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Ryan Braun issues his statements (split from previous thread)

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I obviously WANT to believe that he first used something in 2011... and something that I'm thinking about that's helping me justify that belief is his incredibly good 2012 season when he was probably being tested constantly as MLB was gunning for him at that point.


I'm wondering what those of you that think he's been using all along have to say about that. Do you think he was covering up his use during 2012? Seems pretty risky, but I guess anything's possible.

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The biggest thing that's sticking in my craw about last night? Having to listen to ex-players like Nomar ripping him for cheating the game...






not sure if it's very visible, but the date of that SI cover is March 2001...you know, before MLB bothered to test for PEDs. Ex players whose prime occurred between 1985 and 2005 should just keep their mouths shut anytime a question of PEDs comes up, because whether they took them or not, they all knew how much they became part of the game during that time period. And I can't remember ANY of these players talking about the PED issue during that time while they were still playing...when they would have been directly affected by players cheating the game and costing other active players jobs and money.


At least in today's game there are active players willing to publicly denounce PED users (unfortunately it seems the more outspoken they are against them, the more likely it is that they are users themselves)

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I don't think he ever used for performance enhancement, I think he used to stay on the field, which he pretty much said. This has been my feeling from the beginning. I don't think we'll see a downtick in performance, I think he may see some more time on the DL.


As far as the statement is concerned, I think he gets picked apart regardless of what is said. I think it should have been in person, rather than written, but other than that I don't fault it. I would assume it was written, or at least revised by his PR team. It could have said more, it could have read differently, it doesn't really matter. Braun is Mr. PR, everything is calculated, I honestly have no idea who the guy is. I think he represented his persona well until it collapsed on him. Maybe we'll see the actual Braun now, for good or bad. Maybe he'll continue to only present a PR persona. I don't really care, I just want him to play well for the Brewers.

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He would have been better off saying: "I know my credibility is shot, and that I can't expect it to ever return...all I can do now is stay clean...work hard and produce on the field and hope over time people will judge me on the totality of my career, not just this period where I used horrible judgment and hurt a lot of people in the process."


..... thats what he said.

Posted: July 10, 2014, 12:30 AM

PrinceFielderx1 Said:

If the Brewers don't win the division I should be banned. However, they will.


Last visited: September 03, 2014, 7:10 PM

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Braun is a liar. Once a liar, always a liar.


This is so condescending it is ridiculous. Are you saying you have never lied in your life? I know I have lied in the past yet this fact does not make me a perpetual liar. I wonder if you would feel the same way if someone shined as bright a spotlight on your personal life as they have Braun's. Braun was caught in a very public lie and it has cost him millions of dollars in salary and lost endorsements. I think that is punishment enough.

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I took a cookie from the cookie jar when I was a kid and lied about it. Later that month another cookie was gone from the cookie jar and I was asked about it again. I didn't take it this time but since I lied about it the first time, I guess I'm once a liar, always a liar.
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Braun is a liar. Once a liar, always a liar. I cannot believe this "admission" reveals the whole truth. There is nothing Braun can do to change my mind on this. The only way I'd believe him is if he got in front of a camera and admitted taking stuff since high school. Anything short of that (even if it is the truth) will leave doubts as to whether he is telling the truth.


And then you will claim he's been using since t-ball and want another apology to reveal the truth.


The only way I believe this guy is if he comes to my door, cooks me dinner and apologizes to my face that he's been using since he was in diapers. And even then I will have my doubts (unless the meal is really good).

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Sorry that I don't "get it" though, and that I am primarily interested in watching baseball and rooting for the franchise player for the Milwaukee Brewers, rather than getting caught up in a manufactured moral controversy about "cheating" (which curiously doesn't exist for the NFL/Packers or any other sport...) coming straight from ESPN.


This and SRB's other posts about sums it up for me. I just don't care that player use or don't, HGH, PED's, amphetamines, cocaine, whatever. The line seems to move constantly so a segment can feel outrage and indignation at a current group while pretending previous players or eras were some golden age of altruism and saints. Probably my biggest annoyance with baseball culture is constant holier than thou attitude of policing things including so called PEDs and minor in the game things like how long a player takes to round the bases, does he look humble enough on hitting a HR, how did he toss the bat, etc. Where was all the outrage and indignation about players like Andy Pettite? or Matt Holliday insinuating he used HGH to recover from injury years ago? Very little because media outlets like ESPN didn't bother whipping up a fury of people that will always find a reason to be upset about something, now with blood in the water the feeding frenzy has become Tim Tebowesque. When Jeff Passan and Buster Olney are both pointing at the other as the source of the Votto and Tulo lies they spread you know journalistic integrity have lost out to just get a headline out there, especially if it concerns a guy nobody is going to defend and everyone is ready to be upset about something new. Look at the attention they give the clown's lawsuit.


