance to too sides, you have to walk the line between the two extremes? Perhaps Luke realizes this, which could result in the possibility that Rey is his daughter if he did allow himself to love.

Gruber Lawffices
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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
3) Kylo Ren was a bad a$$ dark sider who is strong enough to stop a blaster shot mid-air and pull thoughts from people's minds but he get his butt kicked in a light saber dual by someone who basically closes her eyes and finds the force? Completely undermines Kylo Ren in my mind.



Kylo Ren had JUST been shot in the chest by chewbacca moments before by the bowcaster, and was very badly wounded.

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I read one theory that Rey was actually related to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Something about her fighting style and how it was Ewan McGregors voice that spoke to her. I forget the entirety of the theory but it made sense.


That's an interesting theory that I feel should be most likely scenario but probably not the one that is most likely. That being said, correct me if I'm wrong, but Obi-wan either would have to had a child while looking after baby Luke on Tattooine, or since SW: Clone Wars the TV show is still canon, that maybe Duchess Satine would be the likely mother, given the chemistry they had on the show.

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Saw it last night. Decent movie but certainly not up to all the hype. Can't say I'm all that surprised. Any time you hear more about a movie before it's released than after something is wrong. Tired to hard at nostalgia and forgot to make something new or original IMHO. Meet the new Death Star. Same as the old Death Star.
There needs to be a King Thames version of the bible.
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The more I think about it, everyone always has full names in Star Wars. Outside of Finn because he didn't have a real name. So why is Rey just Rey? Maybe because she is Lukes daughter and didn't want to give it away... Just something I've been thinking lately

Proud member since 2003 (geez ha I was 14 then)


FORMERLY BrewCrewWS2008 and YoungGeezy don't even remember other names used

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Rey is clearly either a Skywalker or a Kenobi. They wouldn't hide her last name otherwise.


The Force is clearly the get out of jail free card for any duel outcome. Rey holding her own isn't really that far outside established rules. Now Finn lasting more than 5 seconds against a guy that can hold a blaster bolt frozen in mid-air is another thing.

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Yeah, it feels like Rey is either a Skywalker (my thinking is via Leia/Solo give her instant rapport with Han), with an outside chance at being a Kenobi relative.


What about Supreme Leader Snoke? He appears to know the ways of the Dark Side, and wants to complete the training of Kylo Ren. So the assumption is that he/it is a Sith Lore. His appearance closely, but not precisely, resembles a Munn so it's a possibility that he's an incarnation of Darth Plagueis. But since he/it's a hologram, it could be anyone. One thought that blew my mind was the possibility that Snoke could be either Luke or Leia pulling a long con playing both sides like Palpatine did before them.

Gruber Lawffices
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I think it is just me but does Kylo Ren's mask look like Revan's mask from the Knights of the Old Republic?


Revan on the right



Kylo Ren



I don't think it is Darth Plagueis but Darth Bane.


Darth Bane:




Both Bane and Revan were almost included in the canon for star wars as they were supposed to appear in a Clone Wars episode but they were canceled due to Lucas stating that dead sith can not be ghosts. Lucas changed the canon for the knights of the old republic and Revan remains a sith and doesn't return to the light side as the game has it as canon.

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I wouldn't make too many assumptions based on what is and isn't canon. I think the fans care much more about this than the actual writers/directors. Lawrence Kasdan who was a writer for The Force Awakens and Episodes 5 and 6 recently said in an interview that he doesn't even know what is and isn't canon. They're just trying to write good stories. I'm sure they want continuity with Episodes 1-6 but I don't expect anymore than that.
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