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What's bugging you? (2014)

In the last 6 months I know 2 guys who've had their marriages end because their wives cheated on them. One of those being a 20+ year marriage with 3 kids and who were a couple that acted like teenagers in love whenever I saw them together. Really makes me mad that this would happen to such a great guy.
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Were I a Cavaliers fan, I don't think I could welcome LeBron back. I was trying to think of a Brewers equivalent. Molitor? Prince? Maybe a MKE equivalent would be if the Braves had tried to come back in the late 60s.


I never understood the LeBron hate when he left. He took less money for a better chance to win a championship. Isn't that what fans want out of athletes, to put winning over money?




Since when did "fans," ever become one group that unilaterally wanted anything?


I'll tell you what they generally DON'T want however.


1-If you grew up 40 minutes away from the city you're drafted to and you have a 4 story sign that says, "the chosen one," that's part of your ad campaign(or we are all witnesses, whatever) they expect loyalty.


2-They DON'T like you making a spectacle and shoving it in the face of the team you're leaving destroyed by going on ESPN and announcing you're "taking your talents to South Beach," after the #2 FA just signed there to put 3 of the top 8-10 players on the same team(And Bosh was absolutely one of the top 10 at the time).




And do you REALLY not understand the LeBron hate? I just can't imagine any fan truly not understanding why Cleveland fans were upset. I have to believe you're feigning ignorance here. It's just such a natural reaction. The BEST player in the league left their team after PROMISING to bring them a Championship. And he was a hometown boy.


Just use common sense instead of trying to make a logical argument. You REALLY can't understand why they would be upset with him over that move? To me, I would be astounded if all the sudden a large group of sports fans decided, "hey, the best player since Jordan who grew up 40 miles away and made promises left, and he did it in the most obnoxious way possible....but good for him, he choose to collaborate with the best SG(arguably) and one of the best big men in the league to win championships."

Icbj86c-"I'm not that enamored with Aaron Donald either."
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Were I a Cavaliers fan, I don't think I could welcome LeBron back. I was trying to think of a Brewers equivalent. Molitor? Prince? Maybe a MKE equivalent would be if the Braves had tried to come back in the late 60s.



How about Kareem? If he forced his way out but tried coming back 4 years later? There is no perfect comparison, but that one has to be as close as Milwaukee can come. The best player in the game, would have almost certainly brought the Bucks more championships.

Icbj86c-"I'm not that enamored with Aaron Donald either."
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Not that I was even born yet, but I thought at the time there wasn't really too much animosity for Kareem leaving? My understanding is that many people understood his reasons for wanting to get traded. Plus, you know, he had actually brought Milwaukee a championship.
The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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Not that I was even born yet, but I thought at the time there wasn't really too much animosity for Kareem leaving? My understanding is that many people understood his reasons for wanting to get traded. Plus, you know, he had actually brought Milwaukee a championship.



I wasn't either, but he was pretty critical of Milwaukee from what I can recall at the time. In fact, I thought he burned some bridges pretty good on his way out of here.


But I don't know, Molitor was mentioned as was Prince and I wasn't upset with either player when they left, so I was just trying to find someone who had as big of a profile.



And remember, Kareem forced his way out. LeBron just left as a FA. I think if that played out now, Kareem would be a pretty despised player in Milwaukee.


This is what he had to say about Milwaukee;

"Live in Milwaukee? No, I guess you could say I exist in Milwaukee. I am a soldier hired for service and I will perform that service well. Basketball has given me a good life, but this town has nothing to do with my roots. There's no common ground."


I've also read/heard that he thought Milwaukee was a racist place...though I would think most places were pretty racist in the 70's, but he also had some issues with white people. Again, I wasn't born until more than a decade after he left, so this is all just what I've heard and or read in the past.

Icbj86c-"I'm not that enamored with Aaron Donald either."
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If Favre would have wanted to come back after his 2 years in MN that might be a comparable situation. It would never have happened but if Rodgers would have been on IR and the Pack needed a QB that would have made for interesting conversation.
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This (listen to the recorded conversation at the end of the article):




Wow.this guys ability to keep his composure throughout this insane pressure sales pitch is astounding. Kudos to him. I would have absolutely blown my top...I was getting enraged just listening to the conversation. The way he handled it was perfect.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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My understanding was that after he converted to Islam, he felt even more out of place and wanted to move to a bigger city that would have that type of community within it (ie. Los Angeles).



