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We just can't have nice things (Where's Bernie?)

MILWAUKEE (AP) - The Milwaukee Brewers were hoping for an enthusiastic response to their "Where's Bernie?" promotional program. They probably weren't expecting early morning fan stakeouts, Internet auctions and isolated reports of lawn-ornament hoarding.


About 1,400 lawn ornament statues depicting Milwaukee's "Bernie Brewer" mascot were hidden across Wisconsin early Tuesday morning, some with tickets, prizes and player autographs attached.


It didn't take long before social networking websites were buzzing with complaints about fans staking out workers and snapping up the statues as soon as they were hidden. One Twitter user posted a photo of at least 10 statues stuffed in the trunk of a car, drawing the ire of fellow fans. Several of the statues were up for sale on eBay, with bids topping $200.


Brewers officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

JS-Online has a separate write-up on the story, with more details.


Apparently, some individuals found out about the location(s) for the Milwaukee ornament giveaways in advance of 7am, and started hoarding. I particularly like the note in this article that the Brewers are selling these statues at the clubhouse store for a fraction of the eBay price.


I'm also glad that this story is focused on the Milwaukee side of things, not the 400 ornaments in out-state Wisconsin that have prizes / autographs on them. (Honestly, if I had lived near one of the drop areas, I might have taken the morning off work.)

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It's disappointing, but the people who did this were certainly not true Brewers fans.


As one of the commenters suggested, a good option for next year would be to hide replicas of the statues or certificates and require people to exchange them at Miller Park for the real thing (with a photo ID and a requirement of one per family). They could also make the clues more difficult.


I hope they do it again next year even if it didn't work perfectly the firs ttime.

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I thought this would be fun to do with my son when he gets a little older. Hopefully the Brewers think this out a little better in future years as I blame them as much as anybody else for the rather poor planning.
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I thought this would be fun to do with my son when he gets a little older. Hopefully the Brewers think this out a little better in future years as I blame them as much as anybody else for the rather poor planning.
I really don't blame the Brewers for this. While I recognize that the promotion might have some flaws, how do you blame the team when they are just trying to give people a discount for a few games? It really isn't something that they are obligated to do, and if people act like idiots I'm not sure how it's the team's fault.


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Sorry if I offend anyone, and yes I know that I'm an old curmudgeon- but I just don't 'get' things like this. I bet some of these people were camping out all night waiting for this, which I find extremely stupid. Without knowing, I made the mistake once of going to a bobble head game. I couldn't figure out why lines were forming so early at all the entrances. What a joke, grown adults with backpacks going through getting their toy and then back out in line. Kids in tow being used as runners, all for a cheap piece of ceramic with some paint and a spring. I respect people that collect these things for fun, but you just know that a lot of these people were there to sell these on eBay. I felt like telling these folks to get a life, if they'd put forth that determination and effort into a job, they'd go far. I guess that it's human nature to want something where money can be made or for 'free'. Like the fools who line up for a half a mile for some radio station promoted '97 cents a gallon' gasoline, or wait three hours for a crappy free Denny's breakfast. Don't even get me started on 'Black Friday'.
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Sorry if I offend anyone, and yes I know that I'm an old curmudgeon- but I just don't 'get' things like this. I bet some of these people were camping out all night waiting for this, which I find extremely stupid. Without knowing, I made the mistake once of going to a bobble head game. I couldn't figure out why lines were forming so early at all the entrances. What a joke, grown adults with backpacks going through getting their toy and then back out in line. Kids in tow being used as runners, all for a cheap piece of ceramic with some paint and a spring. I respect people that collect these things for fun, but you just know that a lot of these people were there to sell these on eBay. I felt like telling these folks to get a life, if they'd put forth that determination and effort into a job, they'd go far. I guess that it's human nature to want something where money can be made or for 'free'. Like the fools who line up for a half a mile for some radio station promoted '97 cents a gallon' gasoline, or wait three hours for a crappy free Denny's breakfast. Don't even get me started on 'Black Friday'.
Gotta say I completely agree with you. I don't ever have a problem for bobblehead games though. I walk right in, and get my bobblehead. I just collect them for fun, like many do here on this site. I do have a problem with everything else you mentioned. There's a lot of crazy people in this world. That's why I didn't even bother trying to go get one of these bernies. I knew it would turn out like this. Things like this usually do.
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I knew it would turn out like this. Things like this usually do.


