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The injury thread [Latest 5/28: Luc to 15-day DL with hand fracture]

Brewer Fanatic Contributor

Brewers always tell the truth.


See Braun, Ryan. Lucroy, Jonathan

"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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Brewer Fanatic Contributor

I prefer this one:




"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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JS Online has a new poll up. How can they not have Matt "Salad Tongs" Wise as a choice?


Catcher Jonathan Lucroy, one of the Brewers' few brights spots so far this season, was placed on the disabled list after breaking his hand, reportedly when a suitcase fell on it in his hotel room. That ranks among the weirdest Brewers injuries -- which one is No. 1?


What's the weirdest Brewers injury ever?


Paul Molitor's fractured finger (after trying on another player's glove, 1990)


Steve Sparks' dislocated shoulder (after trying to rip phone book in half, 1994)


Ernest Riles, injured finger (cut on a glass in his kitchen, 1987)


Lucroy's broken hand


Didn't someone (Richie Sexson, maybe) miss a game due to a strained neck after trying on a ball cap that was too small?

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I don't know why that series of events is hard to believe.


1) Suffer injury Sunday night.

2) It hurts, but hope/think it's just a bruise that can be managed. Likely ice it that night/next morning.

3) Test out the hand during an early batting practice, but can't grip the bat properly.

4) Tell manager, see doctor.


Sounds pretty normal to me.

I agree. Are you hurt or are you injured? Players try to play through injuries all the time. I don't see the big deal.


Yea, that all makes perfect sense. when I broke my hand it got real swollen, real fast. But I didn't think it was broken. I think I injured it on a thursday (maybe even a wednesday) and didn't get it x-rayed until sunday. I probably knew something was wrong the next day but I didn't get it checked out partly because I'm stupid, and partly because I have poor healthcare coverage through school (and no money as a result of school) so I didn't want to admit something was really wrong. So once Luc tried BP yesterday he knew something was wrong and got it checked out. Makes total sense to me. How the break actually happened doesn't. It wasn't anything baseball related (like a pitch off the knuckle) because there's no reason for a story if that was the case. Maybe it was the freak accident with a suitcase, but they call it a boxer's fracture for a reason. That's not me thinking any less of Lucroy. Stuff like that happens, and I know first hand why someone would come up with a story rather than say they punched a wall (in my case).


Anyway, like many people have said there's really no reason to debate it. Unfortunately he's injured and he'll be out. That's what matters here. Hopefully he doesn't need surgery because that probably prolongs the recovery time a little bit (and means the break was more severe), the team can pick it up without him, and he'll come back with a hot bat.


Also, surprised no one has mentioned Suppan's pillows yet in regards to dumb injuries. I don't think it put him on the DL, but it's hard to top that.

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This is getting absurd. Nobody has come up with anything that makes me doubt Lucroy's story. It's a pretty embarrassing story to tell if it didn't really happen. If he hit a wall, why wouldn't he say that instead of the suitcase story? Do you know how much crap he'll take for that the rest of the year???? The guy won't be able to move in the clubhouse with all the luggage guys will have hanging from his locker the rest of the year!! The pranksters will have a field day. Not to mention putting his wife out there for public ridicule. Just wouldn't make sense for him to put out this story if it didn't really happen.


As for the medical explanation, they were talking in general terms. None of you have seen the xrays correct? We don'tknow exactly what type of break it is, how severe, etc.


To bring this over to this thread, a boxer's fracture is pretty specific and not general at all. It's a fracture at the neck of the 4th or 5th metacarpal (essentially just below the knuckle of your pinky or ring finger). And it gets that name because 99% of the time it's a result of a closed fist striking a hard/immovable object (in the words of two orthopedic surgeons who saw my x-ray, which probably looks a lot like Lucroy's since it had the same diagnosis). I guess there's always a small chance he's telling the truth, and I hope for his sake he isn't as dumb as I am (that's me being self deprecating, not criticizing Luc), freak accidents happen.


Sorry, I said I'd stop talking about this...but then I saw this in the other thread, and I feel like there are plenty of reasons to doubt Lucroy's story. I don't have any sort of a problem with him using a story (I did the same thing) I just think it's an interesting discussion, and something I can (unfortunately) speak to through experience. Being awful at baseball I don't get to do that a lot here, unless someone brings up Wil Nieves for some reason.

