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Brewer Fanatic

What are the first 5 things would you do if you were the new MLB commissioner?


1) Standardize the DH. I'd lean towards both leagues having it (though I personally would prefer no DH).

2) Balance the schedule. Every team plays each other division team 18 times, other league opponents 6 times (home-home series) and one interleague division for a home-home series. I think the math balances out to still be 162 games. I know this means 30 interleague games, but I hate how our schedule is different than the other teams in our division.

3)...could be a 2b...each team will have 4 scheduled doubleheaders, 2 at home, 2 away. The games would always be scheduled vs. division opponents to help ease rescheduling in case of rain. This would shorten the season by about a week, which should happen anyways.

4) Salary dumps would not be allowed. I'm not talking about one or two players, but complete overhauls like what happened with Florida and Houston. Of course, retirements will be taken into consideration, but fire sales are not good for the game.

5) All new stadiums, except in maybe LA or San Diego, will have a retractable roof. The fact Minnesota does not have one is ridiculous.

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1. Instant replay...if you leave the dugout on a close play it is an automatic challenge. The umps have a split second to make a decision and that is what the manager should get. The obligatory walk out to talk while footage is being viewed takes away from the game on the field. If you are right you keep your challenge, wrong and that is it for the game. Make the challenge a strategic part of the game not something that slows it down.


2. Do away with the DH...which the player's union will probably not allow. So instead split the difference like they do in softball. DH in both leagues but the pitcher still has to bat. That way the aging sluggers keep a job and the strategy involved in pitchers hitting stays.


3. Re-instate Pete Rose before it is too late. I understand the gravity of the gambling in regards to the horrible part it has played in the game's history, however, there are many worse offenders who are not banned for life. He has done his time, let him out of prison.


4. The All Star game is an exhibition game. Some of the best moments are when the players are goofing around. To play 162 games and have the best record and not have home field advantage is ridiculous.


5. Give the Brewers the title of America's team, which they so richly deserve.

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New MLB Commissioner


1. I'd allow Draft Pick Trades all around up until 15min. of the 1st selection. (Also, Shorten the Draft to 25rounds)

2. Have a Random Drawing to Retract 2 of these 4 Teams: Miami, Seattle, Tampa Bay, and Cleveland. Worst fan-base Attendance continually. The two "Winning" owners move their teams to two new cities.

3. Harsher Punishments for fighting/Beaning/charging the mound. Essentially the Players go on the 15day DL(UnPaid) Automatically no reduction. It's 15days.

4. Contracts are changed where there's a Guaranteed amount and an Amount non-guaranteed if a team Waives a Player (due to not performing to the payment of their contract)

5. End Super 2 Status. There's a 3year Rookie Payment when Minor League Players graduate to the Major League Team. 1st year is 550k. 2nd year is 850k. 3rd year is 1.5mil. Then a Player has 3years of Arb. If a Rookie is waived and not claimed in his 1st 3years he becomes a FA free to sign his own Contract(Basically, he's not worth 850k or 1.5mil to any 1 team)

There is no limit to who you send down to your Minors. If they are on your 40man they can be sent down even 10year vets who are wasting ML Roster Space. Due to this "Fluidity" among your 40man the 25man roster remains all season long to teams .500 and above. If you're below .500 in Sept. you can have a 30man Roster to See Future Prospects. If a Prospect is called up after the All-Star Break his Rookie Service time doesn't start but he's paid the 550k. His 3year Rookie Clock does begin though immediately the next following year to begin the season, regardless if on the ML roster or not. (Encourages teams to play their Rookies and not be concerned about when to start their clock)

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1. Don't allow teams to look at the replay before challenging. What's the risk in a challenge if you can analyze the play for 30 secs?

2. Make the All-Star game like the Future's game and do USA vs. World. AL vs. NL is pointless now with year round interleague play

3. Raise wages/labor protections for minor leaguers.

4. Get rid of draft pick compensation tied to players and just expand competitive balance picks

5. Contract the Cardinals

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1. Eliminate player's union and then eliminate DH

2. Eliminate instant replay

3. Force hitters to stay in the box if they didn't swing

4. 100% total revenue sharing equally between all teams for every cent any team makes, and remove all blackout restriction rules.

