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Braun Suspended for Remainder of 2013 Season: Busted by A-Rod/his people?


Ralph Sasson gave a brief interview to JSonline: http://www.jsonline.com/blogs/sports/220231331.html


Nothing much there but he states he came out CA in 2011 to visit his friend Ryan Braun, fell in love with the place, and decided to move here. Now, I have lived in Milwaukee my entire life and I have nothing against it, but I find it hard to believe that a California Boy falls in love with a town like Milwaukee and moves here for that sole purpose. I think it's more likely that he like the thought of being part of Braun's "entourage" and wanted to be closer to that. Then things went south between the two after the failed drug test and here we are. As critical as I am of Braun this smells of desperation by Sasson.

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I have to say, I'm amazed how far some of you are going to defend Braun. Every day that goes by it looks like Braun went to even further disgusting lengths to cover his tracks. Non of us know this Sasson guy or his motivations. But based on everything else we're learning, I don't doubt for a minute Braun told him to call the media and lie to help Braun out. No, we don't know that. We may never know one way or another. But it falls in line with everything else that happened here. Telling friends to lie, and then burning them when they don't act like an obedient entourage? Wow Ryan.


Then you're quick to judge ESPN for reporting the anti-Sematic strategy. Well, now other media outlets are reporting the same thing. Could it all be BS? Sure. But at this point, again, it pretty much falls in line with everything else Braun has said and done to cover his tracks.


Well, I for one want to know if these things are true. If Braun gives some sort of general "I apologize" without being specific, it's not good enough. With these new stories hanging out there, I'm done with him forever unless Braun cites these specific people and "sincerely" apologizes. Even then I'll be luke-warm at best.


As every day goes by, I'm becoming more convinced the Brewers need to trade him to the MArlins or whoever for whatever they can get. 2014 season and beyond is going to be awful to watch with the Braun sideshow going on.

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A written statement means nothing to me. He's got to face an audience of media members asking him tough questions. And not from a California country club, or at his agent's office. In Milwaukee, with Attanasio present, and without anything like, "I'm not here to talk about the past. . .mistakes were made. . ."


A real apology--and even afterward, I reserve the right to dislike and distrust him.

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Even if Braun admits to doping back through his college years, I'll still imagine that the truth is worse than what he's let on. Heck, if he admits that he shanked a dozen puppies last week, I'd bet he actually shanked two dozen. I'm expecting a Lance style admission, where he "comes clean" but still denies using for a portion of his career where he actually used (newsflash: Armstrong wasn't clean in 2009 and 2010).


I think this is getting to the point where I don't know if I want him around anymore, despite him being one of the best players in the game signed to a team-friendly deal. I really don't put up a big fuss about PED's (again, K-Rod's domestic violence is worse than PED's, but nobody cares). But seriously...this is getting ridiculous. I've ranted about the scumbaggery of Lanceyboy for nearly the past decade, and I don't think it's right for me to flip-flop on Braun just because he's a Brewer.


I have no idea what he could do to restore his reputation. Maybe tell the league to erase his entire career and opt out of his contract, and re-enter the league as a clean 30-year old "rookie", if that makes any sense...But I don't know. It would need to be something drastic.

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For those that think Braun needs to be traded, what kind of return do you expect for a player with 7 years and 107 million dollars remaining on a contract with a full no trade clause that just got suspended for PED use which will cause teams to question his ability to remain productive in relation to his past standards?
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For those that think Braun needs to be traded, what kind of return do you expect for a player with 7 years and 107 million dollars remaining on a contract with a full no trade clause that just got suspended for PED use which will cause teams to question his ability to remain productive in relation to his past standards?


Well, I've seen many people here claim that PEDs had little effct on his results. So if that's true, we can't have it both ways. If he is really that talented, some teams would want that talent.


With that said, there are teams out there who may want him. Look at the tough AL East. Teams like Toronto and Baltimore may be willing to take a risk having to compete with the big boys every year. Marlins? Sure, why not? There are no doubt others, but those are the teams that immediatley come to mind.


I was waiting to calm down, but I am more furious than ever. I seriously want him gone even if they can't trade him. Not sure some people here (this isn't directed at you personally) really understand how bad this circus is going to be, and how many Brewer fans want him gone. As I said about 80 pages ago in this thread, sometimes it's better to just rip the band-aid off and move on.

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What I don't understand is how people can say PED and steroids do not improve a player's game. Look at what McGuire and Sosa did, Bonds, Caminiti, etc. Its pretty obvious there is a plus to PED use, otherwise they wouldn't risk it.