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I have no problem with people accepting Lucroy's story, even though I find it a bit out there. I do think that saying that if he punched something, he would come out and just say that is pretty clearly untrue, though. No pro athlete is going to come out and say, "I got pissed and punched a wall". Much better to have to be a little embarrassed for a few weeks than be labeled a player with a temper problem your entire career, fair or not.
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I have no problem with people accepting Lucroy's story, even though I find it a bit out there. I do think that saying that if he punched something, he would come out and just say that is pretty clearly untrue, though. No pro athlete is going to come out and say, "I got pissed and punched a wall". Much better to have to be a little embarrassed for a few weeks than be labeled a player with a temper problem your entire career, fair or not.


agree with this 100%, on both counts. I don't have a problem with anyone accepting it either, I'm just pointing out why I personally don't.

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If he did puch a wall, why wouldn't he just say he was injured in the previous game, or slammed his hand in the car door? The great detail and odd circumstances he provided seems too unusual and etailed for it NOT to be true.


Think about it. How would you even come up with a story about socks and suitcases? Drop something on the floor while sitting down and reach down to pick it up. I noticed it's habit, don't een thin about it, but my fist is closed braced against my desk. Not a really tight fist, but a fist. So IF it is a boxers fracture (which we don't know is fact) it could have easily happened exactly the way Lucroy described. And again, I really don't think he would put himself and his wife through public abuse if it dodn't really happen that way. Plenty of easy excuses to come up with otherwise.

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If he did puch a wall, why wouldn't he just say he was injured in the previous game, or slammed his hand in the car door? The great detail and odd circumstances he provided seems too unusual and etailed for it NOT to be true.


Think about it. How would you even come up with a story about socks and suitcases? Drop something on the floor while sitting down and reach down to pick it up. I noticed it's habit, don't een thin about it, but my fist is closed braced against my desk. Not a really tight fist, but a fist. So IF it is a boxers fracture (which we don't know is fact) it could have easily happened exactly the way Lucroy described. And again, I really don't think he would put himself and his wife through public abuse if it dodn't really happen that way. Plenty of easy excuses to come up with otherwise.


I'll play Devil's Advocate to your scenario.


Kinda hard to blame it on a previous game injury if he never mentioned hurting his hand in any way previously, no one saw anything at all happen to his hand in a game and it would be pretty easy for someone to go back and look at the game and seek out the play the injury happened on.


Being on the road he may well have not ridden in a car during the previous night. The team may have ridden in a bus making it hard to have any scenario where a car door was involved.


He was in a hotel room and looked around and thought of a possible explanation of what happened, maybe even saw his wife drop a suitcase and it triggered the idea.


Finally what public abuse? I doubt the Dodger fans were giving him any grief. No one is calling his house and leaving nasty messages. People just find his story hard to believe, no one thinks he is the worst person in the world for it or is even that concerned from what I can tell other than people being offended on his behalf that most people don't buy his explanation.


I liked the guys calling in the radio station saying that based on everything they have seen watching the Brewers they don't believe he would make it up or get that angry. Really? Watching a guy take 4 AB's and catch 120 pitches along with an occasional dug out shot makes people think they really know a guy? None of us really know pro athletes from watching them play or what their temper is or what could make them mad or happy or whatever. How many people knew Tiger Woods was hooking up with anything with a pulse for years? How many people knew all the dark stuff about Walter Payton? Edit: My cousin played a dozen years or more in MLB, I've seen him play many times on TV, a few in person, and I have no idea what would make him mad, if he would make up a story to cover an injury, etc. He is a blood relative and there is entire ocean of things I don't know about his personality because we rarely see each other so I harbor no belief that I really know what goes on in any pro athlete's mind /personality because I watch them play or see some interviews.


Next time you are in a hotel bend down and try and retrieve a sock from under the bed. It won't be very far under because the sock isn't going to slide anywhere and hotel beds go all the way to the floor limiting the under space. Notice your face will be right next to the bed where any sliding suitcase would be easily seen or pretty easily seen if your wife is standing right next to you to drop it from maybe a couple inches above your hand (which makes any damage pretty minor) unless for some reason she is carrying it above her head and brings it down like a chair in WWF. And figure out how to position your hand to push in your pinky knuckle from being hit from above. Not to mention getting enough force to break the bone from those positions.