5. Behead Pete Rose so any later commissioners can't remove his ban

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor

I'm leaning towards things that could possibly happen


1.) Let's get rid of the silly all-star home field advantage thing (I think we all agree on this.

2.) As far as the DH goes, I think the AL and the Players union would fight this going away tooth and nail. I'd argue that the AL should get rid of it, but I think that's a fight that (at this point) is not worth fighting.

3.) Institute harsher penalties for HBP retaliation nonsense, at league president discretion. Something like the McCutcheon HBP we saw from the D-Backs the other night would result in a 20 - 30 game ban for the pitcher, and a 10 - 15 game ban for the manager. That would/could put an end to this idiocy.

4.) International draft.

5.) Weight the competitive balance lottery based on operating revenue as well as market size and such.

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1) Make the DH universal in both leagues but tie the actual player in the DH role to the pitcher. If the pitcher is pulled the DH must be subbed for with a bench player or the new pitcher takes his spot in the lineup. I do like the NL strategy of dealing with the pitcher in the line up but can't stand watching pitchers flail uselessly while at bat.

2) Make Pete Rose eligible for the Hall of Fame. I understand the ban from baseball for gambling and want to keep any fear of impropriety involving fixing games away from the game but lets not pretend his on the field accomplishments don't exist or make him HoF worthy.

3) Getting busted for PED's does make a contract voidable but the list of PED's is narrowed and has lesser punishments for things like Aderrall, amphetimines, weird supplement issues, etc. Also some PED's are allowable under doctor supervision as treatment for injuries.

4) Write language to voters of the HoF to consider only the players on field accomplishments and numbers. I don't care if the guy is a saint or complete tool off the field or if they took PED's. If they were one of the best players of their generation they get in. No more moralizing about behavior or did or didn't a guy take PEDs.

5) Keep interleague play, each team in a division plays the exact same interleague schedule, usually against one specific corresponding division. Keep the All Star Game winner as WS home field advantage. Yes I know it is arbitrary but so is comparing records or teams playing different schedules in different leagues and so is just alternating it annually. I would allow players to re enter the game if it goes extra innings. The pitcher would always have a DH for them in the All Star game. After 12 innings the game moves to HR derby mode, 3 players from each team get 5 swings apiece, most combined HR wins. (Chris Berman is not allowed to comment)

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1) International Draft


2) DH in both leagues (I can not stand watching pitchers attempt to hit a baseball)


3) Allow teams to trade draft picks


4) Move the Marlins out of Miami to Portland, Las Vegas, or some other west coast city. This will place them in the AL West. The Rays would then move to Miami with the Pirates moving to the NL East and the Astros moving back into the NL Central.


5) Legalize PED's. I am a fan and I want to be entertained not watch my favorite players on the bench or not even playing the game at all.

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1.) All-star game is exhibition only, and kill the HR derby.


2.) International players included in the draft. Can't stand that the teams with the deepest pockets get the top international talent.


3.) 100% revenue sharing.


4.) Leagalize PEDs. If it is legal on a national level for the "common man" to consume a substance it should be able to be consumed by a player if they choose. Each team would have its own pharmacist/doctor to assure there is no abuse and they are taken responsibly.


5.) Line up adjusted to only 8 batters who play a position in the field. I can stand watching pitchers flail at the plate about as much as I can stand watching one dimensional non-athletic meatheads who get paid millions for stepping in the batters box 4-5 times a game. Why not just eliminate both?

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1.) All-star game is exhibition only, and kill the HR derby. ?


Yes. Get rid of the HR Derby and bring back the HR 1 vs. 1 of yesteryear I've seen on ESPN Classics.


It'd fall in the category of if Nelson Cruz was in a Series one month vs. the White Sox and Jose Abreau. It'd happen in that Ballpark. Pregame of Game 1. In the NL today it'd be when Stanton played the Cubs and Anthony Rizzo. 9ip HR Derby. It would only happen when 2 top 5 HR hitters at the time in Season were facing eachother.