Yes, so while not "blaming" the Brewers, you do have to wonder why they would have expected any other outcome. Did they really think people would wait until 7 am (or whatever the time was) and would take only one?


I do think the Brewers were foolish if they truly expecting anything other than a bunch of dopes madly scrambling to scoop these things up.

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Gotta say I completely agree with you. I don't ever have a problem for bobblehead games though. I walk right in, and get my bobblehead. I just collect them for fun, like many do here on this site. I do have a problem with everything else you mentioned. There's a lot of crazy people in this world. That's why I didn't even bother trying to go get one of these bernies. I knew it would turn out like this. Things like this usually do.
No problem with you or other collectors whatsoever. Who am I to say anything? I'm a grown man who collects sports cards- pieces of paper with pictures of men on them. Not much 'new stuff' though, because that industry has been mostly ruined by greed as well. I do have a problem when some two fisted slopper drags the entire family out in the Econoline armed with cheap tickets to get a dozen or so of the bobble heads to resell on eBay for profit. That often means that some 6 year old doesn't get one, and that ticks me off. Heck, I took the kids to baseball card day a few years ago, and they got shut out.
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i'm with you rockco. People who are embarassingly cheap or act without concern for others anger me to no end.


Every bobblehead game I attend, I see a handful of middle aged people running around looking for dropped/misplaced bobbleheads or asking people to give them theirs. A lot of people actually just show up to get their bobbleheads and don't even go to the game. I'm almost embarassed for them.


As far as these lawn ornaments go, I'm glad that that one girl who posted her pictures with a trunkful is getting ripped publically for being so thoughtless. I'd like to think she learned her lesson.

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It was very naive of the Brewers to expect anything else. Do they think people, some of whom may be out of work or more likely are just opportunists, wouldn't use this to try to turn a profit on ebay? Do they not realize that much of their season ticket packages are bought so they can be resold online at a profit? That's the age we live in. Create a limited market for something unique and boom it has value because sellers can now reach millions of prospective buyers instantly.


The best thing they can do now is to get hold of plenty of these and sell them on their online store for a reasonable price to take away the uniqueness (and value) for the ebay peddlers. Who knows that may have been their marketing strategy all along, though it's doubtful they were that smart.

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It just really sucks that a bunch of greedy adults who could care less about getting the bernie ruined this promotion. I'm sure there were a ton of kids out there who just wanted a bernie, and they didn't get one because of these idiots. I just don't understand people. Especially the one person who took 35 for herself, and then decided to brag about it and complain that she didn't get a prize. Give me a break. Let the kids have fun with it, instead of being so selfish lady.
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It was very naive of the Brewers to expect anything else. Do they think people, some of whom may be out of work or more likely are just opportunists, wouldn't use this to try to turn a profit on ebay? Do they not realize that much of their season ticket packages are bought so they can be resold online at a profit? That's the age we live in. .



It's really sad we've gotten to the point where we have to think this way. I think it was a cool promotion. But unfortunately what you said has some merit. The promotions team will just have to continue to look for different ways they can have cool giveaways without people exploiting them.


People can be really disgusting sometimes

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. Especially the one person who took 35 for herself, and then decided to brag about it and complain that she didn't get a prize. Give me a break. Let the kids have fun with it, instead of being so selfish lady.



I'm not a huge fan of 1250 AM, but I thought it was great this morning when they were compiling information on this lady and calling her out. I guess she had to disable her facebook/twitter accounts or something from the backlash.

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I'm not a huge fan of 1250 AM, but I thought it was great this morning when they were compiling information on this lady and calling her out. I guess she had to disable her facebook/twitter accounts or something from the backlash.
I like it too. If she's going to be stupid enough to brag about her greed by posting photos of her hoarding, she deserves the embarrassment she's receiving today. I don't feel bad for her at all.
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once i heard about this promotion i knew it had fraud and hording written all over it. I go to most of the bobbleheads but never understand selling them for a beer or 5 dollars at the game or selling on ebay for 20. Friends give me grief for not saving the boxes they came in but i have no intention of selling them. I'm glad that the brewers are atleast selling them at the team shop to curtail gauging because 200 dollars for a plastic statue is insane.
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About 20 years ago (something like that?), Channel 4 Weather did a promotion where they hid an "Ice Crystal" somewhere in Milwaukee. Every night before the weather they would give a cryptic clue (like in the form of a riddle or limerick) on where it was. I forget what the prize was (I think it was a cash prize?), but my brother-in-law and I tried hunting for it. It ended up being hidden in Hanson Park on a small bridge on the golf course (this was during the middle of Winter). We were in the right vicinity, but were not the lucky winners and I forget how many clues they gave before someone finally found it - I think it was a couple of weeks worth of clues. I do remember seeing a few other people out with flash lights in Hanson park area towards the end (after 10pm on a weeknight), but there were not throngs of people looking for it.

