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Braun Hurt on Opening Day


I've never really heard Ryan Braun make excuses for anything, I think that may be a bit harsh...


So you missed the Spring Training Extravaganza where he threw the tester under the bus, backed up again, drove over him again, backed up, etc. until the sound of beep beep beep seemed like it was echoing across the phoenix valley because it wouldn't stop.


Yeah Braunie is that high character person who never makes excuses.....

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Parra's WAR numbers are all based on defense and he skewed very high there in 2013, probably a bit of an outlier. He's basically replacement or just above replacement level offensively. You won't win with replacement level offensive production in a corner OF spot. They won't win with the 2014 version of Braun either, but lets give him a few months.


I didn't say Sweeney or Presley were great players, just that offensively they are comparable to Parra. Parra and Sweeney have identical OPS+ of 94 for their careers and Presley is close with 92. Both got caught in numbers games but they have enough talent to be bench players in the big leagues as does Parra. Only $6+ million is a lot for even a quality bench player.

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where he threw the tester under the bus, backed up again, drove over him again, backed up, etc. until the sound of beep beep beep seemed like it was echoing across the phoenix valley because it wouldn't stop


Regardless of Braun's innocence or guilt, it is a good thing that the person who mishandled the evidence was exposed, as he should never hold that position again. Had his actions occurred in something important, like a murder case, the murderer would have gone free due to his negligence.


He kept medical evidence in a beer cooler in his basement. I wouldn't trust that guy with flipping burgers, as he'd probably be too lazy to refrigerate the meat.

"The most successful (people) know that performance over the long haul is what counts. If you can seize the day, great. But never forget that there are days yet to come."


~Bill Walsh

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I have to say...All this negativity towards Braun is pretty disappointing.

Well then he shouldn't say things like "I know there's a small number of people on this planet who can do what I can do in this game."



Then get hurt on the first day of the year. Just laughable.

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I have to say...All this negativity towards Braun is pretty disappointing.

Well then he shouldn't say things like "I know there's a small number of people on this planet who can do what I can do in this game."



Then get hurt on the first day of the year. Just laughable.

What in what he said isn't true? What percentage of people in the world can solidly hit 95+ MPH fastballs? Less than 1%? Isn't that pretty much the definition of a "small number of people?"


How does his getting hurt justify an overwhelming amount of negativity towards him? Additionally, the whole quote includes him saying "But as long as I am healthy..." If you just don't like Braun because of PEDs or who he is as a person, then fine. Negativity because of injury though is not justified.

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Might pinch hit tonight. Most likely back tomorrow.
"This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while.
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I think the Brewers organization as a whole has always underplayed Braun injuries only for them to be worse in the end. And that goes back to 2008. Like they are never 100% honest in the medical reports when he gets an injury of some sort.


I hope this is really not a big deal and he is back tomorrow and it doesn't linger. But history tells us that is seldom the case with Ryan Braun. I have been a Braun guy through and through, but even I am starting to get a bit frustrated.

Formerly BrewCrewIn2004



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Is there any possibility Bran signed his extension whilst on PED? Could that null and void the extension?


No as the Players Union will never agree to such clauses. It also would be a lot more complicated than you think.

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What in what he said isn't true? What percentage of people in the world can solidly hit 95+ MPH fastballs? Less than 1%? Isn't that pretty much the definition of a "small number of people?"


Less than 1% is WAY overstating it. 1% of the world's population is 70 million. I mean, hell, not even every position player in MLB can "solidly" hit 95+ MPH fastballs.

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I've never really heard Ryan Braun make excuses for anything, I think that may be a bit harsh...


So you missed the Spring Training Extravaganza where he threw the tester under the bus, backed up again, drove over him again, backed up, etc. until the sound of beep beep beep seemed like it was echoing across the phoenix valley because it wouldn't stop.


Yeah Braunie is that high character person who never makes excuses.....


This anti-Braun conspiracy is really interesting to me, because it clearly never happened yet is endlessly repeated.


Braun Braun's representatives used a procedural violation of the test handling rules to raise open-ended doubts about the veracity of the test, yet each year that goes by we get more and more closer to a revisionist history where Braun had the sample-handler guy guillotined on the pitcher's mound before a cheering mob.

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I have to say...All this negativity towards Braun is pretty disappointing.

Well then he shouldn't say things like "I know there's a small number of people on this planet who can do what I can do in this game."



Then get hurt on the first day of the year. Just laughable.

What in what he said isn't true? What percentage of people in the world can solidly hit 95+ MPH fastballs? Less than 1%? Isn't that pretty much the definition of a "small number of people?"


How does his getting hurt justify an overwhelming amount of negativity towards him? Additionally, the whole quote includes him saying "But as long as I am healthy..." If you just don't like Braun because of PEDs or who he is as a person, then fine. Negativity because of injury though is not justified.

