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Help me get excited about this team...

Don't get me wrong, I will always live and die by the Brewers, and am rooting for this team as hard as any other. And I do believe this is a decent team that, if things break the right way, can contend for a playoff spot. But to me this team just seems so... Uninspiring. Apathetic. Boring. Am I wrong?


Forget the numbers and projections, that's not what I'm talking about. Players will come out of slumps (I mean, they have to at some point, right?), the team will have hot and cold stretches as they have already thus far, but through the season so far, and much of last year for that matter, these players just don't excite me. I want to be invested in these players, but I'm just not. They just seem like 25 guys coming to the ballpark, doing their job, and going home. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes it doesn't. So be it.


Where's the personality? Where's the fire? No I don't think these things necessarily translate to wins, but it sure as heck makes it easier for me to get invested in a team when I feel like the team has an investment themselves. I don't mean to pile on Roenicke (though am usually happy to do so...), but I feel like this team has taken on his personality, or lack thereof. And let's face it, when Fielder left, the Brewers edge left with him. I love watching Carlos Gomez play baseball, but who else, skill level aside, gets you excited to watch Brewer baseball?


Yeah they've been on a cold stretch, but again this feels like a team just going about it's business. How many times over this season already has the team fallen behind early, then gone out with a whimper for inning after inning en route to a loss? And conversely, how many times have they posted a run or two in a comeback effort, only to turn around and give the runs right back the next half inning? When you flip the script, it seems as though the Brewers have often gone down meekly for multiple innings in that scenario. Aside from the ONE win against the Cardinals in 7 tries this season, when has the team made you feel like they had a comeback in them?


I miss Mike Cameron. And Prince Fielder. And T-Plush. I miss Zack Greinke and his quirkiness. I miss untucking 'em. I miss beast mode. I miss players dropping at home plate like bowling pins. I even miss Seth McClung firing a fastball at Albert Pujols, even if it is in a pivotal September game. I mean heck, look at our bench right now - Alex Gonzalez, Logan Schafer, Jeff Bianchi, Blake Lalli? Who's excited for a big pinch hit opportunity in the 8th??? I'd take Mark Kotsay back if I wasn't afraid our manager would start him at pitcher and bat him 3rd. Around 2006 or so until 2011 were special years for obvious reasons, but I really believe a big part of it was how easy it was to love those players and how fun it was to watch them play, winning and losing aside. Even those guys that remain from those teams seem to have lost something, call it an edge, a passion, whatever, but the magic just seems to be gone. I want to love these players for more than just the logo on their hats...

I am not Shea Vucinich
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Through 6 weeks, Carlos Gomez might be the league MVP. Segura is on pace for an All Star selection. Ramirez is Ramirez, and we haven't yet seen Corey Hart. There's a lot to like on this team offensively. Aoki, Braun and Lucroy haven't really hit their strides yet, but they will. Maybe at some point if Weeks doesn't hit, they have to look at bringing up Gennett to platoon there or just flat out bench him and put Yuni there to at least provide some punch down in the order.


Now I think the pitching might need to undergo additional changes. Estrada looks like his magic may be gone. Maybe Narveson will return and get back in the mix. Burgos looks like a guy who will be solid. It's not yet Mother's Day. No reason to panic.


Bottom line, how can you not love what Gomez is doing especially in light of his signing a team friendly contract extension prior to the season?


Weeks is eventually going to hit, or he's going to be benched. I just don't think he's going to get unlimited time to turn things around.

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A team does take on the personality of its manager, that is 100% true. When your manager has no personality, and seems like a guy going through the motions, then the team will mimic that. I'd love to see some fire from the guy in charge, but we have learned that isn't going to happen. Opponents pitchers throwing at our guys? No retaliation is the answer. Umps doing a horrible job, he might walk out and nod his head to the ump a few times, but that is the most we can expect. Say stupid mundane things in the post game interviews, check. The list goes on and on. I don't like the guy or anything about him.


That being said, I am kind of opposite of you. I think there is a lot to be excited about for this team.


