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Per ESPN: Braun Tests Positive, May Face 50 Game Suspension (Part 1)

ramssuperbowl99 wrote:


Read and learn BF.net

File me squarely under the "I really hope he's not suspended but couldn't give a care what he puts in his body" group

You may not care, others here may not care but it doesn't really matter what we think. All that matters is what MLB thinks and MLB thinks players deserve suspensions for stuff like this.
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First off.....for all of those clamoring to give Kemp the M.V.P., as if he doesn't take PED's........good one.

Second......for those of you who said Braun doesn't have a "Steroid Body", I encourage you to read the initial Sports Illustrated article "Totally Juiced" on steroids. I'm to the point where I believe almost any "extraordinary" baseball player is on some sort of PED and I have been for some time. It'll be amazing when they actually start testing for HGH.

Third.......I heard a story around three years ago from a friend that was drafted in the 15th round by the Tampa Bay Rays. The highest level he ever made it was rookie ball due to injuries. He did, however, give me a little tid bit of information while he played professional ball because he knew I was a brewers fan.

One day while he was rehabbing his injured shoulder he was at the Tampa rehab facility with a player that played college ball with Braun @ Miami (He was also rehabbing an injury). He told my friend that Braun was a juicer back in college and a lot of the players on the team were. Sure enough, right when this story broke he texted me and said essentially "told you so". I didn't report the story back then because I knew it wouldn't do the Brewers any good and no one would believe me anyway. Not that anyone will believe me now but there it is. Maybe this story will help wake people up that in fact #1 Braun is a juicer and #2 a good majority of players in the Majors are probably juicers.

Here is an excerpt from the article S.I. article.....I encourage everyone to read it and get your heads out of the sand:

He is 5'11" and 190 pounds. He is not a home run hitter. Pete is a speedy minor league outfielder. He is also a steroid user who has been juicing up for five years, hoping all those needles in his buttocks will finally get him to the majors. His wife knows about it. Sometimes she's the one who sticks the needle in. "I'm not looking for size," says Pete, who asked that his real name not be used. "I do it for my fast-twitch muscles. If I don't feel good that week or if my hands don't feel good, if they're a little slow, I'll take a shot or get on a cycle. It helps immediately. I notice the difference. My hands are quicker, so my bat is quicker."
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Is this the most let down feeling that we have ever had for a non-game event?

I think so.

I was pretty down when Ulice Payne was let go/left the Brewers. I think those of us who were around BF then felt the same way. There were some discouraging posts (all lost to ezboard). Not to say this isn't also a letdown.
Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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ramssuperbowl99 wrote:


Read and learn BF.net

File me squarely under the "I really hope he's not suspended but couldn't give a care what he puts in his body" group

You may not care, others here may not care but it doesn't really matter what we think. All that matters is what MLB thinks and MLB thinks players deserve suspensions for stuff like this.
Which is why I'm hoping that Braun gets found innocent.
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If Braun is out for 50 games, should we just start the firesale now with Greinke, Marcum, Wolf, Hart, etc? We're screwed. Good thing we don't have him under contract for 10 years so we can distance ourselves.
Yeah, our season is doomed if Braun is out. But you gotta think the Brewers have known about this as long as Braun has. They would've already been preparing if they saw it as an issue. I doubt anything like that happens. Until the trade deadline that is. If we are inevitably out of it, then Melvin will sell off some pieces.
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Is this the most let down feeling that we have ever had for a non-game event?


It's up there, but still behind the Molitor defection and the Gorman trade for me. Like others have said, the older I get, the less attached to players I am.


True, the end of Molitor was pretty rough. And I didn't like the way Trebelhorn handled Cecil Cooper's last season.

I wasn't so affected by the Gorman trade.


The context of this one is pretty tough, though--just days after winning the MVP. . .first division championship in more than a generation. . .right in the heart of a tough offseason. . .this one stings a lot.


Bill Simmons will occasionally talk & write about the '04 Red Sox and how he feels conflicted about finally winning the World Series, and then finding out that Manny and Ortiz were PED users--and how it really detracts from him memories of that team.


Braun is the face of the franchise, so if he tests positive, it makes me wonder who else might be using--and why I should care about the guys on this team.

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My opinion on this is that I'll hold my judgment until this is confirmed or denied. Honestly, I have no idea why anyone thought it was a good idea to let this out until the appeal process was over. Someone should be fired for that. This is far from official. The MLB won't even comment on it at all. I'm just sad for the Brewers and the game of baseball right now. I'd feel bad for Braun too if turns out that he's innocent. I'd be suing somebody for letting this out if that was the case.
Feel free to follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/#!/ItsFunkeFresh
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If Braun actually does get exonerated; I would let the lawsuits fly if I were him. It would be hilarious to see ESPN get sued.


I would be really interested to see who leaked the info; it sure as heck didn't come from Braun's side.

