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Anyone else have no sympathy for the "Prince's last games as a Brewer" thing?

The Truth

I posted earlier this season that if Prince signs with the Cubs he will be dead to me. That said, I don 't doubt for one second how invested he is in this moment and how much he loves where he is, right here, right now.


The whole Monopoly money aspect of sports right now just makes it so hard on fans and on players as well in some ways (that require no sympathy at all). Half of the time I think "What the hell is the difference between 8 million and 10 million"? Then I realize, it's 2 MILLION dollars. I like to think, with such an offer on the table in front of me, I would handle myself in a way that the world in general would just say "Wow! He handled that perfectly!" but I know the truth is that I have no idea how I would handle it. I guess all you can do is rely on yourself, and then rely on those you surround yourself with to help you out.


To me that's all a discussion for another time, and it's a discussion worth having. Right now, I'm just happy to have Prince living in the moment, crying his eyes out after a game like last night and trying his best to make himself and everyone connected to the Brewers as happy as they can be with what's left of this season.

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I posted earlier this season that if Prince signs with the Cubs he will be dead to me. That said, I don 't doubt for one second how invested he is in this moment and how much he loves where he is, right here, right now.


The whole Monopoly money aspect of sports right now just makes it so hard on fans and on players as well in some ways (that require no sympathy at all). Half of the time I think "What the hell is the difference between 8 million and 10 million"? Then I realize, it's 2 MILLION dollars. I like to think, with such an offer on the table in front of me, I would handle myself in a way that the world in general would just say "Wow! He handled that perfectly!" but I know the truth is that I have no idea how I would handle it. I guess all you can do is rely on yourself, and then rely on those you surround yourself with to help you out.


To me that's all a discussion for another time, and it's a discussion worth having. Right now, I'm just happy to have Prince living in the moment, crying his eyes out after a game like last night and trying his best to make himself and everyone connected to the Brewers as happy as they can be with what's left of this season.

I can understand all of that. I guess thats why I am a much bigger fan of players like Braun, Gallardo, Weeks, & Hart than I am of Prince. Players that resigned beyond free agency...


I suppose part of what I am trying to convey here (and apparently not doing a very good job of conveying) is that I don't buy that the tears are simply about the win and the teammates etc. I think he's genuinely sad about potentially leaving... so I'm saying: Don't leave, then! He's getting no sympathy on that from me...


Perhaps I just need to wrap my mind around the Monopoly Money concept of modern MLB in ways that others here have and I apparently haven't...


The grass ain't always greener on the other side, in life, and I'm sure in baseball

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I bet there will be plenty of Brewers fans booing Prince if he signs with the Cubs


I would. I don't care if the Cubs or Cardinals offer triple what the Brewers do, I'll still dislike him passionately. He has every right to do what's best for him, but that doesn't mean I'll like him. If he goes to any other team, I will cheer for him just like I did for every other former Brewer.

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I tell you what; if we win the World Series and Prince has a large part of that; I will have a very hard time booing him even if he was on the Cubs. I mean could I really boo him if he hits 4 HRs in the World Series or something like that?

If we win the World Series and Prince has a large part in that, then OK, I won't boo him even if he signs with the Cubs... what if he goes 1 for the NLCS and signs with the Cubs though? What if he goes 0 for the World Series, we still win, and he signs with the Cubs or Cardinals?


Where do you draw the line?


I'm quite sure that Prince won't care if I boo him... though part of me thinks he'll be a little surprised to get booed at Miller Park

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I really don't understand this Prince hate. He was emotional because they just won a huge game/series and advanced to the NLCS. Could some part of it also have been that his time in Milwaukee is coming to an end? Sure. And so what if it is. It isn't as simple as saying take the $100 million to stay. The guy will probably get at least $40 million more from somebody. Anybody who says they would leave that much money on the table is nuts (I would say 99.9% of people would not turn down that much). I could see maybe taking a $10 million cut but not $40 million.

As for signing with the Cards/Cubs, yeah it would suck to see Prince leave for a hated rival. But this is his life and his job. He will most likely take the best offer. Most players don't see rivalries or grudges when it comes to signing with teams because doing so would just eliminate potential employers. Damon went from the Red Sox to Yankees. Clemens did the same. Boggs did the same. As a fan it would suck but I won't boo him because of it. I won't cheer him either but I couldn't boo him because of how great he was during his time here (even if his defense sucked).

We're about to start the NLCS and there's a thread talking crap about Prince because he will probably leave and a thread saying even though Yuni had a good NLDS, his season still sucked. Sure both of those statements are true (Prince will probably leave and Yuni had a terrible season) but can we just stop with the negativity, at least to enjoy the day after we just advanced to the NLCS. And this is all coming from a pessimist.
This is Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and I'm talkin' to whoever's listenin' out there.
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Would any of you leave that much money on the table? Easy to say no when you don't have the opportunity and probably never will.


You can all say what you want, but when $40 million or more is sitting there................... I seriously doubt it.

