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What's bugging you? (2015)


I'd also look into ZMA as a supplement. It's zinc (Z) and magnesium (M), natural minerals that will not set off any drug tests. Taking it before you go to bed at night (at least 30 minutes on an empty stomach, not with calcium - follow the directions) can help boost your testosterone a little bit, giving you a little more strength.


I'm somewhat tall (6'3") but have very long arms (36") so I feel your pain on pushups. Another thing you can do is planks - this will help build your core strength (and shoulders) which will help with pushup form.

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I'd also look into ZMA as a supplement. It's zinc (Z) and magnesium (M), natural minerals that will not set off any drug tests. Taking it before you go to bed at night (at least 30 minutes on an empty stomach, not with calcium - follow the directions) can help boost your testosterone a little bit, giving you a little more strength.


I'm somewhat tall (6'3") but have very long arms (36") so I feel your pain on pushups. Another thing you can do is planks - this will help build your core strength (and shoulders) which will help with pushup form.


I'm 6'1 and never had problems with push ups once i started doing them regularly. Why does height matter so much?


My dad wrestled in high school and talked about how instead of pumping a bunch of iron, most wrestlers got strong without bloated bulk via things like tons of push ups and pull ups.


I followed his advice and used to do countless push ups and pull ups. It got me really strong without risking injury which can happen if guys lift weights the wrong way. I remember initially after only 10-15 push ups, my arms were absolutely burning. It was pathetic. Then after roughly a month or maybe a little longer, i could bust out a set of 40-50 at a time without my arms feeling like someone injected gasoline into them and i also didn't need to pay/then drive to a gym to work out.


Some guys just want the bulk which free weights provide, but i agree with you in that if a person wants to get significantly stronger in multiple areas of your upper body without the strain which improper use of weights can cause and also avoid a gym membership, sets of push ups and pull ups everyday or nearly everyday can really do wonders physically and make you look better for the ladies. ;)


That said, i've never been able to do the watch your diet deal. I eat pretty much whatever tastes good to me, but do get plenty of nutrients because i do like eating veggies and tons of fruit along with all of my daily meat, like fried foods, and also have a long time love affair with quality ice cream. Thankfully though i was blessed with a good metabolism so that i'm 45 and weigh only about 10 pounds more than when i was 18. Got really lucky on that front.

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The taller you are at the same weight, the more difficult pushups become - you're lifting the weight higher, and you're making a longer lever as well.


For an easy example, imagine holding a bat out by the handle, it'll get heavy pretty quickly. Now, if you flip that bat around and hold it by the middle (shortening the lever) you'll be able to hold it up for a much longer period of time.


Note: No, this is not a wholly accurate picture, bit it's a simple example.

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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I couldn't find the ZMX but I got some other testosterone booster. It's probably all psychosomatic, but I'll take that, too. I'm doing 150-200 total every other day unless I stop because the shoulder twinges. Looks like if I don't pass the first time I would re-test in about two weeks.


After four months of this it's been nice to hear a couple people ask "Have you lost weight?" yet I haven't lost a pound.

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The taller you are at the same weight, the more difficult pushups become - you're lifting the weight higher, and you're making a longer lever as well.


For an easy example, imagine holding a bat out by the handle, it'll get heavy pretty quickly. Now, if you flip that bat around and hold it by the middle (shortening the lever) you'll be able to hold it up for a much longer period of time.


Note: No, this is not a wholly accurate picture, bit it's a simple example.

That is only true if you are applying the force at the same part of the lever. It would actually be easier to do push-ups at the same weight if you are taller because you have a longer lever with more of the weight at the fulcrum. The bat example changes where the force is applied without changing where the weight is.


Edit: Of course center of mass may make a difference.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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Basic physics - it's a simple formula for work. Work equals force x distance (W=Fs). "Work is doubled either by lifting twice the weight the same distance or by lifting the same weight twice the distance."




Moving the same weight a longer distance is more work. If your arms are longer, you have to move the weight of your body a longer distance. Same with pull-ups - the longer your arms, the farther you have to pull your weight up.


The other X-factor is your testosterone levels. One man can have 3x the testosterone levels of another man and both be considered in "normal range" medically. (I want to know who the hell says that is "normal"?)


I've been doing push-ups to failure for several years but can't get past 25. I run out of strength before my arms get sore.


Here's a link to ZMA - I'm surprised you can't find it at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe:



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Oh, holiday sagas, how I don't miss thee... After a relatively stress-free 2014 holiday season, full-fledged anger towards my family reared its ugly head today. My mother and I briefly discussed Thanksgiving plans over the weekend. The only decision that was made was that we would not travel to my sister's house in Eau Claire. My mother and I both received an email from my sister tonight declaring that we are going to my grandparents' house in Iowa. No discussion, no asking..."we are going to Iowa." I'm half tempted to boycott.
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NeedMoreFans, you definitely have the most entertaining holiday issues on the board.