I'm sure that had something to do with it, but he was traded long after he had started with the whole Islam thing. He started it while he was at UCLA. I'm not sure when he officially became a member, but I also know the first "teacher," he had was a nut who controlled his life.



Anyway....I guess it's hard for me to really understand. I suppose if Aaron Rodgers left the Packers after winning the MVP and then came back 4 years later, that would be similar to LeBron. Favre....we won without him. But the hatred would be similar. And I do still have a strong disdain for Favre.

Icbj86c-"I'm not that enamored with Aaron Donald either."
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It sucks to think that a persons or persons with most likely shot down a plane with 200+ people for no apparent reason today in Ukraine.


Sometimes humanity just makes me sick. Someone thought shooting down a plane with hundreds of completely innocent people was a rational thing to do.

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We had a company replace our garage door opener on Monday. In the middle of the job there is a loud knock on our door. I rush to the door to find the guy that is doing the job standing their with a very bloody arm looking at me in distress. I rush to go get a beach towel to wrap around his arm and he tells me that he needs me to take him to the hospital. So, I drop everything I'm doing (I was working from home) and rush to get my keys, wallet, phone, and lock the doors. I take him in my car (that has a light interior) to the hospital and after I get there I call the company to let them know whats going on and to tell them that they should A) probably send someone to the hospital and B) send someone to my house to finish the job and take care of the van that's sitting in my driveway with the back doors open.


About 30-45 minutes after I get home from the hospital two guys arrive in a car, one guy to finish the job and the other to just basically says to me "thanks for taking care of my guy, he's a bleeder" before he gets back in the car and takes off (I assumed he was going to the hospital). When the "new guy" finishes the job he pulls out the invoice to get payment. I ask him if they are charging me "full price" and he says yes. I tell him that, considering the circumstances, I think I should get some sort of discount. He tells me that someone in the office will have to handle that and that he will have them call me. About an hour later I get a call. They offer me $20. I think this is pretty low but I just say ok (I have blood stains all over my garage floor and a little in my car, I'm out a beach towel, I was interrupted from my work, and I saved them the cost of an ambulance).


When I tell this story to people they can't believe that the company only offered me $20. So, I'm wondering what other people think. Am I being callus and trying to make a "financial gain" out of someone else's misfortune (by the way, the guys is fine, he needed 8 stitches) because I'm expecting more of a discount or is it just good customer service to offer a better discount in this situation?

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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I think you should be made whole on whatever your damages were. I would personally ask to be compensated the value of the cleanup, a beach towel, and possibly any interior car detailing that had to take place.


While you did save somebody (likely an insurance company and the employee or perhaps workmans comp) the cost of an ambulance trip, the decision was yours to agree to take him in your vehicle and so I wouldn't personally ask to be compensated for missing work. That was your decision to drive him instead of calling the emergency number.


I don't know the costs of the garage work, but if it were my company, I'd offer to comp the entire job for free because of your character in how you handled my employee. I would imagine something like that would go a lot farther for me and my company strictly on the word of mouth than the profits of a single job.

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Your last sentence pretty much sums up my thoughts. It's not so much being compensated for anything I'm out as I feel that it's just sensible business practice to offer something more than $20 for this situation. They are one of the larger garage door companies in the area. I don't think offering to cover the cost of labor for the job would have had a huge impact on their bottom line. In fact, as you stated, it would have made me more likely to continue to use them going forward....now I probably won't.


In regards to it being my choice to take him to the hospital. It's kind of hard to say no when the guys got blood rushing down his arm and he says "I think you need to take me to the hospital". Seems like it would have been much more "jerkish" of me to say no and call an ambulance at that point than to take him to the hospital and then expect something more than a $20 discount.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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That they didn't take responsibility for cleaning up the blood of their employee is insane to me. So yes, expecting you to deal with that, and give you $20 seems really poor to me.



