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2007 Vent Thread, Part 5

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Prepare yourselves now, folks...the Cubs are going to win this division.


Im not saying that because Im in "panic" mode, Im saying it because its true.


The Cubs are just a cut above the Brewers. Their rotation is better. Their bullpen is better. Their everyday lineup is every bit as good, if not better. The only reason they aren't in first place already is because they were cold the same time the Brewers went through that 10-20 streak.


In my humble opinion, the Brewers are gonna have to play .550-.600 ball the rest of the way to win this division, and based on the last three months and what Ive seen on the field lately, I just don't see that happening.

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Cubs 57-49 .538

Brewers 58-50 .537


That is what I just read on brewers.com




May to pitch Vargas, way to go to sleep after the 2nd inning offense.

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AHHHHH!!!! Let all the apologists on this board SUFFER!!! This was coming and it finally happened. The Cubs are in first place. :-(

Secondly, I discovered YUKU doesn't agree with my browser of choice Netscape 7.2. Security wise, NS 7.2 put IE x.xx to shame. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/mad.gif-(

Can you look into the browser support issue Brian? Thanks.

Sigh out of first place for the first time in over 3 months. :-(

Regarding the game itself, I know this was probably mentioned, (BUT I WAS IN A SPORTS BAR WATCHING THE GAME) but why was Manny Parra batting for himself in the 6th inning with a runner on base?
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Cubs tied us for first place, now all the defeatists can go to bed happy that they finally caught us. Not exactly sure why you guys get so excited about it but I guess some people are just programmed that way. I mean really posts like Blazer's make me ashamed of our fanbase, you are almost giddy that they caught us to prove you 'right' that the Cubs are going to catch us, even though you have been saying the same thing for 3 months now.
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Cubs tied us for first place, now all the defeatists can go to bed happy that they finally caught us.
What's up with this crap? No we're all Brewers fans. Again you've been told this several times if you don't like the vent thread don't read it and let us vent. Stow the tude.
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Cubs tied us for first place, now all the defeatists can go to bed happy that they finally caught us.
What's up with this crap? No we're all Brewers fans. Again you've been told this several times if you don't like the vent thread don't read it and let us vent. Stow the tude.


Amen - if you're here to ANALYZE a vent then give it up already. Go start another thread and do your analysis there. I don't hate the Brewers. And I am sure the MAJORITY of those who are venting don't either. We come to this thread to complain because we expect this TEAM to do better. 25 years of waiting is hard! I am almost 40 years old and have LOTS of room to vent. If you're a 20 something you just don't get it. But more power to you as you are a Brewer fan. A true fan will LOVE AND HATE their team. Heck I consider the Packers my wife sometimes and I love to hate them at times. :-) Go away if you're just here to argue with us fans who are sick of watching obvious problems. HARUMPH!!!!
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One thing not mentioned above that the Cubs have better than the Brewers would be the manager.

No way I would want Pinella as manager. I like Ned's personality way better than Lou my players suck Pinella. Most managers, in my opinion, manage the game pretty much the same so the only difference is how they act and Pinella is a butt head.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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I mean really posts like Blazer's make me ashamed of our fanbase, you are almost giddy that they caught us to prove you 'right' that the Cubs are going to catch us, even though you have been saying the same thing for 3 months now.
Dude...you got me! I'm a closet Cubs fan.


Seriously we're in a spin. We just sent one of our supposed cornerstone players to AAA.

Our ace will not throw until September (at the earliest).

We have the worst game manager in the big leagues.

Our big trade acquisition just told management that he doesn't feel like coming back until the end of the week (if that).


If you want to pull your Brewers sheets on your bed over your head and chant your Brewers mantra and claim "All is well!"...go ahead. But don't poop on my right to vent and pull the plug on the season mentally. I'm a realist and I've seen this before.


We're headed for 3rd place and a new manager...mark it down on August 1st!

