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autographs, signings, and tips, part 2

i would never buy anything from them, what a joke, why would you pay $20 to ship a ball, it didn't used to be that hard to get stuff signed for free, but now hart won't sign, because he would rather get money for signing, I would never support a company like that, and it kills me when I see people that do...
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Wow. Billyhallfan you need to take a few deep breaths.

Legends doesnt charge $20 to ship a ball, more like $10. That isnt close to great, but it does come UPS and very quickly.

Most players dont sign "for free" because a lot of people have ruined it for the honest bunch. There are people out there that sit right next to the players lot and go to the players hotel nonstop to try to get autographs just so they can make some money on ebay. That is why I heard Jeff Suppan the other day say "I'll sign, 10 and under". He didnt want to sign for the adults because he knows that most are just going to try and profit off of his "free" signature.

It sucks. I collect autographs and memorabilia because I hope to pass it on to my future children some day. If you can buy it right, it is a pretty sound investment. Occasionally I will sell something that I have, but typically that is when that player falls out of the players I like or collect.

Hart isnt going to sign anymore for "free" and either is Sheets. It makes complete sense. They want to get paid for their autograph. If they are constantly giving it out for free, why would anyone pay for it. This is 2008 and not 1960. Autographs have a big money market these days and that is just the way it is.

Myself, I feel that if the players didnt constantly have the same adults hounding them before every home game, they would sign more.

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That is why I heard Jeff Suppan the other day say "I'll sign, 10 and under". He didnt want to sign for the adults because he knows that most are just going to try and profit off of his "free" signature.



lol, just how much does a Suppan autograph bring in these days? Profit?


just kidding, I get your point...

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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Wow. Billyhallfan you need to take a few deep breaths.


Legends doesnt charge $20 to ship a ball, more like $10. That isnt close to great, but it does come UPS and very quickly.


Most players dont sign "for free" because a lot of people have ruined it for the honest bunch. There are people out there that sit right next to the players lot and go to the players hotel nonstop to try to get autographs just so they can make some money on ebay. That is why I heard Jeff Suppan the other day say "I'll sign, 10 and under". He didnt want to sign for the adults because he knows that most are just going to try and profit off of his "free" signature.


It sucks. I collect autographs and memorabilia because I hope to pass it on to my future children some day. If you can buy it right, it is a pretty sound investment. Occasionally I will sell something that I have, but typically that is when that player falls out of the players I like or collect.


Hart isnt going to sign anymore for "free" and either is Sheets. It makes complete sense. They want to get paid for their autograph. If they are constantly giving it out for free, why would anyone pay for it. This is 2008 and not 1960. Autographs have a big money market these days and that is just the way it is.


Myself, I feel that if the players didnt constantly have the same adults hounding them before every home game, they would sign more.



I agree with all of this. And guess what? Each person who buys from LOTF is one less person in the players' lot shoving a kid out of the way for an autograph. I guarantee there are good number of kids who are sent in to get autographs.


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I couldn't agree more with BREWCREW5 and OldSchoolSnapper. Why do people need to get multiple autographs of the same guy? I have multiples of Corey Hart, but I paid for them and I bought from LOTF or Jeff's. Corey Hart will be at LOTF later this year I will pay money and get something else signed by him. If you don't like the shipping charges for LOTF go to their location and pick up the item, thats what I have done many times.
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the problem is that the kids are the ones selling, not the adults, so your facts are wrong, i go to the players hotel to collect signed cards, what money can i make off a card? I got Brandon Webb on three cards this year, if I was looking for profit, I would have gotten him on balls and photos, but I couldn't care less. The kids at the lot, a lot of them work for Gunderson's, Hart won't sign for free because he has a contract with LOFT, and if you think taking autos away from kids is wrong, then why would you support a company that has a contract not letting the players sign, that is 100% hypocritical...
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BillyHallFan, are you referring to Annoying Nick? Cuz most certainly he was getting signatures for a guy at a card shop. He says he just collects for himself now, but it's still hard to believe the way he talks about the sigs he's gotten.


