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Ryan Braun exonerated, no suspension… Latest: MLB drops Eliezer Alfonzo suspension; case similar to Braun's (part 2)


FedEx has temperature controlled trucks that will pick up any day of the week.




Why even have a courier or delivery person at all? Just have someone with the proper training collect and package the sample. Then hold onto it in a security camera monitored location at the stadium until the FedEx truck comes.


Interesting. Yes, then why not just have a refrigerated lock box of some sort and have them picked up?

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Why wouldn't Braun want that public?


It's probably premature or affects future litigation or whatever.


Again, don't want to run afoul of copyright, but I think one quote isn't going to hurt.


No problem with snippets. :)


As for the refrigeration thing, I used to keep my dog's urine samples refrigerated because the vet told me to. The only time the samples weren't refrigerated was between the house and the vet's office.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

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Link to Laurenzi's statement on WTMJ:




As Drew Olsen just pointed out on Twitter, it's interesting that the collector is being represented by an attorney in the NYC office of Wilmer Cutler, et al. That is an extremely expensive law firm, even by "big city" standards. I have to assume CDT is picking up the tab.

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Braun shouldn't have to prove that the chain of custody issues resulted in an error in the testing for purposes of his appeal; however he really does have to prove that to win over the public. Whether or not he really cares what the public thinks outside of his teammates and the state of WI is anyones guess.


I just hope the Das written ruling is leaked; everyone says its going to stay confidential but for a case like this I think it will get out somehow

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I've done research. I've spoken with a number of people involved in the arbitration hearing. I wouldn't write as confidently as I do if I didn't have information from sources I trust.


I cannot name these sources because they ask for anonymity in exchange for the truth. It's something my editors and I are willing to grant. Some ask for it because revealing the information could cost them their jobs. Others ask for it because Braun is a friend and they don't want to look like rats. As long as I tell the story like it really happened -- not as MLB or Braun wants to spin it -- I'm willing to sacrifice on-the-record quotes. I think it's a fair trade.


Plenty of people in the media and fans don't like my conclusions. They do respect my willingness to seek out facts, however, and I'd like to think you'd do the same even if you disagree with what I write.


I appreciate you reading and hope you continue to do so.






As far as the accuracy of Passan's sources go, he reported as a fact that the collector stored the samples in a temperature controlled container in his basement. Incorrect. Refuted by the collector's own statement today. Samples were stored in a tupperware container on a desk. This is an important detail.


So if he got this wrong, I wonder how reliable his other sources are.


Anyone have time to throw this back in Passan's face? I'd love to but work is rough this week. I'd love to see his response.

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It may mean nothing, but a columnist from AZ has published these comments:


I followed him (Braun) out of the room. I heard him mutter to friends about having to take a drug test in the playoffs.


He seemed agitated, almost offended. I scribbled the scene in my notebook, where it held no context and remained dormant for months.


Digging up his earlier comments on this scene, they sound like perhaps Braun could have just been annoyed at having to pee in cup (certainly understandable).



We heard earlier that he said something jokingly like this is what happens when you go 3-5 or whatever he did. It sounded like he was in a good mood after the game, but was a little annoyed at having to go take the test. I didn't read too much into it.


Dan Bickley is one of the for lack of a better word "crappier" reporters the AZ Republic has.

Formerly AirShuttle6104
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Anyone have time to throw this back in Passan's face? I'd love to but work is rough this week. I'd love to see his response.



I sent him a quick email but doubt I'll hear anything. If I do, I bet it will be something along the lines of it being a minor detail, it was still a stable temperature, etc.

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The thing that gets me is that the guy just put the sample in his basement. Not in a fridge or a climate controlled area. I don't know about everyone else, but the temp in my basement flucuates quite a bit day to day. The heat drops in the house at night, the basement gets colder when it's much colder outside, etc. Not to mention, it's not exactly in the 40 degree range that a sample should be stored at. I'm not an expert on this by any means, but I would sure think that those conditions - changing temps for 2+ days probably aren't good for a urine sample.
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I also agree with you about the opportunity to make some changes to the system. I think MLB has no other choice after this.