As for Braun's apology it's fine, I am sure he will be on camera at some point and asked about it to provide a statement that some clamor for but will likely still find something to be upset over. I really don't want to see some contrived Oprah, Costas, Couric, type interview, one I think all those people are smarmy and two it won't change anyone's opinion or Braun's standing.


I just tune out most of the ex players on TV who are just as likely hiding their own imperfect pasts and ignoring their own or at the very least many teammates use of some substance they thought made them better or kept them on the field. I always remember that if I knew guys in high school in small town WI in the late 80's that used steroids, I am can be confident professional athletes of all stripes were using for many years prior. My best friend's dad played D1 football in the early 70's and he used to talk about all the steroids around athletics back then. It's been a fact of the trade (athletics) for so long that I just can't pretend it is just this current group of so called unsavory individuals who are ruining the game as some media heads and "purists" like to believe.


In the end Braun's owning up to it is nice in that maybe the majority of attention will move on to the next scandal to drive an ESPNado. Maybe Tim Tebow will be released or Y. Puig will be discovered to be a 30 year old cyborg.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor

Actually, Braun doesn't have to say anything else. If that's the way he wants to do it, that's fine. To be honest, he's a player on my team, and I will cheer for him. I will hope he does awesome and has a great career.


But if wants to be more than a pariah to the rest of the world, he really needs to do more than just issue a statement. If you've been lied to repeatedly, most people (but not all) don't want to get an email or text from that person as an apology. They want him to say it to their faces.


The simple fact is that he can do more. A lot more. But if he doesn't want to, that's life.


And if people want to hate Braun for not doing more, that's their right as well. If they want to boo him every time he comes to the plate, fine.

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This and SRB's other posts about sums it up for me. I just don't care that player use or don't, HGH, PED's, amphetamines, cocaine, whatever. The line seems to move constantly so a segment can feel outrage and indignation at a current group while pretending previous players or eras were some golden age of altruism and saints. Probably my biggest annoyance with baseball culture is constant holier than thou attitude of policing things including so called PEDs and minor in the game things like how long a player takes to round the bases, does he look humble enough on hitting a HR, how did he toss the bat, etc. Where was all the outrage and indignation about players like Andy Pettite? or Matt Holliday insinuating he used HGH to recover from injury years ago? Very little because media outlets like ESPN didn't bother whipping up a fury of people that will always find a reason to be upset about something, now with blood in the water the feeding frenzy has become Tim Tebowesque. When Jeff Passan and Buster Olney are both pointing at the other as the source of the Votto and Tulo lies they spread you know journalistic integrity have lost out to just get a headline out there, especially if it concerns a guy nobody is going to defend and everyone is ready to be upset about something new. Look at the attention they give the clown's lawsuit.


Exactly how I feel as well. I might have cared about steroids 5-10 years ago when all the hoopla started to come out but as I've gotten older, it really doesn't bother me as much. I understand baseball records are "sacred" and that's a driving force behind a lot of this but it's really gotten ridiculous. As far as the cheating argument is concerned, people have been looking for ways to cheat or get an edge since the invention of just about every sport. Whether it be corking bats, doctoring baseballs, popping pills, injecting steroids, or rubbing some cream, there will always be something. People just view PEDs as more evil for some reason.


As for what Braun owes us, it's nothing. Sure we pay to see him play but that's really all he does: play. It's a game. It's not life or death, he's just an athlete. He made a mistake and he apologized. Whether you buy his apology or not, he doesn't "owe" anybody anything. You might really want to hear something but he's not obligated to tell you. I want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth as much as anyone but it's up to Braun on whether he wants to actually tell it (and how he tells it). It might damage his reputation if he doesn't come out and speak directly about everything but he doesn't "owe" anything.

This is Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and I'm talkin' to whoever's listenin' out there.
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Apologies if this has been dissected earlier, but I'm struggling to follow some basic stuff in Braun's statement.


To take him at face value: He had somehow convinced/deluded himself that he hadn't used a banned substance up until his meeting with MLB in June 2013. Then, even though he was "never presented with baseball's evidence," he realized that it was time to stop conning himself, tell the truth, etc.


Why that moment to give up? (Within the interior logic of his explanation, I mean.)

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Come on, Olney.


Buster Olney‏@Buster_ESPN1h

@trenni @AdamMcCalvy Or cheated in the first place, and appealed when he knew he cheated, and then held a victory dance when he won.


@Buster_ESPN Using that logic, if I rob a bank, I should just admit to it. No reason to go to court. Do you realize how dumb you sound?


@FakeJohnHammond I would advise you to not the rob in the first place. Because that's the dumb move.


@Buster_ESPN But you said appealed when he knew he cheated. No he shouldn't have cheated like I shouldn't have hypothetically robbed a bank. But if there's even a 0.00000000001% chance of winning the case you damn well better try to win it. Even if you know you're guilty.

