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Milwaukee Bucks 2012/2013

Redick COULD help this team...if we didn't have Ellis and a very similar player in Dunleavy. If he were signed next year, this would make more sense, but he's not. And like patrick stated, we gave up two 20 year old draft picks that barely ever saw the floor. It just makes no sense at all.
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The Bucks being terrible hasn't helped draw me back in. I view the Bucks as a lost franchise, hoping to compete for the last playoff spot in a league where half the teams make the playoffs isn't interesting. The team has drifted aimlessly for years, seemingly treading water and trading one group of ok players for another group of OK players every year. As a casual fan I look at the Bucks every year and laugh when the inevitable rearrange of the deck chairs on the Titanic occurs. Jennings is the first young player since Big Dog that has had any star appeal and he isn't even a star in NBA terms. I look at their roster and offseason moves and wonder are they just trying to see how many front court players than can assemble? Then the coach gets fired early in the season but the GM gets an extension? The same GM whom I read was probably on the hot seat for having no discernible plan? I realize Sen. Kohl may not be the best owner and nowadays getting any talent to come to Milwaukee or any city not named, NY, Boston, Miami, LA, Chicago, Dallas is a challenge but that again plays into why the NBA just doesn't interest me as much. The league looks to rigged to reward just a few teams.


The Brewers were terrible for a long time too but I still enjoyed baseball, the Brewers as a team usually at least had a guy or two that stuck around for a few years and were fun to watch. Eventually with Taylor then Melvin (and new owners) a legitimate plan was formulated and followed, I could see that the team was getting better from the ground up. There really isn't a minor league system to get too excited about in the NBA but I don't have any idea what the plan is for the Bucks to improve beyond just being some team that isn't the worst in the league but also is no better than mediocre which is boring.


My expectation for the team is to make some sort of trade at the end of the year that doesn't really improve the team but moves some guys around, flirt with the playoffs, maybe get in maybe not, lose right away if they do. Sign some mid level talent and make some draft moves that leave people wondering what is going on and go into next year with the same, "Hey we aren't worst team in the league!" motto. I'll scan a few articles about them, but won't buy a ticket, a shirt, and generally won't care if they stay or go, which isn't a good place for a sports franchise to be in. They don't seem real concerned about the apathy towards their team which isn't helping the situation and leads me to believe that if Kohl ever sells the team it won't be in Milwaukee for long.


Just hearing on the radio the Bucks made their annual trade of either recently drafted or recently signed players in a flailing attempt at ????? made me want to revisit my earlier post in this thread to see if anything had changed. Nope.


BTW TLB, excellent summation of the Bucks front office.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
I like this move simply because the implosion on RealGM will be entertaining.
"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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I like this move simply because the implosion on RealGM will be entertaining.


Trust Me; you won't be disappointed.


I don't like the trade but I am nothing more than a casual fan. The people that actually care want to stone him for giving up on Harris and Lamb so quickly and for not getting Josh Smith. This deal would make much more sense if Ellis wasn't still here

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I don't watch the bucks, being out of state these days, but keep an eye on them a bit. This makes 0 sense. I would really like JJ on the team but I doubt he sticks around next year. Smith would have been interesting and made me excited despite the fact that people say he's not a great guy to build around. He gets his numbers but he's not a guy to spend a lot on (not sure if he's not a good team player or people don't like him or what). They need to blow this team up.


Edit (I think I was out of it while writing this, Meant smith, not Harris and meant I "would" like JJ instead of wouldn't.) Sorry about that! I also now think it made some sense, but I still think it will be really hard to sign JJ.

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Puzzling move. Hammond just burned several assets to get a guy we'd have no problem signing in the offseason. And left guys like Dalembert, Dunleavy, and Ellis on the roster who will now walk for nothing in the offseason. Hambone = the absolute nut low.


Redick is instantly our best overall guard, but how much does it really matter when you still have Monta Ella and Brandon Jennings most likely taking the bulk of the minutes and shots? Hilarious that those 3 are the only guards on the roster.