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I really don't understand this Prince hate.

Well now, saying I have no sympathy is a long way from hate. Mostly I'm real tired of the melodrama of Prince potentially leaving as being a big part of the backstory of the playoffs. Alot of that is driven by the media and not Prince himself, I understand that.


As far as what Teatoe wrote: Choose college or high school sports over MLB? I think not. I love MLB baseball. We, the fans, are what drives MLB, it is our money spent. The advertising dollars generated are because we, the fans, are watching the games on TV. We have a right as fans to complain and boo as we see fit


Having said that, I do love Brewerfan.net and I see that not many here can relate to what I'm writing on this topic, so I will chill out


And yes, I'm thrilled that we are in the NLCS, absolutely... I promise, nothing but positive posts from me for the next 24 hours... Go Brewers!

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I have no sympathy for the "Pujols last games as a Cardinal" thing.


Both Albert and Prince were offered large contracts early on, and refused them. Albert probably cost himself a lot of money, as his season numbers did not match his previous performance.


It's hard to figure where either of these guys will go. Most of the high-payroll teams are already committed to large multi-year contracts for their current first basemen. The Cubs, you say? Neither of these guys wants to go to a place where losing is practically guaranteed.

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Good, sweet, haysoos marimba.


For one thing the whole "economy" thing is silly, its a sellers market, always has been, and PF is no different in taking advantage. Do I like it? No, but unless there is a huge revenue stream (ala the YES net, and given this market thats unlikely) we gotta keep churning em out like G.M.

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I haven't shut the Prince door quite yet. I know everything points to it not happening, but if he really does like the team and the atmosphere, why wouldn't he stay and be a part of something really special in Milwaukee? Could still be the glow of being in the NLCS, but I'm hopeful.
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Well now, saying I have no sympathy is a long way from hate. Mostly I'm real tired of the melodrama of Prince potentially leaving as being a big part of the backstory of the playoffs. Alot of that is driven by the media and not Prince himself, I understand that.


But isn't that story more about the brewers and their fans losing him, rather than saying "poor Prince has to leave a team he'd like to stay with."? I don't think anyone is feeling sorry for Prince, everyone knows (well, almost everyone) knows that while he does not HAVE to leave the team, he will leave because some other team will make him a huge offer that he feels he can not turn down.


The underlying problem is the screwed up finances of MLB. The players and owners could choose to find a way to fix this, but likely will not.


I also do not agree with the notion that only positive comments may be made because the Brewers made it to the NLCS. My brain is complex enough to be happy that I was able to attend the game, disappointed that the roof was closed, worried that my hearing was damaged by the noise at the game, happy the Ryan Braun will be with the team forever, disappointed that Prince will likely be gone, and happy that I'll (potentially) be attending another big game next Sunday (with ear plugs), all at the same time.


(I'm sure the next in game thread will feature only positive comments, the last of the negative ones were made last night, right?)

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Prince has had a good run here and has certainly been a big part of the team. I appreciate what he's brought. He can certainly be emotional about leaving. However, let's all realize he's leaving on his own accord. He's not being forced out. IIRC Geoff Jenkins wanted to stay but the Brewers didn't have a spot for him. I just get annoyed when I hear athletes say they want to stay but that it's not up to them and the "we'll see what happens" type thing. Though in Prince's defense, I don't think he's ever actually said he wants to play in here after this season.


Regardless of who Fielder's agent is, he works for Prince, not vice versa. If Prince wants to play in Milwaukee next season he will. If he wants to to maximize his value and go to the highest bidder he'll do that too. I don't judge him for doing either, but I will get annoyed if he makes his sound like it wasn't his decision. I'd love to see him play in Milwaukee again, but the Brewers I think have bigger priorities (i.e. Zach Greinke and Shaun Marcum). They need to maximize Greinke and Marcum's value, either through extensions or trades.

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One thing I wonder about with Prince, is how important is being a 'legend' to him? If you look at baseball history, and especially more recent history, those guys who stuck with one team for their entire careers, or almost all of their careers just seem to have more 'status' than guys who bounced around or chased money.


Yount, Ripken, Brett........guys like Jim Rice, Alan Trammel, Whitaker, you know, I think those guys just have an extra 'bump' in the minds of people when they think of legendary ballplayers, they have an instant association when they draw a mental picture in their mind.


Let's play a hypothetical game here. Let's say Robin Yount had bounced around to 4-5 teams in his career, and landed, just for example, with say.........the Orioles his last 2 years. Would those fans have been cheering him while he hit in the .250's with almost no power? Doubtful. He wasn't one of their own. But as a Brewer fan, I remember almost wishing he'd hang on just one more year. What about a George Brett? If he was hitting .240, .250 as a mercenary free agent addition for the Rangers or Blue Jays or whoever, would those fans have given him a pass? (Granted, Brett went out on a nice note, hitting .266 with 19 homers)


I mean, when you think of Gary Sheffield, or Robby Alomar, or Manny Ramirez, or guys like that, does one team even come to mind right away?


