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Look what happens when a Brewers fan tries to be gracious.




See also the thread titled "Nyjer Morgan reminds me of a crusty, little turd." To put this in context, Gateway Redbirds is the most intelligent Cardinals fan site I've seen.


Honestly, "I hate your team and I hate you"? Can you even imagine anybody on this site treating a polite (or even impolite) visitor like that? In fairness, a couple of the posters behaved like grownups, but the level of arrogance and just plain nastiness makes me feel a lot better about our little fan community.

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See also the thread titled "Nyjer Morgan reminds me of a crusty, little turd." To put this in context, Gateway Redbirds is the most intelligent Cardinals fan site I've seen.


Honestly, "I hate your team and I hate you"? Can you even imagine anybody on this site treating a polite (or even impolite) visitor like that? In fairness, a couple of the posters behaved like grownups, but the level of arrogance and just plain nastiness makes me feel a lot better about our little fan community.

This internet community is unique in that sarcasm is basically not allowed- or made very obvious by blue font when it is used. It's nice because then there can actually be serious discussions. Most other forums that I've been to take the opposite approach and nothing can really be taken seriously. Elsewhere on the internet I just kind of assume that everything is a joke and even if the jokes aren't funny it at least makes those places tolerable if I just assume that all nastiness is tongue-in-cheek.
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As an aside, blue isn't "very obvious" to everybody. We have a colorblind member who can't see it. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif

That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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For a fan base that claims to "know it all" they still don't take the two minutes to find out why the Brewers do what they do on the field.

Take the shirt untucking thing. Never bothered to find out the story behind it, just made assumptions.

Now the Monster's Inc. Beast mode. Completely gloss over the fact it started because Fielder's kids wanted him to do it for them. Then the rest of the players and fans caught on to it, liked it, and started doing it.

Just assume it's all because the Brewers are arrogant and "showboating". http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/eyes.gif

Pompous, know-it-all, asses is all well over 50% of them are.

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When you walk around on other people's turf, you've got to expect that you're going to take a little of it.

Especially in the midst of a really tough, emotional series--They want to win as much as we do, so it's best to save the pleasantries for later, when emotions aren't as intense.

There are people on this site who have ripped Pujols and LaRussa and Molina and the "classiness" of the Cardinals, so it shouldn't shock us that they might dislike some things about the Brewers or their fans.

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I posted this little story from a game I went to in St Louis during the 2008 season. It was the July 24th game when Braun won it with a 9th inning 2-run HR.


We were sitting about 25 rows up from the field. There was an older Cards fan sitting one row in front of us. Probably in his late 60's/early 70's or so, the hard-ass type of guy, you know. Well there was a group of four Brewer fans who were not doing anything too bad. Just cheering for the Brewers, loudly yes, but not sticking it in any Cards fan faces. The hard-ass Cards fan yells over to them, "you're not getting out of the stadium alive". When they left, the hard-ass and his family walked right past us. The son said we were okay but those other Brewer fans were, out of hand or something like that. I said, "well every team has those kinds of fans, it goes both ways". OMG, I thought the old man was going to have a heart attack or punch me. Huffing and puffing, you know what I mean. I didn't say anything, but I wanted to say, "you don't think so? Well instead of sitting down here in your expensive seats, try going up to the cheap seats once and then tell me you don't have those kinds of fans."


Also heard the son mutter under his breath "mmm, 10 championships."

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Every fan base has their d-bags, especially on the internet. People talking obscene amounts of smack act like they are players on the team- 'we' this, 'we' that... From what I saw at Miller Park, most of the Card fans were decent. Some were annoying, but generally decent. I'm not the type to travel to an opposing ballpark in full regalia (heck, I don't usually even get fully decked out in Brewers gear), so I don't really understand why someone would want to put themselves up for potential abuse- but hey, whatever floats their boat. It is fun to watch them make the 'walk of shame' after the top of the 8th though.
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The Cards are the self proclaimed keepers of baseball. It's OK if TLR deems it to be appropriate. I find it annoying but they've kind of earned it by, well, winning.


The Brewers are polar opposites. They have fun and do goofy crap that would annoy most on this board if it weren't the Brewers doing it. Oil and water. It's what makes a rivalry and it's why rivalries aren't friendly. I just love that SOMEBODY hates the Brewers because nobody is blasting the Astros right now.

