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Wang. Overbay. Bianchi. Herrera.

The stache

Lyle Overbay, Elian Herrera, Jeff Bianchi and Wei-Chung Wang.


These are four members of our twenty-five man active roster. Sixteen percent of the men that put on the Milwaukee Brewers uniform on a nightly basis.


Can any of us say with a degree of confidence that even two of these players would make a 25 man roster for any other team in baseball?


Start with Wang. The guy may have potential, and could be a pitcher to watch down the road. But he's never thrown higher than Class A ball, and he's already had Tommy John surgery once. And by signing him, we're forced to keep him on the active roster the rest of the season (unless he could be put on the 60 man DL later. That's I'm not sure of). It's not his talent, or his projectability that I question. It's the wisdom of putting him on the 25 man roster, and making him a part of a bullpen that is already too difficult for Ron Roenicke to manage. The few times we've seen him against Major League hitters, he's been completely overmatched. This raises another concern. IF we keep him on the 25 man roster, or if we put him on the DL (again, if that's feasible), he's not getting a chance to develop. What are the odds that Wang becomes any kind of key contributor down the road? And, do those odds justify what is being done to the Major League team? Because, as it stands, about all he's good for is mop up duty, which we know will be infrequent, because Ron Roenicke prefers to leave mop up duty to one of our better relievers like Tyler Thornburg or Will Smith.


Next up is the 37-year old first baseman, Lyle Overbay. At one time, Overbay was quite a good hitter for the Brewers. He led the National League with 53 doubles, while hitting .301 with a sparkling .863 OPS.


That was in 2004.


What does he bring to the table for a Major League team in 2014? Besides apparently being Ron Roenicke's go to "positional player as a relief pitcher" guy, I don't know what he provides to this team. He was supposed to be the best defensive guy of the three being considered for first base (Mark Reynolds and Juan Francisco being the others). Well, we know that Francisco is terrible defensively historically. But is Overbay really better?


Francisco had 10 errors last year playing first base for the Brewers. When you consider, though, that Francisco had spent his entire career at third base, a .983 fielding percentage at first wasn't terrible. Imagine if we only judged Ryan Braun's defense by the time he spent at third base. He moved to the outfield, and has actually been pretty good defensively in left, and now right field. This year, Francisco has been back at third for the Blue Jays, and he's been bad again. But in the 25 innings he played at first base, no errors.


Overbay has played 178 innings at first for the Brewers, and has 2 errors. A .989 fielding percentage. Yes, I know fielding percentage is an antiquated metric. Ok, what about WAR? Overbay has been a -0.2 dWAR this season. Francisco has been a -0.1 dWAR this season. Neither Overbay or Francisco have been good, but the point is that Francisco hasn't been terrible.


Now, let's look at the offensive contributions from these two players:


Overbay: 78 at bats. 8 runs 17 hits. 2 doubles. 1 home run. 10 RBI. .218 AVG. Slash line of .287/.282/.559.

Francisco: 89 at bats. 18 runs. 26 hits. 4 doubles. 1 triple. 8 home runs. 19 RBI. .292 AVG. lash of .373/.629/1.002


When you consider that Francisco is 26 years old, and Overbay is 37, which player would you have kept? Francisco strikes out--a lot--36 times in 89 at bats. 40%. But surprisingly, so does Overbay. 19 strike outs in 78 at bats. 24%. When you consider he has no power whatsoever, Overbay does little with the bat at all.


If you were a General Manager of a Major League team, would you consider signing Lyle Overbay if you needed a first base? Probably not, regardless of what else you have in your minor league system. The point is, however, that Lyle Overbay should not be a member of the Milwaukee Brewer's 25-man roster. Give Hunter Morris a shot. He's 25. He's demonstrated power at both AA and AAA. He's hitting .288 with a .793 OPS. That's not great, but it's a hell of a lot better than Overbay's .569 OPS. And maybe Morris shows us something. He certainly can't be any worse than Overbay.