A buddy of mine and his daughter are going to games 1 and 2 of the NLCS, and he's going to make a big poster, with a blow up photo of the concrete rim of the outfield with the retired numbers, and he's going to photo shop an 8 and 28 up there as well. (FWIW, he's sitting 14 rows right behind the Crews dugout), and put PRINCE STAY! on the bottom, and of course, in a complete chicken/gutless move, have the little girl hold the poster.


But it's kind of funny. It makes you wonder how much that stuff matters to some guys. Prince does seem like the kind of guy who'd rather be a guy who's a leader, and a hero, and a great teammate, and eventually a legend, a guy with a legacy, rather than a mercenary who chased the money. Ultimately, I'm sure that won't matter as much as the extra 40-50 million someone throws at him, and it shouldn't. That's far too much money to ignore. I'm not sure too many of us have ever been in the position to turn down an extra 40 million dollars, so until then, I can't really judge what I could buy for 140 million dollars that I wouldn't be able to buy with 100 million dollars.

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I think many are missing the point. The point is nobody is pushing Prince out the door. He's choosing to leave. We can't compare Prince's situations to our own. Of course most people would never turn down a 40% raise. That's because 40% more can significantly improve most people's quality of life. Prince's quality of life or his children's wouldn't be one iota different if his annual salary was $20 million instead of $25 million over the next 6 years. So if playing with these guys is so meaningful, take the offer from the Brewers.
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Never underestimate the power of interest. That extra $40M over a long period of time turns in to a (bigger) boatload of cash for future generations. His quality of life may not change, but he can change the quality of life for his family for a long, long time.
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If I took a 40% raise from another company in another state, I would probably be pretty sad to leave my current job and all the people there that I've worked with during my career. Would I not be allowed to be sad because leaving is my choice?


I have to agree with the sentiment that I haven't seen Prince playing anything up. He hasn't even talked about it, and like Casey said, he requested for TBS to leave it alone. It doesn't matter what happens next year...he was part of possibly the greatest Brewers team ever. I think I'd be a bit teary-eyed and emotional to know that I get to play a few more games with the guys I grew up with in my career. It's not like he was playing up his emotions, and it's also not like anyone should expect him to walk away from the camera when he gets emotional. Oh wait, he did! http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif

If I had Braun's pee in my fridge I'd tell everybody.


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I have no sympathy for Prince. If he's going to leave the Brewers and knows he's already gone, what's there to cry about? It's his CHOICE. I can't be upset, mad, or sad about it. If he wants to bolt for more money, I respect that decision. He's played extremely hard for the Brewers and I cannot ever question his desire, toughness, or competitiveness.


Having said that, if he chooses to play for a rival like the Cubs or Cardinals, heck yes, I would boo as loudly as I've ever booed another player before. He's the enemy at that point, and it magnifies it 10x if he sticks it to the fans by choosing to play for a team that Brewers fans despise. I'm pretty sure I'd be in the majority at Miller Park if that's the case.


I tried to be realistic in understanding if he's offered $40-50 mil more, sure, that's a lot of money and I cannot be ticked off at him for fattening his wallet. At the same time, I'd hate the guy with a passion and wish no success for him if he played for the Cubs. I'm just being honest.

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I would totally still root for Prince if he went to the Cubs or Cards. I wouldn't go to a game and go nuts for him or anything, but I'd always hope he did well, while the rest of his team played like 2011 Casey McGehee.
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I don't feel bad for Prince. I feel bad for me not having him on my hometown team any more.


He's been a great Brewer, he seems like a wonderful teammate--and he wants to get the most money possible. Nothing wrong with that at all.


But if he goes to a team in the division, then he's going to get booed--that's part of the deal.


Otherwise, I wish him the best, and hope he has great success with the Yanks or Nats or Angels or whichever team he joins--and moreso, I hope we can find someone able to take his place.

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Never underestimate the power of interest. That extra $40M over a long period of time turns in to a (bigger) boatload of cash for future generations. His quality of life may not change, but he can change the quality of life for his family for a long, long time.


How important is this to the average pro athlete, though? Latrell Sprewell earned $97 million over the course of his career and he can barely take care of 1 generation.


To be clear, I understand that Prince's situation is a little different because of Cecil. Just saying that if I win $100 mil in the lottery, I'm thinking less about sending my great-grandson to college in the year 2075 and more about buying my own island.

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I feel a little bit bad for Prince, because I honestly think he would like to come back to Milwaukee, but the team is not offering enough money (and probably rightly so). I can't sit here and fault the guy for chasing the money. How many of us are ultimately not motivated by money? I can't say that I would leave $40 million on the table.


I'll cheer Prince during his last at bat as a Brewer and his first at bat at Miller Park with his new team. He's brought me a ton of joy in the 6 years he's played here and most especially this year.

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