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MLB should rethink the use of some PEDS -- [Latest: Tony Bosch (Biogenesis) surrenders to DEA; more MLB suspensions coming (see post #11)]


The playoff picture could be drastically changed with McCutchen and maybe Garza on the DL with oblique strains. Who knows if Braun is still bothered by his strain. If there is a PED that would help these guys get back on the field faster than they shoulld be able to take it. ( given to them by a doctor) Baseball needs its stars playing not on the sidelines.



Are there PED's that helps this kind of injury?

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The playoff picture could be drastically changed with McCutchen and maybe Garza on the DL with oblique strains. Who knows if Braun is still bothered by his strain. If there is a PED that would help these guys get back on the field faster than they shoulld be able to take it. ( given to them by a doctor) Baseball needs its stars playing not on the sidelines.



Are there PED's that helps this kind of injury?


Yes, of course. This was a big reason many players were taking this to begin with, and the primary reason if I had to guess pitchers took them(well, still take them).


It'll never go through now, but most type of steriods when cycled properly are perfectly safe for fully developed adult males. They're not these transformational magic pills that many seem to think unless they're abused.


There was a story about this on real sports several years ago, but I remained skeptical so I actually asked an orthopedic surgeon(one who works for the Brewers) and he said essentially that was correct. Like all Doctors he was very measured so as to not say, "Hey, steroids are healthy," but essentially under supervision, they are safe for adult males.

But the problem is that while they may help with healing, they're helping muscles heal faster. So while they're helping a hamstring injury, while you're doing your shoulder and core workout, you're getting a boost there. It's not like they can limit it to JUST the area that is injured as far as I know.


But again, after the congressional hearings and all the parents who attributed steriods to their childs death(either accurately or using it as an excuse) and all the public angst against it, I can't fathom them allowing anything like this....on either side, ownership, or even the MLBPA.

Icbj86c-"I'm not that enamored with Aaron Donald either."
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yet they allow cortisone and the NFL allows painkillers that are very addictive. The use would have to be limited and given to players by doctors. This wouldn't give young kids an excuse to take them because major league players wouldn't be taking them on their own
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Oblique strains were unheard of 30-40 years ago. It's the byproduct of modern era training. More pitchers throwing harder, and hitters having to sculpt bodies to be able to get the bat around fast enough to keep up. Eventually it catches up to guys. Not just in baseball either. Tiger Woods' body is a mess at age 38.
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Oblique strains were unheard of 30-40 years ago. It's the byproduct of modern era training. More pitchers throwing harder, and hitters having to sculpt bodies to be able to get the bat around fast enough to keep up.


Exactly. With what we know about the benefits of abdominal flexibility training there is no reason for these athletes to continue having these abdominal and oblique issues. Simple Yoga.


Too much of this



Not enough of this


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Oblique strains were unheard of 30-40 years ago. It's the byproduct of modern era training. More pitchers throwing harder, and hitters having to sculpt bodies to be able to get the bat around fast enough to keep up.


Exactly. With what we know about the benefits of abdominal flexibility training there is no reason for these athletes to continue having these abdominal and oblique issues. Simple Yoga.


Too much of this



Not enough of this



Really? They just need to do yoga?

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Oblique strains were unheard of 30-40 years ago. It's the byproduct of modern era training. More pitchers throwing harder, and hitters having to sculpt bodies to be able to get the bat around fast enough to keep up.


Exactly. With what we know about the benefits of abdominal flexibility training there is no reason for these athletes to continue having these abdominal and oblique issues. Simple Yoga.



Really? They just need to do yoga?

LOL...don't say "just". Yoga isn't easy. Remember those exercises we did in gym class? Toe touches, deep knee bends and hands on the hips torso twists? Ball teams used to do that stuff on the field as a group in Spring Training and beyond. No more.


They leave it to the players nowadays, who are more concerned with strength than flexibility.

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Couldn't agree more on the lack of flexibility exercises leading to injury. It is the most overlooked aspect of proper training sports today. Getting bulked up is fine as long as the bulk is flexible enough to not strain tendons and muscles. If you are stronger that muscle being used full speed can go further than it used to. If it hasn't been stretched to that further length it leads to strains.