I would trade him if they can get a good return, otherwise just see what he can do clean. I fear it isn't much though. Definitely not worth what Milwaukee will be paying him.

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Just because PED's may have helped a couple handful of players, who were good enough as it was, there are probably even more players that it didn't end up helping. I don't care about the lies, or coverup, or even an apology. People lie and coverup all the time. Its part of life. Politicians live by it. I don't care about the use of PED's, as all kinds of substances result in enhancement. He just happens to use one of the banned substances. Come back after the penalty, and play better next year.
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I would trade him if they can get a good return, otherwise just see what he can do clean. I fear it isn't much though.

What does this mean? Do you think he's going to be a .220 hitter with no power or something?


He'll still be very good. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's just as good as he's been (age decline and mental stress not withstanding), just not able to deal with injuries as well.

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I have to say, I'm amazed how far some of you are going to defend Braun. Every day that goes by it looks like Braun went to even further disgusting lengths to cover his tracks. Non of us know this Sasson guy or his motivations. But based on everything else we're learning, I don't doubt for a minute Braun told him to call the media and lie to help Braun out. No, we don't know that. We may never know one way or another. But it falls in line with everything else that happened here. Telling friends to lie, and then burning them when they don't act like an obedient entourage? Wow Ryan.


He is suing a multimillionaire and is doing so pro se (without counsel). I think that pretty much tells you all you need to know about (1) the strength of his case, and/or (2) his motivations.


Either he couldn't fine a plaintiffs' attorney to represent him in a lawsuit against Ryan Braun (meaning his case must be laughably poor), or he just wants to be famous (meaning his case must be laughably poor).

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Keeping quiet will not do any good because he was so loud about is 'innocence'. Quiet will equal arrogantly satisfied with his actions and motivations, and merely sorry he got caught.


It doesn't matter what he says or doesn't say. We already know he's all those things. Speaking won't help and could hurt. If he sounds as insincere as we think he is it will be worse. Time is the only thing that will make it go away. When his contract is up and his career is over then, if he feels the need to apologize, ala Mark McGuire, go ahead. Speaking from his point of view I just don't see the benefit of doing it any time soon.

There needs to be a King Thames version of the bible.
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What I don't understand is how people can say PED and steroids do not improve a player's game. Look at what McGuire and Sosa did, Bonds, Caminiti, etc. Its pretty obvious there is a plus to PED use, otherwise they wouldn't risk it.


I would trade him if they can get a good return, otherwise just see what he can do clean. I fear it isn't much though. Definitely not worth what Milwaukee will be paying him.


PEDs encompass a wide range of products. For every McGuire/Sosa, who were roided up on Stanozolol, there is a Chuck Knoblock. Then there are the modern PEDs, like HGH which help you recover from injury or to get back in the weight room faster. Its a lot different than what those guys of the "steroid" era were on. Sure, HGH has its positives, but it doesn't turn a good player into an MVP.

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What does this mean? Do you think he's going to be a .220 hitter with no power or something?


He'll still be very good. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's just as good as he's been (age decline and mental stress not withstanding), just not able to deal with injuries as well.


I don't think he'll be a .220 hitter, but I don't think he will be a .330 hitter either. I don't think he will be the power threat he has been clean. It's just my opinion but I wouldn't be surprised to see a .270-.280 20-25 hr guy from here on out. That is still very good, but not what he was. And I agree with Bruce, their is a difference between what guys are using now versus then. I just believe what they are using now helps them more than just to stay on the field. Which I believe it helps with that as well.

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A written statement would be pretty pathetic unless it was accompanied by a willingness to answer questions. It will only make him look like a coward - a guy who won't face up to his accusers, a guy who only wants to answer the easy questions.


But we'll see what happens.

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A written statement would be awful and pathetic. Do it the right way. Why is this so hard for these thick headed athletes to figure out? I know they don't need great minds to do what they do, but a lawyer, an agent, a PR firm should.


Own up, admit it all, even if you started in high school or college, let the public start liking you again.

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Just because PED's may have helped a couple handful of players, who were good enough as it was, there are probably even more players that it didn't end up helping. I don't care about the lies, or coverup, or even an apology. People lie and coverup all the time. Its part of life. Politicians live by it. I don't care about the use of PED's, as all kinds of substances result in enhancement. He just happens to use one of the banned substances. Come back after the penalty, and play better next year.