Next up, Jeff Bianchi. Now, this guy, because he can play shortstop and pretty much every defensive position but catcher, is going to find his way onto a Major League roster somewhere. He's a utility guy that's good as a bench player. He's good late in the game when you need a defensive replacement. But he's not a solution when you lose a starter to injury. Ad the Brewewers, with Aramis Ramirez now on the DL, are being forced to play this guy when Segura or Reynolds need a day off. And he's basically an automatic out. If you gave Yuniesky Betancourt a better glove, and took away any and all of his power, you'd have Jeff Bianchi. Bianchi has 52 plate appearances. He has 8 hits, all of them singles. He's walked twice. His OPS? .336. His OPS plus is actually a negative number at -6.


But as bad as Overbay and Bianchi are, I've saved the best for last.


That's right, Elian Herrera. Elian "How the heck did he ever make it to the Bigs?" Herrera. The only article I found on Herrera before he was first called up to the Dodgers starts this way:


Report: Elian Herrera on his way to the Dodgers. Wait, who? Oh, Elian Herrera (I'll give you a few minutes to look him up).


This guy was referred to as a career minor league player, the definition of a utility player.


Precisely what the Brewers needed more of. Utility players!


Herrera can't hit for power, or average. He hasn't shown any of the speed he had in the minors. And we all know how good he is defensively.(please don't make me break out the gif of him throwing the ball into the dirt against the Cardinals.


What I can't figure out is why is he on the Brewers?


Bring Jimmy Nelson up, and Hunter Morris. We know (or at least in Morris' case, we suspect) these two are parts of our future. Get rid of Wang. Dump Overbay. Nelson and Morris are upgrades. We need another power bat, and Hunter Morris could provide that. As for Bianchi, well, I don't know what to say. I see his eventual successor Orlando Arcia as being at least a year away, unless he gets traded for another veteran soft-throwing 30 something pitcher coming off of Tommy John surgery. And Herrera? Well, we can't get Tyrone Taylor to Huntsville fast enough, as far as I'm concerned.

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Overbay and Bianchi are honestly indefensible. Bianchi now has 383 PA for the Brewers across three seasons, and a cumulative .238 wOBA... It's not a slump, he just cannot hit MLB pitching. I don't care if he's a good defender, there are better options out there.


As for Overbay, he must be one heck of a clubhouse presence because his place on this team is baffling. Especially when Melvin keeps letting low-cost replacements float by: Francisco, ok, he was horrendous last year so I can see letting him go. But why not take a flier on Travis Ishikawa again if you want a defensive complement to Reynolds? Why not trade a non-prospect for Kyle Blanks?


Melvin is coasting on the Brewers' early-season success, and not being nearly proactive enough in fixing the bench and figuring out a Plan B for LF until Davis starts looking competent. He is throwing the season away, to be quite honest.

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Start with Wang. The guy may have potential, and could be a pitcher to watch down the road. But he's never thrown higher than Class A ball, and he's already had Tommy John surgery once. And by signing him, we're forced to keep him on the active roster the rest of the season (unless he could be put on the 60 man DL later. That's I'm not sure of). It's not his talent, or his projectability that I question. It's the wisdom of putting him on the 25 man roster, and making him a part of a bullpen that is already too difficult for Ron Roenicke to manage. The few times we've seen him against Major League hitters, he's been completely overmatched. This raises another concern. IF we keep him on the 25 man roster, or if we put him on the DL (again, if that's feasible), he's not getting a chance to develop. What are the odds that Wang becomes any kind of key contributor down the road? And, do those odds justify what is being done to the Major League team? Because, as it stands, about all he's good for is mop up duty, which we know will be infrequent, because Ron Roenicke prefers to leave mop up duty to one of our better relievers like Tyler Thornburg or Will Smith.


The logic of putting him on the 25 man roster is clear. So we can control his rights. If you don't question his talent or his projectability, then I'm not sure what there is to question about it?


And you can question Roenicke's use of the BP, but when exactly has Thornburg or Smith been used in "mop up duty?" I think RR has been very good with the BP this year, as good as any other manager I've seen. I understand why some might be upset throwing Wang into a 1 run game, but Kimbrel isn't just good, he's historically good, especially vs RH'ed hitters and we had 3 coming up in the bottom of the 9th vs the best closer in the game who are just not very good right now as a group.