As far as allowing PEDS back to take care of injuries the problem is it still gives a player the performance benefits even if it is helping them heal.

There are two ways to increase your injury risk. Doing too little or too much. If you tweak your body to the max to get better performance then it is fair you have to deal with all that comes with it just like if you do nothing to stay in shape. If a player chooses not to max out his body but still stay in shape he will probably stay healthier. Choosing the safer option of moderation should come with some sort of reward.


yet they allow cortisone and the NFL allows painkillers that are very addictive.


The NFL medication philosophy is a travesty heaped on a charade as is it's PED testing system. I would much rather the NFL use MLB as an example of how to go about drug use than the other way around.

There needs to be a King Thames version of the bible.
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It'll never go through now, but most type of steriods when cycled properly are perfectly safe for fully developed adult males. They're not these transformational magic pills that many seem to think unless they're abused.


"Perfectly safe" is a big stretch for just about any drug. The can of Pandora's boxes you want to open just isn't worth it. First how would you be able to tell a person using it under relatively safe protocols vs one who is pushing things to get any sort of edge possible? Second since they do provide an advantage, if you allow them you essentially make them mandatory.


Banning them completely may not be the perfect solution, but it is the best and safest option there is right now.

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For people who read the MiLB forum this will be extremely repetitive as I harp on these points all the time.


Baseball created it's own drug culture as there are too many games, too little rest, and in the past incredibly poor nutrition coming through the minors. It's no wonder players were looking for a pick-me-up and turned to too greenies or other forms of stimulation to "get up" for games.


In addition baseball has never been interested in developing athletes, it's always been a trial by fire, get by with your god given gifts type of atmosphere because the schedule doesn't lend itself to player development, there's no/very little practice/development time. That's why there is so much of talk of players needing to be a certain height for a position, or big too tall for a position, and so on. I don't believe any of that is true... if you took NBA basketball players and NFL wide receivers they'd be able to play SS being 6' 4" or taller because they are great athletes who possess outstanding core strength and flexibility.


Baseball is unique in that there are bursts of quick motor activity around long periods of inactivity which lends itself to muscle strains and pulls. Baseball is also one of the few sports where every activity requires extreme end range motion from fielding, to throwing, to swinging a bat so it's much harder to produce while playing injured. In other sports the idea is always to minimize end range motion as much as possible, in football for example nearly every technique is taught around being square to your opponent which keeps activity in your power zones.


Strength and flexibility go hand in hand and every team does a modern warm-up dynamic stretching routines, you can see them if you get to the park soon enough. The problem is that stuff happens a half an hour or more before the game and there is a ton of downtime during the game where there is the opportunity to get "cold" and I don't think anyone would legitimately claim that MLB players are the most well conditioned athletes on the planet to begin with. It would seem to me that some pretty simple changes in habits, especially with modern clubhouses, could significantly reduce the number of strains/pulls around baseball. How tough would it be to take a couple of minutes every other inning to quickly warm your body back up? It's somewhat ironic that everyone warms up their arm before taking the field but every other muscle group is ignored, most infielders don't bother to squat and field a ball properly in that time, they just bend at the waist and throw ball back across the diamond. The OFs just stand in one spot and play catch...


Injuries are a part of sport but baseball has lagged far behind the other major sports in terms of injury prevention and treatment. Baseball people won't even agree that there is a proper way to throw a baseball... it's a sport with extremely unique concerns and yet change comes at a snail's pace because there is way things have been done for nearly a hundred years and it "works", so why change it?


PEDs to me are like the "wonder diet pill" that so many people seem to want. Why put in the effort to make good choices and exercise when someone should just make a pill that allows to me to do whatever I want and still be healthy? It's a short cut that allowed/still allows for players with poor habits to bounce back more quickly than they otherwise should, star players or not. I'm not a big on supplements, never have been and likely never will be. I believe in eating properly and working hard to achieve results... if it takes me 4 years doing it naturally to get where I want to be instead of 1.5 with some assistance I'm okay with that...

