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Milwaukee Bucks 2014 - 2015 (part 1)

First and foremost, I'm a fan of Jason Kidd as a coach. So far he has brought in Bayless and Dudley, who most people including myself were less than thrilled with, but have thrived in his system and developed Knight into a all-star caliber PG who netted us three young high ceiling players. I truly beleive he is looking for specific traits and/or skills in players to fit into his system. That said if he thinks MCW is his guy, then I'll support the move. The main needs this offseason will be to extend Middleton and acquire a big man to replace Sanders. As I've stated before, I really hope they make a serious run at Greg Monroe who will likely cost $15M per to sign but gives them a solid core to build around: Carter-Williams, Middleton, Gainnis, Parker, Monroe, Henson, Plumlee, Ennis, Inglis and O'Bryant.
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I didn't like this trade. Everything was rolling this year, great chemistry and a realistic shot to move up to the #5 seed. Very possible they could have won the 1st round series. Big deal right? Yes, it is. There is finally some buzz about he Bucks, which is exactly what is needed to get this new arena done. Now, there is no scoring. They are going to struggle to score 85 points a game every night, and that will be tough to win games no matter how good the defense is.


I would have played this season out with Knight, kept the enthusiasm at a high level., and finally get a new arena approved. They still could have tried a sign and trade after the season. Or, you lose him. What's the big deal if that happened really? Ennis is horrible and Plumley is an end of the bench player. So we're talking about MCW. Philly loves draft picks and young talent, so the Bucks could have easily traded for him after the season. Inglis and two 2nd round picks, or whatever. Heck, throw in O'Bryant. If you can't get a trade done, find another MCW.


I just think the Bucks got a major gift this season- a winning team. And they killed this season (a certain success) for an uncertain future. Normally, I would be down with that. But with the politics going on with a new arena, it would have really helped to have the best year possible this season.

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No sense in getting upset already. MCW hasn't even made it on the court yet. I will hold judgement until he has played 8-10 games in a Bucks uniform. Ennis is a young, smart and talented PG who has been inactive most of his rookie season because the Suns felt the need to stockpile PGs on their roster. He will get better the more experience he gets. Plumlee had a solid rookie season but has regressed some this season, possibly due to a reduction in playing time. The owners have stated their three year plan is to compete for a championship not just to make the playoffs and win a series now and then. Nobody would have complained about this trade if the Bucks were struggling like everyone expected them to this season. The likely reason for this sudden success is Jason Kidd. So if he likes MCW then so do I.
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Ennis is a young, smart and talented PG who has been inactive most of his rookie season because the Suns felt the need to stockpile PGs on their roster. He will get better the more experience he gets.


I will be thrilled if he's able to get the ball across half-court and start the offense without dribbling it off his knee or getting his pocket picked.

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I just think the Bucks got a major gift this season- a winning team. And they killed this season (a certain success) for an uncertain future. Normally, I would be down with that. But with the politics going on with a new arena, it would have really helped to have the best year possible this season.

This was Herb Kohl's mentality and we all know where it got us. In the last 20 seasons prior to this year, the Bucks have had 6 winning seasons, one other season where they finished 41-41, and have a 2-8 playoff series record (both wins came in 2000-2001). Odds are we will still make the playoffs this seasons which will give the young players some much need experience while still adding assets needed for a deeper run in the coming years. This trade doesn't mortage thier future for the present like the Gary Payton trade did. It keeps them competitive this season while making them better going forward.

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I just think the Bucks got a major gift this season- a winning team. And they killed this season (a certain success) for an uncertain future. Normally, I would be down with that. But with the politics going on with a new arena, it would have really helped to have the best year possible this season.

This was Herb Kohl's mentality and we all know where it got us. In the last 20 seasons prior to this year, the Bucks have had 6 winning seasons, one other season where they finished 41-41, and have a 2-8 playoff series record (both wins came in 2000-2001). Odds are we will still make the playoffs this seasons which will give the young players some much need experience while still adding assets needed for a deeper run in the coming years. This trade doesn't mortage thier future for the present like the Gary Payton trade did. It keeps them competitive this season while making them better going forward.


This isn't the same thing as what Herb Kohl did. I wanted them to stay neutral this year. Kohl went far beyond that and traded the future for the present- that's a big difference. Yea, they'll still make the playoffs but limp in, and kill the enthusiasm that was starting to build.


Finally, I just have to say this. Everyone is saying this is the guy Kidd wanted so I trust him. How do we know this was Kidd's guy? Unloading Knight was the primary reason for the trade, so could it be this is the best return the Bucks got? Doesn't necessarily mean MCW is the PG of the future Kidd really wanted.

