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What's bugging you? (2011)

Our new IT security at work, making me click "accept" to the fact that visiting brewerfa.net is indeed work related.


Good thing my boss flat out doesn't care. But it's still annoying.

What is it you do again? (Just trying to give you a "work related" reason to post. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif)
what bugs me is i have all this money that i'd like to spend on products and/or services, but i sure won't trust anyone who isn't a Brewer fan.
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My son is in 7th grade and they have a site that you can view to check on grades and communicate with teachers. It's called WebGrader (actually I think the formal name of the site is now Standards Score), maybe some of you use this same site with your school age kids.

Anyways it's spell checker (for sending emails to teachers) is horrible. It doesn't have problems finding words that are spelled wrong, but the suggestions it gives are often way off even if just two letters are transposed or an extra letter is added accidentally. For example, this morning I wrote a WebNote to one of my son's teachers and I misspelled the work English as "Enlglish". The list of words it suggested were enolic, unlike, anlages, enology, unalign, unalike, unlocks, anglican, analogist, enologies, oenologist. It also has a hard time with the word "assignment". For example if I spell it as "assingment" it give me these words for suggestions: acing, using, easing, easying, issuing, assaying, isinglass. Huh?? Who programed this??

What's funny is when I run a spell check on this site, many the words (8 of the 11 for "Enlglish") that are listed as "suggestions" come up as being misspelled (or nonexistent)!

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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Is the spell checker built into your web browser an option?


I don't think I've ever used Yuku's spell checker except to take a peek at it once. I use the built-in spell checker in Firefox, which is basically fine except that it took a bit of a dive back when version 3.0 was released.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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Is the spell checker built into your web browser an option?


I don't think I've ever used Yuku's spell checker except to take a peek at it once. I use the built-in spell checker in Firefox, which is basically fine except that it took a bit of a dive back when version 3.0 was released.

A lot of SABR terms are not in Firefox either. Lots of red comes up on these forums.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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You can always add words to your spellchecker. My only fear is adding something by mistake and not knowing how to remove it. Although, now that I think of it, my Firefox profile is backed up every hour along with the rest of my system. If I make an error, I can simply revert to an earlier copy.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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This looks easy enough:


How to Edit Firefox’s Dictionary & Remove Misspelled Words


The instructions for removing words look like they're for Windows Vista/7, but they're easily adaptable to other operating systems. The bottom line is that if you want to remove a word from your personal dictionary, you'd use a text editor [e.g. Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac)] to open .persdict.dat, which is inside your Firefox profile. Remove the misspelled word and save.


It'd be even easier if a way to edit the file was built into Firefox's interface.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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I don't use Firefox. I know, GASP!, how can I not be using the vastly superior Firefox?!? I have tried it and I just don't see all the fuss. I use my browser to view web pages. Both Explorer and Firefox accomplish this function for me. Are there other things a browser does that I am not aware of? I don't find one faster or less troublesome than the other. So, since I have been using Explorer for so long and I'm comfortable with it, and I don't see a difference between the two browsers, I'll just keep using it. On top of that, one of the main programs I use at work will not work in Firefox. If they come up with a browser that deposits cash into my bank account each time I use it...I might think about switching.


Anyways, there's spell checkers built into browsers? Is there one built into Explorer? Where? If not, it's not enough to make me switch browsers. I find most spellcheckers to be good enough for my needs. I just find the Web Grader spell checker to be horrible. It's like they just randomly show you suggested spellings that don't correlate at all with the word you are looking for.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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Firefox tends to have vastly superior addons for extra browsing features, as well as being less suceptible to virus attacks and scams (also because it it much less targeted)

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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One reason IE is attacked so much is that it's such an easy target. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif There's a separation between other browsers and Windows that IE doesn't have. I guess IE 9's security is improved, though.


I thought every browser had a spell checker, but it appears that IE is the only one that doesn't. Even IE 9 doesn't have one. Before that, Opera for Windows was the only other straggler; it added a spell checker last year. Opera for Mac has had spell checking capabilities for years as it took advantage of the spell checker built into the Mac operating system.


While IE 9 has started to catch up, other browsers support much more modern code. That makes for a better user experience. Here on the Yuku board, you'll see alternating white and gray colors throughout our skin. White is supposed to be first, then gray. A Yuku bug flip-flops those colors for many members. We're able to fix that in modern browsers, but we can't fix it in any IEs other than version 9. IE 6, 7, & 8 get less effective fallback code.


A subtle nicety on our board that IE users don't see are the cool text shadows that pretendastronaut has included in the headings in the in-game threads.


Microsoft appears to be getting the message, but IE still lags behind Firefox, Safari/Chrome, and Opera. On some sites, the difference in user experience goes well beyond getting alternating colors right and being able to offer cool text shadows. Thankfully, IE 9 loses many of the bugs that caused older IEs to render pages just plain wrong.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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Is the spell checker built into your web browser an option?


I don't think I've ever used Yuku's spell checker except to take a peek at it once. I use the built-in spell checker in Firefox, which is basically fine except that it took a bit of a dive back when version 3.0 was released.

A lot of SABR terms are not in Firefox either. Lots of red comes up on these forums.

I had to edit my BrewBerry's dictionary. Every time I typed "HR", it would change it to "hour". JaDerHeyski kept getting confused when I would send her a "The Brew now have 3 hours today!" message.

The poster previously known as Robin19, now @RFCoder

EA Sports...It's in the game...until we arbitrarily decide to shut off the server.