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i so much want to be a 'yeah Brewers' guy right now. desperately. it's just i don't see what they've done since April to make me want to say that. it just feels like now, when they have some stupid loss, it's expected, and a win feels so out of the ordinary. i have a Mets-fan coworker and yesterday i didn't even feel like taunting him, but only said that it was a great game all around. how lame is that? deep down i feel like i shouldn't say anything because i'm waiting for us to lose the next two games and drop the series. then there we go, we lose the second game. i'm tired of this; winning just isn't expected from me anymore, it's more like a surprise. i used to be anxious to see a box score and how the players did, but now i fall in a funk even before i open it up. time to wake up, guys!
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Nothing reasonable to say here that hasn't already been said elsewhere on bf.net tonight (I'm not a defeatist nor an apologist...nor a "realist," for that matter)...I'm just saying this for anecdotal sake.


I went to my work's neighborhood local at 5 PM PST tonight all psyched after last night and the fact I rarely get to see the lads play on TV out here...I held out hope, even after Vargas' bed-pooping in the 2nd and 3rd, and then, even after the game was over, I stuck around and rooted for the Phils with the Scottish bartender (who has a longshot Vegas bet from June that Philadelphia wins it all).


After the Cubs took the game and their share of first place, I just walked out of the bar to the Muni station home, and almost immediately pass a bum with schizophrenia and/or Tourette's screaming at the top of his lungs, "GOD! DAMMIT! #$%^!! &$%*!!! PIIIIIIIGS!!!!"


"My sentiments exactly," I thought.


That's all I can say about tonight.


Go Crew. It's only August, and you guys have the tools to do it not just next year and the year after, but this year.


(Maybe that turned into a Silver Lining Thread post)

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I think Ned Yost made a serious mistake of being relax and getting his players relax in the roadtrip even though the Cubs are closing in. There was a serious lack of urgency and fire, instead I saw Ned smiling in the dugout and players smiling on the field because to Ned it's all about having fun. And Ned kept giving this silly excuse that the Brewers are in first place, so we don't need to be concern about the Cubs.

You are wrong Ned , it's all about winning and making the postseason. You are suppose to be aware of your rival's performance and face up to their challenge firmly, instead of ignoring them like you did. Ned, now that the Brewers are out of first place, what's your excuse now?

One more thing, the Brewers have a very poor road record under Ned Yost and I find Ned's lack of a solution or explaination disturbing.


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And Ned kept giving this silly excuse that the Brewers are in first place, so we don't need to be concern about the Cubs.






He's definitely been vociferous (along with veteran members of the team) about the Brewers playing their own game and not panicking and pressing (which is something a young club needs to hear), but that doesn't translate to apathy or a devil-may-care attitude from Nedley.

I definitely co-sign the vent that they have been terrible on the road but I will save that vent (and hopefully not have to use it) until next week.
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Cubs tied us for first place, now all the defeatists can go to bed happy that they finally caught us. Not exactly sure why you guys get so excited about it but I guess some people are just programmed that way. I mean really posts like Blazer's make me ashamed of our fanbase, you are almost giddy that they caught us to prove you 'right' that the Cubs are going to catch us, even though you have been saying the same thing for 3 months now.

Look dude, we are all Brewers fans, none of us our happy we have relinquished our lead to the Cubs. We all look at the information/data that was presented to us in Apr.-July, and we all interpreted things differently. Some of us found reasons to be optimistic, some us found reason for concern. Both groups have stated their cases for months now, and it has been pretty hard for all of us to watch the Brewers crash and burn. For example, I do not believe that the Brewers have the wherewithal to run with the Cubs -- that is what is in my gut, if that makes me less of a fan in your opinion, all I can do is apologize, but I have listened to your arguments and I have found them unconvincing -- that is to not to say they are wrong or bad, just that they haven't swayed my way of thinking. At the end of the day - I am not sure there is a right or wrong in the "sense of urgency/relax" debate. All I know is that the product on the field and the results have sucked and I think it's very reasonable for people to react negatively to what has happened.

I really hope you aren't embarrassed of elements in our fanbase because they do not subscribe to your point of view. or they don't react like you think they should. I know we don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, but I wouldn't dream of thinking anything like that about you. Heck, Blazer and I are probably as different as two cats can be, but I thoroughly respect who he is as a fan and contributer to baseball.


I sort of think of BFnet, is like the big room we all are watching the games together in. There are always dudes that jump up, high five, scream, and knock over the nachos, and then there are the dudes that do nothing -- that's more a function of how our brains are wired up than anything else. It is not as if one group has achieved higher fandom status than the other.