Exactly, Braun has to be absolutely fuming right now that this got out. I would sue the crap out of anyone I thought let this leak if I were him. Assuming he is exonerated that is. Major mistake by whoever did that if that's the case. People will be getting fired.
Feel free to follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/#!/ItsFunkeFresh
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First off.....for all of those clamoring to give Kemp the M.V.P., as if he doesn't take PED's........good one.

Second......for those of you who said Braun doesn't have a "Steroid Body", I encourage you to read the initial Sports Illustrated article "Totally Juiced" on steroids. I'm to the point where I believe almost any "extraordinary" baseball player is on some sort of PED and I have been for some time. It'll be amazing when they actually start testing for HGH.

Third.......I heard a story around three years ago from a friend that was drafted in the 15th round by the Tampa Bay Rays. The highest level he ever made it was rookie ball due to injuries. He did, however, give me a little tid bit of information while he played professional ball because he knew I was a brewers fan.

One day while he was rehabbing his injured shoulder he was at the Tampa rehab facility with a player that played college ball with Braun @ Miami (He was also rehabbing an injury). He told my friend that Braun was a juicer back in college and a lot of the players on the team were. Sure enough, right when this story broke he texted me and said essentially "told you so". I didn't report the story back then because I knew it wouldn't do the Brewers any good and no one would believe me anyway. Not that anyone will believe me now but there it is. Maybe this story will help wake people up that in fact #1 Braun is a juicer and #2 a good majority of players in the Majors are probably juicers.

Here is an excerpt from the article S.I. article.....I encourage everyone to read it and get your heads out of the sand:

He is 5'11" and 190 pounds. He is not a home run hitter. Pete is a speedy minor league outfielder. He is also a steroid user who has been juicing up for five years, hoping all those needles in his buttocks will finally get him to the majors. His wife knows about it. Sometimes she's the one who sticks the needle in. "I'm not looking for size," says Pete, who asked that his real name not be used. "I do it for my fast-twitch muscles. If I don't feel good that week or if my hands don't feel good, if they're a little slow, I'll take a shot or get on a cycle. It helps immediately. I notice the difference. My hands are quicker, so my bat is quicker."

The article is from 2002 and a MUST read for anyone interested about steroids and PED's in baseball.

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My brother called me with the news and my heart sunk. Really low. Worst feeling in the history of me being a sports fan. But now that my head has cleared and I read through the thread, I don't think he did it. Which is good, because it would certainly permanently ruin my passion for the Brewers.


If he indeed did steroids or testosterone or whatever, you can mark down 12/10/2011 as the end of the Brewers' latest success run, similar to the Molitor trade. As for Braun, he either threw his entire career down the drain or everything we saw up to this point has been a lie. He would be an amazingly good liar.


But he clearly didn't do it. 0% chance. Nobody outside of Manny Ramirez would be dumb enough to take a banned substance in this era. And we all know that Ryan Braun is an intelligent athlete beyond any reasonable doubt. I fully believe he would confess if he was guilty, they all know there is no escaping an actual positive these days. Or at least the Ryan Braun I thought I knew would confess. It's always different when you are the accused one.


We did Cardinals fans a nice favor, they can laugh at us for a few days until the truth comes out. Of course there will always be some who will put a cloud over Braun for this, but they are the ones who didn't like him anyway. The bordering-on-obnoxious swagger is my favorite part about him and there's nothing more fun than annoying the opposition, especially stuck up Cards fans. In that case, the real shame is that this news leaked.


In the event that I am actually in a state of denial, I had a great run as a Milwaukee Brewers fan and I wish everyone the best. There would be no recovering from this for me. And those of you who know me from the IGTs know that I do not make knee-jerk reactions. I am 100% serious, it could have been any of the other 24 guys on the team and I would have been fine, but if Ryan Braun of all people is a cheater and a liar, then there are way better things to do with my life and I am [expletive] done with baseball.


I doubt I will miss it because the post-Fielder and clean Braun Milwaukee Brewers will not be much fun to watch for a long, long time.

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If Braun actually does get exonerated; I would let the lawsuits fly if I were him. It would be hilarious to see ESPN get sued.
It would be hilarious to see ESPN get sued and fold. We really need regional sports coverage. This national coverage is terrible.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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My brother called me with the news and my heart sunk. Really low. Worst feeling in the history of me being a sports fan. But now that my head has cleared and I read through the thread, I don't think he did it. Which is good, because it would certainly permanently ruin my passion for the Brewers.


If he indeed did steroids or testosterone or whatever, you can mark down 12/10/2011 as the end of the Brewers' latest success run, similar to the Molitor trade. As for Braun, he either threw his entire career down the drain or everything we saw up to this point has been a lie. He would be an amazingly good liar.

