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What's bugging you? (2015)

Oh, I would bet that twice as many know what 8 LIES means than what 19 HOF means. Anyone who is a current Brewer fan pretty much knows who wears #8. You would not believe how many don't know who wore #19. Most of the people that ask me don't even know what 19 represents and the ones that do don't get the HOF at all. I fell like most people think HOF is one of 2 things:


- Trevor Hoffman

- David Hasselhof (why one would reference him on a Brewer's plate, I have no idea).


....and then the .01% who think it's in regards to someone named B.J. Hoffman.


I would guess about 1/3 of the current WI Brewers fanbase have only been fans since about 2010 so I could totally buy Yount not being very well known.

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I was in Orlando (Universal Studios and Harry Potter World) over spring break... That didn't bug me, but what did bug me, and still does, is the teenagers that I saw wearing the "I can't breathe" t-shirts...


I must have seen 7 or 8 different teens wearing them. I so wanted to ask them a couple of questions, but that could have started something regrettable.


Question #1 : Do you know what that shirt means that you are wearing?


Question #2 : Have you ever personally experienced police brutality, or anything relating to what your shirt stands for?


Question #3 : Are you wearing that shirt to be cool, or because you believe in what it stands for?



"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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The commercial that opens with the question "Have you or a loved one been hospitalized or died?"

The mesothelioma ones too. Ive been in EMS for almost 10 years and have yet to come across anyone with that diagnosis yet

What bugs me is the mesothelioma commercial where "asbestos" is mispronounced several times. At other times, it's pronounced correctly. The "s" in the first syllable can be pronounced as either an "s" or a "z," but it has to be pronounced. Several times during the commercial, the word is pronounced "ah-bes-tos."


Just as bad is the fact that the word is pronounced two different ways. When you do a commercial, you need to pick one (correct) pronunciation and go with it.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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Started Radiation/Chemo. 2days in already having nausea issues. They don't tell you theres going to be a blinding flash directly in to your eyes to keep your eyes closed so you're not having these problems. Even on the 2nd day keeping my eyes shut it's still leaves that fuzziness from a blinding flash when opening my eyes. That feeling combined with how tight the mask I wear on my face is to my forehead makes it easy to be sensitive to light and a kind of "Aura" headache. Not strong, just kinda a nuisance.

The Chemo was easy/quicker than told. I think they're giving me a very low dose. No problems with that at the end of the day. I want blinders or something like they wear in a um suntan booth? whatever it's called. Of course it wouldn't fit the mask. Maybe just position over the mask for the radiation. Think that's possible?

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Thanks for the update brewcrewdue80. It really helps us keep everything in perspective. Wishing you the speediest, easiest recovery possible.




Best of luck to you man, feel free to update us, and to vent if necessary...

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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  • 2 weeks later...

So, last week my son got in his first car accident (one year and 4 days from the date he passed his drivers test). It was not a big accident. Happened right after school on the road in front of the school. Involved 4 cars - all high school drivers and the first car was a "Drive Right" car (driving school car). The first car panicked and slammed on it's breaks when a school bus stopped in front of it. My son was the third car. There was no physical damage to his car and he has stated that he has not noticed any alignment problems since the accident. The cops came, took a report and from what I remember my son telling me every driver stated that they hit the car in front of them first and then they were hit from behind.


So, today I get a call from an adjuster with our insurance company. Sounds like the 2nd car is filing a claim against our insurance. The guy started asking me what happened and I stated that I was not involved in the accident it so I don't know for sure, but I repeated what my son stated in regards to what everyone told the police. He asked if he could call my son and ask him. I said sure, but why don't you just pull the police report because he's not going to tell you anything different than what it says there (because I'm not going to tell my son to lie). So, I asked the adjuster what happens if car #2 all of sudden changes their story (now stating that they were hit from behind first) and its now different from what it states in the police report. He said they have to collect all the information and then make a decision.


To me it seems likely that car #2 is going to change their story (after talking to their parents) and is going to say that my son pushed them into the first car (even if that's not what they told the police). To me, it's clear that if this is the case that they are just trying to avoid paying a deductible and/or having their premiums increased. Seems like insurance fraud to me.


The adjuster just called me an hour ago so perhaps I'm making too many assumptions and worrying about nothing, but if my assumptions are correct, what, if any, recourse do I have?

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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The police were there, there is a police report and (I'm going to assume) cel phone pictures. These thing will easily determine who hit what and how hard things were hit.


If a car is on it's brakes and gets hit from behind (without any damage, as you say -- if I read this right) then there is virtually no way it could have run into the car in front of it and cause any real damage to that car.

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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The commercial that opens with the question "Have you or a loved one been hospitalized or died?"

The mesothelioma ones too. Ive been in EMS for almost 10 years and have yet to come across anyone with that diagnosis yet


I've known quite a few diagnosed with and/or dead from mesothelioma but I worked in a trade where asbestos exposure was extremely common. I'd almost be willing to bet that mesothelioma will be what gets me in the end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We normally purchase this product for our kitchen garbage bags:





We purchased a new package about a week ago and put the first bag in our kitchen trash can. Went to go empty it a few days later and realized that there was no bottom (it was open at both ends). So we went to get a new bag to transfer the trash into and that bag was the same way. I ended up checking about 20 of the bags (out of a roll of 70). They were all the same (open at both ends)! It had been over a week since we purchased the product and we threw away the receipt and the packaging. So, I send Reynolds/Hefty a complaint email (with the assumption that they will send us some sort of coupon or voucher) and I get this response:


We apologize for the fact that you had a problem with Hefty Consumer Product. In order to report the issue and replace the product, the following information is needed:


1. The proof of purchase number from the product, i.e., UPC or bar code.


2. The embossed/imprinted numbers from the small end of the carton beginning with a 4 or 7. (To make the stamp more readable, it may help to tilt the box slightly or color over the embossing with a marker.)