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I don't know what to think here. I'm not a big fan of Reddick, but they really didn't give up much to get him. I think that the bigger mistake here would be giving him big money this summer. However this trade left them without any depth at PG. I've got to think that Atlanta backed out at the last minute and left them holding the bag. They must have had two deals going at once with more pieces going out and coming back. I'm not really broken hearted over not getting Smith though.
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Not saying its a good deal. But I assume the Bucks will keep to of the three guards in the off-season. Add that back court with Larry and Ersan...could be a lot worse.


As far as Hammond, I'm just guessing the senator would veto any "blow it up" trade. He has before.

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Redick is instantly our best overall guard


That's why they made the trade.


how much does it really matter when you still have Monta Ellis and Brandon Jennings most likely taking the bulk of the minutes and shots?

That's the problem - they have to play 40+ minutes a night every night because they don't have a good backup SG. Look at last night - both went cold and played sloppy the last 5 minutes, likely because they were tired. Ellis played 89 minutes total in consecutive nights and Jennings played 90. Over the last five games both have averaged over 41 minutes a game. This is because the only backup guard they had was Udrih.


And left guys like Dalembert, Dunleavy, and Ellis on the roster who will now walk for nothing in the offseason.


Udrih was going to walk for nothing in the offseason. No way he's back at $7.8M. If Ellis leaves they will have a ton of cap room, allowing them to sign Redick, Dalembert, and/or Dunleavy, sign other free agents, or get talented players in trades from teams that need to dump salary (see: OKC dumping Harden, Memphis dumping Roy, etc.). And other teams know that Ellis, Dalembert, and Dunleavy can walk from them after the season too, and thus aren't going to give up much in a trade for them. And no one is likely going to trade for Ellis and give up guards in return; if they traded Ellis they would be back to where they were - no guard depth.


I'm not a big fan of Reddick, but they really didn't give up much to get him.


Exactly. Tobias Harris and Doron Lamb? Harris has played a total of 3 minutes in the month of February, and Lamb hasn't seen game action since January 5th. Lamb has played a total of 4 minutes this calendar year, and was recently sent to the D-league. I will agree that Harris is still young enough where he could become something - and it is puzzling how a guy goes from 33 minutes, 18 points, 8-11 shooting on opening night to seeing action in only 10 of the last 33 games. Some people are acting like it's 1981 and they just traded Marques Johnson and Sidney Moncrief. They traded guys who have played a total of 45 minutes since January 1st. And they got a 24-year-old backup PG in the deal too, Ish Smith, who has played more minutes this year than either of Harris or Lamb.

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I think redick will surprise bucks fans in general. I can see him flourishing here


I agree. I think he's the type of guy that Milwaukee would really enjoy. I heard an NBA expert talking prior to the trade that they'd love to have him on their squad and that he's a great piece to the puzzle.

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The point isn't that those guys aren't getting any PT now; the point is that they are both awfully young and trading them for 3 months of Redick who you could have gotten this offseason anyways seems shortsighted. Harris did show some promise this year and we have virtually no Guard depth signed for next year with Lamb gone. Is the extra win or two redick might bring this year really worth the potential of Harris and Lamb. Not to me it isnt
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The trade the Bucks made was one that a contender makes, not a team 1 game under .500, that has no chance at winning a championship. Why give up two cheap young potentially good players for 30 games of a guy that will probably leave at the end of the season?


It's such a short sighted move, and reminds me of how the Brewers used to be run. There doesn't seem to be much thought behind it, and conveys a lack of a plan.


I'm a huge Bucks fan, and will always be one, but I'm losing my patience. It's hard to see more and more people fall off the bandwagon, and become a franchise that is just laughed at by 90% of the people I talk to. If things don't change soon, I believe the Bucks will be forced to move to another city, and that will be a very sad day for me.

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I will say this though; if ATl hadn't back out at the last minute on the Smith deal; MIL would have have a pretty darn good team the rest of the year. If they could have gotten up to a 5-6 seed they definitely could have done some damage in the playoffs. The ramifications of that deal on 2014 and beyond probably wouldn't have been very good though.
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That's why they made the trade.


If the Bucks wind up giving Redick the most minutes out of the 3, I will give them some credit for the deal. But it's almost a lock that he'll be given the least amount of minutes of the 3, because they're the Bucks, and almost everything they do is sub optimal.