Mike Trout vs. Chris Carter. Who knows anything about Chris Carter? That he's even in the top 5 in all of MLB in HRs? We know all about Mike Trout, but Baseball is then exposing people who like the HR derby part of Baseball to Chris Carter.

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4) Move the Marlins out of Miami to Portland, Las Vegas, or some other west coast city. This will place them in the AL West. The Rays would then move to Miami with the Pirates moving to the NL East and the Astros moving back into the NL Central.

Why wouldn't you just leave the Marlins in Miami and move the Rays out West?

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1. Draft includes ALL international MLB wannabees

2. Pool ALL tv $. Distribute back based on avg. attendance of each team' s home and away games. Yankees and Dodgers draw bigger crowds at home and away than most and should be paid back a bigger portion.

3. Hard floor and ceiling salary cap

4. SPEED UP game---pitch clock, pick off rules of only one throw to base second throw and runner must be out or runner given next base, mound visits by anyone limited, batters stay in box after non contact swings or takes during at bat, reliever 3 warmup pitches, signal 4 to intentionally walk someone, etc.


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  • 1 month later...

Several people mentioned speeding up the game in this thread. Well, it looks like they are actually going to be taking a look at this, but it's not the new commissioner that initiated this, it's Selig.



User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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The Brewers are starting Monday night games early in the season at 6:20 p.m. as an experiment. I have no objection to that at all. If I miss an inning or two at the beginning, that's fine for me. On a school night, I'm leaving by 9:00 anyway.


My only objection to this committee is that its members are the same old guys who are always tapped for special projects. It would be refreshing if MLB would tap into some younger brains.

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From the linked article.


The independent Atlantic League sped up its games by an average of eight minutes this season after making five midseason changes: the 12-second pitch clock, automatic intentional walks, an expanded strike zone, six warm-up pitches for relievers instead of eight and limiting defensive timeouts to three per nine innings, none lasting longer than 45 seconds.


I like all of these changes the Atlantic League made. My favorite is the warm up pitches rule. A reliever coming into a game should be ready to go, that's what the bullpen is for. I would say you only get 3 pitches or 30 seconds, whichever comes first, from the time the catcher squats. That's more than enough for a pro pitcher to be ready. Limiting defensive timeouts would be huge too. You don't need the catcher going to talk to the pitcher once every at bat.

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The biggest problem with game times is actually the expanded roster because it allows another situational bullpen arm. What slows down the game is all of the pitching changes to get that situational lefty-lefty/righty-righty matchup. Didn't have this 30 years ago when relievers went two innings facing both RH and LH batters. All of those changes by the Atlantic League sped up the game by only 8 minutes. So a game is 2:52 instead of 3:00 - big deal.


That being said, one of the main reasons I like baseball is because it is a game of strategy. Thus I kind of like the way it is. But if there is a change to be made, it should be a "hitter is in the box and ready" clock and not this futzing around with batting gloves and crap between each pitch.

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Many good ideas here!


Mine are:

1. Get rid of the ridiculous 162 game schedule. Baseball purists be damned. The 1 game "play-off" is a disgrace. If you're going to add play-off teams then at least do it right and give them a series. Watching/playing baseball in 35 degree whether is absurd... especially in the post-season Shorten the regular season to accommodate. I know, I know... but what about the stats.. We won't be able to compare players in 150 game seasons to those who played 162. Well a lot has changed in the game over the years. Let's move forward. Great players will still be great.


2. Stop the All-star home field advantage.


3. International draft.


4. DH for both leagues


5. Enforce the batters box lines. Batter are on top of the plate and it's altering the game. I'm 100% confident that batters are being hit with pitches that could be called strikes on the inside corner on many occasions. They are getting hit and then getting angry about it..... it starts a domino affect with retaliation... etc. etc.

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I can't remember if I've commented in this thread before, but here's my list off the top of my head:


1. Player names on all uniforms. Sorry Yankees and Giants, but it's 2014. Get with the times.


2. Make each team declare 25 players for each game, even when rosters expand to 40 players.


3. DH in each league. I used to be kind of borderline about this, but I'm tired of watching pitchers pretend to bat. I don't find sac bunts and double switches that compelling. Pitchers have enough of an advantage as it is.