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It's hard to say they're going to limp in after 3 games - none of which MCW even played in. Let's see how they all fit together in 10-12 games before judging them. They also lost to the Hawks (best team in the East) and the Bulls who have owned them for two years - they very well might have lost those games with Knight playing anyways.
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Tyler Ennis already sucks? He's a rookie first round pick who hasn't even seen the floor yet and you're already writing him off. I loved him in college last year, really smooth and a shot maker at crunch time.


and as far why everyone saying this is the guy Kidd wanted. Well that's because that is what all the 'insiders' have reported since this happened. Yea of course it could be the spin the team is putting on, but there's really no reason not to believe it, and if you're that cynical that everyone is lying about things when they really have no reason to lie then you probably have bigger problems than an NBA team.


And yes I'm fine with limping into the playoffs, what's the difference between the 6 and 8 seed, you're losing first round anyway. The old Bucks would have been to get jacked about making the playoffs, get spanked. Then sign everyone involved to extensions. They're keeping flexibility in order to try for a legit title run in 4-5 years. Being the Bucks it'll probably all fall apart (started already with the Jabari ACL) but I see their strategy.

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I didn't like this trade. Everything was rolling this year, great chemistry and a realistic shot to move up to the #5 seed. Very possible they could have won the 1st round series. Big deal right? Yes, it is. There is finally some buzz about he Bucks, which is exactly what is needed to get this new arena done. Now, there is no scoring. They are going to struggle to score 85 points a game every night, and that will be tough to win games no matter how good the defense is.


I would have played this season out with Knight, kept the enthusiasm at a high level., and finally get a new arena approved. They still could have tried a sign and trade after the season. Or, you lose him. What's the big deal if that happened really? Ennis is horrible and Plumley is an end of the bench player. So we're talking about MCW. Philly loves draft picks and young talent, so the Bucks could have easily traded for him after the season. Inglis and two 2nd round picks, or whatever. Heck, throw in O'Bryant. If you can't get a trade done, find another MCW.


I just think the Bucks got a major gift this season- a winning team. And they killed this season (a certain success) for an uncertain future. Normally, I would be down with that. But with the politics going on with a new arena, it would have really helped to have the best year possible this season.



Patience padawann...we haven't even had MCW play a game yet. There will be growing pains but there is a clear endgame plan being executed here. Over and over again Lasry/Edens have stated we are modeling ourselves after the Spurs.


The Bucks are undermanned at the moment, hopefully MCW can play tonight. The more I read on him the more I like, and he seems like a guy that will grow to love Milwaukee just as Giannis and Parker will. Those are the guys we need here. I don't think Knight was ultimately that guy, although I did like him.


I think you will be surprised to see how much MCW helps this squad in the mid-longer term.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor

I know there are some (not many........ but some) who think the East is ripe for the picking this year, but with the Bucks record against +.500 teams, I just can't see them getting past Atlanta or Cleveland in a 7 game set. The Bulls without Rose........MAYBE, but even that's a stretch.


I didn't like this trade at first, because WIN NOW.........but this makes sense. It makes a lot of sense, and for the first time in forever, this team is making the right moves to build a long-term, sustainable, winning team.


You just watch boys...... this bunch is going to be in a Finals in the next 5 years.

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It's refreshing to see a front office stick to their word when things don't go as they originally planned. I don't think anyone thought this team would have won 30 games all season let alone by the all-star break. It would have been easy to justify trading away future assets for a stud player who may or may not be the difference in winning a first round series or bowing out early. Kudos to them for staying the course and realizing this is just the beginning versus their best and only chance.
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As someone who is in the process of making a career change, and giving up a more lucrative/higher-paying career for a lower-paying one, because I wasn't happy I can relate. If you're not happy doing what you're doing, make a change. I fully support that.


That being said, if a year from now he's back in the league with another team you can then apply the label of "turd".

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As someone who is in the process of making a career change, and giving up a more lucrative/higher-paying career for a lower-paying one, because I wasn't happy I can relate. If you're not happy doing what you're doing, make a change. I fully support that.


That being said, if a year from now he's back in the league with another team you can then apply the label of "turd".



Convenient how he arrived at this awakening AFTER his contract extension was signed...pretty easy to say this as you're getting over 2 million per year to not even play basketball.

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"Convenient how he arrived at this awakening AFTER his contract extension was signed...pretty easy to say this as you're getting over 2 million per year to not even play basketball."