You get more bees with honey -- and you probably aren't going to make a lot of friends administering nutshots in the vent thread.

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Sorry but anyone that has spent the past 3 months chanting the cubs are coming the cubs are coming and are patting their backs now is not a real fan in my book. There are certain posters on this forum that NEVER post anything positive and just come here after a loss and post negatives and those fans are my biggest vent.
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Sorry but anyone that has spent the past 3 months chanting the cubs are coming the cubs are coming and are patting their backs now is not a real fan in my book.

Hmm.. I suspect Noah was distraught over the loss of humanity, but there had to be a part of him that was saying, "sucks to be the guy who was laughing at me when I was building my ride in the rain" -- he was after all only human.


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Its not the message that bothers me, heck I have never thought we are more than an 85 team win and that was probably not going to be the playoffs. Its posters (and I don't mean you) who contribute nothing to this message board except doom and gloom that drive me nuts. There are posters who don't post anything during/after a win and then come here after a loss to frantically post their negative posts (and not just in this thread). They seem almost excited that the Brewers are losing. Those are the specific people I was talking about in my original post.
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My old man is the classic "doom and gloom" guy, so I have more patience for the mentality than most. It's pretty clearly his defense mechanism, a futile attempt to avoid heartbreak. I'll tell you one thiing - saying the old man isn't a real fan couldn't be further from the truth. The Brewers may literally be the death of him.


Like Joey says, different fans have different ways of dealing. As long as posters here don't lash out with personal attacks at other posters after a tough loss, I hope the mods continue to be tolerant to the various forms of expression we see. It's cathartic for some people to wail and gnash their teeth (even if a lot of their posts do sound silly after the heat of the moment has passed). If the "stiff upper lip" crowd could learn to take this stuff with a grain (or several grains) of salt, I think there would be a lot less acrimony around here.

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I really agree with this last comment. As long as there are no personal attacks, people should feel free to express themselves anyway they want no matter how wrong or right, positive or negative, etc. This site is simply awesome, with tons of knowledgeable people, and it impresses me everyday. Diversity is where it's at. There's no doubt it's hard right now, but that's when we have to double check our tolerance, I'm generally a "doom and gloomer" and try to rationalize it as being "realistic." But I know tomorrow the Cubs could start impresonating themselves and implode, the Crew could get hot, and by Aug. 15 we could be 71/2 games up again.
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Brian Anderson
is he pro brewers or not.

The previous vents are a fine transition into my gripe. It seems to me that in more situations than not he focuses on the gloom of the moment. For example, estrada is up with the bases jacked and one out -- he'll say something like lets hope he doesn't hit into another one of those 1-2-3 dps. Or with the game tied, he'll remind the fan base a couple of times of our opponents walk off. I mean last night he was seriously trying to compare perez to ichiro. I know he is doing color and these are important details. I am just tired of him bringing down the mojo, and sometimes he even seems smug about it. I know it cant be true, but does he want the crew to falter? Any one else pick up on this or am i crazy?

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I'm with Ennder on this one. My vent is when people take joy moreso in being right than the team having success. I (like most I'm sure) thought the Cubs had a chance to catch us back in mid-May, but I'm not here gloating that I predicted the downfall, nor am I here posting how the "optimists" were wrong. That's not a vent. The "I told you so" stuff is ridiculous; who exactly are you calling out? The people that didn't think the Cubs would catch us? Can you blame them for thinking we had a good chance to hold that lead? Just like FTJ was saying, every fan has their way of looking at things.
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Its annoying that both the vent thread and IGTs are frequently filled with predictions of the Brewers doom. It adds nothing to the discussion of the game, and it isn't really venting either. Like Ennder said, it seems that some people only post here to let us know that the Brewers suck after every loss. I know all people are going to react differently, but those reactions don't need to be repeated constantly.
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sorry, but this one already smells of a loss, due to our hitters being over-aggressive against a soft-tossing just-off-an-injury pitcher.

- - - - - - - - -

P.I.T.C.H. LEAGUE CHAMPION 1989, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2006, 2007, 2011 (finally won another one)

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