I love the defense of Braun by stating "other people do it."


And no, people do not lie and cover up all the time. It's part of life? Maybe for the lying low character people of the world but you make it sound like we are all lying and covering things up all the time. Completely baffled by your response.

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So this former friend who is suing Braun is currently enrolled in an online law school that is not accredited by the American Bar Association. This school's own website says "Study at, or graduation from, this law school may not qualify a student to take the bar examination or to satisfy the requirements for admission to practice in jurisdictions other than California." He is also doing this pro se. My guess is that no actual attorney would touch this suit with a 10 foot pole.



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It's laughable that people are trying to justify speculating about the test collector's "motives" (and yes I use that term very loosely) simply because they wanted to blindly believe that Braun was innocent. It was in poor taste then and any backwards justification now is deplorable.


I'm not sure how it got lost in shuffle that Braun wasn't the only player tested that day and that his sample arrived at the facility with the seals intact. While there was an extremely narrow possibility that the collector doctored the samples and managed to replace the seals, recent events have proven that notion was grasping at straws. The collector was just doing his job as outlined to him, no doubt the same way he'd done it numerous times previously. Considering MLB dropped other suspensions based on the same chain of custody issue we can pretty much guess that there was a hole in the testing procedures someplace and not with the actions of this particular collector.


There were quite a few of us that didn't like the misdirection strategy from Braun's camp from the start, Braun was pointing at everything and everyone but himself. He never directly answered a single question, skated on the chain of custody issue, then continued to cheat and got caught again.


He cheated, he got caught, why are some people still trying to justify it? Is it different now that it's a Brewer and not just A-Rod or other players from large markets? I'd wager that very few people here know Braun personally and I never understood why people would stand up for a player just because they are a fan of his, without full knowledge of the facts or his true personality?


I think his character has been exposed, and while I never expected him to tell the truth, the louder he proclaimed his innocence previously the larger the douche he looks like now. Does it really matter if A-Rod sold him out if they were in cahoots together? How is one any better or different than the other? Neither one has much honor or integrity, they'll do whatever they can to secure "theirs" and the rest of us be damned.


This is simple. Braun's employer has rules, just like all of our employers do, and when we break the rules there will be consequences. We may not like the rules, but we don't get to the make rules, following them is a condition of our employment. Sometimes those rules were negotiated, sometimes dictated, but regardless it's our responsibility to follow those rules. I think far too many people confuse what "freedoms" and "rights" are all about, but that's a different discussion entirely. In the end Braun was smart to take the suspension now, it directly benefited him, it was his best case scenario. He wasn't healthy, the team wasn't going anywhere, and he loses the least possible amount of money serving the suspension immediately as his contract escalates each year. Yes he got caught, he got exposed, but at the same time by accepting the "plea deal" he made the best of a bad situation for himself.


I had become indifferent to Braun over the years and I'd guess I'll remain indifferent, meaning that I like his production in the line-up but don't care about him at all on a personal level, unless of course his performance tanks, then I'm sure I'll be extremely bitter. My loyalty lies with the Brewers and their minor league teams, not any of the players, managers, or front office personnel in particular.

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation."

- Plato

"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something."

- Plato

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I did not see this posted today, so here it is. Troy Tulowitzki has spoken, and says that Braun did not at any time ask him for support, or disparage Laurenzi, Jr.


“He never say anything like that to me or asked for my support,” Tulowitzki said after reading the story on Monday.


“I talked to him throughout the whole process. It was more as a friend. It wasn’t anything more than that. He never tried to change my opinion on the subject or anything like that. It was more of me saying, ‘Hey, how is this going? Is this taking a toll on you?’^”



There are three things America will be known for 2000 years from now when they study this civilization: the Constitution, jazz music and baseball. They're the three most beautifully designed things this culture has ever produced. Gerald Early
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I did not see this posted today, so here it is. Troy Tulowitzki has spoken, and says that Braun did not at any time ask him for support, or disparage Laurenzi, Jr.


“He never say anything like that to me or asked for my support,” Tulowitzki said after reading the story on Monday.


“I talked to him throughout the whole process. It was more as a friend. It wasn’t anything more than that. He never tried to change my opinion on the subject or anything like that. It was more of me saying, ‘Hey, how is this going? Is this taking a toll on you?’^”




Votto also denies the report: http://cincinnati.com/blogs/reds/2013/08/19/votto-says-braun-did-not-reach-out-to-him/

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