Smith came into one game with a 5 run lead. Of course we had a 4 run lead when Smith got warmed up to come into the game. Thornburg filled in as a long reliever today when Gallardo left due to a short start.


Other than that, both pitchers have been used almost exclusively in 2-3 run games(each pitched in games vs Philly in which we scored 5 runs and 3 runs after each had pitched).



So I can't find one single time that either has been used in what would be called "mop up," duty with the ONE possible exception of when Smith threw 19 pitches after we scored the 4 vs AZ and he was already warmed up.




The other players I have no arguments with. Bianchi is our backup SS. That's what he should be. He should hit better than he is, but you also shouldn't expect much out of that spot.

Overbay should be gone and Morris should be up. Or really anyone. Ramirez from AA, Halton. He's just bad.

And Herrera just gives you options.


I am confident Herrera and Overbay will be replaced. Maybe Bianchi will as well. And I'm hopeful the Brewers don't overreact and change course after coming so far with Wang. He needs about 10 more days on the active roster and then he can be sent to the DL. And after his latest outing, I doubt anyone would question that. And he can then get I believe up to 6 weeks of rehab in the minors. We could send him down now and bring him back up around the ASB after the BP has had a few days off.


But young talented left handers who realistically aren't costing us any games are the types of Rule V draftees you should make ever attempt to hold onto.

Icbj86c-"I'm not that enamored with Aaron Donald either."
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Brewer Fanatic Contributor

Back in 2012, in 200+ plate appearances, Herrera posted a .340 OBP. Even if he does nothing else, he showed an ability to get on base, while being passably competent at multiple positions in the field. I'm not sure why he's not taking walks this year. No explanation.


The guy to add to your list is Logan Schafer. He can't hit, can't hit for power, and can't get on base. The only thing he does is play solid defense. The problem is, that's not how RRR uses him. He plays him, (and hits him leadoff!) and expects him to do things he can not do. Schafer is now 27, creeping up on a full season's worth of MLB plate appearances, and isn't approaching anything close to a big-league quality hitter. The only thing this guy should be doing is late inning defensive replacement, pinch running, or getting the occasional 'last man off the bench lefty pinch hitter" duties.

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"Wang...he's never thrown higher than A ball"


That's incorrect. He'd never been higher than rookie ball. A ball is a considerable step up from rookie ball. Rookie ball isn't even on the level of the top college leagues, Pac-12, Big 12 or SEC, or ACC.


SRB nailed it about Melvin. A major reason Brewers always seem to struggle in May is that Melvin is slow to make personnel changes. All over baseball guys are being shuffled, DFA'd etc, but the Brewers stand pat based on April results. They've got options too.

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I'll echo Invader's comment of a great summary, the question now becomes what can be done?


Overbay - I still wonder whether the organization believes Morris will ever be an option. If so, I'm surprised he hasn't been included in discussion for the last year+ as we've had the first base issues. Morris also continues to hamstring the bench as he only plays first.


Herrera/Bianchi - I lump these two together because I think one stays and one has to go. Having both multi-position, light-hitting guys on the same roster is too much.


Schafer - Is Jeremy Hermida any better of an option? He would have to be added to the 40-man. Boston seems to want a CF to help ease Jackie Bradley Jr. into being a full-time major league contributor. While they would prefer a right-handed hitter, would Schafer bring back Nava or Carp to platoon at 1st and be an occasional option in left vs. tough RHP?


1. Cut Overbay.

2. Trade Schafer for Carp or Nava

3. Bring up Jeremy Hermida

4. When Ramirez returns, send down Herrera


Bench = Carp/Nava, Weeks, Hermida, Maldonado, Bianchi

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I agree - great overview.


Hunter Morris should be brought up today. I just don't see why he is in the minors. Overbay is done. Get it done Doug - bring him up.


Herrera / Bianchi - Bring up someone. Green, Hermida or even Eugenio Velez. You gave Herrera a shot, he isn't getting it done - move on and have it be a revolving door until you find someone. Outrighting Herrera off of the 40 man would open a spot to bring up someone. This needs to happen today as well.


As for Wang - He will be gone once Gorzelanny / Hendo come back up. I am pretty positive it isn't a matter of if, just a matter of when. Gorzo is being bumped to AA on his rehab so he should be back within a week.