There's probably a few others out there, but for the most part, the guys in the lot all get the autograph friday photos or cards signed, if they are doing that to sell em they're idiots cuz if they wanted to make a living off of it, they'd have balls signed...checking stuff out on eBay I know that signed cards, and those photos are worth barley anything, but signed balls and bats can spark some interest (though most of the more seeked out players don't even come by the autograph goers with the exception of Suppan and Fielder and the occasional Hart or Weeks, heck, even Counsell won't sign in the lot and I promise his eBay demand isn't very high)


Edit: I dunno if this was brought up, but Shouse won't sign in the lot anymore cuz someone got him to sign a buncha balls one the sweetspot and then sold em as Ben Sheets (Its easy to make the 51 look like a 15)


I got Rickie Weeks last friday, and the other time I went to the players lot this year I got Corey Hart. So Hart DOES still sign in the lot. However, there was only me and three other guys (one guy was in his 40s and the rest of us were near or in the 30's)


You'd thnk that if guys signed all the time everywhere their value would decrease cuz the autograph would be much easier to come by. Ask Bob Feller for an autograph and he'll reply "Your kidding! How do you not have my autograph?!" and you can generally find a signed ball of his right around 30 bucks on eBay, and he without wartime he coulda been the best pitcher in baseball but missed 4 years because of the war, during his prime.


As far as Legends of the Field goes, I'd rather take my chances on getting a guy off eBay for 30 bucks cheaper than whatever they charge and taking the gamble it isn't authentic. I highly doubt there is someone out there figuring out a way to forge Corey Hart's signature. If someone was really going to go outta their way to do that, you'd think they'd figure out someone like Ted Williams, Mickey Mantle, or Sandy Koufax, but maybe that's just me.

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the dude with the scar on his face is the one that did that with Shouse. He once had Shouse sign a ton of pictures of Sheets because the sig looks close.

what is the point of having Shouse sign the Sheets photos, if he is going to sell bogus crap, why not just sign them himself?


and why in the heck would shouse sign Sheets photos to begin with? Did he not realize what was going on?


I call shenanigans...

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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I call shenanigans...

not sure if you're calling me out on this, but if you are you're wrong. I know for a fact that he has done that. He put something over the pictures so Shouse could not see the actual player and only where the guy wanted Shouse to sign. This guy is as crooked as it gets down there. Having kids get stuff signed for him because players won't sign for him anymore. Cirillo once signed a photograph right over his face making the photo pointless. However he just erased the autograph anyway. He once went to summerfest with a box of baseballs for Prince to sign, puting Prince on the spot.



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Yeah, I saw the Shouse/Sheets photo signing thing myself. What he did was had 3 8x10's. The top one was Shouse, and the 2 under were Sheets. Shouse signed the top one, and he moved the top one up just enough for Shouse to sign the one below it without seeing the photo below was of Sheets. I'm pretty sure the time I saw it happen, Shouse noticed the photo under was not of him and wouldn't sign.


But that guy with the scar on his face it bad news. I had to laugh a couple of weeks ago when Minnesota was in town. Mauer was signing down by the Twins dugout before the game. If you wanted a sweetspot baseball signed, he asked your name and signed it to you, but anything else he just signed his normal signature. The guy with the scar came up and handed Mauer a magazine to sign. Mauer took it, and signed it something like "To (Whatever his name is), Thanks for the support. Best wishes, Joe Mauer." The funny part was, he didn't even have to ask his name! I just couldn't believe even opposing players were aware of him.

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His name is Robert or G-Rob he yelled at me and BHF during the Arizonia series for going to the hotel cuz he said we were taking money away from his child support. Overall, he is just a scum bag and I heard his new plan is to photo shop signatures into muliple photos by getting players to sign blank sheets of paper.
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His name is Robert or G-Rob he yelled at me and BHF during the Arizonia series for going to the hotel cuz he said we were taking money away from his child support. Overall, he is just a scum bag and I heard his new plan is to photo shop signatures into muliple photos by getting players to sign blank sheets of paper.

Seriously, how much money are we talking here. Or is it even about the money. The guy sounds like he's mentally ill. The autograph market is so watered down with obvious fakes that it doesn't even seem like it would be worth the bother.