We will wait to hear from you.


Seriously? Yes, this is all just an elaborate story that we are making up to try to scam Hefty out of some free garbage bags. It's probably easier to get a fraudulent tax refund from the IRS!

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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They want a picture of the barcode and their own code so they know when the product was manufactured. Shouldn't be that difficult. Takes about a minute with a smartphone.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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They want a picture of the barcode and their own code so they know when the product was manufactured. Shouldn't be that difficult. Takes about a minute with a smartphone.



As I mentioned in my post, we threw away the packaging after we opened it and didn't notice the flaw until a few days later.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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I sent them a picture of the product (same one as above). I would assume they would know the UPS code of their products. Does the UPS code change based on when it was produced? If that's the case, taking a picture of the UPS from the store is not going to help.


Regardless, I think you are missing the point, wouldn't it just be better customer service to just send me a coupon and not interrogate me regarding the purchase? If that's what it comes down to, then I'll definitely be switching brands. I understand that they may want that information to track if there was some sort of issue when the product was manufactured. However, if I'm unable to provide it, it should not effect them compensating me in some way.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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I don't think I am. I'm not as upset about it as you are. I am not as close to it as you. Doesn't sound like an interrogation. Sounds like a standard response to a complaint. Basic information. Buy another package, snap a picture, email them, and they will likely send you another package. If they don't, then there are problems.


I don't think UPC codes change. They probably have a different code on the package for tracking issues.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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I sent an email to Hormel Meats, actually praising one of their products (St. Louis Cut Pork Spare Ribs) and got an apology in the mail asking me to return the unused portion with a copy of the receipt bla, bla, bla.


Unused portion? Ribs? Not likely.

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I don't think I am. I'm not as upset about it as you are. I am not as close to it as you. Doesn't sound like an interrogation. Sounds like a standard response to a complaint. Basic information. Buy another package, snap a picture, email them, and they will likely send you another package. If they don't, then there are problems.


I don't think UPC codes change. They probably have a different code on the package for tracking issues.



If UPC codes don't change, then they should know the UPC code by the picture of the product I sent them?


Also I realize you are not as "close to it" as I am, but that doesn't mean my judgement is clouded by emotion. I just means I have a different opinion of what good customer service entails than you do. Why would a company risk loosing a long time customer (I told them that these are the same kitchen trash bags we always use and have not had this type of issue in the past) over something where they could easily satisfy the customer by just sending them a coupon or voucher?


A little over 15 years ago had an issue with a Nestle product we purchased (Juicy Juice). Nestle never asked for any "proof of purchase" they just sent us a refund and coupons (this was before wide spread use of emails...I think we called them).


Now, in fairness, I sent them the reply email today with the picture of the product I purchased. I have not heard a reply back yet, so perhaps they will just say Ok, no problem, we will send you a voucher/coupon anyways. We will see.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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I doubt your original email was even read by a person. Think it's a typical canned response to any email. Sad to say but losing one customer is better than having a rubber stamp giving out free product to every email they receive. They don't know you so they make you jump through a couple hoops to get a replacement. It is far easier to write an email than make a phone call. Nottso got a similar response for praising a product. I got a similar canned response from a product I had a problem with a month ago. Something along the lines of, "sorry you had a problem, send us a copy of your invoice so we can resolve your issue."

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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It might be simpler just to take the bags back to the store, packaging or not and receipt or not. They should be able to send the bags back as defective.


I agree with Patrick, though. The solution would have been to send some kind of voucher, no questions asked. But as pointed out, the e-mail may not have been read carefully or not at all.


I have a similar situation with a fish tape that broke a couple of days ago. I'm not sure if I can locate the receipt, and I definitely don't have the packaging. I expect that I'll have no problem taking it back to Home Depot other than having to wait a few minutes for them to locate the SKU.


Menards has a nice setup where you can swipe your credit card and print out previous receipts. I wonder if Home Depot has that. It's a good system that more stores should implement.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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  • 2 weeks later...
Community Moderator
Yeah I would try the store. That's tough because the manufacturer does need some sort of info so they can make sure to fix the issue and to protect against scammers. I would think if you explained the whole situation, most companies would do something to take care of you.
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Ever just consider buying another package and using that package's UPC/Code and the Receipt you get? I realize the date would be past your original letter. But if they need the info so you get a refund/coupon, Just tell them you got them their info with another purchase if asked about it.
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Ever just consider buying another package and using that package's UPC/Code and the Receipt you get? I realize the date would be past your original letter. But if they need the info so you get a refund/coupon, Just tell them you got them their info with another purchase if asked about it.


See my reply to similar suggestions above. It's a $5 product. Do they really think this is some sort of scam? All they had to do was say Sorry about the issue, here is a $5 voucher for your next purchase. $5!!!


My wife and I went shopping on Monday night. We purchased a completely different brand and will not be using that brand of trash bags again. $5 or lose a customer....seems like a no brainer to me.


Edit: I think Casey had the best thought in that we should just bring the bags back to the store. Sentry probably has a much better understanding of customer service. We still have the defective bags and I meant to do that when we went on Monday, but forgot.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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I have two brands of trash bags that are on my list to not buy again. Glad shoves them into the box in a way that if you try to pull out one, you get a whole handful. And Walmart bags are too hard to open.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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I've been looking all over the house for a light bulb that I misplaced. It's not like the olden days where you'd just grab another one.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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