How can watching a SS like Segura not fire you up? We have had such a black hole at that position for so long, and along comes this kid, who a lot of people prematurely (even on this very board) said wouldn't stick at the position. He has proven them all wrong. The guy can play SS at a high level, and probably better than anyone who we have had man that position for a decade or more. Segura alone gets me fired up for games. I love having a young guy like that to root for!!


Gomez fires me up!!! I love his style, his playful attitude toward the game, and all that he brings to the table. When he is firing on all cylinders, great things happen. Sure, he does a lot of boneheaded things now and again, I doubt that will ever change, but the guy goes all out, every play, and I respect that a lot. Even when he swings so hard he knocks himself to the ground, I just chuckle. Now, if he was hitting .150 and striking out every other at bat, it would be a different story, but for now, he has slowly become one of my 2 favorite players on this team. (Segura being the other one)


Watching the guy wearing Betancourt's uniform this year has been a blast!!!! I was a Yuni basher, and will probably be again someday soon, but what he has done the first month of the season is absolutely freaking amazing. If his play doesn't get you fired up, I don't know what will. The board whipping boy has literally won games for us to this point.


Weeks has been a spirit crusher, and the way our so-called manager handles him is horrible. I can only think he will come around at some point. He has to. Right?


Ramirez is back, that has to account for some good feelings too. Once he is full strength, at least we have our clean-up hitter established. If he comes close to what he did last year, that is exciting in itself.


Aoki is a joy to watch, and exciting in his own little ways. Glad we took the chance on him. We have a bonafied lead-off hitter that allows us to hit guys like Hart and Weeks down in the order where their bats can be utilized for the value they bring. (Well, assuming Weeks pulls his head from his buttocks that is)


Ryan Braun is Ryan Braun. I have to admit, he has been tainted a bit in my mind due to the PED scandal, but talk about an exciting player!!!!!! He is one of the top 5 offensive powers in the league, how can that not get you fired up?


Once Hart gets back, our line-up is going to be a monster! THAT is exciting!


I'm excited to see Peralta pitch every outing he takes the hill. If he fullfills his potential, I think we have a real gem on our hands.


I'm tired of Gallardo, and the controversy he brought the team with his DUI didn't help his cause. High pitch counts and can't go deep into games just makes for an unexciting player to me. I don't like watching him pitch, but hopefully that all changes.


I think there are several players on this team that get me pumped for games. There may not be the personality that we once had when Plush was doing his thing and Prince was here, but I enjoy this team a lot! My biggest complaint is management, but that is no secret, so I won't harp on him anymore in this post as it will just bring me and everyone else down...



"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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Funny how 2 people can look at the same thing and see completely different things.


I see plenty of hustle and excitement and swagger in players like Gomez & Segura & Braun. Gomez in particular is an amazing talent and is seemingly putting it all together now at just the age of 27. That is exciting.

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Yeah, I don't follow the "team doesn't excite me" feelings. I think what you're losing your lost excitement is Stl has beaten us soundly with new blood and still have exciting new blood to come in the woodworks. That's the non-excitement factor. Stl is better than us today, and better than us in the future, and if we are to win the division that's who we have to contend with. Seeing as new blood at minimum is owned by the club for 6years, the stage would be set for the Brewers to finish behind them for a minimum of 6 more years after this season. That takes us to 2019 and the club has who left at that point to be excited about? Segura. Brauny should be on the decline. Those are the only 2 players known to remain on this team at this moment. With our minors not having the top 100 prospects there's just no telling who will break out and be a main cog for the team. Roache? Coulter? Arcia? Taylor? All question marks and no pitchers. So, I feel you on the lack of excitement in the future aspect.


For this season though? Peralta,Segura,Gomez are 3 reasons to be excited. Braun is still in prime stages of exciting player to watch. The truth is the pitching is where the lack of excitement exists. And while Peralta is a reason to be excited the rest leaves much to be desired.

I'm not done with Estrada who's been a victim of HRs and a fall back to normal in that, he's still effective. He's still striking batters out. Walks are a little up, but I feel this stuff is just a minor correction away and he's back to what we had last season.