4. Limit visits to the mound. I'm not sure of the exact criteria, but the catcher shouldn't be able to visit the pitcher every at bat.


5. International draft.


6. I would still allow fans to vote for the All-Star Game, but I would use a weighted system where the fan vote only counts for 1/3 of the total results. Let players and coaches determine the other 2/3 of the vote. Also, I would make voting online only and not start it until late May. Having ASG voting in April is ridiculous.


7. Relocate a team to Montreal as a new version of the Expos, if the city is willing to build a new stadium. Put the Rays and A's on notice that the team that doesn't get a new stadium deal will be moving.


8. Shorten Spring Training by a week. It drags on too long and players and coaches don't need that much time.


9. No more starting the season in Australia or Japan a week before the season actually starts. Then again, the item above could solve this one.


10. Pull the trigger and start using the Questec system to call balls and strikes. Home plate umpire shall remain in place to relay these calls and determine safe/out at home plate, etc.

The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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I can't remember if I've commented in this thread before, but here's my list off the top of my head:


1. Player names on all uniforms. Sorry Yankees and Giants, but it's 2014. Get with the times.


2. Make each team declare 25 players for each game, even when rosters expand to 40 players.


3. DH in each league. I used to be kind of borderline about this, but I'm tired of watching pitchers pretend to bat. I don't find sac bunts and double switches that compelling. Pitchers have enough of an advantage as it is.


4. Limit visits to the mound. I'm not sure of the exact criteria, but the catcher shouldn't be able to visit the pitcher every at bat.


5. International draft.


6. I would still allow fans to vote for the All-Star Game, but I would use a weighted system where the fan vote only counts for 1/3 of the total results. Let players and coaches determine the other 2/3 of the vote. Also, I would make voting online only and not start it until late May. Having ASG voting in April is ridiculous.


7. Relocate a team to Montreal as a new version of the Expos, if the city is willing to build a new stadium. Put the Rays and A's on notice that the team that doesn't get a new stadium deal will be moving.


8. Shorten Spring Training by a week. It drags on too long and players and coaches don't need that much time.


9. No more starting the season in Australia or Japan a week before the season actually starts. Then again, the item above could solve this one.


10. Pull the trigger and start using the Questec system to call balls and strikes. Home plate umpire shall remain in place to relay these calls and determine safe/out at home plate, etc.


11. most importantly, get a Molitor statue built at Miller Park

Posted: July 10, 2014, 12:30 AM

PrinceFielderx1 Said:

If the Brewers don't win the division I should be banned. However, they will.


Last visited: September 03, 2014, 7:10 PM

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I can't remember if I've commented in this thread before, but here's my list off the top of my head:


1. Player names on all uniforms. Sorry Yankees and Giants, but it's 2014. Get with the times.


2. Make each team declare 25 players for each game, even when rosters expand to 40 players.


3. DH in each league. I used to be kind of borderline about this, but I'm tired of watching pitchers pretend to bat. I don't find sac bunts and double switches that compelling. Pitchers have enough of an advantage as it is.


4. Limit visits to the mound. I'm not sure of the exact criteria, but the catcher shouldn't be able to visit the pitcher every at bat.


5. International draft.


6. I would still allow fans to vote for the All-Star Game, but I would use a weighted system where the fan vote only counts for 1/3 of the total results. Let players and coaches determine the other 2/3 of the vote. Also, I would make voting online only and not start it until late May. Having ASG voting in April is ridiculous.


7. Relocate a team to Montreal as a new version of the Expos, if the city is willing to build a new stadium. Put the Rays and A's on notice that the team that doesn't get a new stadium deal will be moving.


8. Shorten Spring Training by a week. It drags on too long and players and coaches don't need that much time.


9. No more starting the season in Australia or Japan a week before the season actually starts. Then again, the item above could solve this one.


10. Pull the trigger and start using the Questec system to call balls and strikes. Home plate umpire shall remain in place to relay these calls and determine safe/out at home plate, etc.


11. most importantly, get a Molitor statue built at Miller Park

I'm not sure the MLB commissioner can dictate that, though I suppose I could pull some strings.

The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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