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Per ESPN: Braun Tests Positive, May Face 50 Game Suspension (Part 1)

Again, Braun was never "caught for PEDs." A set of ESPN reporters reported that he failed a test. MLB doesn't suspend him, he hasn't been caught.

Exactly. This is looking more and more like it is just horrible journalism by ESPN, out to sensationalize something that should have never come to light. There has been no suspension. The 2nd test was negative.

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Again, Braun was never "caught for PEDs." A set of ESPN reporters reported that he failed a test. MLB doesn't suspend him, he hasn't been caught.

Exactly. This is looking more and more like it is just horrible journalism by ESPN, out to sensationalize something that should have never come to light. There has been no suspension. The 2nd test was negative.

Where did you guys see this? Everything I have read on ESPN says that he tested positive for a PED, which Braun's camp has also confirmed.


I haven't seen anything in the articles to suggest that ESPN has been "reaching" on this story.


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Again, Braun was never "caught for PEDs." A set of ESPN reporters reported that he failed a test. MLB doesn't suspend him, he hasn't been caught.

Exactly. This is looking more and more like it is just horrible journalism by ESPN, out to sensationalize something that should have never come to light. There has been no suspension. The 2nd test was negative.

Where did you guys see this? Everything I have read on ESPN says that he tested positive for a PED, which Braun's camp has also confirmed.


I haven't seen anything in the articles to suggest that ESPN has been "reaching" on this story.

In order to be "caught" one has to be in trouble with the authority. MLB is silent on the issue. It's just a rumor mill at this point, and I fear defaming on Braun.
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Again, Braun was never "caught for PEDs." A set of ESPN reporters reported that he failed a test. MLB doesn't suspend him, he hasn't been caught.

Exactly. This is looking more and more like it is just horrible journalism by ESPN, out to sensationalize something that should have never come to light. There has been no suspension. The 2nd test was negative.

Until we learn more about this "second test", I wouldn't put too much weight on the result of that test. If it's a test of a different sample, it really doesn't change the fact that the first test was positive. In the eyes of the testing regime, a positive test is a positive test. To the world, to whom the message is transmitted simplistically and without nuance by the media, it means you're a cheat. In a world were there are lots of shades of grey it's nice to have a place where we can clearly identify the white hats and the black hats. Drug testing in sports is one of those places.

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Another scenario for thought:


You work at a place that requires you to take drug tests. You're in a high profile position with a visible organization. Now imagine your HR person approaches you and tells you that you've failed a drug test and you're going to lose your job. You know that you didn't take the drug for which you tested positive. How are you going to handle this? Now assume that, to keep your job, YOU are the one that has to prove that you didn't take the drug. How are you going to prove you didn't do something? Every time you say you didn't, they say "We have a positive test that says you did."


How do you keep your job? How do you salvage your reputation.


That's pretty much the situation Braun is in, if he is in fact innocent. His word means nothing. He is presumed guilty. He can't explain why the test says he's guilty because he most likely doesn't know why the test says he's guilty. If there is something in his sample that he can't explain, he's guilty. Even if he can explain it, most explanations will nonetheless leave him adjudged as guilty. If he rushes to explain his situation without fully understanding it, and then more facts come to light which cast doubt upon his explanation, it looks like he was just making up a story to further his denials. If proclaims his innocence, he is just another cheater in denial. If he offers no explanation, he is assumed not to have one.


This is the system we have built to root out drug cheats. There are some good reasons for having the system we have. There are also minimal protections for those who stand accused of wrongdoing. I guess since we're not sending anyone to prison with the system that makes it OK, right? Right?

You seem to have some knowledge of how testing works and i'm confused about something. In the Hardricourt blog this was in there.


"But a source familiar with the situation told the Journal Sentinel that a

second test requested by Braun was negative and was being used in the

appeal process to overturn the first results."


If true about the second test, i wonder just how strong that can be in

his defense? How soon say after a initial test is a second one done?


Another thing i don't get is, why couldn't a second test be run on the

initial sample which was taken? Or does a second sample have to be taken

to see if a potential mistake was made the first time?


If the

amount of potential PED's in an athletes system degrades with each day

that goes by, any second sample not taken near immediately after the

first would seem to benefit the athlete, thus making that second test

less to much less relevant? So if say any athlete is flagged as a user, but

truly felt he was innocent and wanted a second test, it would seem that

the first test should be done soon enough so that a second test could be

done before it's largely irrelevant.


Basically, i'm wondering if a second test truly coming up negative would pretty much exonerate Braun or would there be multiple other factors involved?

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In order to be "caught" one has to be in trouble with the authority. MLB is silent on the issue. It's just a rumor mill at this point, and I fear defaming on Braun.