Nelson - I am all for bringing up Nelson if Yo has to hit the 15 day DL. Give Jimmy a few starts at the MLB level and then send him back when Yo comes off. I wouldn't even stretch out Thornburg or anyone else.

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I agree - great overview.


Hunter Morris should be brought up today. I just don't see why he is in the minors. Overbay is done. Get it done Doug - bring him up.


Herrera / Bianchi - Bring up someone. Green, Hermida or even Eugenio Velez. You gave Herrera a shot, he isn't getting it done - move on and have it be a revolving door until you find someone. Outrighting Herrera off of the 40 man would open a spot to bring up someone. This needs to happen today as well.


As for Wang - He will be gone once Gorzelanny / Hendo come back up. I am pretty positive it isn't a matter of if, just a matter of when. Gorzo is being bumped to AA on his rehab so he should be back within a week.


Nelson - I am all for bringing up Nelson if Yo has to hit the 15 day DL. Give Jimmy a few starts at the MLB level and then send him back when Yo comes off. I wouldn't even stretch out Thornburg or anyone else.


into all of those!

Posted: July 10, 2014, 12:30 AM

PrinceFielderx1 Said:

If the Brewers don't win the division I should be banned. However, they will.


Last visited: September 03, 2014, 7:10 PM

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One of Herrera or Bianchi has to be on the roster. They can't have Segura as the only option to play SS. Aside from that, I agree with everything said.


Overbay simply doesn't have it any more and brings nothing to the table. Bianchi really never had it and was only kept to play SS - at least Herrera can play the same positions (plus OF) and has speed. He's not very good either, but he's more valuable than Bianchi and it's not close.


Getting 40 man spots is pretty easy - Hellweg can still be put on the 60 day DL, Overbay and Bianchi can be just outrighted or cut to clear spots if necessary too. Green and/or Morris can't possibly do any worse. What are we waiting for?

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I have no issue with Wang on the roster but they Kept Overbay over Juan for defense only and his hitting is terrible we can't afford to put him to platoon him at first.Seemed to me that DM had no backup plan @ 1b or 3RD

especially with AR getting up their in age. I have to think they are going to add Morales after the Draft almost have too. Jeff is a bench player who gets exposed when having to start a lot of games. But not sure who they can add that would be a better Option especially someone that can Play SS.

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The other reason that players likes Overbay / Bianchi / Herrara are being exposed / called out/ fans wanting replaced is the fact that your starting SS and starting LF have an ops of .619 and .641 respectively. We all know Jean is locked in and we just need to hope he breaks out of his slump. As for Khris, he will probably continue to get starts with the next to nothing production from 1B / 3B. Once Ramirez gets back and Morris / Reynolds are platooning 1B, then Davis might be put under a finer scope. But until we fix 1B / 3B, I don't see him loosing much playing time.
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I agree with we have no depth. However, should we be mad that the backup isn't producing, or should we be mad that we're paying a boatload of money to an old 3B who can't stay on the field, something many had questions about when the contract was signed? We have a record payroll this year, so the money spent on Ramirez (and others) is a big part of the reason we can't afford to get better backup options.


It was pretty obvious prior to the season that this team was very subject to injuries which could really hurt them. It wasn't necessarily lack of top-line talent, but lack of depth and over-reliance on so-so prospects that had people believing this was a .500 team. But what is the team to do? They're already stretching the budget and they have a weak farm system. Almost anyone would be a better option than Overbay and Herrera, but whoever replaces them won't be good, and people will be calling for their heads if they're thrown into the spotlight because one of our high-priced starters is injured, underperforming or won't play where the coach tells him to.


Personally, I'd dump Overbay for Green, who hits LH, plays 1B, 2B and 3B and (I believe) will be able to opt for free agency if he isn't brought up soon. With Green's ability to play all over the IF, we could replace Herrera with a fifth OF in Gindl who could be a platoon partner for Davis. Both of these are band-aids rather than solutions, but they should help.


If Yo is injured, I'd be fine bringing up Nelson, but I really don't want him brought up to replace Wang as the never used long man. That would be a waste of our best prospect.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor

Bring up Green and let Overbay go. Green can play 3B and 1B.