Two quick changes off the top of my head would be:


1 - MLB should designate specific FedEx locations near ballparks where all samples HAVE to be dropped off by the collectors on the same day the samples were taken, or by a designated time the next day (if it's collected after a night game, for example).


2 - As a backup, MLB should buy all sample collectors icemakers.


One thing bothers me - what's the acceptable method for these urine samples to be shipped to the lab? I probably haven't found the right resource, but I'm reading alot of methods that they should be frozen via dry ice or at a minimum shipped with ice. I don't think Mr. Laurenzi's basement is kept at a controlled temperature of 37-degrees F, so it's tough to view his assertion that it's cool enough to store samples based on his word that he's done it before without incident.


There are 24-hour locations for FedEx, so again, the collector ought to drop it off at one of those.

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One thing I noticed in Mr. Laurenzi's statement is there is no mention of his son being present during the specimen collection. What do we know about his son? Is it an adult son or a minor?


Sophomore at UWM I think so probably 19.

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For what it's worth, Passan tweets that he's tried to confirm Will Carroll's report on Braun's defense team being able to replicate the results, but hasn't been able to yet. Also, the replication is apparently only for the T/E ratio. Doesn't explain the synthetic testosterone.

"[baseball]'s a stupid game sometimes." -- Ryan Braun


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Is there a valid reason why the samples have to be taken after games? Could they be taken before games causing less shipping issues? Players are usually at the park by 3pm for a 7pm game.


I don't know if doing it after a game is specified in the drug agreement, but I do know the agreement states that when the collector comes, a full sample must be given, and if the full amount can't be given at that time, the collector and player wait until it is completely gathered, providing water to assist the process. So I guess potentially doing it before a game could cause you to hold a player for a prolonged period of time before the game. Just a guess though.


As for the statement, two things stick out to me still;


1) At least now we know how the sample was stored, because that has varied (like so many of the details here). I'm not one to speak to the science, but I wouldn't think in your basement would normally qualify for keeping medical samples, even if that were past precedent. How is that near cool enough, especially in the fall, when I believe at the time we were arguing that the roof should be open for the playoff games?


2) I've pointed out earlier, supposedly Dino went to work on Monday and dropped the package off on his break. Braun specifically said it wasn't dropped off until 1:30, and his statement makes no attempt to challenge that, so I think we can assume that's true. That brings the chain of custody issue back. Where was the sample while he was at work? With him at work? At home? In his car? Was it still in a cool environment?

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One thing I noticed in Mr. Laurenzi's statement is there is no mention of his son being present during the specimen collection. What do we know about his son? Is it an adult son or a minor?


He mentions it;


On October 1, 2011, I collected samples from Mr. Braun and two other players. The CDT collection team for that day, in addition to me, included three chaperones and a CDT coordinator. One of the chaperones was my son, Anthony. Chaperones do not have any role in the actual collection process, but rather escort the player to the collection area.
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Yeah a guy not loving the fact that he has to take a drug test after right after winning a playoff game means absolutely nothing. He probably wanted to go celebrate. People on both sides are really stretching for stuff right now

It's basically a not-so-covert smear campaign at this point.

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Yeah a guy not loving the fact that he has to take a drug test after right after winning a playoff game means absolutely nothing. He probably wanted to go celebrate. People on both sides are really stretching for stuff right now

It's basically a not-so-covert smear campaign at this point.


Wait for some one to chime in saying, "One time I overheard Braun say he wished he could hit more home runs!"

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I've done research.


Doing research is my career. And I've posted more in this thread to discredit the science of the test than any one of his commentaries has proven the science.



I've spoken with a number of people involved in the arbitration hearing.


Involved, but he didn't say who attended. 'I spoke to the assistant who arranged travel and she said that Das wanted extra time to speak with Braun's representatives....Sounds suspicious'.


I wouldn't write as confidently as I do if I didn't have information from sources I trust.