This is what I am asking about. Where is the "caught" coming from? Everything I have read says that he tested positive in MLB's drug test for PED's. Since Braun's camp is not even denying this, I think it's safe to believe he did test positive.


Unless I am missing something, and I every well may be, I don't see why someone would be upset with ESPN. Now the people who leaked the story to ESPN, that could be a different story.....

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As of right now, I don't believe anyone. I don't believe ESPN, as they have proven numerous times they're "breaking news" stories are partially true, or not true at all. With that said, I don't believe Ryan Braun either necessarily. I've met Braun, seemed like a nice guy and not arrogant as we often hear. But I don't KNOW him, and I doubt any of us do. We all have players we like personally, based on what we know about them. But our perceptions are often dead wrong.


So I'll only be mildly surprised (yet very upset) if he does end up being suspended. Putting perceptions aside, we have a player with a lingering injury, textbook case for someone who may want a little extra help in recovery. I don't know if that's true, I hope it isn't. But just because he's Ryan Braun, I like him, and he doesn't "seem" like a guy who would juice, doesn't make it so.


Atmitedly, I know very little about the science of testing. Just seems to me IF he did fail a test, that doesn't look good. Regardless if he passed a second test or not. I would need to know what the percentage of false positives are in this type of testing.

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In order to be "caught" one has to be in trouble with the authority. MLB is silent on the issue. It's just a rumor mill at this point, and I fear defaming on Braun.

Huh? Not sure where you are even going with the authority thing.


To be caught by MLB, one has to fail a drug test...... he did. He's got an excuse and a clean 2nd test taken at a later date, doesn't look like a good defense. MLB isn't speaking because it's going through the legal process, this is normal.


If I take the fandom out, it doesn't look good........ The facts at this

point are that Braun has a positive test and that MLB is currently

reviewing his case to determine if he will be suspended 50 games. It comes down to whether you believe Braun or not and at this point, we don't even know his defense because he says he can't speak on that matter at this moment because of the pending legal matter.


There is no rumor mill people, Braun's camp confirmed the positive test - Braun claims he can't defend himself publicly because of the ongoing legal process. All we can do is wait and see this point, MLB will makes it's decision and then Braun will speak publicly.


The only group sensationalizing anything is the ones getting up in arms at ESPN for simply reporting what they found out - I dislike ESPN as much as the next guy, but they've done nothing wrong here.

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Check out the splits from an admitted steroid user, Ken Caminiti, who says he started using steroids in the 2nd half of 1996 (the year he won the MVP)


1st Half: 12 HR, 49 RBI, .294 BA, .859 OPS

2nd Half: 28 HR, 81 RBI, .360 BA, 1.203 OPS




I've seen no such strange splits or bizarre stat trends in Braun's career. Unless one is going to claim that he's been juicing his whole career...

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Great couple of months for the ole Brew Crew--I'm sure Prince will be a Cub by the end of the week, too.


What's the payoff here again? Why do I care about this team and these guys? Because I have since childhood? I stopped playing with GI Joes a few decades ago, too.

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The issue isn't with ESPN...it should be with whomever leaked the story to ESPN.



That's how I'm reading into it to. From what I am hearing this is something that isn't supposed to be public knowledge. Braun isn't appealing since he hasn't been suspended. It seems more that MLB is at the stage of determining if the initial positive was even legitimate.

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To be caught by MLB, one has to fail a drug test...... he did.
This is incorrect. He was not "caught" anymore than a suspected whomever is arrested by the Milwaukee PD on suspicion of whatever.


It has to be proven in court.


He apparently failed 50% of his drug test this time, and last I knew, a test that is made inconclusive when a subsequent test is negative.


Vilify all you want, I'll stand behind him

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His camp admitted it........ what more do you want? Do you also think oj is innocent?


I haven't vilified at all. He failed the whole test, testosterone level was high the first run through - then the 2nd run, they tested to see if it was natural. It was not.


Unless Braun has video of TLR taking advantage of him with bright lights and wine.................. my point is, he better have inconclusive proof as to why he failed the test.

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His camp admitted it........ what more do you want? Do you also think oj is innocent?


I haven't vilified at all. He failed the whole test, testosterone level was high the first run through - then the 2nd run, they tested to see if it was natural. It was not.


Unless Braun has video of TLR taking advantage of him with bright lights and wine.................. my point is, he better have inconclusive proof as to why he failed the test.