I'm not excited about Gallardo or Lohse in being top of the staff pitchers. Where have Gallardo's Ks gone? And Lohse is about right in line with what I expected from him 3.6era. So with Peralta not getting great results thus far the pitching staff zaps all excitement from this team.


It is that exact reason as a fan I hate the Lohse signing. Get an aged pitcher vs the potential excitement of drafting a HS pitcher would bring.


The team has enough reasons to be excited to watch at a game it's just there's teams in the NL(Atlanta,Washington,Stl,Cincy, even the West teams pose exciting players and strong teams that leaves us less exciting from a competition standpoint. This all resides in an exciting 1st round draft pick being homegrown on this team not happening since Braun in 2005. You could probably look at every team and find at least 1 or more 1st rd. selections since 2005 that are exciting players now or tomorrow for their team.


To finish, the players you are missing are leaders in some form.. so that's what is missing. If you don't like RRR which I get, who's the next leader for this team? Braun hasn't been that, he follows. Nobody else stands out after Gomez, as potentially giving the team a Leadership Edge. One of the players you missed was Counsell. It's early, and maybe Segura's enjoyment of playing the game comes with some leadership type of form yet to be seen.


It really just shows you RRR needs to go. To business-like and a team like the makeup of the Brewers needs a Firey personality.


Anyone know when Counsell will be available as a Manager?

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Having been a member of this site for about a decade and four managers later I've come to one major conclusion. Every thread every season need a fire (insert manager's name here) post. Can't we just once have a thread that sticks to the topic at hand and leave the manager out of it? It gets to the point that I don't want to even look at the topics because it always comes back to "fire the manager."


As far as the team goes there is a lot to be excited about. The pitching is up and down but seem to be startling to gel. The offense is surprisingly good considering they were missing two of their best hitters for much of the season. They are an aggressive team that do a lot fo things well. They are 6th in all of baseball in batting average, 4th in slugging, 1st in stolen bases, and the pitchers don't walk anyone. That isn't bad for a team still getting itself together health wise.

There needs to be a King Thames version of the bible.
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The manager, and his antics have to play into a lot of discussions, it is just the way it is. The manager is a large part of the team, I don't see how it can be avoided.


If someone posted in this thread that the manager is what gets them fired up, and he is like a god, would that be ok? Or, are you just disgusted with the negative feelings that managers can cause with the fans?

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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I think a way to summarize the comments so far is to say that maybe the whole of this team is less than the sum of its parts. Are guys like Gomez, Segura, Aoki, et cetera exciting to watch? Of course. Are the 2013 Brewers exciting to watch? Sometimes yes, sometimes not so much. I agree with the comment that the players don't necessarily seem invested in each other, which makes it difficult as a fan to become invested in them, either.
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The idea that a team becomes like its manager is absurd. We had plenty of 'antics' under Macha and he was about as exciting as a brick, pretty sure I saw him sleeping through most of the games. Fielder, Sabathia, Greinke and Morgan were all heavy personalities on the team and they left. Nothing wrong with that or anything but for the OP apparently that isn't as fun to watch.
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Plain and simple, this team is less exciting because no one expects them to win. '11 was exciting because we were supposed to be really good. Of course, having a 2-8 start really killed off quite a bit of enthusiem.

You knew me as Myday2001.

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The idea that a team becomes like its manager is absurd.


You can't make a statement like that as fact.


A lot of people on this site have opinions different than yours, you need to realize that every once in a while.

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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I guess you can't make a statement like this as fact either then:

"A team does take on the personality of its manager, that is 100% true."


I think this team is exciting to watch, as we have a mix of proven veterans and young guys with potential on our team. (Not every veteran is "proven" as a quality major leaguer, but we do have several in Braun, Ramirez, Hart, and Weeks.)

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I'm of the belief we really don't know what this team is. It's May 9. They've been cold, hot, and now cold again and sit 2 games under .500. It typically takes around now to realize where a team can use some help. In past years we've seen significant changes made starting around now, such as when Axford replaced Hoffman in 2010, and last year when they were forced to move Hart to 1B and Aoki took over full time in RF, and Fiers was called up.