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The thing that pisses me off is when their fans (or fans of any team really) say well we have X amount of championships so even if you win this year, you still suck. I just don't understand that line of thinking. Because the team won a bunch of championships (most of them before a lot of fans were even born) and these hometown fans just so happen to have been "lucky" enough to be born there and therefore root for them, it makes them better? I don't get it. The Packers have won the most NFL championships but I don't think that makes Packer fans any better than anyone else. And when things start going bad, a lot of these fans are the first ones to jump ship. I remember in August reading the Cardinals boards and everyone said the season was over and the team was terrible, etc.
This is Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and I'm talkin' to whoever's listenin' out there.
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The Cards are the self proclaimed keepers of baseball. It's OK if TLR deems it to be appropriate. I find it annoying but they've kind of earned it by, well, winning.


The Brewers are polar opposites. They have fun and do goofy crap that would annoy most on this board if it weren't the Brewers doing it. Oil and water. It's what makes a rivalry and it's why rivalries aren't friendly. I just love that SOMEBODY hates the Brewers because nobody is blasting the Astros right now.

I personally wouldn't be offended by it if it were a different team. Baseball is a game and is meant to be fun. I wish all teams would show that they're having fun like the Brewers, as long as they aren't directing it toward the other team/rubbing it in their faces.

This is Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and I'm talkin' to whoever's listenin' out there.
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When you walk around on other people's turf, you've got to expect that you're going to take a little of it.


Especially in the midst of a really tough, emotional series--They want to win as much as we do, so it's best to save the pleasantries for later, when emotions aren't as intense.


I kinda feel the same. I didn't see too much that was out of line there. Truthfully, if the Cards did the beast mode thing all the time we'd be annoyed with them too. I actually think it's gone a little overboard myself when we're down 7-2 and Braun is sitting on second 'beast moding'. Personally I have had 0 problems with Cards fans. I went to St. Louis last year with a small group and sat in the bleachers with no other Brewer fans around us. We cheered all game, albeit not obnoxiously and didn't talk any crap to the people around us, and nobody ever said a word to us. Brewers won 1-0 and we went out and celebrated and only one person we ran into the whole night told us to go home.


I do think their organization tries to portray itself as the classy, we're better than you organization. LaRussa being the biggest whiner in the game along with some of his bush league antics has me disliking him more than anything. For me, Cubs fans are 1000 times worse. At least you could probably talk to a random Cards fan and have an actual baseball conversation. I'm fairly certain half the fans at Cubs games couldn't even name more than 5 players off their own team, but somehow they're still the greatest and have no problem letting you know about how it in a vulgar and obnoxious fashion.

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H4P wrote:
The Brewers ... have fun and do goofy crap that would annoy most on this board if it weren't the Brewers doing it.
How many were/are annoyed with the Rangers Claw and Antlers? This isn't much different. Except for Morgan. I would be totally upset if he was still on the Pirates and doing this stuff. I'm starting to get annoyed by it now.

The poster previously known as Robin19, now @RFCoder

EA Sports...It's in the game...until we arbitrarily decide to shut off the server.

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I just love the fact that they think Morgan is a disgrace to the game and that Greinke was trash talking or whatever. It's so stupid. Morgan definitely gets the other teams going, but he plays the game hard and if he was a Cardinal they'd love him. Plus, it's amazing that they can just turn a blind eye to that punk of a catcher they have. First he berates and spits on an umpire and they don't care at all, then he does his little cry-baby routine (I think it's supposed to be that dumbass squirrel thing) and they don't care about that either. I mean, if you're going to hate on Morgan and beast mode at least find somewhere in your brain to process that your team does the same exact things.


As far as Greinke, he said that the other guys on the team hate Carpenter, not him. And Carpenter does have a phony attitude on the mound. He tries to be tough, then when he's off the mound he's trying to explain things to his son.


I hate the Cardinals, but I don't hate their fans....until I read dumb crap like I just read. Grow up and move on.

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Meh. Most of those guys seem pretty reasonable. I think the main difference here is that somehow the "riff raff" don't seem to stick around on this board.


I haven't had problems with Cards fans at Miller Park. They're generally pretty respectful and enjoy watching the game.