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I'm confused about some peoples outrage. He apologized for what he was caught for. What did you really expect. Did you want him to come clean about everything he lied about? Should he have admitted that he was taking PED's in college or possibly even HS? Should he have admitted that he was taking PED's his entire career? Would that have made him a better person in your eyes? So if he would have admitted he has been a lying, cheating scumbag his whole life then the apology would have been OK?


He is in a no win situation. He cheated, he got caught. His reputation is shot. No apology was going to change those facts.Some people act like they have never made a dumb decision in their life and then lied about it. He took a step in the right direction. He admitted his mistake. He apologized. Time to move on people.

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I don't think he ever used for performance enhancement, I think he used to stay on the field, which he pretty much said. This has been my feeling from the beginning. I don't think we'll see a downtick in performance, I think he may see some more time on the DL.


As far as the statement is concerned, I think he gets picked apart regardless of what is said. I think it should have been in person, rather than written, but other than that I don't fault it. I would assume it was written, or at least revised by his PR team. It could have said more, it could have read differently, it doesn't really matter. Braun is Mr. PR, everything is calculated, I honestly have no idea who the guy is. I think he represented his persona well until it collapsed on him. Maybe we'll see the actual Braun now, for good or bad. Maybe he'll continue to only present a PR persona. I don't really care, I just want him to play well for the Brewers.

I am not sure how coming out and reading that statement would have helped. It may have even hurt as every single little facial expression or voice inflection would have been analyzed to fit any given reporter's narrative.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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Time to move on people.


People are free to move on, or to dwell, or to continue to bash, or to raise follow up questions, or doubt, or anything they want to do. It's really up to them.


They can wear their Braun 8 jerseys, or their Fraud 8 jerseys, or they can ignore him, or boo him, or cheer him, or demand that he be traded. They can go to his restaurants, or boycott his restaurants. They can seek his autograph, or rip up his autograph. It's all fine.



He is in a no win situation.


It's of his own making, and it's been less than a day since his apologies have been issued, so maybe people want to take time to digest it all before they move on to other things.

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Come on, Olney.


Buster Olney‏@Buster_ESPN1h

@trenni @AdamMcCalvy Or cheated in the first place, and appealed when he knew he cheated, and then held a victory dance when he won.


seriously, is Buster in a writers Union? The Grievance process is there TO BE USED BY UNION MEMBERS! He appealed because AT THAT TIME he thought the sample process was faulty and caused the spike and he grieved THE PROCESS, not whether or not he cheated.

Posted: July 10, 2014, 12:30 AM

PrinceFielderx1 Said:

If the Brewers don't win the division I should be banned. However, they will.


Last visited: September 03, 2014, 7:10 PM

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People are upset with his "apology" because he is continuing to lie. We all know it. The truth will come out and he will once again be discredited as a cheater and liar.


If you believe him you're welcome to your opinion. I do, however, have some investments I'd like to sell you. You will triple your money. I promise.

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People are upset with his "apology" because he is continuing to lie. We all know it. The truth will come out and he will once again be discredited as a cheater and liar.


:tired :tired

Posted: July 10, 2014, 12:30 AM

PrinceFielderx1 Said:

If the Brewers don't win the division I should be banned. However, they will.


Last visited: September 03, 2014, 7:10 PM

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I don't think that whether he lies now or not makes any difference. This is like being upset over an ex-girlfriend coworker who cheated on you 2 years ago. Its pointless to still be upset. She can say whatever, truth or lie, but who cares? As long as she still does a good job and it doesn't interfere with your work.
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I don't think that whether he lies now or not makes any difference. This is like being upset over an ex-girlfriend coworker who cheated on you 2 years ago. Its pointless to still be upset. She can say whatever, truth or lie, but who cares? As long as she still does a good job and it doesn't interfere with your work.


wait for it........................... wait for it................................ waaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiit for iiiiiiiiittttttt...................................................

Posted: July 10, 2014, 12:30 AM

PrinceFielderx1 Said:

If the Brewers don't win the division I should be banned. However, they will.


Last visited: September 03, 2014, 7:10 PM

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Does everyone who is still/will forever hold a grudge like this in their personal lives too? If so, I feel bad for both you and the people closest to you. Must not be a happy place to live.


Because yours is the only and proper way to react to this.

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People are upset with his "apology" because he is continuing to lie. We all know it. The truth will come out and he will once again be discredited as a cheater and liar.


If you believe him you're welcome to your opinion. I do, however, have some investments I'd like to sell you. You will triple your money. I promise.


Please refrain from speaking for me.

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The truth will come out and he will once again be discredited as a cheater and liar.


And what if this the truth, what will you say then? What will happen if three, four, or more years go by and there are no more accusations? There is only one person who knows for certain what the truth is and if what has been said is true or not.

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