There are guys who haven't yet played significant roles who still could. Ramirez and Hart obviously. But also pitchers like Narveson, K-Rod, Jesus Sanchez, and perhaps before it's all over, Jimmy Nelson too. Then what will happen with Weeks? Will there end up being a platoon with him and Gennett or even perhaps Green or like he did last year will he finally pull himself together and at least start producing at a level expected of an everyday player?


Braun needs to go on a little tear on this trip, and it would be nice to see Lucroy have one of his hot spells too. This pitching staff seems to run hot and cold too, but they are due for a decent spell again.

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I guess you can't make a statement like this as fact either then:

"A team does take on the personality of its manager, that is 100% true."



Yup, you got me, but my statement isn't meant to be condescending to anyone like the other poster is a lot of the time.

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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Right but you are one of the posters that turn everything into some sort of rant about the manager, often without any sort of fix other than a complaint or taking a stand that your idea is the only logical choice. I completely disagree with most of those posts but choose to just ignore it knowing nothing will ever be done right in your view.
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There's a lot to be excited about. Gomez looks like he's finally to starting to get ''IT''. Jean Segura is playing at an elite level. I'm excited that the team might finally have a legit SS since lord knows when. Aramis is back and will heat up. The offense is kicking @ss without Corey Hart. Wait until Hart gets back. Aoki is really fun to watch. He does all of the little smart things that most guys don't do. Hiram Burgos looked really good in 3 starts. I am excited to watch him pitch. I am interested in watching how Willy will develop the rest of the year.


I looked at the schedule and I still think we can win 86 to 88 games even if we lose the majority of the remaining Reds/Cards series. This team might not have a lot of fire or attitude, but the development and play of certain players is interesting to watch. I do miss that attitude the team used to have. Prince was a fiery guy. It's still early in the season. How many teams have started out with a bang in the first half and then fell apart in the second half? I'm content with the Brewers hanging around .500 for most of the first half. This is a marathon not a sprint.


By July we will know if this team is capable of getting hot and going to the playoffs. The Dodgers don't impress me. Brewers have already swept the Giants. The D-Back can be beat. Pittsburgh is our b!tch. We have yet to play the Reds. The only teams that scare me are St. Louis and Atlanta. Washington is beatable this year. When everyone is healthy, the lineup will go into beast mode.


I think our bullpen is one solid 8th inning guy away from being consistently reliable. Henderson can get the job done. Gorzolanny has been very reliable. Badenhop has been alright. Figaro has been decent. Narveson is on his way back. The rotation will be fine. Gallardo will settle down like always, Lohse will continue to be reliable, Peralta will do a decent job for a rookie, Burgos will kick @ss, Marco will settle down. Relax my Brewer brother, it's early in the season. The Cardinal series put me in a pretty down mood regarding the team too. You just have to think positive. The Brewers play a bunch of other teams besides St. Louis.

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We had plenty of 'antics' under Macha and he was about as exciting as a brick


Thanks, I got a laugh out of that.


As to the topic, I guess it just depends on what a person thinks of as "exciting." We have an exciting team this year in terms of guys who can hit home runs and guys who can steal bases and pitchers who can strike guys out without walking batters.


We also have some guys who have been dead spots who have kept us from winning consistantly. We've had one big good streak and two bad streaks, and while streaky teams (and players) can be viewed by some as exciting, they can also be a roller coaster of emotions that can drain the life out of you during the down times.


We have enough talent on this roster to beat anyone, but also enough question marks to lose to anyone. Since many of the question marks are pitchers, I think we will probably have a good share of ups & downs this season. Sometimes, those streaky teams just take one positive stabilizing force. Maybe that can be Ramirez & Hart returning, maybe it's a Burgos or someone else coming from the minors to help settle down the rotation. We certainly aren't out of it, and could very easily remain in playoff contention all year. I went into this season figuring we'd be a .500-ish team that with a little luck could snag a wild card spot.