I suppose it wouldn't be an feasible to decide that getting together on holidays can be optional with the idea that you'd hook up at other times when it's convenient for everyone.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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In all honesty, there is no compelling reason why we can't go to Iowa. In fact, my grandpa has been facing some significant health issues, so I was pretty much accepting the fact that we would be heading there. The issue I had was that the final decision was made for me by my sister, and I let that be known.
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Went to the Packer game today and there was a 7 or 8 year old boy sitting behind us who spent the whole 4th quarter screaming things. When the players were near our side of the field he yelled out their names to try and get their attention. When the offense had the ball he kept yelling for them to "run the I" and "throw it deep". Any time there was a flag he would just start randomly yelling penalties. Worst of all he would scream at the top of his lungs in that high pitched shriek that kids that age have. While I appreciate the enthusiasm I really wanted to turn around and tell his dad to get him to shut the heck up as most everyone sitting around us wanted to do.
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The teaching profession in WI bothers me... I'll leave it at that.




There's a thread over at BF.net Political Scene discussing this: http://brewerfanpoliticalscene.yuku.com/topic/1174/Public-education-discourse-in-Wisconsin


Thanks, there is some good chatter in that thread!

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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Went to the Packer game today and there was a 7 or 8 year old boy sitting behind us who spent the whole 4th quarter screaming things. When the players were near our side of the field he yelled out their names to try and get their attention. When the offense had the ball he kept yelling for them to "run the I" and "throw it deep". Any time there was a flag he would just start randomly yelling penalties. Worst of all he would scream at the top of his lungs in that high pitched shriek that kids that age have. While I appreciate the enthusiasm I really wanted to turn around and tell his dad to get him to shut the heck up as most everyone sitting around us wanted to do.


I'll take that any day over my experience at Sunday's game.


There was a guy 2 rows in front of me vaping or smoking an e-cig or whatever it's called. Partway through the game some ushers came down and seemed like they were looking for someone. They left and came back a couple minutes later and asked to see my buddy's ticket (I was in a group of 4). Evidently they thought he was the one smoking and were about to write up our group and give a warning to the season ticket holder (another buddy's mom) about misconduct with the tickets. So of course we all started arguing and pointing out the true culprit (as did the group sitting in front of us).


The true culprit did wind up getting written up, and no one in my group did, but after the fact the culprit started whining to the guy sitting in front of me about how he ratted him out, blah blah blah. To which the guy in front of me basically said, "of course I'm going to rat you out when someone else or I might get in trouble for something that you're doing." At which point the other guy with the culprit (may have been his dad) turned around and threatened to hit the "ratter-outer" so hard that his nose would be inside his face...


I'm not sure what's more upsetting, the fact that the true culprit and his dad were actually threatening someone else over something for which they had no one to blame but themselves, or the fact that they didn't get thrown out when that threat was reported to the ushers...

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It seems to me that none of this would have happened had the ushers simply said, "Please don't vape." It hardly seems to be something worth "writing up" unless someone has to be told more than once.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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Went to the Packer game today and there was a 7 or 8 year old boy sitting behind us who spent the whole 4th quarter screaming things. When the players were near our side of the field he yelled out their names to try and get their attention. When the offense had the ball he kept yelling for them to "run the I" and "throw it deep". Any time there was a flag he would just start randomly yelling penalties. Worst of all he would scream at the top of his lungs in that high pitched shriek that kids that age have. While I appreciate the enthusiasm I really wanted to turn around and tell his dad to get him to shut the heck up as most everyone sitting around us wanted to do.


I'll take that any day over my experience at Sunday's game.


There was a guy 2 rows in front of me vaping or smoking an e-cig or whatever it's called. Partway through the game some ushers came down and seemed like they were looking for someone. They left and came back a couple minutes later and asked to see my buddy's ticket (I was in a group of 4). Evidently they thought he was the one smoking and were about to write up our group and give a warning to the season ticket holder (another buddy's mom) about misconduct with the tickets. So of course we all started arguing and pointing out the true culprit (as did the group sitting in front of us).


The true culprit did wind up getting written up, and no one in my group did, but after the fact the culprit started whining to the guy sitting in front of me about how he ratted him out, blah blah blah. To which the guy in front of me basically said, "of course I'm going to rat you out when someone else or I might get in trouble for something that you're doing." At which point the other guy with the culprit (may have been his dad) turned around and threatened to hit the "ratter-outer" so hard that his nose would be inside his face...