He had us on the hook for 44 mil, I think he did an honorable (has to be a better word than that I guess, but you know what I mean) thing here. I think he should be applauded for it. He could have given no effort and a bad attitude until they told him to just go home, he'd get the full money then. This is what Gilbert Arenas (and many others) did, if I recall he was the second highest paid player in the NBA last season and he hasn't played in years.

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"Convenient how he arrived at this awakening AFTER his contract extension was signed...pretty easy to say this as you're getting over 2 million per year to not even play basketball."


He had us on the hook for 44 mil, I think he did an honorable (has to be a better word than that I guess, but you know what I mean) thing here. I think he should be applauded for it. He could have given no effort and a bad attitude until they told him to just go home, he'd get the full money then. This is what Gilbert Arenas (and many others) did, if I recall he was the second highest paid player in the NBA last season and he hasn't played in years.

Marbury also comes to mind. I remember he used to attend Knicks games as a fan while making more than any player on the floor. What a joke!

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As someone who is in the process of making a career change, and giving up a more lucrative/higher-paying career for a lower-paying one, because I wasn't happy I can relate. If you're not happy doing what you're doing, make a change. I fully support that.


That being said, if a year from now he's back in the league with another team you can then apply the label of "turd".



It's not a matter of making a change because he's not happy with his job, where he's playing, etc. He has a mental illness, and possibly an addiction. Very likely one is causing the other. We can all call him a bum (I know you didn't) but by all accounts Larry is a good guy, struggling with some demons. For anyone out there that have either gone through this, or have someone close to you go through it, you would have empathy. If not, you probably wouldn't.


Let's also remember Larry didn't come begging or demanding an extension. It was the Bucks idea to lock him up early. And he didn't hold them hostage in getting out of the deal. Very fair, actually astounding considering his agent, the union, and who knows who else no doubt wanted a bigger buy-out.


I for one will be very happy for him if he's playing again for someone a year from now.

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I know you didn't mention me by name, but I'm on record saying they won't be as good this season. I think they will still back into the playoffs, with less hope of winning the first series.


With Knight, the team was getting better and better and I had this feeling they could get the 5 seed and win the first round. Chance of even making a little noise in the playoffs. I really do understand the concept of building for the future, but there is no future without an arena. And the best thing the Bucks could do this season is win as many games as possible, and better yet make a surprise run in the playoffs.

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its amazing the people online that are now writing off the bucks playoff hopes since they lost the last 2 to pretty good teams. I expect MCW to have a huge game tonight against philly.


They simply looked tired the other night against the Bulls...being down men hurts. Now that Plumbledore, Ennis, and MCW are settling into the system here I expect they'll play better soon. Miles in particular needs to get more minutes with how poorly Zaza has played lately.

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As someone who is in the process of making a career change, and giving up a more lucrative/higher-paying career for a lower-paying one, because I wasn't happy I can relate. If you're not happy doing what you're doing, make a change. I fully support that.


That being said, if a year from now he's back in the league with another team you can then apply the label of "turd".


I was guilty of calling Sanders a turd earlier in this thread. After watching his video, my opinion of him has changed somewhat. I think that he's more a thief than a turd at this point. Hopefully when he runs out of cash, the only place that he will be able to go is the Chinese basketball league.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
I really do understand the concept of building for the future, but there is no future without an arena. And the best thing the Bucks could do this season is win as many games as possible, and better yet make a surprise run in the playoffs.



All this winning still wasn't bringing people out. We're still 27th in the league in attendance. Still averaging less than 15K per game. Deviating from the plan to win one extra playoff series isn't a good idea.

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If the people of Milwaukee and the politicians can't see the value of an NBA franchise in their city then they deserve to lose it. The NBA is blowing up right now, you'd have to be a fool to allow a team to leave.


And from the owners perspective, why should they change their strategy to chase a stadium here. If the teams leaves they stand to make hundeds of millions. They should stick to the best team building strategy they see and then it's on the city to get on board, if not, build the team in Seattle or take the money you'd get by selling it and move on. They paid around what 500 mil, they'll get at least 750 from the guy in Seattle. Plus there's some kind of NBA deal written into it guaranteeing if there's no arena they can cash out and I think it guarantees 50 mil profit.

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MCW looked good in his limited minutes last night. It appeared Gainnis struggled offensively because he was trying to hard to create his own shot insteadn of allowing MCW freate opportunities for him like he did for Middleton. I thought the team looked a lot better when MCW was on the floor and his length caused issues for the other teams when he's defending.
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