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- Plato

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just FYI, TJ Quinn just tweeted that more names will be released tied to Biogenesis, that the DEA is releasing that information and that there will be more suspensions coming from this.


EDIT: Link to said tweet:


Two law enforcement sources tell me investigation revealed previously unnamed MLB players. Names will be revealed. Expect more suspensions.

Posted: July 10, 2014, 12:30 AM

PrinceFielderx1 Said:

If the Brewers don't win the division I should be banned. However, they will.


Last visited: September 03, 2014, 7:10 PM

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It will be curious to see just how many new names there are. Hopefully some big ones so everyone can get off of Braun's back for a couple minutes. I wonder how long it will take to release the names? It is a government entity and its not like they work fast or anything.
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The one current player I really wonder about is Marlon Byrd. Seems to be hitting more and more HRs as he ages!


It's too bad that this is the thought that instantly pops up when someone starts putting up numbers that are not in line with his career averages.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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It will be curious to see just how many new names there are. Hopefully some big ones so everyone can get off of Braun's back for a couple minutes. I wonder how long it will take to release the names? It is a government entity and its not like they work fast or anything.


the names are not apart of the DEA investigation, so they'll probably be released to MLB sooner than any of us expect

Posted: July 10, 2014, 12:30 AM

PrinceFielderx1 Said:

If the Brewers don't win the division I should be banned. However, they will.


Last visited: September 03, 2014, 7:10 PM

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amen to that. though, Baltimore, St Louis and Toronto already have theirs... I just really hope no other Brewers MLB'rs are on that list...

Posted: July 10, 2014, 12:30 AM

PrinceFielderx1 Said:

If the Brewers don't win the division I should be banned. However, they will.


Last visited: September 03, 2014, 7:10 PM

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If there is any justice in the world, PLEASE let one of the upcoming suspensions be a member of the Arizona Diamondbacks.


Goldschmidt would make me laugh. And because the Diamondbacks won't tolerate that tomfoolery, they'll trade him to us for Estrada so that the two steroid cheats Braun and Goldschmidt can play together in shame for the Brewers.

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The one current player I really wonder about is Marlon Byrd. Seems to be hitting more and more HRs as he ages!


It's too bad that this is the thought that instantly pops up when someone starts putting up numbers that are not in line with his career averages.


Wasn't Marlon Byrd already suspended at one point? Maybe I am making that up.


I'm just hoping it's not any Brewers. Not that I care in the least about the actual act, but would rather not have the distraction during the stretch run.

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They leave it to the players nowadays, who are more concerned with strength than flexibility.


Or neither...always wondered what Ben Sheets' career numbers would have looked like if he didn't sit around biting his nails between starts / DL stints. ;)

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The one current player I really wonder about is Marlon Byrd. Seems to be hitting more and more HRs as he ages!


It's too bad that this is the thought that instantly pops up when someone starts putting up numbers that are not in line with his career averages.


Wasn't Marlon Byrd already suspended at one point? Maybe I am making that up.


I'm just hoping it's not any Brewers. Not that I care in the least about the actual act, but would rather not have the distraction during the stretch run.

Yep, in 2012

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I'd like to see Yadi Molina end up on that list...


Of course if that happened, we'd all lose a lot of sleep wondering how Chris Carpenter would be able to tell his kids...

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The one current player I really wonder about is Marlon Byrd. Seems to be hitting more and more HRs as he ages!


It's too bad that this is the thought that instantly pops up when someone starts putting up numbers that are not in line with his career averages.


Wasn't Marlon Byrd already suspended at one point? Maybe I am making that up.


I'm just hoping it's not any Brewers. Not that I care in the least about the actual act, but would rather not have the distraction during the stretch run.

Yep, in 2012



Wow, didn't realize or had forgotten about that. Interesting that the two best power years of his career come after he gets caught and suspended.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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FWIW, when I met Sheets in the offseason, he absolutely looked the part of an athlete. This was later on in his career as well. He struck me as another guy who looked sloppier in a uniform than he should.
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