Obviously this was just one item that people were looking for (not 1,400 or whatever the number was for the Bernie statues) and it was very well hidden. This was also long before Twitter, Facebook. You had to watch the 10pm news to get the clues (my brother-in-law would call me right after the clue was given and we would hop in the car and go).

My suggestion would be to limit the prizes, make them "certificates" (as someone suggested), and hide them well ahead of time (or don't make it so obvious as to when they will be placed). Also, just give once a day subtle hints on twitter (or where ever) as to where they are hidden. Make people have to think or work a little in order to get the "prize".

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I'm sorry but what a bunch of losers. Seriously....you get up at like 5am on a Tuesday morning to go hoard a bunch of cheap little lawn ornaments with the grand idea of turning some huge profit? They probably took the day off of work to do this too. I assume the idea of this was to get some prizes out to the kids and instead all these losers go out and grab as many of these things as possible. Get a life. The Brewers should invest more in just giving out rewards like this at elementary schools.
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jeffyscott wrote:

I do think the Brewers were foolish if they truly expecting anything other than a bunch of dopes madly scrambling to scoop these things up.

No doubt. A little more planning could have extended this for a few days and kept some goodwill.

They could have staggered the parks and times, sent a Bernie there, and given people ONE at a time. Like, from 5-7 at Lake Park, 8-9 and Humboldt Park, and so on.

Do it in MKE today. Madison tomorrow. Appleton Thursday. That way they can promo the hell out of Spring Madness all week, and more people have a chance.

And if the Brewers use this idea, I shall require good seats and two Miller Lites in return.


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Sorry if I offend anyone, and yes I know that I'm an old curmudgeon- but I just don't 'get' things like this. I bet some of these people were camping out all night waiting for this, which I find extremely stupid. Without knowing, I made the mistake once of going to a bobble head game. I couldn't figure out why lines were forming so early at all the entrances. What a joke, grown adults with backpacks going through getting their toy and then back out in line. Kids in tow being used as runners, all for a cheap piece of ceramic with some paint and a spring. I respect people that collect these things for fun, but you just know that a lot of these people were there to sell these on eBay. I felt like telling these folks to get a life, if they'd put forth that determination and effort into a job, they'd go far. I guess that it's human nature to want something where money can be made or for 'free'. Like the fools who line up for a half a mile for some radio station promoted '97 cents a gallon' gasoline, or wait three hours for a crappy free Denny's breakfast. Don't even get me started on 'Black Friday'.

I get irritated also with the bobblehead hoarders, like you said, it's a plastic toy with springs. I've given away every bobblehead i've got at games to my nephew except for one time at the stadium these kids sitting by my buddy and i didn't get one, i think the Brewers ran out so both of us gave our bobbleheads to the kids sitting by us. Seeing the kids get all happy was well worth it and their parents insisted on buying us each a beer even though we tried saying it wasn't necessary. I did the same once when i caught a foul ball, i gave it to some 6-7 year old kid sitting by me. He just looked so cute with a baseball glove on that was nearly as half the size of his body and he kept looking at the ball like it was a winning lottery ticket.


I didn't post this at all so hopefully people will then respond and say wow that's so nice of you. I'm not looking for a pat on the back, it's just that i remember being a young kid. Going to County Stadium on bat or pennant day. That was so awesome and i cherished those mini-bats. When a guy in the crowd once gave me my first major league baseball, i kept it on my dresser for a year or two. These promotions should be mainly about and for the kids first IMO and it really really bugs me when grown adults act like pricks and would put their self interests above kids over bobblehead toys or this current promotion involving Bernie Brewer.


FWIW, i'm not saying adults shouldn't keep bobbleheads they get at games just because i give mine away.

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What are you going to do...it's unfortunately human nature. These things are going for over $100 on ebay and a few of these scumbags took advantage of the situation and ruined it for everyone else. There will always be opportunists out there like this.