It's hard not to be a football first state when the Packers have been arguably the greatest franchise in NFL history and the Brewers have been one of the worst franchises over the last 40 years. I do think there are a lot of baseball first people in Wisconsin now, but I think it would be foolish to deny that the Packers are still king.

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The thing that pisses me off is when their fans (or fans of any team really) say well we have X amount of championships so even if you win this year, you still suck. I just don't understand that line of thinking. Because the team won a bunch of championships (most of them before a lot of fans were even born) and these hometown fans just so happen to have been "lucky" enough to be born there and therefore root for them, it makes them better? I don't get it. The Packers have won the most NFL championships but I don't think that makes Packer fans any better than anyone else. And when things start going bad, a lot of these fans are the first ones to jump ship. I remember in August reading the Cardinals boards and everyone said the season was over and the team was terrible, etc.
Yeah, this bugs the crap out of me. I was born in this state, and am a huge Packers fan. I don't go around bragging about all their championships, though. It's not like I fondly recall memories of Vince Lombardi and Bart Starr. Cardinals fans (especially younger ones) do this all the time, though, as if most of them really remember Bob Gibson and Stan Musial personally.
The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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I have tremendous respect for any fan that travels to see their team play. It costs a lot and doesn't happen unless someone is a pretty big fan. I had no probs with them last year when we were in StL for a road trip. But the hypocritical nature with which they view their team is rather amazing.


And if you look at how the Brewers have been supported in recent years its remarkable. To have one of the smallest markets and to avg ~3M fans when you have made the playoffs once in 29 years is amazing. Its easy to get fans when you win all the time. Look at all the gear the Yanks sell. But to have a team supported without that kind of history is MORE of a badge of honor to me.


If you look at the Regional Sports Network ratings for teams the Phillies were #1 and the Cards were 2, and Brewers were #3 just ahead of the Red Sox. Pretty good for both teams.

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I don't go around bragging about all their championships, though. It's not like I fondly recall memories of Vince Lombardi and Bart Starr.


You personally may not but I know several people who do.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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I don't go around bragging about all their championships, though. It's not like I fondly recall memories of Vince Lombardi and Bart Starr.


You personally may not but I know several people who do.

My point was that most of these Cardinals fans that do the bragging were probably still in diapers when the team won their last championship before 2006.
The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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Meh. Most of those guys seem pretty reasonable. I think the main difference here is that somehow the "riff raff" don't seem to stick around on this board.


I haven't had problems with Cards fans at Miller Park. They're generally pretty respectful and enjoy watching the game.


It's hard not to be a football first state when the Packers have been arguably the greatest franchise in NFL history and the Brewers have been one of the worst franchises over the last 40 years. I do think there are a lot of baseball first people in Wisconsin now, but I think it would be foolish to deny that the Packers are still king.

For the record, I have been a baseball first fan since about 2002, when the brewers still sucked. I was also a baseball first fan as a small child listening to uecker in the summer, but I went through a very immature phase when I was packers first in the 90s, as a teenager. (Of course, the brewers were never on TV, though I still listened to uecker fairly regularly). Now I don't really give two hoots about the packers. If they win, cool, but if they lose, I just giggle at all the depressed people on Monday morning. That hasn't happened lately though.
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"Every fan base has their d-bags, especially on the internet. People talking obscene amounts of smack act like they are players on the team- 'we' this, 'we' that"



It's really kind of funny when you think about it. Don't get me wrong, I am a rabid Brewers fan and routinely say "we" this and "we" that, but I never really understood trash talking among fans. "Hey, these random guys I've never met that happen to play baseball in my city are better than those random guys that play in your city!" Ok....so what? Baseball is fun, I love it, I live and die by it, but all the chest puffing and arrogance over the skills of strangers is comical to me sometimes. That said...I do somewhat enjoy giving it back to someone who starts it up for no reason and knows nothing about baseball or their own team.

I am not Shea Vucinich
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I will second the 'meh's'.


the vast majority of those guys seem like most of the guys over here. Reasonable, polite, but fans, and capable of getting irked.

That's a really good board. You just can't have thin skin.


It's very different from this board in that, (as someone stated) there is a lot of sarcasm and joking so that it takes awhile to catch on. I enjoy having discussions with those guys.

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