But he clearly didn't do it. 0% chance. Nobody outside of Manny Ramirez would be dumb enough to take a banned substance in this era. And we all know that Ryan Braun is an intelligent athlete beyond any reasonable doubt. I fully believe he would confess if he was guilty, they all know there is no escaping an actual positive these days. Or at least the Ryan Braun I thought I knew would confess...

Come on, athletes are always looking for an edge. If Braun did take PED's, it's because he was convinced by someone that what he was taking wouldn't be noticed by the testing. Look at the Victor Conte Balco scandal and all the high profile athletes who were involved in it, many of whom had to take drug tests. They still took the PED's for a simple reason, they were told that they wouldn't get caught.

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Come on, athletes are always looking for an edge. If Braun did take PED's, it's because he was convinced by someone that what he was taking wouldn't be noticed by the testing. Look at the Victor Conte Balco scandal and all the high profile athletes who were involved in it, many of whom had to take drug tests. They still took the PED's for a simple reason, they were told that they wouldn't get caught.

He's Ryan Braun, he doesn't need an edge. He's the MVP. Maybe he took steroids in college, but there's no way he was continuing to use steroids in the last 5 years without being caught already. And how could anyone believe that they wouldn't get caught. It isn't 2005 anymore.

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My brother called me with the news and my heart sunk. Really low. Worst feeling in the history of me being a sports fan. But now that my head has cleared and I read through the thread, I don't think he did it. Which is good, because it would certainly permanently ruin my passion for the Brewers.


If he indeed did steroids or testosterone or whatever, you can mark down 12/10/2011 as the end of the Brewers' latest success run, similar to the Molitor trade. As for Braun, he either threw his entire career down the drain or everything we saw up to this point has been a lie. He would be an amazingly good liar.


But he clearly didn't do it. 0% chance. Nobody outside of Manny Ramirez would be dumb enough to take a banned substance in this era. And we all know that Ryan Braun is an intelligent athlete beyond any reasonable doubt. I fully believe he would confess if he was guilty, they all know there is no escaping an actual positive these days. Or at least the Ryan Braun I thought I knew would confess. It's always different when you are the accused one.


We did Cardinals fans a nice favor, they can laugh at us for a few days until the truth comes out. Of course there will always be some who will put a cloud over Braun for this, but they are the ones who didn't like him anyway. The bordering-on-obnoxious swagger is my favorite part about him and there's nothing more fun than annoying the opposition, especially stuck up Cards fans. In that case, the real shame is that this news leaked.


In the event that I am actually in a state of denial, I had a great run as a Milwaukee Brewers fan and I wish everyone the best. There would be no recovering from this for me. And those of you who know me from the IGTs know that I do not make knee-jerk reactions. I am 100% serious, it could have been any of the other 24 guys on the team and I would have been fine, but if Ryan Braun of all people is a cheater and a liar, then there are way better things to do with my life and I am [expletive] done with baseball.


I doubt I will miss it because the post-Fielder and clean Braun Milwaukee Brewers will not be much fun to watch for a long, long time.


I agree with everything you said. I'll probably still be a casual fan though.

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Remember this: it doesn't matter whether Braun is a "juicer" or not. All that matters is whether he "failed" the test, and Braun is in the legal position of having to prove that he didn't fail it.


It's kind of like "drunk driving". It doens't matter if you're impaired. If you fail the blood/breath test, you've already broken the law, regardless of whether you're impaired or not. The test is not just evidence, it's a case all by itself.

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Does anyone know why CAA can't divulge the specifics of Braun's test, which they clearly know? If Braun really is innocent, wouldn't it be in his best interest for his agent to come out and explain in full detail what exactly is going on as soon as possible?


obsessedwithbrewcrew - You have to step off the ledge buddy. Even if the worst is true, the Brewers will be Braunless for only 50 games. The franchise will go on. He's just an athlete trying to be the best, like all the rest.

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This is a like a bad, bad dream. It doesn't look good for Ryan, but I hope he's in the right. Can't say I feel great about that being the case however.

You don't have an Adam Wainwright. Easily the best gentlemen in all of sports. You don't have the amount of real good old American men like the Cardinals do. Holliday, Wainwright, Skip, Berkman those 4 guys are incredible people



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He's Ryan Braun, he doesn't need an edge. He's the MVP. Maybe he took steroids in college, but there's no way he was continuing to use steroids in the last 5 years without being caught already. And how could anyone believe that they wouldn't get caught. It isn't 2005 anymore.
They have rigorous testing in cycling and Lance Armstrong was never caught. I personally believe that many/most pro athletes are using some type of performance enhancing drugs and people are naive if they think they aren't.
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jason21nl]If true, how could you ever root for the guy again? I couldn't. I'll hope his results help the Brewers, but I couldn't root for the guy. If that makes sense.


It makes total sense.


I don't want him to hit a walkoff homer, and then have me left with some nagging doubt the rest of the night. It sucks all the fun out of being a fan.

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