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Auto-completes and auto-corrects are fun. I don't mind that text message interfaces help to save me some typing, but I hate auto-correct on computers.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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The PSU in my desktop computer has been buzzing. Last night I switched out the power cord, and that seemed to fix the issue. Now it's doing it again this morning (though it's intermittent). I think I'm going to have to buy a new power supply, and I just bought this one about a year ago...
The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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You cleaned it out recently? It could very well be a dusty fan...

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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Some knob ahead of me at Walgreen's is trying to become an "extreme couponer"...more power to anyone who can develop a skill and save money, but when the clerk explains that you can't buy the entire shelf of toothpaste, because they limit quantities per customer....chill out, you still got a great deal.


This guy bought ten tubes of toothpaste, because it was on sale, and he also had coupons, making the toothpaste about 85% off for him....that's a great haul, and if you have a family...you'll use the stuff over time...nice job, Dad. When they wouldn't let him buy all 23 tubes they had on the shelf, he got all mad about it.


Trust me, when he looks back on what happened...he should be completely embarrassed by his own behavior.

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Is the spell checker built into your web browser an option?


I don't think I've ever used Yuku's spell checker except to take a peek at it once. I use the built-in spell checker in Firefox, which is basically fine except that it took a bit of a dive back when version 3.0 was released.

A lot of SABR terms are not in Firefox either. Lots of red comes up on these forums.

I had to edit my BrewBerry's dictionary. Every time I typed "HR", it would change it to "hour". JaDerHeyski kept getting confused when I would send her a "The Brew now have 3 hours today!" message.
The brewing website I post on actually has a lot more things come up as misspelled.


I am still kind of not happy Mace Windu goes out like such a punk. I can't believe his death was that weak.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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it bugs me that i have to be to work by 6 am tomorrow. last time i had that shift i was so out of it driving to work that i missed the road to my work by 50 yards and took a right turn directly into the grass. energy drinks only help so much.


i'm nervous enough that there are so many deer and wild hogs on the road at that time of day that i typically drive slow to let someone pass me, and then just follow them down the highway. much easier to follow taillights than watch for animals in the road with a bad front left headlight. don't buy a Hyundai, by the way--that's another thing that bugs me.

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It bugs me that I played about 7 hours worth of softball on Sunday only to finish 2nd place. Good to know the other pitcher realizes he can throw it about 40+ feet in the air at 11:30 pm in the 2nd championship game. Most likely run into him again at Waunafest.
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Only 40 ft? What are you, unlimited arc noobs?

Haha, I have never seen so many strike outs/ground outs to the pitcher ever. I wish I was exaggerating about the 40 feet too....sadly im not. Or we would have probably won. It was 7-7 after the 2nd. He was hitting about 30 feet in the 1st two innings. Probably about 25-30 in the 1st game. I think we had 4 hits after the 2nd inning.


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Is the spell checker built into your web browser an option?


I don't think I've ever used Yuku's spell checker except to take a peek at it once. I use the built-in spell checker in Firefox, which is basically fine except that it took a bit of a dive back when version 3.0 was released.

A lot of SABR terms are not in Firefox either. Lots of red comes up on these forums.

I had to edit my BrewBerry's dictionary. Every time I typed "HR", it would change it to "hour". JaDerHeyski kept getting confused when I would send her a "The Brew now have 3 hours today!" message.
Oh, please please tell me how do get my blackberry to stop doing this. It drives me nuts!
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"Haha, I have never seen so many strike outs/ground outs to the pitcher ever.


No kidding. There are a couple guys who get maybe 35 ft up in my unlimited league, and they're unhittable when they're on. I can't even fathom 40 ft regularly. That ball is coming down so fast at that point.


EDIT: Note, we are not good. I'm guessing your team would probably mash against these guys.


EDIT 2: And to be on topic: Be up one run with 2 outs in the bottom of the 7th, guys on 1st and 2nd. Guy hits a deep shot to RC to an OF who rarely makes mistakes, he gets a little turned around, ball hits his glove and drops, we lose. That was for the first half championship.

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$500 at one shop and my brakes and AC still weren't fixed. $600 at the next place and my brakes and AC still aren't fixed. oh, but i have new calipers and shiny new rotors, though. yay for me.


i told the first place it was my front brakes, but they did the back ones. of course they have guarantees and warranties on their work, but nobody does work for free, and they'd only point out some secondary cause, so i don't trust to take it in to them again.


but my brakes are locking up. feels like the calipers are sticking, but now that i have new ones, i can't figure it. new rotors are nice, but it's almost to the point that i can't drive that stupid car anymore. brake pedal gets to be absolutely frozen. odd enough it's fine on the way to work, but locks up for about 10 miles of my drive back home. about 20 miles to work, so a taxi would cost a small fortune.


have i ever mentioned i hate Hyundai the way Absolute Zero is 'a little chilly'? $0.08 in repair costs per mile driven is not cool, Hyundai. not cool.

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EDIT 2: And to be on topic: Be up one run with 2 outs in the bottom of the 7th, guys on 1st and 2nd. Guy hits a deep shot to RC to an OF who rarely makes mistakes, he gets a little turned around, ball hits his glove and drops, we lose. That was for the first half championship.
Yea, that is frustrating. We still won 500$ so that wasnt so bad.



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We don't subscribe to any kind of TV service (aside from Netflix), which means we use rabbit ears for TV. Normally, there is no problem getting reception. However, on days where it is even a little breezy, some of our channels won't come in. It makes it very difficult to watch TV, and it really bugs me.
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