It wasn't about being true or untrue - it's about context and style. You could say Elian Hererra is in the "small percentage" as well but he doesn't say that. Neither does Gomez or Lucroy. The fact is Braun is cocky, arrogant and viewed by many non Brewers fans as completely classless.


I am unsure of what posts you are saying are negative but some negativity is definitely warranted. The guy comes off as a jerk and then gets hurt on day 1. I have rooted for Braun over the years but the injuries and excuses are piling up. I wish the guy would turn it around but maybe he should start by being a little less selfish.

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maybe he should start by being a little less selfish


I'll give you cocky. Everything about him screams cocky, but when has he ever been selfish? He was drafted as a shortstop out of college, and made the move to 3B without a fuss. He played (poorly) at 3B his rookie year, and was pulled often for defensive replacements and never said a word. Then he was told to move to left field, and all he said was "I think I could be a good third baseman, but I'll do what the team asks." He nearly won a Gold Golve as a LF, while winning an MVP, and was moved to right field because Khris Davis has no arm. Even though he was being moved for an unheralded rookie, he made the move without a word.


As far as injuries, he gets injured often. Usually something with the ribcage/oblique. He could easily jump to the DL, but instead he plays through the injury. Most people call that "being a team player," not "being selfish." For the last couple of seasons, he played with nerve damage in his thumb which would seem to be really tough to do. I believe this is a big part of the reason his numbers have been down, but most of society will simply say "steroids" and use the injury as "proof" of their narrative that he was never good, but simply a product of a drug lab. He could easily have elected surgery, missing part of a near playoff season, rather than put up sub-par (for him) numbers. He didn't. He played and didn't say a word.


Now he makes one seemingly meaningless (and true) statement and that's somehow meaningful? Somehow that means he shouldn't do something as "selfish" as getting injured and missing one game. I don't buy it.

"The most successful (people) know that performance over the long haul is what counts. If you can seize the day, great. But never forget that there are days yet to come."


~Bill Walsh

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maybe he should start by being a little less selfish


I'll give you cocky. Everything about him screams cocky, but when has he ever been selfish? He was drafted as a shortstop out of college, and made the move to 3B without a fuss. He played (poorly) at 3B his rookie year, and was pulled often for defensive replacements and never said a word. Then he was told to move to left field, and all he said was "I think I could be a good third baseman, but I'll do what the team asks." He nearly won a Gold Golve as a LF, while winning an MVP, and was moved to right field because Khris Davis has no arm. Even though he was being moved for an unheralded rookie, he made the move without a word.


As far as injuries, he gets injured often. Usually something with the ribcage/oblique. He could easily jump to the DL, but instead he plays through the injury. Most people call that "being a team player," not "being selfish." For the last couple of seasons, he played with nerve damage in his thumb which would seem to be really tough to do. I believe this is a big part of the reason his numbers have been down, but most of society will simply say "steroids" and use the injury as "proof" of their narrative that he was never good, but simply a product of a drug lab. He could easily have elected surgery, missing part of a near playoff season, rather than put up sub-par (for him) numbers. He didn't. He played and didn't say a word.


Now he makes one seemingly meaningless (and true) statement and that's somehow meaningful? Somehow that means he shouldn't do something as "selfish" as getting injured and missing one game. I don't buy it.


Spot on Monte. Very well written. Couldn't agree more. People want to make him out to be some villain that he just is not. Dumb mistake, sure. Villain, no way. Seems to be a pretty good guy actually.

"This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while.
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Additionally, while he may be "cocky" (and how many elite athletes aren't, really?), his cockiness isn't belligerent. It's not like he's Kobe, scowling and demeaning everyone around him. Braun has always come across, to me at least, as being very friendly and a good guy in the clubhouse. Aside from a couple minor things in his first year or two in the bigs, he's never been a "look at me" kind of guy. He never runs his mouth, really only answering questions when asked. He doesn't showboat, he doesn't say stupid things that become endlessly debated on ESPN, and (PED issue aside) never does anything even slightly controversial.
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Braun had everything it took to be the face of the franchise and the greatest Brewer ever. A great player and a likable person.


I just dont see it anymore. I saw him play plenty last year, and not trying to pull a Olney, but I just didn't see the elite talent that made him what he was. He performed and more importantly looked very much like a 750 player instead of a 950 player. I have to attribute that to lack of PEDS.


You are kidding yourselves if you think he will ever be a 950 guy again w/o PEDS.

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You are kidding yourselves if you think he will ever be a 950 guy again w/o PEDS.


I'll wait to see this year more than last due to his thumb injury. That was more of an issue than any PED he's ever taken. If that thumb is right, he will hit.

"This is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Think about that for a while.
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You are kidding yourselves if you think he will ever be a 950 guy again w/o PEDS.