I'm not sure what's more upsetting, the fact that the true culprit and his dad were actually threatening someone else over something for which they had no one to blame but themselves, or the fact that they didn't get thrown out when that threat was reported to the ushers...


Ya, I think you got me with that one.

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There was a guy sitting about two rows in front of us and a little to our right that was also vaping. I guess I assumed that it was allowed.


I'm fortunate enough to be able to go to one Packer game every year (and an occasional playoff game) through tickets that we have at work. I know that there are people that would love to have that same opportunity. However, to be honest, because of the obnoxiousness of many of the fans I would prefer to watch in the comfort of my home. The main reason I take the tickets is because my 17 year old son is a die hard fan and lives for going to Lambeau every year. As a father I really enjoy that and I enjoy spending that day with him every year.


I'm not expecting the crowd to act like it's a Polo match or something, but for the life of me, I can't understand the actions of grown adults and the need to get completely inebriated at sporting events like this. Does that really make the game more enjoyable. Can't you just limit it to 2 or 3 beers (at $8 bucks a beer!), enjoy the game, have respect for other fans, and still have a good time?

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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well, didn't pass that physical test today. I sprinted the shorter runs, had all of three pushups and some easy-enough rolls to go. Just three pushups to go, I quivered my way through two of them, and that very last one, only ONE to go, and the muscles completely gave out. I ate gym floor a bunch of times and probably took 30 seconds to do just that one.


In the practice test six weeks ago I didn't set any speed records but I passed it by 30 seconds, all while speed-walking the thing. This time I was sprinting it. I think by doing that I completely sucked all the oxygen out of my muscles and therefore hit failure. So a minute slower this time, plus I could barely stand up afterward. But last time I passed and barely cracked a sweat. 5:59 is passing and no worse than 3:59.


So I try again in a couple weeks. And you can bet I'm going to speed-walk it again. I really think that's what did it. Though the "I failed" phone calls have stunk, especially having to make one to the boss, I won't let myself get down about this and will do just fine on my final attempt.

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I hate cell phone companies. People complain about banks a lot but I find cell phone companies to be the absolute worst when it comes to dealing with them. Long wait times for customer service and then when you do talk to someone they have no idea what they are talking about and usually just transfer you to someone else once they are done doing nothing. Most of the time I have found out a trick and that is I ask for someone that is not in the US. Funny how that goes I used to ask for someone who was in the US for problems with HP products but now I am asking for someone outside the US as they are more knowledgeable and are actually nice to talk to even if I have to ask them to repeat something a couple of times.
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So my wife and I moved from our apartment into my in-laws, while we save some money as we hunt for our first house. My father in law is allergic to cats so we had to find a temporary home for our cat. Fine, no big deal. We were looking at 6-9 months so we figured there would be somebody we knew that could take her in. In steps Cat sitter #1: A good friend of the wife, and no current cats. Perfect. One month in, Sitter #1 moves in new boyfriend, who hates cats, thereby needing Cat-sitter #2: My best friend's sister. She's young (21) but always willing to help. Month and a half in and her apt gets infested with bedbugs and has to move in her parents thereby needing Cat-sitter #3: A co-worker of my wife. We think we hit the jackpot because she's super friendly and bought all this stuff for our cat only now to find out that our cat fights with cat-sitter #3's other cat. The cat has been moved 4 times already in a span of 3 months. Beginning to think that we aren't meant to keep our cat.
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Bummer Game05. We were rooting for you. Take what you've learned and devise a plan for the next time.


I wonder what would happen if one major cellular provider and one major cable/satellite TV provider took half of the money they spent on advertising and spent it on customer service instead.


That being said, if you ever go into a cellular provider store for a while you'll notice that most of the people they deal with are people who have virtually no money but think they need to have a cell phone. How much does customer service deteriorate because most of the people they deal with can't (or won't) pay their bill?


That being said, what would happen if one cellular provider said you can't get a phone with us unless you have a credit score of at least 660? What would their customer service be like?

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Who on God's green Earth is the one coming up with these lists of "Security Questions"??? I'm not married so the wedding questions are irrelevant, as are the questions about any children. How am I supposed to have favorite things when I like a lot of things? How are you supposed to choose favorites? Don't favorites change as you are exposed to more and new things? Who the hell remembers where they were on New Year's Eve in 2000, much less who their grade school teachers were? I can't decide which team I want to lose more, the Cubs or the Cardinals. Why can't you ask me questions whose answers are concrete and static - parent's/siblings middle names, grandparents first names, street I grew up on/lived on when I was five, elementary school I went to, height, or make of car I own?
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