Bianchi can stay. He's a good glove. But he shouldn't be starting more than a handful of games. Having Green available let's us plug in a real 3B. I can understand getting rid of Bianchi. Let's just make sure the guy is an upgrade.


Dump Herrera and bring up Gindl. I'd even send down Davis as well so he can get his act together. Or perhaps just platoon them. Just let Gindl start for an extended time. He was okay last year (.779 OPS in 132 ABs). He's shown limited splits over his minor league career.


As for Wang, if you let him go bring back Gorzelanny or Henderson. Don't bring up Nelson so he can throw long relief in blowouts. That's a waste of the guy's future.

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The other reason that players likes Overbay / Bianchi / Herrara are being exposed / called out/ fans wanting replaced is the fact that your starting SS and starting LF have an ops of .619 and .641 respectively. We all know Jean is locked in and we just need to hope he breaks out of his slump. As for Khris, he will probably continue to get starts with the next to nothing production from 1B / 3B. Once Ramirez gets back and Morris / Reynolds are platooning 1B, then Davis might be put under a finer scope. But until we fix 1B / 3B, I don't see him loosing much playing time.

I can only speak for myself, but that's 100% untrue for me. Imo you probably have to keep one of Bianchi or Herrera as a backup SS, but getting a sub-.600 OPS from the v.RHP half of a 1B platoon is a massive problem even if you have a 110-win true talent team. Overbay's a nice, classy guy & all, but he needs to go & go now.

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I don't really have a problem with Bianchi or Herrera since they are on the team for defense/flexibility. I could see adding a better hitting option who may not be a good defender but how many of those guys are around? I know we had one in Francisco but he is no longer available and I'm not interested in rehashing what we should have done. Looking forward I don't see a lot of good hitting bench players available and we kind of have that with Weeks anyway. Who, it seems, adapted pretty well at pinch hitting and spotty playing time. Who could have known?


I think highly of Overbay personally but he is the one guy I think needs to go sooner than later. I am a person who thinks moves should be slow and carefully considered. I generally not a knee jerk reaction type of guy when it comes ot roster movers. I tend to think moves shouldn't be made until June or so but this is an unusual situation. We need help now and he has little to offer later.

At this point I would rather see them make a move now even if they plan on getting Morales in June and have to reverse that move in a couple weeks. Just don't see the percentage of keeping Overbay over bringing up someone like Green or Halton. I can see the argument for keeping Morris down longer though. If they feel he is on track but a move to the majors would screw up something he is working on then by all means keep him down until that stage passes.

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I'd send down Scooter and Bianchi. We can start to make the argument that Scooter is going to be a bit of a wasted roster spot. Maybe Bianchi can stay for now until Ramirez comes back.


They need to figure out a left-handed bat at 1B, but I'd bring up Gindl and try to find SOMEBODY else around baseball that I can buy away that can bat from the left side to take Scooter's spot on the roster. Maybe Carp or Nava as we've heard, though we'd prefer somebody that can play 1B.


I'd let Herrera be the super-utility guy and load up on as much LH bench power as we can get.


To me, Scooter has the least value and should be sent down. In a platoon role, maybe his OPS is .20-.30 points higher than Herrera, but he's still in the range of .700, and I feel like he'll go south of there.

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Bring up Green and let Overbay go. Green can play 3B and 1B.


Bianchi can stay. He's a good glove. But he shouldn't be starting more than a handful of games. Having Green available let's us plug in a real 3B. I can understand getting rid of Bianchi. Let's just make sure the guy is an upgrade.


Dump Herrera and bring up Gindl. I'd even send down Davis as well so he can get his act together. Or perhaps just platoon them. Just let Gindl start for an extended time. He was okay last year (.779 OPS in 132 ABs). He's shown limited splits over his minor league career.


As for Wang, if you let him go bring back Gorzelanny or Henderson. Don't bring up Nelson so he can throw long relief in blowouts. That's a waste of the guy's future.


Look out for some backlash reilly because I basically agree with all your points some stronger than others. Bianchi's the better glove than Herrera. Green needs to be up here now. Gindl will do what Davis has done and he'll take walks too. If they have room, maybe bring up Halton to platoon with him. Halton could play 1B too when Reynolds is manning 3B vs. LHP.