His camp has admitted nothing. This is the full statement from his agency:

There are highly unusual circumstances surrounding this case which will

support Ryan's complete innocence and demonstrate there was absolutely

no intentional violation of the program. While Ryan has impeccable

character and no previous history, unfortunately, because of the process

we have to maintain confidentiality and are not able to discuss it any

further, but we are confident he will ultimately be exonerated."


Neither he nor MLB can comment on this at all due to the impending arbitration. You can trust this anonymous source all you want but I am going to wait until the process plays itself out before I condemn Braun. ESPN should never have reported this in the first place until the appeal was finished. If he is exonerated by his appeal it will be tough to bring his reputation back to where it was before the report.

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...on a more serious note, if Braun comes back from this and continues to mash, people won't think much of it. Its not like he turned himself into a human meatball like McGwire or Giambi.


I know steroids work for skinny players as well, but it gives him slightly more legitimacy that the former.


I guess I don't really care much, other than having him miss 50 games is going to suck. Steroids don't turn quadruple A players into All-Stars...they take people who are already pretty good and give them a slight edge. Bonds, McGwire, and Pudge were all fantastic hitters before they even bulked up.


If Braun can come back and mash, people won't forget, but it will become less of a big deal.


One thing's guaranteed though: this definitely marks the end of "Beast Mode"...which now could be seen in an entirely differnt light... ;-) (hopefully that's not "too soon")

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I just got back from work and read this entire thread. Frankly, I'm upset to be associated with many of you! Within seconds of hearing the news come out, the majority of you were chastising him and passing judgment on information you did not know anything about. As stated earlier, if this story would not have been leaked to ESPN, and he is found innocent, then none of us would ever have known about this. I feel confident that Braun will win his appeal and everyone of you who threw stones at Braun tonight will have to answer to yourselves and seriously kick yourselves in the behind.

How dare you! Wait till the facts come out.


In Braun I trust! When has he ever demonstrated a personality, physical structure, change in his game that warrants ANY of you to cast blame. He's been a model of consistency. PEDS result in changes in your production patterns.


I'm very very disappointed in many of you.



I have the opposite opinion as brewtank34. In my line of work, I deal with a lot of "Not MY child" parents. Example: "Ma'am, your daughter was arrested for drunk driving. A concerned citizen following her for two miles called 911. According to the citizen witness, your daughter could barely keep her car on the road. When officers made contact with her, she stunk of booze, performed poorly on field sobriety tests, and then was arrested. Her BAC was a .15 when the Intoximeter test was administered." The response I've heard, "Not my child. You must be mistaken. Someone must have spiked her drink. I don't trust the police. This better not appear in the paper. I'm getting a lawyer, and I am going to sue you guys." Another example: "Ma'am, your daughter was arrested for retail theft. She was in possession of $45 in cosmetics that she did not pay for." Response, "Not my child. That doesn't sound like something my child would do." My response, "But ma'am, your daughter was caught on surveillance camera looking around for employees, and then seen placing the cosmetics in her purse. Response, "Not my child. You are wrong. I know my daughter, and she is not capable of such a thing. She probably just forgot she put them in her purse."


Just like there are people condemning Braun, there are people showing blind loyalty to Ryan Braun. None of us actually know Ryan Braun. You may think you do, but you don't. Our heroes are capable of making foolish mistakes. Good people do stupid things.


The FACT is Ryan Braun's sample tested positive for a performance enhancing drug. Braun's camp admitted to such. You can play the conspiracy theory game and say his sample was switched, tainted, etc. However, the phrase being thrown around by Mark Attanasio and others is "no intentional violation." That scares me. That sounds a lot like Barry Bonds' flaxseed oil and arthritis cream defense.

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To be caught by MLB, one has to fail a drug test...... he did.
This is incorrect. He was not "caught" anymore than a suspected whomever is arrested by the Milwaukee PD on suspicion of whatever.


It has to be proven in court.


He apparently failed 50% of his drug test this time, and last I knew, a test that is made inconclusive when a subsequent test is negative.


Vilify all you want, I'll stand behind him

No it really isn't like that. A positive test is basically a guilty verdict. Now its a stupid way to do things, but drug panic is a stupid thing in this society. Braun right now is basically a guy in prison trying to prove his innocence (yeah he technically isn't serving his sentence yet but it flows better this way). He now has the burden of proof to show that something nefarious occurred or that the sample got tainted. A second draw unless it happened very shortly after the first (which given the pace of lab results is unlikely) will mean very little.

I don't get why ESPN has become a villain here. MLB has some employees or some lab/legal contractors leaking things to ESPN almost certainly in violation of their contracts and perhaps even violations of the law. This is a big story and ESPN did do due diligence. It's true that Braun failed a PED test and is facing a 50 game suspension. There is nothing to sue about.


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