I promised myself I wasn't going to get too excited one way or the other, but rather was going to enjoy watching to see how some of the young guys did. Segura is playing beyond anyone's expectations, Gomez is making the extension look like a really good deal, and some of the bullpen guys are impressing (Axford's really the only guy I don't like seeing on the mound). Meanwhile, some of the young starters (MLB & minors) have gotten off to a rough start, but Burgos has been a pleasant surprise since being called up, and hopefully he can continue pitching well.

"The most successful (people) know that performance over the long haul is what counts. If you can seize the day, great. But never forget that there are days yet to come."


~Bill Walsh

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The idea that a team becomes like its manager is absurd.


You can't make a statement like that as fact.


A lot of people on this site have opinions different than yours, you need to realize that every once in a while.


Actually I can make it like it is fact because it is. They might take on a miniscule portion of their personality just like any two people who spend time together but to say that one manager is going to suppress all other personalities is not going to happen. To try to blame these players personalities on Roenicke is nothing short of absurd. These guys are acting exactly the way they always have, we just lost some of the bigger personalities in the clubhouse. Gomez is still looking like he is hopped up on something, Weeks has always been the quite guy, Braun is acting exactly like normal only without Fielders antics, Aramis has always been a quite guy, Lucroy has always come off as nothing but a complete profession etc. Nothing has changed.

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If someone posted in this thread that the manager is what gets them fired up, and he is like a god, would that be ok? Or, are you just disgusted with the negative feelings that managers can cause with the fans?


No, my feeling about the negativity of RRR does not play into why I felt the need to say something here. It has a whole lot to do with not wanting yet one more thread hijacked by the fire the manager crowd. If someone thought the manager was something to be excited about I think this would be an appropriate thread to express that in. My beef is, in a thread titled "help me get excited about this team" some people chose to bring up the need to get rid of the manager. Each subject is it's own thread for a reason. "Fire the manager I can't stand him," doesn't seem appropriate here nor is it very interesting to see that in every stinking thread. All I'm asking is keep the manager bashing to threads about the manager or what is wrong with the team? I honestly don't believe I am alone in wanting that.

There needs to be a King Thames version of the bible.
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The idea that a team becomes like its manager is absurd.


You can't make a statement like that as fact.


A lot of people on this site have opinions different than yours, you need to realize that every once in a while.


Actually I can make it like it is fact because it is. They might take on a miniscule portion of their personality just like any two people who spend time together but to say that one manager is going to suppress all other personalities is not going to happen. To try to blame these players personalities on Roenicke is nothing short of absurd. These guys are acting exactly the way they always have, we just lost some of the bigger personalities in the clubhouse. Gomez is still looking like he is hopped up on something, Weeks has always been the quite guy, Braun is acting exactly like normal only without Fielders antics, Aramis has always been a quite guy, Lucroy has always come off as nothing but a complete profession etc. Nothing has changed.


Actually, just because you say it is, doesn't make it a fact. I am not placing ALL the blame on anyone for the lack of personality on this team, but to think that it can't have anything to do with who manages the team is certainly debatable. I don't think it is necessary to have a team full of characters, I was merely commenting on the post that mentioned the manager having to do with the team attitude.


I'm "quite" sure that when you used the word "quite" in the above post, you meant to say quiet, correct?

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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I think it's hard to get excited because deep down most of us don't feel this team is going to be good enough to make the playoffs.


In our own division it seems obvious that the Cards and Reds are better which basically leaves one potential wild card spot up for grabs. Assuming Atlanta or Washington wins the East then one of them will also be in the hunt for the last spot along with..... SF or AZ,....... Dodgers(assuming they ever get healthy), Rockies, and even the Pirates.


Doesn't seem very likely that we are going to beat out all of those teams.


I could get excited if Helwig and or Pena pitch great in triple A and get called up giving us hope for the future.

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I'm "quite" sure that when you used the word "quite" in the above post, you meant to say quiet, correct?


I can only assume you understand how absolutely pathetic this makes you look to attack a minor spelling error and ignore the rest of my statement? Weeks has never displayed any type of personality, this is not new.

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The Brewers offense is going to be tops in baseball again, and I'm confident about that more than ever. This team is 1 really good SP away from being able to win it all. A mid-season trade for one is imminent in my opinion.
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