That's the problem - they have to play 40+ minutes a night every night because they don't have a good backup SG. Look at last night - both went cold and played sloppy the last 5 minutes, likely because they were tired. Ellis played 89 minutes total in consecutive nights and Jennings played 90. Over the last five games both have averaged over 41 minutes a game. This is because the only backup guard they had was Udrih.


Right. The depth chart has been laughably bad since the first tip. And after this deal, it's now worse. We now have a nice backup sg but no backup pg! Also, Udrih is probably a better point than Jennings, and definitely a better point than Ellis, so getting rid of him is probably going to mostly offset the addition of Redick. Jennings is not a quality starting pg. He belongs as a spark plug bench guy. Ellis has been unbelievably bad as Buck after being mostly a net neutral player as a GSW. Getting rid of him would have been the ultimate addition by subtraction.


Udrih was going to walk for nothing in the offseason. No way he's back at $7.8M. If Ellis leaves they will have a ton of cap room, allowing them to sign Redick, Dalembert, and/or Dunleavy, sign other free agents, or get talented players in trades from teams that need to dump salary (see: OKC dumping Harden, Memphis dumping Roy, etc.). And other teams know that Ellis, Dalembert, and Dunleavy can walk from them after the season too, and thus aren't going to give up much in a trade for them. And no one is likely going to trade for Ellis and give up guards in return; if they traded Ellis they would be back to where they were - no guard depth.


Hey, I'm fine with trading Udrih. If they're trying to win now, they're going to fail pretty miserably with no competent backup pg, and I'm rooting for this to blow up in their faces. So I take that as a positive. Dalembert, Duns, or LRMAM would have EASILY brought back late firsts from contenders, which at least would have brought in prospects, which then allow you to trade for a guy like Harden when then rare opportunity presents itself.



Exactly. Tobias Harris and Doron Lamb?


The way you feel about Tobias now is the same way 99% of people felt about Sanders at this time last year. If they would have traded Sanders in a deal like this last year, Hammond is out of a job and the Bucks look like the morons they actually are. Harris showed he can score efficiently and he's 20. It's not gonna look good in retrospect. And that's not even to bring up they could have just as easily signed Redick in the offseason without giving up any assets.

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They can find another Lamb in the second round this year. Guys like him aren't that rare. Harris showed flashes, he's still very young, but he didn't really look like a future franchise to me. Redick is a good ballplayer, and I think he'll thrive in Milwaukee's system.
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He could thrive in Milwaukee's system next year and it wouldn't have cost us anything but the contract. Since they did it now they are taking a gamble that Harris or Lamb don't turn into anything. If they do amount to even serviceable players they basically just gave them away for free. Plus they were still young and cheap.


And I still don't understand the ultimate goal; Redick might win you an extra game or two this year but you still have no chance in the playoffs and you now have even more unanswered questions going into 2013-2014. You are going to go into next year with another mediocre draft slot, no guard depth whatsoever, and way too many forwards. The roster makeup just sucks. They are now forced to pay Jennings whatever the heck he wants. If somehow Redick, Ellis, and Jennings are all gone this team would be brutal and Kohl would never allow that. They are going to back up the truck to both Jennings and Redick and they will be mediocre in perpetuity.


Hammond is still living off the Salmons deal from a couple years ago when the Bucks got hot and almost got out of the first round. I am still not sure how that one season was enough for Hammond to get an extension. He has been good enough to finish 8-10 in the East, congratulations.

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A Redick/Jennings backcourt wouldn't be that bad going forever, but I just don't see Redick resigning. And if he does along with Jennings, how much money are we paying them? I just don't see it. Regardless of that, we'd still have way, way too many forwards and a mid teens draft slot...again.
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And I still don't understand the ultimate goal; Redick might win you an extra game or two this year but you still have no chance in the playoffs and you now have even more unanswered questions going into 2013-2014.

I agree that this trade is a short term answer and not going to help them beyond this year but the East is really wide open beyond the Heat. If Redick gets them to the 7 seed it really isn't out of the question for the Bucks to make the Eastern Conference Finals.

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I don't agree with the notion that getting to the 7th seed makes no difference. If the bucks get the 8 seed, they play Miami and have no shot to win more than one game.


If they get the 6 or 7 seed, they play NY, Brooklyn, Indiana or Chicago. They have a shot to beat any of those teams. And if they do advance, they avoid Miami again. How is that not wayyyyy better?

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