Well, to be fair, the second guy that came offered to mop it up. However, I said no because he didn't have a mop or cleaning agents in his van. Basically he was saying if you have a mop and some soap, I'll clean this up for you. We have a cheap mop that we use on our kitchen floor that would not have done anything to get those stains out. I will probably clean out the garage this weekend and power wash the garage floor.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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What they didn't give you in financial repayment, you've gained in karma. I think you did the right thing on all counts, hopefully it will come back and repay you in another way.
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What they didn't give you in financial repayment, you've gained in karma. I think you did the right thing on all counts, hopefully it will come back and repay you in another way.



Karma, Shmarma. "Money don't get everything, it's true, but what it don't get, I can't use" :)

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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I'd say that it would have been a whole lot better to call an ambulance. The worker would have had prompt medical attention, and any possibility of things getting out of hand while you were behind the wheel would have been precluded. Of course, hindsight is 20/20. In an emergency situation like that, it's tough to think completely clearly, and you did the best you could (which was over and beyond the call of duty) to help out.


The company should have covered parts and labor to compensate you for your efforts. You really went out of your way, had to postpone work, etc.


They should have provided the appropriate professionals to deal with the blood, i.e. someone who has specific training to clean it up. For decades, people operating commercial and public buildings have been required to follow very specific procedures for blood cleanup due to the minute possibility of HIV.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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They should have provided the appropriate professionals to deal with the blood, i.e. someone who has specific training to clean it up. For decades, people operating commercial and public buildings have been required to follow very specific procedures for blood cleanup due to the minute possibility of HIV.

OSHA has very strict rules about anything concerning blood. They should hire somebody to professionally cleanup the blood.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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This is a little late, but I'm very disheartened by the only 2 game suspension for Ray Rice by the NFL. He knocked his wife out, and drug her across the hotel lobby floor. I've decided to protest the NFL until a legitimate suspension is handed down.


I've missed only a handful of Packer games since I can remember, but I'm guessing I will not be watching any more football. Makes me sad, but having daughters, I can't support a company that treats that kind of behavior lightly.


Roger Goodell bugs me.

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I am a bit bugged about how the media & some players reacted to the Paul George injury.


First of all, let me say this:

- I like Paul George, I think he's a great player.

- I sincerely hope he makes a full recovery and returns to All-Star caliber level.


That being said, the reaction from some players and media was so over-the-top, you'd think the man died or got into some accident that turned him into a vegetable. I get it - he man had a horrific compound fracture of his right leg. But after watching Jim Kelly this weekend, I am frustrated.


Do people not realize:

- He will walk again in a matter of a few months.

- He will likely be able to run by the end of winter.

- Less than 1 year ago, he signed an $ 80 million contract extension, and will have no problems affording the best medical treatment and rehab.

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I'd say that it would have been a whole lot better to call an ambulance. The worker would have had prompt medical attention, and any possibility of things getting out of hand while you were behind the wheel would have been precluded. Of course, hindsight is 20/20. In an emergency situation like that, it's tough to think completely clearly, and you did the best you could (which was over and beyond the call of duty) to help out.


The company should have covered parts and labor to compensate you for your efforts. You really went out of your way, had to postpone work, etc.


They should have provided the appropriate professionals to deal with the blood, i.e. someone who has specific training to clean it up. For decades, people operating commercial and public buildings have been required to follow very specific procedures for blood cleanup due to the minute possibility of HIV.


The paramedic in me says something like that would warrant an ambulance ride. At a minimum we can apply a tourniquet if necessary as well as provide IV therapy to maintain perfusion in the case of an arterial bleed and or shock. I've transported several patients from industrial settings and 99.97% of the time the company insurance policy covers and generally mandates they goto the hospital by ambulance. Obviously hindsight is 20/20 and I can understand why you did what you did. As for the blood cleanup, absolutely they should have sent someone out to professionally clean it up.

Formerly AirShuttle6104
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Idiot sports fans who like to talk about sports but have no clue.


Guy talking about Pablo Sandoval in the waiting room today:


"He hit a shot last night to the second deck in right field (left field actually and just over the wall). Ya, Gallardo started (true, but it was off Gorzellany). The score was tied (no, Brewers were down 2) and he threw a 3-1 (it was 2-2) fastball (slider, actually) right down the middle (Maldonado tried to block it and it was probably a few inches off the ground)."

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There's a special place in hell for people that steal catalytic converters.
"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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