I'm not saying it is impossible but I am saying it is improbable.

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Aren't the brewers the ones who called it a boxers fracture?


Yes they did, several times last night. I actually found that telling, perhaps in a passive-aggressive way. Think about it, as frustrated as fans seem to be over this, I can imagine that the team would even be more upset if this was caused by a split second lack of judgement... they have a lot more on the line. If this was caused by an accident, why use the layman's term? Why not call it a 'fracture of the 4th metacarpal' or something? If this was caused by hitting a wall, I have to think that a physician would be able to tell, because there would likely have been contusions/abrasions on the fingers and knuckles consistent with a closed fist being struck against a wall.

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JS Online has a new poll up. How can they not have Matt "Salad Tongs" Wise as a choice?


Catcher Jonathan Lucroy, one of the Brewers' few brights spots so far this season, was placed on the disabled list after breaking his hand, reportedly when a suitcase fell on it in his hotel room. That ranks among the weirdest Brewers injuries -- which one is No. 1?


What's the weirdest Brewers injury ever?


Paul Molitor's fractured finger (after trying on another player's glove, 1990)


Steve Sparks' dislocated shoulder (after trying to rip phone book in half, 1994)


Ernest Riles, injured finger (cut on a glass in his kitchen, 1987)


Lucroy's broken hand


Didn't someone (Richie Sexson, maybe) miss a game due to a strained neck after trying on a ball cap that was too small?


Not only do I think it was Sexson, but if memory serves, he was putting on a cap in order to take the team photo during spring training.


I would still vote for salad tongs as my favorite non-baseball injury.

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Oh, that is it. I know that fluky injury stories have in the past been floated to cover up embarrassing accidents, but there is zero justification for that kind of backlash, no matter what happened. I'd better not cross paths with any of those "fans" ever.

Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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It says they were doing it on her Facebook page. Well wouldn't that be visible to most people? They would have names of everyone on there. It is completely uncalled for and as a Brewers fan makes me sick to think that there are people that call themselves fans and would treat a woman like that. I am sure she feels horrible enough as it is. Regardless if you believe the story or not, which I do, to treat a woman like that is completely uncalled for.
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As a fan, I get that people are upset about the Lucroy situation. However, harassing a player and even worse a player's family member over something which none of us truly know the story (fabricated or not) is just beyond classless. Besides, he isnt obligated to report to us, the fans on what happens outside of his job. I really want to believe that the "fans" sending the hate mail and messages are the bandwagoner's that have jumped on the Brewers train in the last couple years and not true Brewers fans.
Formerly AirShuttle6104
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Oh, that is it. I know that fluky injury stories have in the past been floated to cover up embarrassing accidents, but there is zero justification for that kind of backlash, no matter what happened. I'd better not cross paths with any of those "fans" ever.


That kind of stuff makes me embarrassed to be a fan of the same team as those people.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor

Oh, that is it. I know that fluky injury stories have in the past been floated to cover up embarrassing accidents, but there is zero justification for that kind of backlash, no matter what happened. I'd better not cross paths with any of those "fans" ever.


That kind of stuff makes me embarrassed to be a fan of the same team as those people.


Salve yourself with the knowledge that there's fans like that of every team.

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Salve yourself with the knowledge that there's fans like that of every team.


True, but I don't care about those teams. You always sort of wish fans of your favorite team were above that stuff, but that's never the case.

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Oh, that is it. I know that fluky injury stories have in the past been floated to cover up embarrassing accidents, but there is zero justification for that kind of backlash, no matter what happened. I'd better not cross paths with any of those "fans" ever.




I don't personally care if he got mad arguing with his wife,because as everyone knows, just because he SEEMS like a really good guy...and probably is, that it's rare in a marriage you get into an argument and might punch a wall walking away in anger over something petty.


The how isn't important(and I think it's more likely he punched a wall at the stadium because he's seemed frustrated a couple of times after poor AB's as of late and had nothing to do with his wife...though they've been rare).



So it's really pathetic how people want to try and basically terrorize someone because a player on their favorite team got hurt.


Man, I LOVE the Brewers as do most of us, but sending hate male to a players wife? You don't love the Brewers then, and you're not much of a fan of Lucroy. HOWEVER some stupid, freak, and I'll bet my house doesn't happen again, accident happened.

Icbj86c-"I'm not that enamored with Aaron Donald either."
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