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What's bugging you? (2013)

I use my phone at games. You can't get an updated score at the Brewers game. On Saturday, the Dodgers score showed 1st inning when the game was actually in the 5th. Earlier this year i was watching ESPN live cut ins to the Darvish no-hit bid. I'm guessing in a couple of years I will be able to bring an ipad into the game and watch the Brewers telecast so I can see replays.


Very few replays bug the h out of me at Miller Park.


I forget if it was during the 2008 or 2011 playoff run, but I remember being at a late season game and the scores of some other games that were important in regards to the Brewers playoff status were not being updated on a timely basis (kind of like what you mentioned - still had 1st inning score when it's the 5th inning). Yes, I could get the scores on my phone, but it still really bothered me..so much so that I eventually went down to guest services to complain about the issue. To me that's part of the fun of being in a playoff chase at the end of the year..scoreboard watching.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
Day One of Running with the Bulls in Pamplona and nobody was seriously hurt. That bugs me.


But you never know. . .today is another day!


Except the bulls that fought in the ring that afternoon.

"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
Seeing people plugged into their hand held devices at ball games.


Sort of related....


I absolutely can't stand it when a concert starts and everyone pulls out their phones to film it. I mean really? The sound on your iPhone SUCKS, you're most likely holding your camera THE WRONG WAY, and there's a flipping live band right in front of you! Use your fricken eyes and watch the band you toolbox!

"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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Except the bulls that fought in the ring that afternoon.




I'm waiting for the day when a bull comes into the ring with a guy gored on each horn, and then proceeds to stomp the life out of a matador.


One can only dream. . .

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John Hammonds and his quest to be mediocre.


People who confuse the last name of the Bucks' GM with the last name of an overpaid outfielder who played for the Brewers from 2001-2003




Though I can understand the confusion as both perform(ed) poorly for Milwaukee sports franchises.

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Seeing people plugged into their hand held devices at ball games. Today it was rampant.


I know I am in the minority, I get that, but I am not tied to my phone in any way, nor do I even carry it half the time.


I would like to think I am part of the "younger crowd" you describe as I am in my mid-20's, but I do not have a smartphone as I don't see the need to be on facebook, email, etc. constantly, and it's just not worth the money to me. Honestly I don't want to have access to my email all the time. But I do see the convenience in having a smartphone. My wife has one, and when she and I are out and about, it is good to have it in case we need to find a place, check their hours, look up their number to call them, etc.


With that being said, I do have a basic cell phone, and I do carry it with me almost all the time (with the exceptions being things like while working out or doing yard work). I figure if I have it, I might as well use it. It is nice to have it with me in case there is some kind of an emergency or what-not. My wife and I don't even have a landline. We each have a cell phone, and people know how to reach us whether we're at home or not.


As a side note, my mom does not carry her cell phone much of the time. So rather than calling her, I generally call my dad, since he is far more likely to pick up his phone. And then she gives me grief for talking to my dad more than her. That bugs me.

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I'm 51 and I do use my smartphone while I'm at the game.


There is so much time wasted between pitches, in between innings, etc.


If they quickened up the pace of play, I'd be on the edge of my seat. Instead, I'm just sitting there while a guy is leaning in for the sign, shaking the catcher off, etc.


I'm alert when the pitch is thrown, but there's a lot of dead time when there's nothing going on.

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John Hammonds and his quest to be mediocre.


People who confuse the last name of the Bucks' GM with the last name of an overpaid outfielder who played for the Brewers from 2001-2003




Though I can understand the confusion as both perform(ed) poorly for Milwaukee sports franchises.


Sometimes I get both of them confused with Reggie Hammonds..."Karate man bleed on the inside!"

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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I'm closer to 50 than 40 (gulp, first time I've written that out), and I do some tweeting, texting, and fact checking at ballgames. Some games I score instead (with a scorebook). My phone isn't robust enough to keep up with the Tapatalk updates, otherwise I might cruise Brewerfan as well. I will look at email if new messages arrive while I have the phone out, but I am absolutely tuned in to the game.


Last season a woman sitting in front of us was scoring the game on an iPad. I almost wanted an iPad right that minute. She had a pretty sweet setup.


But on to what's bugging me: One of our cats is recovering from a urinary blockage that presented on July 4 (on a holiday. Of course). He will be OK, but he has to wear a fabric cone collar for two weeks, which is making him mad, scaring our other cat and making the SO and me grumpy.

Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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I suspect for an increasing number of media outlets, professional language use costs too much. :(


it's part of the reason i left the editorial field. executives look at the editorial department and see the costs without any money earned, so it's an easier department to cut. and most people don't fully understand the value of editing/proofreading. there's a strong sense in many businesses of "Oh, we can do that!" you don't think twice about hiring an electrician because you don't know how to do it yourself, but everyone knows how to write.


so because of this, editorial departments are filled with entry-level college students making $24,000 per year, who don't have the experience to know that "guy" isn't appropriate to use.



i always feel like i should include something that bugs me on this thread instead of just comment, so i guess having to do 1.5 hours of unpaid "preparation" work for my job every day bugs me.

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My phone isn't robust enough to keep up with the Tapatalk updates, otherwise I might cruise Brewerfan as well.

The phone comes with a web browser. I use that instead of Tapatalk. I'm not paying extra money to post here, since I doubt this site sees any of it.


What's bugging me? I was driving home from softball tonight. I didn't want to drive past The Keg near the end of the game. I hate traffic so I took the 894 bypass. It was down to one lane (out of three) for construction at 9:30 at night. I usually drive faster in the parking lot after a game. It also hurt that I didn't see a single construction worker in the 5 miles of closed lanes.