Well I hope so. I would hate to think he would be so confident if he didn't trust his sources. The problem is that the public has no idea who these sources are and whether they are reliable. Just because charles-in-charge of yahoo sports thinks members of the MLB office who are leaking information are trustworthy and not biased then we should just trust him.


I cannot name these sources because they ask for anonymity in exchange for the truth. It's something my editors and I are willing to grant. Some ask for it because revealing the information could cost them their jobs. Others ask for it because Braun is a friend and they don't want to look like rats. As long as I tell the story like it really happened -- not as MLB or Braun wants to spin it -- I'm willing to sacrifice on-the-record quotes. I think it's a fair trade.


Sure Whistleblowers and those who leak sensitive information usually want protection from losing their jobs, prosecution, or getting killed if the information is that vital, however, usually you have to be revealing information about a party with power and the means to shut you up. I highly doubt Braun or his group would have the power or reach to take on a whistleblower. MLB however has the means and inclination to suppress negative information that a leak or whistleblower might want to reveal. Really, MLB and the drug testing industry are the elephant in the room here and not Ryan Braun, but yes Passan wants to disparage the one person with the weakest position here while claiming to be doing the honorable thing in protection the leakers of the those with more power. Nice how he implicitly says Braun's friends have turned on him too. Telling the story as it really happened requires you to not form a conclusion as to the outcome in advance of doing "research" and gathering "evidence". Unfortunately very few columnists understand that you don't just look at the evidence that supports your conclusion, but you look at all of the evidence and weigh it appropriately and then come to an impartial conclusion. Maybe like Das DID.....


Plenty of people in the media and fans don't like my conclusions.


Again, having conclusions is fine. Making them after exhaustive research is the key, not before while ignoring evidence that is contrary to your belief.



What really turns all of this for me is that he isn't weighing the evidence carefully, seeking out confirmation and going with a conclusion. His article screams, I have a theory and I will prove it by finding anything that supports it or anyone who will provide that information whether correct or not. Considering the arbitrator sided with Braun even though Ryan had the hardest possible case to make and the arbitrator has backed MLB every other time one would wonder maybe there is something to Braun's case. Instead Passan spends his time putting together a case for the prosecution.

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For what it's worth, Passan tweets that he's tried to confirm Will Carroll's report on Braun's defense team being able to replicate the results, but hasn't been able to yet. Also, the replication is apparently only for the T/E ratio. Doesn't explain the synthetic testosterone.


I e-mailed him and pointed out the discrepancy between his "fact" about how the samples were stored and the collector's official statement. I doubt he replies as he probably isn't objective enough to see the difference. He's already entrenched himself on the side of Braun being a liar, a cheater and the beneficiary of a tiny loophole exploited by "brilliant lawyering".


As far as the synth-T part of this, others have explained that the test for synth-T is very complex and demands a pristine sample. And it doesn't test for synth-T directly, just the signatures of some of the reactants. But when you've chemically altered your sample to the point where the T:E test misfires, I can't see how you would trust any test done downstream of that.

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Rubbermaid makes plenty of coolers - problem is if you don't have ice in them, they're about as good as a cardboard box at keeping things cool. You think Dino's lawyered-up statement would have omitted something as important as ice being put into whatever stored those samples if he actually did?


Say Dino put the samples in the cooler after the game ended. If he doesn't put ice in that cooler, he's essentially putting the samples in a controlled environment that's at best 50 degrees and realistically closer to 65 degrees for 2 days in a basement.


The other point about the samples being dropped off at Fedex at 1:30 - if he's dropping them off on his break, he's going from work to FedEx. That means those samples are in his car for the morning on a day that reached into the mid-60's for highs. On Sunday Oct 2, the temperature approached 70.

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The thing that gets me is that the guy just put the sample in his basement. Not in a fridge or a climate controlled area.


That was interesting, since in the J-S article Expert says delay would not have altered Braun drug test, his opinion was predicated on the sample being refrigerated. I think the reporter should check if the guys opinion would change based on it being stored at maybe 60-65 degrees? in the guy's basement.

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