It reminds me of the autograph hounds that hang outside the team hotel. If you've ever had a player that hasn't been too receptive to signing something for your child, it's probably because they have to deal with these scumbags that stalk them all the time. They get stuff signed so they can sell the stuff on ebay...once again ruining it for everyone else.

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I didn't post this at all so hopefully people will then respond and say wow that's so nice of you. I'm not looking for a pat on the back, it's just that i remember being a young kid. Going to County Stadium on bat or pennant day. That was so awesome and i cherished those mini-bats. When a guy in the crowd once gave me my first major league baseball, i kept it on my dresser for a year or two. These promotions should be mainly about and for the kids first IMO and it really really bugs me when grown adults act like pricks and would put their self interests above kids over bobblehead toys or this current promotion involving Bernie Brewer.


FWIW, i'm not saying adults shouldn't keep bobbleheads they get at games just because i give mine away.

Exactly, things were so much simpler back then. I remember begging my parents to take me to baseball day or bat day or rain parka day or whatever. I'm still upset that I was a 'tweener' and didn't get one of those Pabst/Brewers fishing hats. Someday, I'll get one on the internet. I did score a 'Medalist' jersey though back in '83. What a madhouse that was. Friday night I believe, Gorman's first game back in County Stadium after the trade and Sutton got his 3,000 K. I remember the place being completely packed and they ran out of jerseys, people were getting pretty upset too, kind of foreshadowing how things are these days. The 'Autograph Fridays ' became a stampede too, I think I remember reading that they've limited that to kids this year. If so, that's a good thing. I don't think that this craziness is solely driven by greed, I think that sports in general have gotten a lot bigger with the masses. I remember going with my parents to Shopko in Janesville way back in the day when it opened- probably circa '79 or '80. Paul Molitor was back in the 'sports section' signing free autographs (sporting a stasche too, wish I could find the picture my mom took), if my recollection is correct, there was no line and few if any people milling around.. Can you imagine if this happened today? There'd be a line out the door.
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I do think the Brewers probably could have foreseen this outcome, although the blame definitely goes to those individuals involved.


The Brewers have already changed Autograph Fridays, Brewers On Deck, and the Block Parties because of similar behavior(s), so it is only realistic to expect the same thing would happen with this type of giveaway. It's not just isolated to Brewers fans or those looking to make a quick buck here in Wisconsin, obviously, but it's still disappointing.

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I see no difference between the people that took advantage of this promotion, and the clowns that stock up on tickets for promotion days to sell the items online, or those that chase HR balls and then demand a significant return if it's a milestone ball.


In all cases someone is taking advantage of the process for personal gain while taking opportunities away from another fan, and events like this should be about the experience. It doesn't matter to me if rules are broken or not, I consider it to be extremely poor taste to conduct one's personal business this way. Fan giveaways, baseballs in the stands, treasure hunts... as a group baseball fans used to go out of their way to make the experience special for the kids. Now it's difficult to take a family to a game and sit in those sections because there's no such thing as game etiquette or class anymore... people will say whatever awful thing they feel like, stand up in front on you when the pitcher is about to deliver a ball to home plate, and so on, because on the whole people have become extremely selfish. Seriously what's so difficult about waiting for the half inning to get up and get out of your seat or watching your mouth if kids are around?


I had ticket packages or have sat in in just about every section of Miller Park over the last 10 years (packages down the 3rd base side, single game tickets behind the plate and down the right field line), and the only experience which was far and away better than the rest was sitting in the club seats (I've never sat in any of the family sections). Both times I sat up there the game experience was very enjoyable even though the Brewers eventually lost the game. My Cub games were far away the worst experiences, I will never attend another Cub game at Miller Park.


The sad part is that in most cases the people who act in such a matter are so pompous as to brag about what they've done, as if being some self indulgent stain on society is a badge of honor? They also tend to be so ignorant or maybe narcissistic they don't understand why other people take issue with what they do... it just blows my mind how selfish people can be. I once saw Brett Lawrie sign about 30 cards for a guy at a T-Rats game and found myself thinking that there's no way in hell I'd sign that many cards for someone, and I'd probably never sign for an adult outside of a team event which is part of the gig, I'd just sign for kids. I know there's fraud there to, people sending kids in to get items signed, it's just too bad the innocent intent has gotten replaced by selfishness and greed over the years.

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- Plato

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