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The other reason that players likes Overbay / Bianchi / Herrara are being exposed / called out/ fans wanting replaced is the fact that your starting SS and starting LF have an ops of .619 and .641 respectively. We all know Jean is locked in and we just need to hope he breaks out of his slump. As for Khris, he will probably continue to get starts with the next to nothing production from 1B / 3B. Once Ramirez gets back and Morris / Reynolds are platooning 1B, then Davis might be put under a finer scope. But until we fix 1B / 3B, I don't see him loosing much playing time.

I can only speak for myself, but that's 100% untrue for me. Imo you probably have to keep one of Bianchi or Herrera as a backup SS, but getting a sub-.600 OPS from the v.RHP half of a 1B platoon is a massive problem even if you have a 110-win true talent team. Overbay's a nice, classy guy & all, but he needs to go & go now.

TLB - I am not saying a change isn't needed. Just implying that not only is there a black hole at 1B / 3B but we have other positions not living up to expectations. Last year Jean had a .800+ OPS at this point. If we had more people hitting then Gomez, Lucroy, Bruan and the 2b platoon, then the holes on this team wouldn't be so glaringly obvious. But since half of our lineup rarely gets on base, it is really spotlighting our offensive deficiencies. Better said, you can hide 1 or 2 inconsistent hitters (Jean and Khris) but not 4.


To me, dumping Overbay for Morris is the most logical change to make.

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I generally not a knee jerk reaction type of guy when it comes ot roster movers. I tend to think moves shouldn't be made until June or so but this is an unusual situation. We need help now and he has little to offer later.

I feel the same but I didn't think Overbay should have been kept in the first place so the sooner they move him the better.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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I like Hunter Morris but he's essentially a more powerful version of Scooter Gennett, but he won't hit for as high of an average as Scooter, his hit tool isn't as good.


Best case Morris is maybe a .280 guy, I'd put him down around .240 or worse right now because he won't force pitchers to throw him strikes. I do believe selectivity at the plate can be learned/taught so the light bulb could go on and he could put a year like he did in Huntsville down the road, but I think MLB pitchers with their advanced pitchability will take advantage of Hunter for a while.

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I'd send down Scooter


Is this supposed to be in blue? Send down Scooter? huh? Once again, I am shocked at the perception of Scooter.


Outside of that hot start that is not backed up by any of his minor league numbers last year, this is the perception of him. He's a .270/.305/.390 guy that is 'OK' on defense, can't play every day because of a platoon situation, and only plays 2B. He's also wasting a roster spot.


Those were also his numbers in the minors essentially. In the PCL, you usually subtract .100 or so from the OPS for guys at .900 to project them in the majors. The way Scooter hits, I'd subtract a bit less, but he was around .730-.750 there, so I'll peg him in the .680-.700 range. Maybe if he gets favorable enough platoon games, a shade over .700.

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I'd send down Scooter


Is this supposed to be in blue? Send down Scooter? huh? Once again, I am shocked at the perception of Scooter.


Outside of that hot start that is not backed up by any of his minor league numbers last year, this is the perception of him. He's a .270/.305/.390 guy that is 'OK' on defense, can't play every day because of a platoon situation, and only plays 2B. He's also wasting a roster spot.


Those were also his numbers in the minors essentially. In the PCL, you usually subtract .100 or so from the OPS for guys at .900 to project them in the majors. The way Scooter hits, I'd subtract a bit less, but he was around .750 there, so I'll peg him in the .680-.700 range. Maybe if he gets favorable enough platoon games, a shade over .700.

As others have said, I feel like the value of OPS gets slighly exagerrated and blown out of context. It is a base to provide value but not the end all be all in my opinion.


Scooter is a lifetime .297 hitter in the minor leagues and currently .302 in the majors. I would much rather have a guy at .680 OPS who hits .285 / .310 / .370 then a guy who hits .210 / .282 / .440 for an OPS of 722. To me - give me the .680 OPS and that .285 batting average. But I digress - the thread isn't about Scooter, so I shall move on.

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