I was so upset I tried to IM JaDerHeyski sitting at the game. Her phone didn't have service and wasn't receiving my messages. Between everything going on (I also had a bad day at softball), I was so mad I typed a NSFW word with the single vowel repeated 20 times. I didn't continue on and explain why I was so mad since traffic had picked up and we were now doing 5 mph on the freeway. I figured she wouldn't see it until later anyway.


JaDerHeyski did see the message about fifteen minutes later and thought something bad had happened. Her and my sister left the game in the bottom of the eighth, calling me and worried about getting home as fast as possible. She reached me and I explained everything, but they were already out of the stadium so they continued to the car to return home. So my grumpiness led to them not being there to see Gomez's walk off robbed homer. Now I'm having an even worse day.


Tomorrow ain't looking good either.

The poster previously known as Robin19, now @RFCoder

EA Sports...It's in the game...until we arbitrarily decide to shut off the server.

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We could opt to serve up ads on Tapatalk and make money from them, but we don't do that. Part of the reason to stay ad-free is to provide a nicer user experience; the other reason is that the ad service they use has a lousy reputation.


It bugs me when people talk on their phones during games, but checking on baseball-related stuff seems reasonable. Keeping score on an iPad sounds way cool. And using texts or e-mail to meet up with Brewerfan.netters certainly makes sense.


I know I whined about this before, but once again, Craig Coshun ended the telecast by saying "That'll do it for Davey and I."

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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i always feel like i should include something that bugs me on this thread instead of just comment, so i guess having to do 1.5 hours of unpaid "preparation" work for my job every day bugs me.


I know with the job market right now employers have the upper hand, but this shouldn't be happening. I remember there was a case a few years back, where a guy had to spend something like 45 minutes every day putting on his gear before his job (I can't remember what he did exactly). He ended up suing and winning for back wages.

The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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I know I whined about this before, but once again, Craig Coshun ended the telecast by saying "That'll do it for Davey and I."


What bugs me is when I read something like this and I have no idea what the grammatical error is. Is supposed to be "Me and Dave"? "Dave and Me"? Why? Because a long, long time ago someone said that is the proper way to speak?


I think some people are just naturally stronger in grammar than others. Same with math. I'm more of a math guy. It's more black and white. 2+2 = 4, there are really no exceptions to that. There are no rules that I have to remember such as i after e except after c or in word that have an "a" sound or an "ee" sound, etc, etc. Who made up these rules? They seem arbitrary to me. There is no logic to them.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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My rule of thumb for "me" or "I" in those situations is to take the other person out. For example, "That's it for Davey and I" would become "That's it for I," which doesn't sound right. So my little brain can figure out that it should be "That's it for Davey and me." There's a whole grammar explanation for it, but I've long since purged the space in my mind to use it for something else, like annoying song lyrics.
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My rule of thumb for "me" or "I" in those situations is to take the other person out. For example, "That's it for Davey and I" would become "That's it for I," which doesn't sound right. So my little brain can figure out that it should be "That's it for Davey and me." There's a whole grammar explanation for it, but I've long since purged the space in my mind to use it for something else, like annoying song lyrics.

This is the simplest & most reliable way to test it. Coshun typically is pretty well-spoken aside from the occasional stumble over his words, but I agree that he has no grasp of proper usage of "I" v. "me"... I've noticed it constantly as well.

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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It a'int just Milwaukee.


It's become pretty universal. Heck, I'd venture to guess that the people who use turn-signals and know the rule of "right-of-way" are now in the minority of drivers.

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P.I.T.C.H. LEAGUE CHAMPION 1989, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2006, 2007, 2011 (finally won another one)

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Yeah, taking the other person out is the easiest way to handle this one. Once you try it a couple of times, handling this situation quickly becomes second nature.


Of course, I wouldn't have the same "I vs. me" expectation for everyone. Craig's a professionally trained broadcaster who should be getting this right. Because he doesn't have professional training, I'd be a lot less bugged if Davey said "That'll do it for Craig and I."


You see TV and movie characters making this error all the time. I try to convince myself that the writers are picking this language because they feel it's appropriate to the character (like they would if a character says "ain't"). However, if the character's grammar is impeccable otherwise, I think the writer is likely dropping the ball.


I'm certain that this goes back to parents (appropriately) correcting their children when they say something like "Me and my dad went to the Brewers game." "My Dad and I" ends up being generalized to all situations.


Actually, "That'll do it for me and Davey." would be grammatically correct, but in most situations, it'd be awkward, impolite, or both. There are infrequent times when "me and whomever" would be the right choice, though.


Yeah, it annoys me when people consider stop signs to be suggestions. I actually got honked at a couple of weeks ago by the car behind me before I even came to a complete stop.


Try driving in Mexico. In addition to stop signs, traffic lights are also suggestions that are frequently disregarded. Likewise, painted lines dividing the street into lanes are only suggestions. I recall a street that had three painted lanes accommodating five lines of vehicles.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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Yeah, it annoys me when people consider stop signs to be suggestions.


This is far more of an issue with bikers than with drivers. There was a piece on TMJ4 last night about the illegal/stupid things bikers do on the streets. As my dad has said, "equal rights" for bikers are far different from "special rights" for bikers.

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Actually, "That'll do it for me and Davey." would be grammatically correct, but in most situations, it'd be awkward, impolite, or both.


Impolite?? Really? I'm not sure I want to meet the person who would be personally offended by someone's incorrect use of "I" or "me".

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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That's not what I was saying. While "me and Davey" is grammatically correct in the sample sentence, it would be less polite than "Davey and me."


Mixing up "I" and "me" has nothing to do with politeness.

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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[sarcasm]Yes, I can see how Davey would be completely offended if I said me and Davey instead of Davey and me. That would be pretty rude of me.[/sarcasm]

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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