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yah, that's just funny on all accounts. I'm pretty sure I know who you guys are talking about. He's always in line for the Uecker seats. The way he presents himself is some hotshot (which turns me off entirely), but acts like a total moron in general.


I can vouche for pretty much everyone by the lot before games that they are in it for themselves. As said, most get photos from the Friday's autograph nights signed, and the others that get bobbleheads or balls signed to me sound like they are doing it just for their rec room or bar collection. From my expereiences they're all very friendly, and will even give you a Friday's photo if someone signs and you don't have anything for them. Overall very nice guys in it for themselves, not a business.

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Wow I know exactly who you guys are talking about. As for annoying nick I don't believe anything he says anymore. I don't want to waste my time trying to figure out what is true and what he is lying about. G-Rob the guy with the scar is always around the Uecker line luckily I never seen him for more than 5 minutes as no one in the line cares for him.


I can only think of one dude who is black who always has a box of balls to get signed who I don't think keeps them forhimself other than that everyone at the lot seems to be getting the autos for their collections and not for profit.


When I go to the players lot I go with a couple of bobbleheads maybe two or three to try and get signed. Most of the time though the players I have don't sign or don't show in time since I usually leave early to pick up my friends and tailgate in the parking lot. I am in no rush to get these players though I know most will be here for a while yet.


I did get Sheets at the On Deck game though just to be sure I had him once incase he is gone next year.

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g-rob is a loser, he always cuts line, but it is impossible to stand up to him...but he doesn't go to the lot much anymroe, he is always at the hotel...he gets mad at me all the time, because i am taking away from his profit...last year, i was one of 5 people that got craig biggio and he was swearing at me and yelling at me for a long time because he needs that money, and i didn't deserve to get it because i hadn't been there all year, and hadn't been putting in the work...he was also pissed this year because i got dan haren and he didn't...when the royals were in town, it was the day the bucks 40th anniversery team was there and he followed oscar robertson over to his car, and robertson got in his face...Shouse will sign there, but only if G-rob isn't there...


I don't go to the lot anymore, there is no point, how many Riske autographs do you really need? I would just rather go and get the other team....Bikeage, you are talking about Ron, he is really nice, and he is just a collector...


gypcasino, that is his only job, he goes all over the country for autos, and pays other people, that Nick kid was helping him for a while...

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but it is impossible to stand up to him
I told him one time, I don't like what you do, and I suggest you get away from me because I don't want it to look like I'm with you. He said something smart back to me, and I looked at him dead in the eye and told him to get away from me. He then walked down towards the stairs.


I won't put up with his crap.

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g-rob is a loser, he always cuts line, but it is impossible to stand up to him...

he is weak. he said something smart about one of the kids that was getting autos last year. i put a kid in front of him and i guess he didnt like it. i let him know real quick that i dont play around. he thinks he can talk the way he does to people because most people wont say anything to him. anyways can someone tell me when hart and sheets will be signing. thanks


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i need you with me sometime then matt, because i was standing right by the door, in front, and called conor jackson over to sign, and he did, and then all of a sudden, he came up right behind me, and put his photos right over my card, and i didn't get him...i don't even talk to him anymore, he isn't worth my time....



what hart of milwaukee is talking about, and i don't get this, is basically, he would have players sign photo paper, and then somehow photoshop the signature into photos? I don't really get it....but players wouldn't sign that anyway, most don't sign index cards anymore because people like him...whenever mark teahen was signing, he handed him like 20 photos to sign...and teahen did most of them...that is what pisses me off, he gets all these guys, justin upton even SS'd for him, but then SP'd inside the stadium...


i seriously think all the players know who he is...

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BHF Im glad you mention the players, cuz G-Rob prevented many fans from getting autographs of Albert Pujols when the cardinals were in town for the 25th anniversary game. Pujols had started signing by the dugout, so obviously it was a mad house. G-Rob got him to sign a photo, he then tried to double dip, Pujols saw him asked him to open up his binder, he saw the signed photo and then he said something along the lines of "This is why I dont sign autographs" and he walked away. I was only ten people away on the right ever since then hes been on my crap list.

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