You may be right, but I want to see a full season of him playing with two thumbs before I'll jump to that conclusion. Obviously, few players ever reach that level, and simple age regression could be enough to keep him below that. I wonder if it's reasonable to believe he can be a mid-.800 OPS guy going forward.


If he can bounce back somewhat after the surgery, then the Brewers could be in the playoff hunt this year. If he is a mid-.700 OPS guy on the wrong side of 30, then the Brewers are in real trouble, as his contract (for that production) will kill them going forward, and he would be virtually untradable.

"The most successful (people) know that performance over the long haul is what counts. If you can seize the day, great. But never forget that there are days yet to come."


~Bill Walsh

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Braun had everything it took to be the face of the franchise and the greatest Brewer ever. A great player and a likable person.


I just dont see it anymore. I saw him play plenty last year, and not trying to pull a Olney, but I just didn't see the elite talent that made him what he was. He performed and more importantly looked very much like a 750 player instead of a 950 player. I have to attribute that to lack of PEDS.


You are kidding yourselves if you think he will ever be a 950 guy again w/o PEDS.

Or you could attribute that to his thumb injury.


To me, it all boils down to his 2012 season. I have to assume MLB was determined to do everything in its power through the CBA to prove he was a PED that year after his suspension was overturned. What does he do? Leads the NL in HR, R, TB and OPS.


Now if that season was PEDs driven, then MLB has a more serious problem because they either A. Need to test more or B. Can't detect whatever PEDs these guys are taking. Call it naivety, I tend to believe that MLB is doing everything possible to detect the PEDs users.


Back on topic...give me a healthy Braun and, while he may be the .950 guy of 2011 and 2012 given his advancing age, I would not be shocked to see a repeat of his 2010 season where he hit .304 and had 25 HR and 45 doubles.

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maybe he should start by being a little less selfish


I'll give you cocky. Everything about him screams cocky, but when has he ever been selfish? He was drafted as a shortstop out of college, and made the move to 3B without a fuss. He played (poorly) at 3B his rookie year, and was pulled often for defensive replacements and never said a word. Then he was told to move to left field, and all he said was "I think I could be a good third baseman, but I'll do what the team asks." He nearly won a Gold Golve as a LF, while winning an MVP, and was moved to right field because Khris Davis has no arm. Even though he was being moved for an unheralded rookie, he made the move without a word.


As far as injuries, he gets injured often. Usually something with the ribcage/oblique. He could easily jump to the DL, but instead he plays through the injury. Most people call that "being a team player," not "being selfish." For the last couple of seasons, he played with nerve damage in his thumb which would seem to be really tough to do. I believe this is a big part of the reason his numbers have been down, but most of society will simply say "steroids" and use the injury as "proof" of their narrative that he was never good, but simply a product of a drug lab. He could easily have elected surgery, missing part of a near playoff season, rather than put up sub-par (for him) numbers. He didn't. He played and didn't say a word.


Now he makes one seemingly meaningless (and true) statement and that's somehow meaningful? Somehow that means he shouldn't do something as "selfish" as getting injured and missing one game. I don't buy it.

He was drafted as a 3B. He was moved to 3B in college.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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I am more and more convinced that Braun is a PED guy and that's that. His body cant recover anymore.


I was such a HUGE fan of the guy but its clear he isn't a star player anymore.


I guess the way he was smashing the ball this spring was just an illusion.

There are three things America will be known for 2000 years from now when they study this civilization: the Constitution, jazz music and baseball. They're the three most beautifully designed things this culture has ever produced. Gerald Early
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Braun had everything it took to be the face of the franchise and the greatest Brewer ever. A great player and a likable person.


I just dont see it anymore. I saw him play plenty last year, and not trying to pull a Olney, but I just didn't see the elite talent that made him what he was. He performed and more importantly looked very much like a 750 player instead of a 950 player. I have to attribute that to lack of PEDS.


You are kidding yourselves if you think he will ever be a 950 guy again w/o PEDS.

Or you could attribute that to his thumb injury.


To me, it all boils down to his 2012 season. I have to assume MLB was determined to do everything in its power through the CBA to prove he was a PED that year after his suspension was overturned. What does he do? Leads the NL in HR, R, TB and OPS.


Now if that season was PEDs driven, then MLB has a more serious problem because they either A. Need to test more or B. Can't detect whatever PEDs these guys are taking. Call it naivety, I tend to believe that MLB is doing everything possible to detect the PEDs users.


Back on topic...give me a healthy Braun and, while he may be the .950 guy of 2011 and 2012 given his advancing age, I would not be shocked to see a repeat of his 2010 season where he hit .304 and had 25 HR and 45 doubles.


This. Let's see what he can do given the opportunity to play, and stop with the hand wringing.

There are three things America will be known for 2000 years from now when they study this civilization: the Constitution, jazz music and baseball. They're the three most beautifully designed things this culture has ever produced. Gerald Early
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